Damn, how do I beat the sculptor?
Damn, how do I beat the sculptor?
fucking SPOILER that shit you faggot wtf
Run around a lot and play it like a souls boss, not sekiro boss.
its owl not the sculptor lol
It's actually the rice girl at the temple.
>run to his legs
>attack his legs
>dont get stamped on
>use fire shield if you get caught out with a fire attack
it's the sculptor retard
haha fucking cuck.
Snape kills Dumbledore faggot.
does fire shield work against his fire swings or just the fire balls?
It's not even up for debate. They out right say that it's the sculptor. two different NPCs do.
>NPCs know everything
nigger, is this your first fromsoft game?
Run towards him unless he does the jump away where he throws the fireballs, then run diagonally backwards when he casts them. always stick to his right side and he'll miss a lot. Learn to recognize the very obvious animations for when he does the jump up in the air and run out then hook back in.
If you're struggling, be a faggot and upgrade your whistle into malcontent and you can stun him for the entirety of the third phase.
just try and stay close to him and hit him as much as you can
>NPCs outright lying in a fromsoft game
Is this YOUR first fromsoft game?
Just letting you know that it’s a bannable offence.
It's Sekiro you brainlets. The dragonrot from the previous divine heir caused timelines to bend and converge, allowing Sekiro from the future of the Purification ending to exist simultaneously in the past. If you hadn't guessed already, the Sculptor IS Sekiro. Why do you think he even becomes the demon of hatred and says he won't die from dragonrot?
what? that's General Tenzen Yamauchi, not the sculptor
just parry
but this only works if we accept Purification as canon despite Return clearly being the "true" ending
The sculptor is gone.
The vendor implies he is the demon of hatred.
the old lady next to the battlefield very heavily implies that it's the sculptor after you beat him.
>If you hadn't guessed already, the Sculptor IS Sekiro
You're a brainlet, that is not what that ending suggests. It's just doing the fromsoft loop meme.
Just be yourself
I'm never gonna play this so what is the story about anyway user? Spoil everything.
It's a fromsoft game, the story is minimal. You're invincible, but it's bad, so you collect items, because thats what you do in these games, from different areas in the world, then you return to remove invincibility. depending on ending you either kill yourself, kill the kid you're protecting, kill literally everyone and everything and become the god of war or magically put the kid you're protecting inside of a different, female kid and walk to china.
I meant severance. Severance is the canon ending timeline where the Sculptor comes from, purification is an altered timeline ending (using the bell is literally time travel as evidenced by Anayama dying in the present if you kill him in the "memory").
Very basic rundown
>You are a shinobi tasked with protecting shota
>shota has the power to bestow immortality
>however, using immortality causes others to grow sick and die
>dude steals Shota and plans to make himself invincible to defend country.
>you get Shota back
>Shota wants to remove the immortality and you help him by gathering ingredients for ritual
>You achieve this by either killing him, killing yourself, or some third ending I havn't gotten yet where you travel west to return immortality to wherever it came from
>also you can betray the shota halfway through for bad ending where you become a demon
>You're invincible, but it's bad
> then you return to remove invincibility
> put the kid you're protecting inside of a different, female kid and walk to china.
>become a demon
Do you keep your dick?
Don't know. You probably turn into something like the OP eventually, but it isn't shown
>>You're invincible, but it's bad
Using the invincibility causes a sickness to spread through the world
>> then you return to remove invincibility
Because the child who is the source of the power wants to, because it makes everyone want to kidnap him, and also the sickness thing
>>put the kid you're protecting inside of a different, female kid and walk to china.
Both the boy and the girl inhabit the same body, although it appears only the girl has control, while the boy can just think with her.
Any more lore bombs like this? Like dogen being the rice ball monkey