Piece of shit 5: the phantom game

piece of shit 5: the phantom game

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More like Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Content

For 14 years MGS2 was my least favorite in the series, until this came out.

Yes, welcome to 2015. We all agreed long ago that's it's the worst in the franchise by a mile

You liked peace walker and four better than two? At a point being contrarian isn’t worth it

>replace david hayter for kiefer sutherland "because of motion capture"
>snake has like 6 motion capture actors and 1 facial expression
This will never not piss me off.

>Fallout 76
>No Man's Sky

All overhyped, all massive disappointments

I never played the portable ones, but my ranking is 3 > 1 > 4 > 2 > 5.

You're forgetting the biggest disappointment of them all: Devil May Cry 2.

How old are you ? I am just curious if age has something to do with it. When I was from 18-24 I also thought that 2 was the worst. Now i am 29 and I consider 2 to be the best in the series by far. From the way gameplay works to the story. . 5 is so bad that i dont even consider it a mgs game.

V is better than 2, 4 and PW.

If you are talking about dmc V then yes. PW is garbage tho.

2 has always been the best since I played it in 2001 when I was ten. I was a patrician kid.

T. Dumb weeb

chapter 3 coming late this year

Well yeah, DMCV is better than DMC 2 and 4. Not exactly high bars though.

MGSV is better than Sons of Liberty, Guns of the Patriots, and Peace Walker. MGS2 is debatable as while the game and especially story are overrated its still a great game. But MGS4 and PW aren't even close.

This game is great and I had a lot of fun playing it!

and so is 2

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It's all true though. MGS2 falls apart as soon as the tanker chapter ends. The story was rightfully criticized at release and is only now praised by zoomers who parrot shit they saw on YouTube. There's the ingredients for a good story in there somewhere but it's just very poorly told. And the level design goes to shit in the plant chapter and the bosses were mostly underwhelming. It's also too easy thanks to tranqs plus first person aiming.

>It's also too easy thanks to tranqs plus first person aiming.
this goes for literally every mgs game including 5
As for everything else you said dont worry nobody cares that you are a brainlet pleb.

>MGSV is better than Sons of Liberty

4 years and MGS redditors are still making the same comments over and over again.
Shouldn't this be considered spam at this point?
When are MGS threads finally going to get banned?

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Hayter is a pathetic retard IRL so who cares?

>when are video games finally going to get banned

Even MGS fanboys complained about MGSV because it was a videogame instead of another movie.
Least mods could do is start moving these threads to Yea Forums

5 is the only good game in the series.

>Even MGS fanboys complained about MGSV because it was a videogame instead of another movie.
Sprinting through empty world, such a great video game.

As opposed to walking through a corridor for 5 minutes and watching a 30 minute cutscene, rinse and repeat 20 times?

>MGS2 falls apart as soon as the tanker chapter ends
I don't really agree. I think the tanker made for a more atmospheric setting that felt more "real" though.
>The story was rightfully criticized at release and is only now praised by zoomers who parrot shit they saw on YouTube.
The fact you don't like MGS2's story doesn't mean the people that do are merely parroting. MGS2 has a lot narrative issues (the intercharacter stuff borders on soapy sometimes, the dialogue is in need of editing, relegating so much of the important detail to the codec makes for boring presentation, etc.) but on a thematic level it's the tightest in the series by some distance.
>And the level design goes to shit in the plant chapter
There isn't a lot of aesthetic variation, but every room is distinct in terms of structure and enemy placement. Enemies are coordinated and densely placed, and while the environments being so narrow restricts player movement it encourages fast, deliberate decision making as you explore. It's tense and fast-paced. I have some gripes with it, but it's some of the best in the series and achieves what it's going for.
>bosses were mostly underwhelming
Fatman, the Harrier, and Solidus are all great. In general I'm not that in love with MGS2's bosses, though.
>It's also too easy thanks to tranqs plus first person aiming.
That's true for pretty much every Metal Gear game including and after MGS2, though. If anything MGS2 does a better job of countering it than the games after it thanks to how claustrophobic the level design is. It also avoids turning the player into a demigod with CQC.

MGS2:S is literally the most classic MGS gameplay for cost. You're an idiot if you can't see that.