Fallen order info

forget the CGI trailer, this sounds based

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Cinematic immersive combat
Into the trash it goes.

>Dodging, parrying
Guarantee it's fucking BAMHAM combat.

Stopped reading on the 3rd word.

>forget the CGI trailer
>thinks that was CGI

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Do the fucking publisher suits still believe "cinematic" is a positive quality? Or is there an actual audience for this shit apart from snoyggers?

What the hell was it then?

Only autistic retards get mad at the word cinematic, normal people dont care

>Disney Wars

>striking, parrying, dodging
all I've wanted in a lightsaber combat game. Better than spamming the attack button over and over

Wooow another "leak".

In-engine unreal 4

No one said it was a leak retard

That's not a leak retard

I wonder if they even read the Extended Universe books, there are atleast 4 different books based on this premise, and they are all equally faggy. Young padawan being hunted, thinks theyre the last Jedi, teams up with the rebellion to stick it to the evil empire. They went with the safest, blandest possible option. It's boring

three words in and I'm already out.

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>Star Wars

Attached: bored.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

Sure as hell reads like it. Except for cape, grapple and batarangs you have force.

GAMEPLAY dipshit


That's one word.

They put a lot of emphasis on YOU becoming a Jedi but the game seems to be about some random guy?

>Cinematic, Immersive

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You're getting overly aggressive for a junior social media marketing associate. You might want to check with your boss if that kind of vocabulary is allowed towards the prospective customers.

unironically? in 2019?
no thank you

>gets proven wrong

Five bucks says the lightsaber combat will be worse than Jedi Knight.

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That's it I'm taking my business elsewhere!

I can't wait to feel like Batman.

>getting mad at marketing buzzwords

That doesnt mean anything. The combat can go from Bamham to DMC to Dark Souls, they all have striking, parrying and dodging.

Sounds like some meaningless "leak" trown on the internet on purpose by shills to trick people into being hyped.

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>Getting mad
Please do not project your emotions onto me. Cinematic is a synonym for shit.

>I can't wait to feel like sekiro
Fixed, too many cinematic takedown animations

I actually read the title.

Imagine making a game and describing the gameplay with how watchable it is.
Now imagine having to defend this as a job on an anonymous image board for racist virgins.

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Shills have been viralling shit all week about this game. Figures that they'd double down after the reveal fails to impress .

not showing gameplay was a mistake, but the feel does remind me of 1313 a bit, thats probably what they mean by cinematic immersive combat

still reluctant to help EA after what they've done

>Cinematic, Immersive Combat
Wow! I can't wait for Star Wars™: Fallen Order™ to let me really FEEL like a Jedi! With flawless and lovingly scripted encounters, players can press a button and flawlessly execute a counter, or a flurry of combos, or to deflect a laser blast! My character glides around the combat arena like a ballerina, they're just that cool! So easy, anyone can do it! Can't risk the player fucking up our Cinematic Experience™ or challenging them with a skillset they may have to adapt to, so ripping off Batman Arkham Asylum will have to do. It's amazing how quickly I've lost interest in this.

Every damn time

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Sounds good. I love Batman combat unironically. I spent over 100 hours in the combat maps in Arkham Knight. I got to top 10 in the leaderboards in every map :)

Kill yourself EA marketer.

So its literally Uncharted Star Wars.
Meh could be worse I guess.

I want to join Barriss!

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That's not even a question. It's going to be worse than the RotS game

I want to join my penis with Barriss's vagina if you know what I mean.

Finally a good souls like

>immersive combat

press x to awsome incomming

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Oh my goodness a black person. Who fucking cares anymore.


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How can a first person game be BAMHAM

It's not First Person user

>black person

more about her/him being ugly as sin

The inquisitor a cute

>Cinematic is a synonym for shit.
But a lot of Japanese games cinematic, bayonetta and DMC are cinematic

Respawn has ONLY made first person shooters, how can this be any different?
Has anyone said at all it isn't first person?

They specifically said its 3rd person

>how watchable it is.
>thinks this what cinematic means
Also see

YES finally an easy Sekiro/Souls like for the gamers!

So we have to be slow to see more of mommy Barriss? perfect.

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>Respawn has ONLY made first person shooters, how can this be any different?
Because they can choose to make the game however they want?
You think they're contracted to only make FPS games?

I met her in person once. She seemed nice. Felt weird to talk to someone who you jerked off to though.

>Escaped padawan
The big gay. Watching the trailer I just assumed you were a force sensitive junker and that would be better

What if they mean MGR style dodging and parrying. With the Fox blade MGR was practically a lightsaber game anyway.

Who am I kidding, it'll be bamham style bullshit.

Find me where it says that pls

Ok just give me a few minutes please

Wait, if they were willing to fund this then why cancel the other single player starwars game? Is ea really retarded enough to dump years of work then immediately change their minds?

"Patrick Söderlund put it, "an all-new 3rd person action adventure game set in the Star Wars universe."


Her bare tits are kind of disappointing though

Fugg, I'm losing hope

I like her face. For me when it comes to women its face and thighs that matter the most

>takes training
>press A to counter
>press X to attack
Yeah that is pretty intuitive bruh

Every single game marketed using those specific buzzwords has been an irredeemable dumpster fire.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT BE SHADOWS OF MORDOR STYLE OF AUTISTIC EZ MODE COMBAT PLEASE. They touted their system as cinematic and it was retard proof easy. Please be closer to Dark Souls or For Honor or literally anything else. Ohhb god the combat is gonna be shit, I can fucking feel it.

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>ancient forests, windswept rock faces, and haunted jungles are all unique biomes you'll explore
So basically the same shit we see in every Star Wars movie?

Game literally sounds like Force Unleashed but from the perspective of Jedi instead of Sith.

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>Bayonetta and DMC
Do you eat shit?

>defending marketing buzzwords

She definitely has a pretty face. Don't know why they made her less pretty in game.

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Telling people to stop being autistic about buzzwords is not the same as defending them you fucking turbotard

Did EA cut your pay? You sound pretty angry.

I think face scanning isnt great yet. Most games with face scanning seem to mess it up a bit

Are you implying that jedi knights lightsaber combat was bad? The jedi Knight games have the best lightsaber combat imo

Whats her type of black called? I find this shade of black hot.

We haven't gotten a great jedi based game since Jedi Academy so the premise has got me intrigued. Then again, since this is EA we're talking about, I highly doubt the lightsaber combat is going to be anywhere near as satisfying as it was in JA. Still, I'm gonna wait until they reveal some gameplay before I cast judgement.

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