>thought Crush was referencing "Crush 40"
What a dumb fucking midget
Thought Crush was referencing "Crush 40"
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ur a faggot and a waste of oxygen. choke on your tendies retard
Based midget
>woolie's friend who can barely talk somehow makes the wonderful 101 into an unwatchable playthrough
literally unsubbed
>leave Giant Bomb to me
>actually watching fat, ugly, fake friend substitutes/online babysitters
Fucking christ, that's beyond pathetic
nothing is more pathetic than seething over what other people do on a mongolian chinese imageboard
have sex
wow friend, you're hero pat wouldn't like you saying that, objectifying women. Watch out there champ, you might get banned from his twitch chat
He has a point though. It's sad,but if it makes someone that's lonely feel better than I don't see a problem with it. One thing though. If you see a ecleb in pubilc don't go up to them and talk like you guy's been bffs for years. It's awkward as hell. Just say hello, compliment their work and move on if they seem busy or not looking for small talk.
>Woolie's autistic ramblings about DMCV on the last podcast.
What the fuck was that about? It was quite strange.
He's very emotionally attached to the story, so he thought it's deeper than it probably is.
What did he say? I don't keep up on their podcasts anymore
Same, but with zone of the enders 2.
Podcast is much better without Matt, but their solo streams are extremely less entertaining than them together.
Yeah, I love how they ramble for over 2 hours over literal shit or subjects they don't really understand or care to research anything about.
I'll take that every day over Matt talking about what reality tv shows he watched on Netflix while he was on vacation with his gross wife.
i don't get the hate for Reggie. Maybe it's because I haven't watched those playthroughs, but I thought he was great in the Katamari LP.
No one wants to hear your life story.
Them talking about other countries and cultures was embarrassing. They have the understanding of 10th grade history students yet talk like they are sociology professors.
>Kanji is gay and Naoto is trans, fuck what the writers say
Why do people listen to these Quebec faggots?
>Melee fffffriends
Was woolie gonna say it?
I got a good laugh at that part. Pat's talked about how he doesn't listen to much music but holy shit what an idiot.
It's always great hearing a fucking grocery store bag boy talk about how ignorant everyone else is.
Literally obsessed. It's been months, waifufag.
Can't stand his lisp and his commentary adds nothing, it's like Woolie when he first joined the channel.
Except Woolie's commentary is the worst and didn't improve, so you got 2 guys who just ramble and overreact to stuff because "hype".
>Pat said that he and Paige were eating at a restaurant and Paige saw a hair on her food and she was going to tell the waiter to get new food but Pat stopped her and said that Canadians don't ask for new food, they just eat what they get
HOLY FUCK, that was the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. He legit thought that sending food back was horrifying. What is wrong with Montreal? Jesus christ.
> hey we're gonna go do a spoilercast half way through the 5 hour episode.
> Just tune out for idk how long.
Why no timestamp telling me when they stop?
Because that would take work.
Only good content to come out of them lately is Pat shitting all over Woolie playing Monster Hunter.
And then when they talk about games he sits there looking like a mopey faggot because he doesn't care about that stuff
What fucking Crush?
I don't give people guff about that stuff unless they're really obsessive about it. To be quite honest, I actually read their characters that way the first time I played Persona 4 too, just because anybody coded that way in western media definitely WOULD be gay and trans. It was only later on that I replayed the game and took the time to notice that no, they never actually confirm that, and Japanese writing just doesn't have the same implications as western writing does about the subject.
The shitty western translation of Jojos where "The Clash" became "Crush" because nip language is retarded and doesn't have an L.
It's more of: what's wrong with Pat?
Well, he claims that's what they do up there, and that's totally believable for Quebec.
It's more like "What's wrong with Pat's family, specifically his mom."
Because his dad is a hardass canadian Dwarf, and all his stories about his family being fucking crazy come from his mom's side.
God damn I'm mad, do them at the end or do that mad JoJo timestop thing they did ages ago telling me a timestamp
>Skipped past it because I don't care
>Literally an hour of DMC5 talk
Every time I skipped ahead a giant chunk I was expecting to have to rewind a bit, but nope, he just kept on going
How about you just finish the video game.
Dude just watch the fucking first episode of TW101 and look at how dull and lifeless it is. What is even the point of bringing in another person if he's like that?
That's cause you haven't head much about Pat's nonsense. Pat, no joke, thought that if you cleaned the dishes wrong it would give you AIDS. I'm not joking.
I know his nonsense but he usually says that it's his own crazy thing. He claims that sending food back is wrong to all of his country and that everyone in America is wrong for wanting to send food back if there is something wrong with it.
They do have a point though
Matt was the best of the bunch
He sounds like a fucking cartoon caricature of a lazy, sleepy person.
Which point exactly? They talked about a lot of different stuff.
Has anyone confronted woollie yet about that time he said "Naoto is Kanjis girl"?
Which would not only directly contradict his current stance on both characters, but given how fond sjws are of ruining people's lives over things they said online several years ago it could probably get him a bunch of backlash from his supposed tranny friends.
I actually think he might just be an alexa that Woolie has setup to read wikipedia articles aloud.
No, there's other stuff he thinks everyone does but it's just him.
Can't recall specifically any examples but he screams "EVERYONE DOES THIS" and the chat goes wild because no one does it.
People expecting people from other cultures/countries to automatically know everything about their country, despite not living there.
So I saw this incredible new reality show on Netflix, I think its called Tear-Ass House?
>that part where he talked about the savior cult and I could hear him tipping his fedora.
Reggie just can't do hype. He was great in Katamari because he had done all the research and had trivia for every song, but that was by virtue of everyone who worked in Katamari being full of SOUL and not because of any virtue of his. The moment he ran out of prepared content and had nothing to contribute but himself he became unbearable.
Sadly, Minh is the opposite. He's actually very charismatic but his humor is extremely bizarre and has zero chemistry with Woolie.
Their point was that people don't know shit about the inside culture of other countries. Canadians don't have the same cultural references as Americans, but Americans expect everyone to get all American references because America.
It's a fair point.
Understatement of the century. He's more like a leprechaun.
don't lie, user.
Naoto WAS trans, but the MC's dick cured her
Don't have much confidence in that opinion, do (You)?
As someone who enjoys the podcasts, that shit was downright unbearable. It's amazing how Woolie can have even LESS self-awareness than fucking Pat at times.
That plus he probably self-inserts as Nero, seeing how half the conversation was his own projections about the character.
And he has a hotter gf than you
How does that make you feel?
>they spend like half an hour listing all the reasons live action Hollywood anime adaptations sucks and wondering why they even bother
>but then they see the Cowboy Bebop live action adaptation cast a bunch of non-white people and are suddenly "oh that's cool this could be really good forget everything we just said in the last half-hour"
It's seriously like watching a brainwashed person be activated by their code word. How can they be pretty rational for a while but as soon as they hear the word diversity it just flips a switch in their brain and turns off logic and they just agree with everything they're told to agree with.
Do you know Woolie's background?
>they cast a husky to play ein