Please stop catering to the gays
Please stop catering to the gays
>Please stop catering to the gays
What games are you going to play then?
When more than half of the USA estimates that about 20% of the population are gay when it's in reality somewhere between 3-7% you know there's something wrong with over representation in media.
>Making my own RPG
>Adding romaces with women characters
>Even though I believe in roleplaying, I don't want to write and add fag romances
No, gay pandering is the best. Get that filthy fucking hetshit out of my video games, it's been stinking up the joint for too goddamn long.
homo should be hanged. The only thing I agree with the sandniggers
i don't dislike gay people, but you're a fucking faggot that makes me wish Hitler won.
When has anyone ever catered to gays? Bioware games are just filled with virtue signalling so straight people can feel better about themselves, none of that was written by or for gays. There are almost no western games with gay characters done even decently. So far only Japan has put forth a decent effort, and what they do isn't catering.
Cater to gays, stop catering to fujos
Cater to gays but execute bara niggas PLEASE
>That's right, Jay!
Not this
t. fujo
twink boys and bara men are both fantastic
just the thought of another dick touching mine makes me want to puke
Agreed, all men are great. The only ones who should be executed are the posters who rabidly attack anyone who likes what they don't like. Incidentally, those posters are almost always confirmed as women.
If only I could find a man who's great for me, and that I could be great for in return
Being kind of a boomer with my taste in things makes it a little hard to find someone
that's simply awful
pic related is how you pander to homosexuals like me
>Yea Forums has ironically pretended to be retarded faggots for so long they are now actual retarded faggots
Told you this would happen.
No thanks, trannies are disgusting. Also your traps need more tone.
Yea Forums has always been a gay board. Yea Forums has always been a gay site.
if you're counting biscum then way way more than 20% is gay. actual factual numbers are more like 20% full homo 50%+ biscum and 20% straight with 10% confused or unsure.
Gay is literally contagious so it's gonna be 20% eventually
that's like saying learning is contagious. people become gay because they learn to see through the brainwashing and realize that men are sexier than women, and that all women have dogshit awful personalities and aren't fit to be anyone's life partner.
>more tone
no they do not, if anything they need some tits
it's time to put some female hormones on Astolfo's food
It's only contagious to people with high IQ and good taste, so it will never cross 10%.
No, men never need tits and hormones are always disgusting. Kill yourself as soon as possible, trannyscum.
stop complaining and go make your own games; loser.
taste this bad should be punishable by execution.
No you fucking retard, 3.5% of americans identify as Gay according to the goddamn US Census Bureau. Even if we assume that there's a bigger number of faggots still in the closet who don't openly identify as gays, that number doesn't suddenly blow up to numbers you imply.
Astolfo's body begs for tits, it's the only thing stopping it from being a 10/10.
You are mentally ill. Pic related is the ideal male physique.
>ideal male physique.
no, it's not
this is
Correct, also good taste.
You and everyone like you should be put down, honestly.
this is how you design a male love interest
i'd go full homo for Rin
there's nothing wrong with gays in games
what's wrong is the writing preventing you from hating them or even slaying them on sight, literally a giant fucking void of role playing right there
Literally no one played that game.
This post already won "most retarded comment of the day" for me. The day might just be starting but this simply cant be topped.
>*unsheathes katana*
>like the only male relationship they make
meanwhile everyone other choice is hetero or lesbian
I hope his fang doesn't hurt my penis too much
He's actually right. Most people are at least bisexual but make excuses and call themselves straight. The number of closet cases on Yea Forums alone bumps the number up to 20% bare minimum.
very nice
hot trannies / traps and cute lesbians are the only kinds of homosexuality welcome in vidya
But Japan does cater, cater to my dick. Which is all that matters.
Trannies are never welcome in anything.
There is nothing wrong with gayness, but when you die your soul will go in hell
>as he posts king of the fujobait
not him, but when they look like Poison they're very welcome, especially in my bed
Why are human male faces so unattractive when male bodies are great? Masked / beast heads are the only thing that alleviates this.
>cater to gays, stop catering to fujos
>posts the biggest fujobait in existence
Link is only acceptable when he looks like this.
L O N D O N?
Muh dik!
>that mushy, rotund, unappealing overweight loli body
No, that's not acceptable at all. Link is a gay twink and should always look like one.
based and good taste
cringe and shiteater
If you think that is rotund you need to get some help.
>just your best guess, what percent of Americans today would you say are gay or lesbian
It dosn't imply media representation, fucking retard. It literally says that such amount of dumb fucking degenerate amerimutts believe are gay in their society. So may it be negative or positive attitude, amerifats see gays and lesbians everywhere, even where they actually aren't. That means only that ameriburgers have a very strange obsession over homosexuality.
I was wrong I guess, this is up there too. Got a source on these claims?
he's right, it's pretty fucking ugly and fat.
How do I get a cute Astolfo bf?
Homosexuality, much like transgenderism, is a mental illness and was classified as such, but the truth had to be hidden to prevent them from flying into an outrage.
So while not disliking gays is fine, wanting them to be purged is perfectly reasonable.
Bioware artists at their finest.
Top tier taste.
traps with tits is too much female
I'm gay and I find this disgusting
Adults cannot be cute
i love men so fucking much
pic related is the kind of man i love
The most recent Gallup estimates it to be around 4.5% (5.1% of women, 3.9% of men)
homosexuals are the only people left that aren't mentally ill, actually. straights are all permacucked beta losers who bend over backwards and ruin their lives for dumb roasties. not to metion heterosexuality is closely linked to sociopathy. you can't have a real relationship with someone you don't respect, and women are impossible to respect for any man with a working brain.
>too much female
why not give him a vagina as well, see how dumb it is?
>ywn come home to this
What is even the point anymore?
>complaining about gays
>on Yea Forums
shut up and post more MEN
i would fuck vaginal Astolfo too, but he looks fine with his small and limp feminine penis
small tits would complement his body very well though
gross, never post again please. everything you say is cancer.
>gynecomastia on traps
When will this horrid meme end.
>here's your best male friend from school bro
>Bioware games
is western fujoshit by literal fat fujoshits
go fuck a tranny or something
>gynecomastia on traps
>gyno on traps
i slep
>gyno on bishies
i cum
The gay has even infected monhun. You cant do shit about it.
>saucenao gives nothing
Now I just wanna know what the story is
we friends no more
>gyno in general
i vom
tiddies are great and everything but nice toned pecs should be their own thing. That goes for those ridiculous inflated balloon pecs bara artists sometimes go for as well, they just look comical.
Fun fact: ME trilogy has more gay scenes than average gay porn japanese VNs.
Please stop gaying the caterers.
i didn't read it either (i only have that page and this one), but google says it's from "xter comic"
Well I won't question your expertise on the matter.