Why are normalfags so stupid?

Why are normalfags so stupid?

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>le so contrarian xDDD
Game looks based as fuck. I'm revving up my preorder.

There dying for a good Star Wars game after nothing but Chuck Wendig books and modern day Marvel comics.

SW fans are brainlets

>yfw its not on shitty frostbite

No matter how shit the franchise gets. No matter how much they ruin the lore, characters and past iterations. No matter how much they talk shit to dissenters. People will still buy it because Star Wars.

Enjoy EA shitting in your mouth, I guess.

are they using unreal now?

Yeah, thankfully. Frostbite was only good for Battlefield and even then, barely.

>there's an ugly black woman in the game, it's your typical western sjw propaganda bullshit
>oh wow look, another white male lead
>i fucking hate star wars, i dint know what it stands for ive never watched 1 but when i did it was tfa and i hated it
>it's ea, fuck that

EA for one had no involvement in the development of the game. Respawn hasn't really gone full EA just yet, they still don't even have access to their engine Frostbite.. aside from the meaningless hate, if looks interesting at most.

Some people have hope because the Titanfall games were decent, problem is that EA completely own Respawn now when they didn't back then

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Looks better than Episode 9 lol

I am willing to give anything Respawn makes a shot.
Faith is low though.

I know right why can't they be triggered by a brief appearance of someone who isn't white like us educated nonnormalfags

>giving ea money when it's only a matter of time before they run respawn into the ground and close the studio

My only issue is that the voice actor sounds awful.

Mostly because it looks like it MIGHT just be good. Not necessarily great, but the possibility is still there.

It looks like an interesting story with heavy circumstances with a protagonist that lends well to that kind of story in a universe with a lot of lore to fall back on. So far so good.

Now all they have to do is have some decent gameplay, though admittedly I'm more apprehensive about this. I'd like some Souls or DMC but I have a feeling it'll be more like Dad of Boi.

Name 1(one) current or last gen EA game that didn't have microstransactions.

>lel shit analogy

Mirror's Edge

I don't even see how that connects to what I said.

Because even if Respawn makes a good game EA will ruin it.

A single player game with no multiplayer or microtrasactions, being ruined by EA? Did this happen to A Way Out?

That game must've been just slightly before EA went full jew because it didn't sell well and they completely butchered the sequel.

Where are people getting this no mtx bs from? I can 99% guarantee it will have them.

>no gameplay shown
I trust Stig but I'm not gonna get hyped needlessly.


Your hate for EA is all over the place. Like I said, they haven't been fully consumed by EA JUST yet.

>star wars in current year
holy fucking cringe

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Nothing about that trailer looked even remotely exceptional. The game might be good, however shilling it this early is completely retarded.

Why is water wet??

That's how retarded you sound.

>hurr durr water isn't wet because Reddit said so

It isn't regardless of what they said. Something can't be wet if it wasn't dry to begin with.



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I gave the video a like because of your thread faggot

>i see star wars, i upboat
That's literally all there is to it for the mainstream audience

Wow, so edgy! You should go out in public and floss and dab on people then upload it to twitter for epic likes!

>waters wet become some 1 scientist says so hurrr hurrr
Where's the curve?

Its very easy to see. We have EA, a company once voted as the worst in the US, that brings out one game with no politically charged character and the people sick of it (mostly everybody, normalfags) lap it up without remembering or caring who it is its coming from. It's almost an insult. Then you have those faggots come here (whether or not their politics are correct/you agree with them) and say that you're a contrarian for pointing out an obvious fact. The masses come to a small place like Yea Forums and shit it up because this niche little corner has different opinions from that of the masses. They literally go out of their way to display their retardation in every possible place they can. "Contrarian" is just code word for going against the grain, whether or not the criticism is valid.

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Go back to Gaia newfag

you cant even say it right retard rifk

they see a blonde white male and they dislike

its all the societal programming

>hating on a respawn game

go be a faggot somewhere else.

>published by EA
Doesn't matter if Respawn is good senpai

It is literally and unironically shilling

Back to faggotera lmao

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Retard. Their only good games has been the first titanfall

Fuck Respawn. They killed Titanfall to make a Battle Royale.

Why are anglos such massive twats shitting up the world and especially Yea Forums with their retarded obsession? Some things simply don't have an answer.

>redhead male MC

Now this is diversity, I think redhead male MC's are rarer than redhead female

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Why are you seething people liking a trailer?

Pitch your own idea for a Star Wars game

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You racists can all go fuck yourselves. It looks good.

Is anyone with an IQ above 80 and not part of this echo chamber a "normalfag?"

You know that by disliking you're still promoting the video

And Sekiro is published by Activision so what?

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Hutt Tycoon

REMINDER, apex was my only by respawn and didn't have ea's grubby little hands in it, they even said it would have been different if eas messed with it. and I assure you ea will be watching over this games development

>Cameron Monaghan
I guess there's gonna be a Dark side route.

kotor 3

this, SW is a braindead shitshow, don't pretend otherwise

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Something that relies heavily on lightsaber combat, think about a mix of Jedi Academy and For Honor. With active blocking, dodging and parrying enemy's strikes. Different swords, longer, shorter, dual wielding, Darth Maul style, all kind of whacky shit.

Also customizable character with customizable clothing/armor/weapon that you could unlock via playing the game and getting achievements, levels, etc.

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well come in here and help me out :3

Found the swarthy monkey trying to fit in

Star Wars Milsim or a Tactical RTS style, especially with naval combat.

muuuuuuuuuuh EA am i right bros

please respond to me with based

Anthem sold 3 million easy, they never learn, never.

>Star Wars
>Overrated franchise
>Disney nuked any sort of meaningful content (EU)
>The fact that OP has to shill this shitty game

based & biowarepilled

Something like a mix of xcom and jagged alliance where you recruit mercenaries from all over the galaxy to take on the empire one planet at a time

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This so much. We need to downvote this Trumpkino Nazi game.

It's respawn
I haven't bought any EA games not deved by respawn and haven't been disappointed. Game will be great despite Estrogen Association.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter

Yeah, I know it's been done but we need a new one. Also, more grey jedi.

Forever the only star wars game I’ll like

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Empire at War 2
>All the eras, including the sequels because we have to appease the mouse
>EU and nuEU units and vehicles
>You can simultaneously fight on space and land. For example, Is that hypervelocity cannon fucking your ships up and you brought up some troops? Luckily you can deploy them on the planet while the battle rages on to take it out by themselves or ordering some help from above if you manage to not get the transports destroyed