I really want to pre-order for him, bros. Should I?

I really want to pre-order for him, bros. Should I?

Attached: DwVR0BgVsAEtzxv.jpg (1200x1200, 190K)

Your life has been fine without him before.
Do you really need him ?
Do you even need a new Mortal Kombat game ?
Seriously, do you ?
It's a fighting game, there are way better games out there.

if you are happy how the game turned out so far, sure
but ask you one question: if Shao Khan is the selling point of the DLC, why didnt they show him asap so pre-orders sell better?

>It's a fighting game, there are way better games out there.
Speak for yourself.

>playing MK
Who does that ?

>should I pre-order
No. The only reason they have shit like that is because you assholes keep pre-ordering.

i havent even gotten enough time out of the old games yet wtf

>He didn't pre order for the beta

Isn't Shao-Kun in every MK game?

>I really want to pre-order
There's your first mistake.
>Should I pre-order censored Mustlim Kombat?
There's your second mistake.

Attached: sonya.png (634x490, 212K)

As an enemy.

Yes, shill.

So what happens to this board when the game sells like 14 million copies?

When did the concept of pre-ordering become so reviled? We used to do that all the time back in the day.

They'll call everybody shills and shitpost until b&, then they'll reset their ips like the little fairies they are and repeat.

It feels good to know that you weren't infected by /pol/ AIDS and don't see politics everywhere and I can actually enjoy video games

Nothing happens, people just ignore it and don't end up seeing any threads about it, just like most dull triple A games.

Attached: official Skarlet concept art1.jpg (902x1080, 204K)

More people than your favorite fighting game.

Yea Forumsirgins think you're pre-ordering digital for some reason.

there is zero downside to preordering 10 minutes before release if youre going to buy it on release anyway

He's only been playable without cheats in what, two games ever?

when developers stopped releasing a finished product

Only characters in every mk are Scorpion, Subzero, and Raiden
This is a video game board

>Yea Forums ever talking about fighting games

Game won't be talked about here after release regardless.

True, when was the last time you saw a thread about The Division 2?

I cant wait until scorpion or sub zero is the preorder for the next game.

They did? He was shown at like the first announcement after the VGAs.

Shao Kahn has appeared in:

it ain't my money lmao who the fuck cares

I want to lick his abs

with his moves, variations, fatalities and blows? I dont think so

>Characters locked behind preorders

>dlc worth half the games price
fighting games in general my friend

Why the fuck would they need to? It's Shao fucking Khan, people would pay money if his only move was to jam his hammer up his ass and swing it with his butcheeks.

That was one time and you promised not to talk about it.

t b h, both games have a thread over /vg/
so why make one on Yea Forums, where nobody plays those games

can lorefags explain what Shao Khan is?
an elder god? half dragon?


you shouldn't pre-order prior. this is a zoomer trend that is fucking up vidya

Not really unless you dig way back into ones I've already put in thousands of hours for. This level of anti-shilling never happens with SamSho which looks like a fucking mess from all angles.
I just want to play a game with good neutral (good walkspeed and normals that don't have truck size hitboxes are a must) and good netcode. MK11 has both.

Basically Outworod Raiden and Onaga's second hand man who fucked him over and took his place as king

I feel had they had shown off Shao with everything you just mentioned but then scream "OH BUT HE'S PRE-ORDER ONLY!" that would piss ALOT of people off.

No preorder fags are the reason many games are trash and ship incomplete and full of bugs

In the MKverse: The Big Bad leader of outworld that weaseled his way to the top even though he's a legit monster that could fuck anybody up. Wants to takeover Earthrealm but the rules of MK and the gods keep fucking him over.

In Game: The posterboy for unfair final bosses in fighting games.

>Basically Outworod Raiden
but his powerlevel is way above blunder god
