Any games where you can play as psychopath?

Any games where you can play as psychopath?

Attached: 8e0a72905b23660ff63b0b035e384ea9.jpg (2697x3600, 879K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dead by daylight

Any game starring a while male protagonist.

Attached: 100.jpg (555x767, 118K)


Any game where you play as the allies in WW2

You need to be a psychopath to actually enjoy battle royale games, so any of those I guess.

Attached: epig.jpg (300x168, 47K)

Manhunt games

based and redpilled
triggered and cringepilled

>elite enemies have prefixes


Attached: 5.png (1400x690, 712K)

Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol.

>This is your brain on progressiveness


Me, because I'm a psychopath.

party hard

Dragon Age Origins
Don't kill the dog please

Just be a psychopath irl, then play any game. It'll save time.

Someone post that "games that allow you to kill women" image

Any Elder Scrolls game. It is actually the canonical path in IV.