Lets talk about final fantasy!
best game for beginners?
But it's painful to talk about the dead. Alright, hopefully the WoFF sequel fixes most of the annoyances of the original. For starters if Hauyn is a party member, having three attackers will already help the pace of the battles.
What do i have to do to make this run on my toaster?
usually you can lower shadow resolution for a major performance boost.
Maybe dropping the post-processing would help if that's not enough.
V, VI or VII should do it, but really you can pick any except II, VIII, XIII and XV and have a reasonable idea of what to expect from the rest of the franchise.
WOFF was extremely kino
but these games dont look fun
Why does this shit game keep crashing?
Well, what DOES look fun, then?
im just saying these games look like "press a simulator"
much like pokemon
It was so cute, and a good game too.
>exclamation marks.
Faggot detected.
I'd argue I, IV, VII, or X are good starter FFs. Remakes of them are ok to play.
Even though XV advertises itself for "Fans and First-Timers", it's not that good a representation of the franchise but is a decent game (mid-tier).
I've also started to see a recent trend of MMO players that aren't familiar with FF but are playing XIV are starting to try out other FFs. It's actually kinda nice to see them branch out and see things with fresh eyes.
Go in with no expectations and you might be surprised.
The music is 3/4 of the games
God, just imagine FFXV pocket edition with this artstyle. Would've been the most kino shit.
It's a turn-based RPG series, you're not going to find much in it that requires mechanical skill or reflexes. If you mean simply difficulty, yes, Final Fantasy typically tends to be a little on the easier side, it's not going to be as challenging as the SMTs and Wizardries of the world. Typically the earlier games are the hardest ones, I'd say up until IV or V, though if you go for I or II you should go for the NES or Playstation/WonderSwan version, the newer versions that are based on the GBA remake reduce the difficulty considerably, or so I hear. I think III is still a challenging game, but I have never played through it fully myself. The 3D, DS-based remake of IV, similarly, keeps a higher level of difficulty than the sprite-based, PSP remake. Meanwhile, Final Fantasy V you can still very easily break in any version, but there's joy in doing that because of the job system letting you freely work on what you want your party to be gives you a lot of freedom to work with stuff and try cool combinations.
Or you can try Final Fantasy Tactics too, it also has a Job system, but it's an SRPG rather than an RPG proper and so you have things like unit positioning during battle to worry about.
>God, just imagine FFXV pocket edition with this artstyle. Would've been the most kino shit.
It would still be FFXV related so that sucks out any of the kino.
i never thought i was a graphics fag but i honestly dont think i could get into these games because of how they look. maybe its just the theme of these games
WoL a best
just give it a try. IV for example has some wonderful 2D sprites on the PSP version. You might like it.
Man, I should start on WoFF Maxima. I bought it in the sale but have been distracted by other games.
No Freya no buy
how long do you guys think it'll be before chocobo md everybuddy goes on sale?
alright. thank god for ppsspp and its speedup function that makes so many games bearable
I only played 1, 2, 7, 13, world of, and chocobo’s mystery dungeon. After playing the last one i kinda want to get more into the series, is 9 worth playing? I hear it along with 6, 7 and 10 being declared the best a lot.
You don't think you could get behind some crisp spritework? Sadly the best looking games with the best 3D tends to be either horrible (XV), or really, really easy (XII). If you want some extra mechanical depth coupled with modern-ish sprite graphics, Final Fantasy Tactics and its sister game Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together [a remake of the original SNES game for the for the PSP] are a pretty good starting point. Both also have excellent stories and writing, too.
6 through 10 are amazing, though 8 is controversial. Play them all.
>Bought WOFF when it came out
>Got around to playing it recently. Great game.
>Learn about Maxima
>Autism clicks in
Is Maxima worth buying the entire game over again? What does it add?
if you got it on PS4, you can just update your base game to Maxima. If you got Vita you're out of luck.
yeah im gonna try iv out and see how it goes. tactics looks pretty meh id rather just play fire emblem
Refia has a good design, too bad the FF3 remake doesn't give the party characters more personality.
>play video game
>it's just a push buttons simulator
Why can't video games just be like movies?
As you say, user. Although that's a very good point of comparison, Tactics could be considered a Fire Emblem with a smaller scale, less units, but you get a lot more involved with each individual unit's development and skills acquiral to an extent Fire Emblem doesn't really delve much in, including potentially mixing and matching abilities from different classes [at least that's what I think, last Fire Emblem game I played was on the goddamn GBA].
Anyway, hope you have a good time.
pic related
its funny because i dont like movie games
it's still a DLC upgrade.
IV, V, and XII are my favourite Final Fantasy's. I'm going through The After Years right now and it's pretty fun too.
>V and XII
An user after my own heart, those are my second and third favorites
a lot more than base game
Adds a bunch of post game stuff that’s actually hard, some new mirages, ability to play as other FF characters in chibi form with their own skills, and a nightmare mode for NG+. It’s pretty good.
Same, such a great and interesting character only to get, ironically, forgotten about by the game.
So far I've enjoyed XV Pocket Edition, IX and VII.
V and XII are the best mainline entries.
Is FFX worth playing even if you dislike the story and cast?
XV PE was originally gonna have VII-style block graphics.
I'd say if you're not going to care for the story at all, you might as well play X-2, which I think has more interesting gameplay