other sekiro thread turned into shit so let's make
new one edition
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other sekiro thread turned into shit so let's make
new one edition
where are you stuck?
we are here to help.
just finished old lady pepe
How am I supposed to deal with the fucking shield guys?
get axe bro
literally 1 shot
Name a worst boss than Owl 2
Hardmode: No Demon of Hatred
SS Isshin i guess
doesn't OWL2 have only 2 health bar?
i should make owl 2 pepe
thanks for reminding me
Great Wolf
Best way to fight caterpiller? I know to kill his little minions and then do the air take down on him and I can parry hid multislash thing but he absolutely destroys me if I get staggered once
Stay within reach of the grapple points, if he gets a hit on you just tarzan your ass to safety and take a sip
These Pepes are getting spicy
1234->12345 wait 1 -> jump
deflect all attacks then when he moves back firecracker him and attack.
>MFW I finished off Isshin with the lightning reversal
Welcome to the club onii san.
is breath of life worth getting?
The skill that recovers health on a deathblow? Yeah dog
The one that recovers posture on a deathblow is garbo though
Yes. One of the most useful skills in the game.
Pretty easy when you go to her after you got a few health upgrades
It's annoying how you still have to wait for the SURPRISE phase even after you saw it. Even cutscenes before bosses and transformations play
Not even DeS had this shit. You saw a transformation/cutscene once and afterwards the boss would just spare you that shit.
I know I'm nitpicking but it was still kinda annoying, especially the ape.
I suck butt, after butterfly taught me how to play the game and I was on a steam roll throughout the game, I got stuck at these double bladed monks that use these that just wreck my shit. I can't counter them, I can't break their shit, what the fuck am I supposed to do, let alone fight two at once. I've died like 30 times to this one encounter, after the little temple where all the crickets are.
How the fuck do you beat Isshin with a spear
They are a pretty big spike in difficulty. Try to kite them away from each other and fight them 1v1 or stealth stab them once they deaggro. I did that before I got better and gained more confidence and skills.
sneaky sneaky backstab
why is ichimonji so fucking based?
that posture reduce is too good to pass seriously
Deflect and stay close to him and sidestep around to his back. It’s similar to first phase, you just have to watch out for a spear and a gun now and you also have less windows to actually damage him.
Just run past them. If it's not a miniboss, just ignore it.
Or use stealth, it's shiteasy and if you fuck up you just zip away and try again.
Or backstab one cunt, zip away and stealthkill the other cunt
It’s the purest combat style that all swordsmen learn.
I beat the Divine Dragon and went straight to Sword Saint. Did I accidentally skip the Demon of Hatred and Owl Rematch at Hirata Estate? I've heard so much about those two fights but I feel like I totally missed them.
Any tips for Owl and that fking poison ninja guy in the castle? I can't beat either
They're both optional, you can just go find them before beating Isshin.
you missed owl 2
but you can still fight DoH
you gotta kill owl before DD
owl is ashina castle
or hirata estate?
Did you stealth kill his buddy before the fight at least?
Sidestep, dont thrust and careful with your poise, nigga can deathblow you..
Just parry bro, use your smokes.
Owl 1
Ya, but the mofo still wrecks me.
idk the poison guy right before Owl never really gave me too much trouble. You can sneak and backstab the dude who is with him, so you dont have to fight two guys at once. Once it's just you and him, the fight is pretty straightforward.
I've been trying to do the Return ending. Am I fucked?
Stop fighting them close range and just bait them into distance attacking, parry their shit
Also the anti air deathblow is designed for them. It's tricky but it works when they try to vault over you
My biggest annoyance with them is you can't really shuriken them in mid air because they throw a shuriken at you during their jump animation
Without too many spoilers, is SS Isshin's third phase harder than the first two?
I can wipe through jobichi just fine, and I've been getting more consistent with Isshin's first phase, and I'm getting close to breaking through his second, mostly because it's a bit more forgiving than his first I think
I'm stuck on guardian ape boss part 1. Sucks but is fun because on a good run I can use two heals before the second phase but then I get thrashed pretty fast. One time I got him at most three hits down and I got killed.
Favorite bosses, arms and npc y'all?
Nah i dont think any of that is missable, the snake hearts dont go anywhere and thats all you need
How in the FUCK do I beat Great Shinobi Owl
I rung the bell, how much harder is my game?
You are FUCKED!
Half gitting gud, half learning which of his attacks you can actually attack him safely from.
It's basically the same but with a couple lightning attacks and the wind slash is more horizontal
Harder. Enemies do more vitality and posture damage. Other than those two I dunno
Its definitely not harder, but any form of the ogre is just a shit fight
Yeah third phase is the same as second but easier
I really like the ape, hes got a cool story and its a fun fight
Blazing crow feathers and lazulite sacred flame are fun too
Stuck on Isshin SS, have gotten him down to last phase multiple times but can't finish him off. Any advice? I've been playing very aggressively and close.
Guardian Ape and Gyobu are my favorites bosses. There's something about them that I love but I don't know what it is.
Fav prosthetic tool is Flame Vent but unfortunately it's useless through 95% of the game.
If you've gotten that far against him I would suggest you just keep going.
At the last phase, stop playing offensively altogether. Bait and punish his unsheath cross slash, his air slash, and his lightning attack (safe punishes).
How do I git gud against SS Isshin? I’ve been playing with the demon bell for like 85% of the game so my posture gets raped in like 2-3 hits.
Hell even genichiro can fuck me up if I’m not fully focused.
NG+ Owl 2. Not a good time. Wish I knew ahead of time about the endings because I def would have took care of this in the first playthrough instead.
easier because of lightning reversal
go full tekken
>Make it to the lightning faggot in Fountainhead
>Ready for a fight
>Run at him
>Lightning reversal into an immediate deathblow
Is this game worth getting?
are you a fan of froms games, or of pseudohistoric japanese stuff?
it's fun but get some lube
Jesus, maybe I should actually use combat arts, I never used them because I’d always press them on accident
Another note, how many prayer necklaces can you get on just a normal ending run? I know some beads are locked to the purification ending areas. I have 6 necklaces.
double ichimonji absolutely trivializes half of the game.
You can get ten total
Fucking blazing bullshit, what do I do about him, hes just a fucking asshole
fuck me I been at him for like a week and my work has picked up so I can't put in more than an hour or so a week. I really need my head and my heart in it to do well ya know.
I hear you though keep the pressure up stay on his ass. I'll take a crack at him tomorrow morning after breakfast for a good 45 minutes or so.
What is everyones time at by the time they beat isshin at reached the ending? I'm clocked in at nearly 34 hours and I feel like I shitted too long. A regular run should be what like 28 hours worth?
Owl 1 is harder than Owl 2.
His attacks is predictable and second phase is a joke.
holy shit is the monk line really that good or is this like ng++ with all 20 attack bonus?
asian gaming community
already moved to monk tekken from based ichimonji u can control more tempo
I finished in 23 hours
>that one loading screen of barefoot Kuro illuminated by candlelight
He's an 8yr old boy you fuckin weirdo.
does it matter who i give sake to or is this just for dialogue stuff
Run around and hug his ass, when he turns he'll slightly move you as well. Use this to R1 spam him to death, also use firecrackers
enemies do more damage and take less, both posture and vitality
but you get more loot, some say you get the loot you would if you were in the next game cycle (NG+)
because of this I'm pretty sure the bell makes the enemies and loot all be what they would in the next game cycle, but I haven't really tested or looked it up, maybe someone already knows for sure
you can take off the bell demon anytime, and reapply it by going back and ringing the bell again
I don't think you get shit for beating bosses with it, aside from satisfaction, but no extrinsic rewards, which kinda sucks
I'm in the fountainhead palace, the dudes with the glaives keep shooting lighting at me, but when I reflect it I get shocked. I'm thinking it's because I hit the ground and get electrocuted. Do I just need to jump later into the attack?
This is bad advice. Hesitation is defeat. Do not change your tactics for the third phase, as it's basically the second phase with a new lightning attack similar to Genichiro's. You simply should learn to do a lightning reversal, but you should still be able to keep the pressure on him. By doing this you should have the third phase down very quickly rather than dragging it on and opening yourself up for mistakes.
Just for dialogue. If you want to see all of it, make sure to give them to everybody before completing Fountainhead, and specifically give it to Emma before starting the Purification questline.
If it were that easy he wouldn't be stuck on the phase that willingly throws the battle. Clearly that isn't working.
I can finally save this after beating all three, feels good
what? there are no cutscenes between any of the ape's phases, just a few seconds of ingame stuff happening
>give rice loli persimmon
>she's happy
>give her Taro Persimmon
>she's super happy
My heart can't take more than this.
>what? there are no cutscenes between any of the ape's phases, just a few seconds of ingame stuff happening
There are for other bosses.
The ape would be better off with a cutscene so you can skip that shit. Waiting everytime so that dumb shit can stand up gets annoying
How to Owl 2?
I can parry his thrust attack just fine but everything else is fucking me up
thanks, just slaughtered the piece of shit
I decided to go for her ending
Owl (Father) is destroying my anus.
Please tell me he's the hardest boss.
Stuck on Blazing Bull. He's fast. I have to be faster.
Any good place to farm dark wax?
Rice is precious! Remember to chew! :3
How do i get more weapons like in dark souls???
I just beat that purple ninja guarding the three tiered pagoda!
Congrats. He was a weaker version of a stronger version you meet later. The stronger version becomes a regular enemy even later on
open lootboxes
Don't give up, it's the least fun fight in the game, everything is super interesting compared to it
Good job!
The ninja guy gets really easy if you puppeteer his friend at the beginning of the fight. Easily done, and can probably knock off half his health before engaging, after that it's just a parry-fest
He seemed pretty powerful.
Wait until you get to the poison variants
the next one has two health bars
Is the one in the hidden forest supposed to be stronger? I did him in one go
how do I kill Owl? he fucks up my posture so bad
Yeah nothing I've learned about the combat mechanics seem to apply with him. Not giving up though. Game is fantastic.
I got my platinum yesterday. All in all, a good game, better than Souls but not as good as Bloodborne, mostly because the areas felt really short, probably thanks to the fact that you can fucking Spiderman all over them, and how restrictive the combat system is, I don't want it to be DMC or something but being unable to use more than one art, and having tools and the better arts tied to Emblems was a shit idea, maybe if the game had a skill that made enemies drop them more frequently it wouldn't be as bad.
Hopefully it gets AotA or ToH tier DLC so I can bump it a few points.
>the one at Mibu village
>the fucker at serpent shrine
>that one at Hirata 2
trying to move past first snake now. neat spin from the dragons I guess
This is the hardest enemy in the game with no miniboss variant.
Lone Shadow Longswordsman is kicking my ass. The ninja guy in the well. I've tried going defensive and parrying all his shit, but he is utterly relentless and with how quick his posture regens you'll break before he ever does. It's impossible to not slip up eventually. Then I tried going on the offensive but that doesn't get you much further, it becomes a game of parry back and forth and he'll still win out eventually. Then I tried dodging all his fancy kick moves and taking the opportunity after to get hits in but he keeps nicking me with these meme hitboxes. What do I do?
go further up the path before you go down into the well to find a hole so you can drop-deathblow one of his healthbars off instantly
Use shuriken to knock him out of air
Use Mikiri on his kick, it's a thrust
>Use shuriken to knock him out of air
I'm a retard for not thinking of this considering I learned to whoop Butterfly's ass like that very quickly. Also thanks for the Mikuri tip, I wasn't sure. Problem is he's got the thrust one and the sweep and it can be ambiguous in that tight space, but I'll give it a go
Stop monkeyin' around
How do I avoid getting under the guardian ape when he falls over? I've gotten close once, without the spear. I think if I can use it right, I can beat him next attempt.
Axe eats his posture, too.
Phases 3 and 4 suck ass because he closes ground so fucking fast and if you get caught off guard by his combos your run will quickly go downhill. Stay in on his ass for the most part, at least in stage three, and constantly dodge towards him. You'll go under a lot of his attacks and his jump back swing with his spear will miss you. Try to out-posture him.
Four stage is largely the same, just try to deflect his lightning.
Sometimes for these stages you need to play it slow and whittle away his health so it gets low enough to affect his posture from regenerating so quickly. Once that starts happening it's much easier to posture break him .
>How do I avoid getting under the guardian ape when he falls over?
like, what phase?
You can stealth kill him if you drop from above him, halves the fight.
These ninjas are all the same, this is the easy kind since he has no poison attacks or dogs too.
Just learn how to parry his normal attacks (the ones with no real startup animation), he only does them when you're really close of course.
At mid range, when he puts his blade backwards and crouches a little he will dash and slash twice quickly, so tap block fast to parry both hits.
When he does the flying axe kick he will probably do a sweep, so just sidestep the first kick then jump kick or use High Monk/Leaping kicks on him when he uses his sweep, he never does the sweep unless he does the axe kick first.
As soon as you see him do a little spin he will do his kick combo, I think it's 5 hits? there's a little delay between each hit, so make sure you don't just mash parry, wait a bit between hits, when he does the last kick, remember that it's a thrust so mikiri counter it, if you aren't sure what the timing is, you can see his kick absorbing energy or some weird shit, when that particle effect ends he will kick, so dash as soon as you think it's gonna end.
If you see him do his spinning kick just fucking dodge because it eats posture, but it's not so bad if it breaks yours because he doesn't do much afterwards.
>How do I avoid getting under the guardian ape when he falls over?
Hold that B button and sprint around him, my man. You can easily avoid his big jump and lunge just by moving slightly to the left, I found.
Chances are he means the belly flop grapple
Learn the windup animation, usually he'll run in something like a little half-circle. Once he does that, run to one side and keep running into he lands and rolls away
He melts when you learn to parry his shit.
It's just a matter of learning his timing. Yes, you can perfectly deflect his kicks and punches, and yes you can mikiri his kick. You just have to be confident and not spam the deflect, but learn to time it with the rhythm of his attacks. Also learn to use the sidestep/dodge. It trivializes his sweep kick attack as you instantly get behind him and have an opening for 2-3 hits before he starts another combo.
Phase 2. He does his slam, I deflect, he collapses. I end up under him while he lays there for a couple of seconds. I guess maybe I could just dodge backwards after the parry, but I haven't tried it yet. I couldn't think of it earlier.
I just mean his topple animation. The belly flop has caught me a few times, though.
Where the hell is that pagoda anyway? The honest merchant mentioned it, but I never saw it anywhere.
Under the bridge with the fatty and two shield guys in Hirata, there's a little cave there, you wall jump above and there it is.
>Final boss
I ran out of spirit emblems and all buff items. Should I keep throwing myself at this guy or should I go hit up costco and farm for some items? I got to the third phase about 4 times now. Been stuck on his first phase for about 48 tries now though.
Learn to deflect his first phase attacks. You should be able to get that one done without even getting hit, since it's very fair and masterable. The second phase is a bit tougher with the spear but it's the same idea. Stick close and deflect properly. Just make sure you know to lightning reverse in the third phase and you'll be fine if you keep at it.
Don't rely too much on your items because they can distract you.
>I just mean his topple animation.
The one after his big windup sword attack, where he falls over for a few seconds? You could dodge back yeah, I don't remember the exact mechanics of that part of the fight but you might be pressing him too far. Hold still and hit nothing but deflect and he should fall down close to you but not on top of you.
just backpedal a bit? He shouldn't fall on top of you
>Bring tools on honorable duel with Gunslinger Saint Isshin
I think I've pretty much been holding forward the whole game. It's hard to stop.
A shinobi should know the difference between honor and victory
>mfw i just beat owl 2 in second try
you guys told me he's tough
so far
You mean first phase Genichiro or first phase Isshin?
If you're having issues with Genichiro Ichimonji as soon as you see him charge his mortal blade attack, it interrumpts him and lets you wail on him afterwards, he will always do a charge attack when he fires his bow (fires twice, so parry twice then dash>ichimonji).
Isshin phase 1 is easier than Genichiro, he only has a couple attacks you need to watch out for.
If you're right on his face he will do three sword slashes, with a big delay between them, If he's at mid range he will sorta run around then do three quick sword slashes, opposed to his delayed attack. just parry then counter attack (attack during clash sparks), if you attack too late his attacks will beat yours EVERY TIME.
As soon as you parry him keep attacking until he deflects you, he will do one of five/six things:
>Sorta slow slash from the bottom, just parry.
>Quick kick to put distance between you and him, the thrust attack, Mikiri counter this, or if you fuck it up and get behind him, use double ichimonji*** on him.
>backdash then sheate his sword, if you let him be he will use Ashina Cross which damages you if you block it, don't even learn the timing for this, because if you get close he will hit you with the hilt of his sword, then do a sweep, as soon as you see him sheate his sword, walk towards him, parry the hilt attack then jump kick him over his sweep, then keep attacking as you land to keep him in the loop.
>He will do ichimonji, if you block it or get hit by it he will do double ichimonji, just sidestep him and run to his back, he will do a followup attack , you can charge attack him or use double ichimonji*** yourself here.
>he will backdash then use Dragon's whatever, the attack with the Air Waves, when you see his sword stop absorbing the energy, that's your cue to sidestep.
If you keep attacking him and never leave any space, he will always do these things, UNLESS you do Ichimonji which makes him use his other attacks.
I wish he was half that cute in game
Forgot to mention that sometimes he walks slowly to your right then does a stab for a shitload of damage which you can Mikiri counter.
Fuck the double shadow ninjas in the dojo.
I keep fucking up the counters. This is probably the worst part of the fight for me. I keep forgetting that the sword draw is followed up by a sweep, but I keep fucking dodging to the right every time like it's gonna somehow magically make me not get hit.
And then the one time I jump for that one, I jump for the thrust he does a bit later and fuck everything up.
boy save ur emblems till phase 3
DO NOT USE in first 3 phases
how the fuck do i beat spear enemies guys. for real, i'm getting sick of this. i know about that fucking counter where he steps on the spear, the problem is every other attack besides that one. for some reason i can never anticipate the leg sweep, and that 5 stab shit fucks me
best place to farm exp?
How do I know where the fuck to go
Fuck I can't kill this seven spears cunt
Don't know about best, but I grinded last phase ashina outskirts since it's fun to Stealth. Remember this was NG+4 so I got more exp.
I always feel sorry when I see their retarded faces deathblowing them.
where you at
>kill prologue genichiro on NG+ with increased difficulty mode
>he still cuts your arm off
I'm low-key mad. Also O'Rin of Water is hard with suffering mode.
The 5 stab shit can be countered even if you get hit once or twice, it's laughable. For everything else you literally just have to improve your reaction time
I just pulled horse skip on NG+ demon of hatred
i kinda hope they patch it, it's way to easy to do
Why can't I get a blood sample from the wartorn mob npc? Battlefield Memoryial Mob. I just have purchase and sell options.
Learn his attacks. It look scary and confused at first but it actually very simple.
If you can already get to that point I don’t know how are you even still having problem with it. You don’t even have to perfectly time that shit. You can literally just mash L1 to perfect parry him and Mario stomp him when he do that sweep swipe.
Are you sure that's the one? There's like 6.
he's coughing and stuff
took me longer to fix this shitty edit
If you already got a blood sample in that run you won't get another.
I'm so obsessed with mikiri I end up hitting dodge too soon and just end up getting my shit slapped in
I'm also too heavy on the guard and end up fucking up my parries, so those long-ass combos with the spear end up burying me
What are these fucking snake hearts for? I got both of them.
For the Return ending.
Its just a general problem I run into. I see people online have no problem at all navigating the map so I’m starting to suspect I’m retarded
Return ending
tips for 1st owl fight?
>mfw he uses mikiri on you for the first time
>Be nightjar
>Current lord is some prettyboy fucker who spends his time masturbating on the lookout tower or something
>Frat boys downstairs lit a pig on fire and are letting it run around, fucking dumbasses
>Gyoubou is down by the gate running donuts in the fucking dirt like some sake-chugging asshole
>There's a retard chained up on the first floor of the castle, like what the hell
>Just wanna relax
>Nowhere else to go
>Fuck it, tie yourself to a kite and chill out where nobody can find you
>Actually pretty comfy up here, looking down at everything
>Then some fuckface wearing bright orange starts climbing the rooftop where you're chilling out
>Fuck it
>I've had it with this shit
Just take time and learn his moves, that's all I can suggest. My victory run took me about 20 minutes to kill him and about 15 minutes on NG+ with difficulty increase
>ragequit Owl 2 before bed
>wake up and destroy him
okay, when do I pick an ending? I assume after I kill this divine dragon i've heard about
In ng+ should I be upping attack power or buying the rest of the skills I am missing? Do you get memories in ng+?
You can pick bad ending when you fight owl the first time. The rest of endings you must have all prerequisites done before killing the dragon and the choice is at the very end after killing Isshin
Post more sekiro memes
How many endings are there, total?
4 I think. The default immortal severance ending, bad Shura ending, immortal severance improved ending (purification?) and the secret dragon return ending
Owl 1's attacks are predictable too. It's just faster paced and has a better stage. Love them both desu
Does anyone else use the pause feature to analyse/predict attacks?
I'm not sure if I'm brainlet or big brain for doing it.
If you can't lightning reversal consistently (I know I can't) dodging behind him as he starts the lightning sweep nets you some safe damage
I did this as well. He's got a similar moveset to Owl 1 and the new moves he has are pretty telegraphed and sometimes counterable. Owl is the best
Parry its horns, jump and abuse firecrackers, ot will be down in no time.
I need help with the guardian ape. For the first phase I just bait its attacks and punish accordingly, but in the second phase it just wrecks my shit, I always get caught off guard and die to the Terror explosion
Thank you anons I finally finished him off!!
the only blood sample i got was for emma's quest
deflect it in 2nd phase, specifically its overhead smash at the end of some combos. If you do you this he'll fall down in front of you. Use the spear on him when he does this for a big chunk of posture damage
Buy skills. You still get memories from bosses.
Congrats my dude. It's a fun fight
Does Sekiro stop scaling at NG+7 like usual?
Yeah just beat him, just had to take him slow and get my deflects right.
At Fountainhead Palace. At the Sakura/Flower Viewing Idol basically dash and slash all the blue squid dudes for 500+XP for 1HKOs and fight off some easy samurai chicks.
>Isshin pulls out a gun and shoots you 27 times
>refuse to use any of your tools
user you're a shinobi not a samurai
Is there anything to do with the gold once you've upgraded everything?
You can throw it at people I guess
not really
get kuro back, from there you can just ask him and he will remind you what you need to do and where you need to start
alright cool i'm not gonna look up the prereqs so I get a natural ending for my NG play through
Shoot it with sen thrower
Here's a hot tip, if you're playing with a DS4 on either PC or PS4, disable rumble.
I'm playing on PS4, and after disabling rumble my input delay has been reduced, and my button presses are no longer getting dropped.
I wish I learned this earlier because it ruined a large part of the game for me.
Still stuck on Isshin. Seems like the second phase is now impossible for me. He posture breaks like a motherfucker and I'm unable to get enough damage or aggression on him to keep his posture up. I think I'm actually starting to fucking hate everything about posture.
Thanks friend. I don't have the spear yet, perhaps I'm fighting it too early but I'll try parrying this faggot and see what happens
If you're already at the dragon, then chances are you fucked up. The requirements are really particular, obscure and unintuitive, as they usually are in soulsborne games
I just tried the Sen Thrower and not only does the same dmg as the last shuriken upgrade, but it costs even more spirit emblems to use. What the fuck?
Yeah, not really worth it, I'd just start dumping sen in as many divine confettis as you can manage and constantly use them for the damage buff.
Yeah I don't get it either lol
I'm about to give up on this Lone Shadow faggot. It clicked once and I got him down one full bar and thought I was gonna win, I would have one if I did the drop down cheese but oh well. This guy just breaks your posture whenever he wants, you can't see what the fuck he's doing half the time, he will randomly decide you don't get an opening after certain attacks even though sometimes he gives it to you and this last fight my FUCKING LOCK ON randomly disengaged itself because From can't get a fucking camera to work. Whose idea was it to fight him in a 2x2 fucking hole anyway?
Youre not fighting it early you just missed the spear
never realized that it increases damage against every enemy by at least 25% apparently
Is there a gourd seed in the fountainhead palace?
I'm missing the last one.
Hes only got like one combo and sometimes he just does half of it or just one hit
Its not hard to learn and then you dont even need to be able to see him
Finally beat Owl 2.
You can stealth kill his first bar from above.
Neither did I til about NG+3
Yeah, in a chest in a small temple connecting Great Sakura to Palace Grounds.
I know that but it literally doesn't matter. I've only taken a full bar off him once
I thought the same thing after posting that, I'm retarded
Just wait till you meet the red eye poison version of this enemy in the snake shrine in the 3rd stage of the game. That fucker is insane
Whats his from
Use sugar to reduce your Posture build up. Basically let him come to you and when he's open then attack. Use the improved sabimaru to poison him to get some vitality taken away so his posture doesn't reduce as fast.
Hold L1 basically at all times to recover posture. Also his spin attack with 90% lead to the thrust attack that you can mikiri.
Your gut instinct with the second and last phase is to maintain distance but really you want to let him come to you and take advantage of his down time.
Finally killing him actually made me appreciate the fight. It starts off chaotic and fast and the second phase you can basically just chill, take your time and don’t rush to do it the safest. Cool as fuck
I use the time to dry my hands and relax.
Princess Tutu. It's kino.
I liked how completely unnatural his movement felt in p2
Nevermind I beat him right after this post, immediately and inexplicably knew what to do. I didn't even realize he was so low until I'd killed him. Always happens whenever I bitch here it seems
we are here to help user
go to folding monkey area
grats man
i'm not at the dragon yet, I still need the stone from the abandoned dungeon and that sakura tree branch for kuro
Dont beat yourself up user
Just finished the 4th ending on one file without save scumming. NG+++ Isshin Ashina was cancer but not as bad as folks made him out to be. Not looking forward to grinding out these last 16 skill points, but i want the platinum
Spoiler free, is it a good idea to give the kid the centipede book? I'm right before the fight with Isshin and I'm still sketched out.
gl bro
>just got Purification ending and went into NG+2
Game is fun, but I'm gonna take a break or risk burning out. The combat is great, but the lack of variety in what you can do is already feeling apparent to me.
Now that I've got 50 hours played, I can update my definitive Souls list.
DS1 = BB > Sekiro > DS3 = DS2 = Demon's
Just beat SSI tonight anons. If you are stuck at a boss, stick with it user. I considered quitting instead of getting gud a couple of times but it was well worth the struggle. Best of luck to you all.
Get the idol just before the fight by going through the lower window in the castle. Stealth kill the little purple cloak, then run to the right side of the room and EXIT THE GAME. When you continue, you can backstab the poison purple cloak for one deathblow, and then just fight him normally.
I thought Owl 2 was easier than Owl 1 desu
Where do I meet Tengu for the Ashina scroll? I heard he's in Ashina Outskirts but haven't met him yet
I'm about to finish up my 15th playthrough then wait for DLC. I just can't get enough of the combat
building opposite the Idol after Gyoubu
He's connected to the Gyobou boss arena
Don't spoil yourself on stuff m8 you ruin the game for yourself
This, also be very aggressive with him. When he does his long combo that involves 1-2 heavy spear swings make sure you get the mikiri counter on the thrust that ends that combo. Additionally, I used about half of my firecrackers on this stage because his posture is easier to break in the 3rd with the lightning reversal. Best of luck user!
Gyobu's place. The opposite side of the gate with the idol. There's a stairs upwards.
Everyone keeps hyping SS Isshin as the hardest boss, yet Shura ending is way harder. Fuck 360 tracking grabs and fire cancer.
Stay at a medium distance, only closing in after he leaves himself open after an attack. In the second phase, stay FAR away, stay running and only attack after his 4 swing combo.
old man isshin is easy, just firecracker his big charge-up
I have a question!
This game is fun! :D
I've already given Emma the flowers. Is it too late to switch to loli?
Which ending is better?
jump back when he throws the fireworks, be ready to mikiri or dash forward then attack after they go off
The monkey boss is really rustling my jimmies desu.
Yeah it was spooky and pulling that centipede out actually made me nauseous. I couldn’t help but feel bad for the thing. It was cursed to become immortal and just wanted a mate and you came in his space threatening him. Poor thing.
Thank you
Sorry was meant to be a reply to
so how do you time Isshin lightning reversal? is it just about being at the apex of your jump when the lightning hits you?
Staying far away is a bad idea since he'll wanna chase after you and do his jumping slash that will rotate at the last frame to hit you which is hard to dodge.
Which part are you having issue with?
The most annoying thing is the fire bursting from the floor when he charges up his One Mind because you need to look for a place to stand on. I completely cheesed the One Mind with the umbrella spin.
I like to think it was a mercy
You just have to be in the air, when I'd see the red symbol appear and lightning hit his blade I'd jump and hit R1 immediately and I got all 4 reversals off on him when I beat him.
Its the same as the Dragon, and Genichiro fight. You just jump before it hits you and press R1. If you land before pressing R1 your screwed. You might be trying to parry it, you just have to attack instead.
Then you still have time to do it all. Just google the guide to endings
I jump in the air and land without reversing it probably 50% of the time all while spamming R1 as I'm hit
I did it. During this attempt, I was talking shit the whole time.
Excellent work user
I'm worried any new bosses in DLC will just give me an aneurysm
you're jumping to early, aim to get hit by the lighting when you still have the upwards momentum so you have plenty of time to attack back
Congrats user.
Hmm, that's odd I have never had that happen (I did have a few times where I didn't get the jump off in time). Are you seeing yourself get hit by the lightning while in the air?
As long as it's before DD, you should be good.
I like the Emma ending a little more, desu, but rice loli is good too. Anything but base or shura.
oh shit I've just been assuming being hit stops your upward momentum. I kind of tunnel vision when I'm anticipating those attacks I guess
If I side with Owl what else can I do for the other endings? Should I collect and eat rice or does that stuff not carry over?
Just bought the game so still in the babby zone, but man this game gets hype when you get your shit together. Died a time or two beforehand but I just beat Genichiro and didn't even get touched on his first two phases.
I had severe trouble with Butterfly who was my first boss, but everyone else I've just been able to wail on and either kill with ease or posture break before I even deal 10% of their health in damage. I'm not even sure how you could beat some of these bosses and minibosses through dropping their health unless you're just playing as cowardly as possible.
I'm missing 5 prayer beads and the Owl (Father) fight and I just killed SSI.
I wanna finish the other endings, too. So which is harder, ng+ or ng from the beginning without anything
you'll be locked out of everything else if you side with owl. you'll have to start the process over again for each ending in each NG cycle
NG is probably harder. In NG+ you still have all your prosthetics, skills, xp, gourd seeds, items, etc.
sneak up and backstab the non-boss one and then use the puppeteer technique
>in snake eyes area
>try to stealth kill the mooks
>grappling hook puts me right in front of them
>get shot
>try to escape
>completely lose the ability to platform
Just found the other idol. Is there a way to stealth kill the mooks?
NG+ is definitely easier. especially if you hang on to Kuro's Charm
Are you in gun fort? If so, I don't think you can reliably stealth kill every enemy, but there are a few places you can get to after one or two kills to hide, and then sneak out and kill more.
Can someone give me a list of optional bosses? I just finished the game (severance ending) but I know that I’m missing some bosses + there might be some I don’t know about
There's a wiki page that lists every main and mini boss in the gamr
NG+ have been pretty easy thus far, only ISS left, other than him i've killed every other boss on first or second try
>Are you in gun fort?
Poison Pool.
It won’t actually skip phase 2 as he will get an extra life bar
If you mean the poison pool, starting from the idol at ground level I like to go to the 2 gunners near the wall, stealth kill one and just r1 spam the next. then you can fight the snake eyes near the fog wall and wont attract the attention of the other gunners
Lady Butterfly, Demon of Hatred, Owl (Father), and Headless Ape are the only three I can think of that are optional.
I'm also grinding out skill points, got 24 more to go...
Start from idol by statue. To your right is a wall you can scale, and you can deathblow a guy at the top.
Grapple across to where snake eyes was (assuming you killed him) and wait for the gunner patrolling the nearby island to turn away. Go backstab him. Last guy I'm not sure if you can stealth deathblow.
Isnt orin technically optional?
She's a miniboss. I was only counting the ones who give you memories.
Got to him today, wasn't feeling like playing much though So I'll try to beat him tomorrow. But he has been pretty fun so far, doesn't seem all that terrible.
Demon of hatred has been annoying though
ahh i see
>Demon of hatred has been annoying though
try horse skip on him
hes not even that hard, you just have to treat him like a bb boss
I cant find a legit way to stay aggressive on them since they deflect fucking everything if they want and can flip away from you. So far my best strategy is shuriken them when they try and leap over you for some distance and keep deflecting them
I could never lightning reverse those spear fuckers, don't know why. Anyway, I just threw shurikens at him every time he hopped in the air for good damage then finished him off.
Just buy the anti air deathblow
Laurence the First Vicar aka the worst most annoying boss in Bloodborne, fuck that shit.
>Demon of hatred has been annoying though
Stop treating him like a sekiro boss and think of him as a souls or BB boss. You want to always circle to his right, staying behind him. You can get in 3-4 swings between his attacks, and if you see him start to stomp you can block it.
Most important thing is that you stay on him throughout the entire fight, since he can fuck you up easily with ranged attacks.
Also, jump as soon as you see danger symbol and you'll never get hit.
>consistently getting the first deathblow on isshin unscathed
>get absolutely fucked as soon as he pulls out the spear
How do I git gud?
just like kunais
shurikens are the best throw upgrade
Laurence is a chump
If you dont like from bosses i dont know why youre here because like always the bosses steal the limelight
So because I hate one boss I hate all of them? Okay then.
ur doing fine
remember tempo for phase 2 is very differeny from phase 1 u gotta re-adjust urself
spear is bit slower to hit u
but dont forget to double tap
or go full tekken
see above (monk fist style)
parry the shit out of his long spear/sword combos for easy mikiri (he always ends that combo w/ a perilous thrust). I followed the mikiri counter up w/ some firecrackers to snatch a couple of free hits in as well. I'd recommend using firecrackers on phase 2 vice phase 3 because phase 3 is easier.
i just found out this game has underwater areas. please tell me there aren't any enemies there
A break is probably best user. I died at that boss a bunch of times last night and beat him in less than 10 tries tonight.
They're just kicking a ball around and having a good time. I don't want to kill them.
Taking the occasional break, and sometimes going to bed, helps tremendously
Six hour non-stop binging usually leaves you frustrated and exhausted, but even the occasional 20 minutes where you grab a snack and watch some videos or something helps keep you fresh and on top of things. Plus, your mind is still processing shit in the background even if you aren't actively thinking about it, so it's not uncommon for you to be better afterwards as you've actually had time to absorb what the game's been teaching you.
It's the same philosophy as studying. Cramming directly before a test is useless because you don't retain the information. It's highly recommended that you study a bit at a time before bed every night a few days prior to the test itself, to actually learn what you're trying to memorize
Honestly this kind of information should be re-iterated every thread to help remind people to take breaks now and again
>parry the shit out of his long spear/sword combos for easy mikiri
I think this is my problem, I can't time the deflect properly for this so by the time he does the lunge, I'm already stunned from no posture giving him a one hit kill.
Yeah I'll need to rest up since it happened again, at least I got his first phase down with ease now, last night I couldn't even do that.
Once you get the timing of that down the 2nd phase is much more manageable. After the deflects on that combo+mikiri+firecrackers and a couple of hits you usually have his posture bar filled up about a 3rd of the way. Always be ready to deflect his sweeping attack after because he likes to do the jump back/sweep after you get a hit or two in.
The break will help user, some sleep or time away will help tremendously.
Who else /comfy/ here? I've had the game five days and have only beaten Lady Butterfly and Gyoubu so far. I'm taking frequent breaks and otherwise taking my time going through everything between work and school. People who binged this game start to finish probably robbed themselves
Why wont this kid give me more rice? She wouldnt give me more until I beat owl, at which point she gave me the 2nd, and now she wont give me more again. I gave her the book that was at the bottom of the pond too.
I wish I could record video.
There's an okami warrior trying to jump over a fence and it's adorable.
How do I deal with the input lag on base ps4? Honestly, the game doesn't even register my inputs at times. I'm just losing the will to play the game anymore. I'm not even mad, just disappointed. I wanted to like this game so much.
If the ape had a cutscene, it wouldn't work as a "GOTCHA" moment.
The game requires you to travel/rest a certain amount before you can get more rice.
I know that feel bro, I managed to pull through and got to Isshin now but parrying is just so hard.
Yeah, most places are saying its only 2-3 times but I'm still getting "Not ready for harvest" after 6+ times resting.
That's not input lag or a Ps4 problem, that's straight up janky FromSoft delay on every move. I wouldn't be surprised if your animations are even being stopped because your toe collided with a pebble in the environment. The most frustrating thing I think happened to me was a frame drop right when I attempted a mikiri counter and it ate my input
>all the flashy weapon arts that consume spirit emblems are all complete shit
>all the really boring weapon arts are the most overpowered (night jar, ichimonji, high monk)
Try doing more than resting, it might require you to warp to different checkpoints (at least that's what I had to do). I hope it works user.
I hate that I got spoiled the Ape part, I would've probably just dropped the controller and laugh when he gets back up.
I got it to work after giving the everblossom to kuro. Btw, for her to take the taron persimmon, should I get rid of the other normal persimmons I have?
>Sekiro is a good game
After slogging through the rest of this nonfun game, I'm stuck on this prick with little motivation to finish. I'll be God damned if I don't finish this game after 40+ hours though.
Is it worth grinding a bit? I haven't killed about 6 or so mini bosses (4 of which are the headless). I can't stand the headless. I hate battles which require item use. I'm end game now so I suspect they'll die quickly after a few attempts. Should I get the dragon mask for attack gains?
Nah you can select the "giver persimmon" option and it gives her the right one. I still had the purchased persimmons in my inventory.
There's definitely input delay. I once pressed block, had nothing happened, got hit by the enemy, backed away from the enemy, and only then did I go into my block animation. Shit's fucked.
headless don't give you prayer beads so I'd argue that they aren't as useful because the items they give are essentially re-usable candies (that are cheap anyways).
Like I said, that's likely a deeper problem with the game and not input delay. Not only have I not had something that severe happen, but input delay wouldn't allow you to back away before even registering your block input. That doesn't make sense, one input would override the other and if it took that long the game would be literally unplayable
Out fucking skilled
I think I got a taro from a monkey, can someone confirm if they drop them?
Why is the Owl so fucking heavy?
>High monk
All of that hair on his head user. Also, he's a semi-overweight boomer.
i gotta say
countering sweep gets boring after while tbqh
using monk fist now
It has to do with FROM's fucked programming. The parry system shits the bed when there are too many processes happening. This particular incident happened in the Hirata Estate area with the first group of enemies and all the fire. In fact the whole game begins to shit the bed when a lot of effects are happening. It's why the lockon system shits the bed so hard when fighting Lady Butterfly with all the fire effects/illusions going on.
I don't know what FROM did, but between their dynamic enemy difficulty related to L1 presses in encounters, the onscreen effects, and their unoptimized coding of AI in general, the game just doesn't work at times.
But he move super quick.
Just beat owl 2 on ng+ after missing him on my first playthrough
Holy christ im still shaking, 4 hours straight of memorizing his attack patterns
Some old-timers have deceptive speed/strength user.
took on 2nd try
he was easier than Isshin
I was quite disappointed when anons
said i was gonna get fucked so hard
but this was 3rd NG+ so maybe i got good
Once I have the frozen tears am I effectively locked into Return? I dont want to fuck it up and get a different ending cause I did something for a different ending.
Also I'm surprised someone hasn't cut divine child voice lines into something lewd yet.
How do I get the owl 2 boss fight? I heard the SS Isshin is the last boss and I just got to him so I think I missed something.Could someone also explain how Isshin came back through Genichiro and why he wants to kill me all the sudden?
Yeah I got ~3 from them in senpou temple.
Genichiro uses his mortal blade to bring Isshin back from the dead hence why you fight a younger form of Isshin than you see in Ashina castle. As for getting the Owl 2 boss fight, I believe you fight him via the purification ending (refuse to help him, defeat him, and get his memory bell to go to an altered Hirata estate
How do I get these items? I can't figure it out. It seems like the hands would be a grapple point.
Forgot pic
How do you beat Isshin's 2nd phase with the flames for Shura ending? The fire fucking one shots you on NG+
After you beat the mini boss in that room go into the cave behind them and look for a jump/grapple point to the left, that should get you up to a ledge that's able to grapple to the head.
Go a bit ahead onto the path leading to the cave with the two ape fight, and while walking towards it turn the camera to the top left and you'll find a grapple point that leads there
>Okami leader is easier than the rest
Did I do something wrong?
>fighting guardian ape
>long and grueling fights because I'm a shitter
>get to the point where i somehow finally get him down to one last final sliver on his second form, need just one more attack on him
>get too cocky and giddy thinking it's finally over and he stunlocks me in a combo and kills me
I don't think I've ever had my spirit broken this hard. It feels like my soul has left my body in a way that it never has before.
dont get hit. t. killed him in ng+5
fire umbrella
now go win
It wasn't a problem for me?
Ah, I had found that path but missed the side path off the side path. Is there any significance behind the lone monkey above monkey trouble duo?
Keep going user and you'll beat him. I had the same thing happen to me on SSI phase 3 last night. If you use the spear on guardian ape's second phase after he staggers forward you can do immense posture damage.
I struggled really hard with solo ape, then first-tried the duo. I think the headless phase is super easy now, you just need to play passive and go for parries until he stuns himself with the big wobbly overhead unless you're going to cheese the terror scream with umbrella/purple gourd. You'll get it down eventually and you'll wonder why you ever found it so challenging when you do.
this is the fucker who throws shit right? throw oil on him and run around to bait him to throw the shit, as he leaps into the air run toward him and quickly turn around when he lands and hit him with two attacks, then the flame vent, then freely hit the 5 times. rinse and repeat for the first phase. second phase, bait him to do the two slash attack, deflect each attack, then he will stand straight and slam down; deflect that attack and you the spear to pull out the centipede and attack 3-4 times. rinse and repeat.
no, his only real purpose is bullying you for trying to swim in the lake before you kill him
Might try again tomorrow, but I'm feeling so tilted now I doubt I'll get it again today. Fucking hate it when you want to keep playing a game but you're at the point where you've already done all the other branches and all you have waiting for you every time you boot up is some fucked up trial.
I don't know why ape in particular is giving me so much trouble, I got lady butterfly on my second try and most other bosses on my third or fourth.
I'll try that spear tip out, thanks. Staggers forward in what sense? When he's doing that weird side to side sway right before he starts one of his combos?
I cant do it
I cant get past isshins spear phase
fuck this
I know I can fuck him up with the lightning reversal in 3rd phase but I cant even get past the fucking 2nd phase
Oh, that makes sense.
I was wondering where to go now, but I guess I'll explore the lake.
Use spiral spear and whirlwind slash. Both pierce defenses, both are fast and the spear in particular has great reach.
Lads, I wanna farm skill points before finishing my first run, where to farm?
If you deflect two of his sword strikes in his sword swinging combo he'll do a little shimmy while pointing the sword upwards before slashing down. Deflect that down slash too and he will stagger towards you exposing the severed neck area. Use the spear and hit R2 twice (or the appropriate button for your shinobi prosthetic) once to put the spear in him and a 2nd time to yank the spear back and it should do add about 1/4 of his posture bar.
parry the shit out of his combo, mikiri, firecracker and a couple of strikes. Deflect his sweep/jump backwards and rush in to keep up the posture damage. Only back off of him if you think you'll get hit by the wind strike.
Okay I managed to get to Isshin's last phase now, I hope this wasn't just a fluke.
You can actually do those fights after isshin provided you are heartless enough to leave kuro lying there.
>You'll get it down eventually and you'll wonder why you ever found it so challenging when you do.
I suppose it's this way with just about every boss, huh. It's not even dying to a boss that I mind so much, if I end up dying halfway through a boss I don't tilt anywhere near as hard or feel anywhere near as upset. It's the feeling of getting down to literally needing one last sword swing and knowing that the only reason I didn't get it was because I robbed myself of the win by deciding to rush instead of waiting an extra second or three. Shit hurts
I'll try this too, thanks
His last phase is the same as his 2nd but easier because lightning reversal damages him, stuns him, inflicts a lot of posture damage. You can beat him user.
Depending on where you are in the game you can farm the Senpou temple area or fountainhead palace.
I just farmed at the end of the fountainhead place. Maybe it wasn't the most efficient place. But you can't go wrong with 3K EXP a pop. And the statue is really close.
>should do add about 1/4 of his posture bar
I think I'm getting a bit tired...
Fuck me, I just looked it up and I missed some points in the quest to get the bell youre talking about. Thanks anyways.
if I can get back to his second phase, I'll do that then user, thanks. Struggling right now on his first again so I think I'm gonna take a break
After I beating Owl on top of the castle and giving Kuro the ingredients for the incense, what do I have left to do?
Finally beat mist noble. Now everywhere is too dark to see.
>Giant rope man
>Corrupted monk 2: now with illusions and 3 health bars
Monk isnt that hard but is so fuckin tedious cause they can only be hit once every 30 seconds. Also half the time snap seeds dont stop the illusions.
The break will probably help. Next time you attempt him you'll likely breeze through the first phase and the spear will help you immensely on the 2nd phase, best of luck user.
Sorry about that, you can always get that ending/fight in ng+ or a different run through.
that depends on which ending you are going for. Since you refused Owl and got the incense ingredients you'll at least go to the divine realm and fight some familiar foes after that.
Go back to where you got the fragrant stone and step inside the little hut. There will be a prompt.
Actually, you can get more rice instantly if you're out of it. Try giving it to someone else or eat it.
cheese it
I'm not even sure which ending I'm going for or what fate has already planned. Is the divine realm that founainhead palace? How much game is left?
that was after the corrupted monk fight in mibu village, correct?
Fountainhead palace is the 2nd to last area in the game (if you count Ashina castle at night as a new area) otherwise it's the last area in the game. Yes, fountainhead palace is in the divine realm. Once you get there, you have 4 essential boss-fights left (02 in fountainhead palace/divine realm and 02 in ashina castle at night). You're very close to being done user
Correct. The idol where you fought that boss is the closest to that location.
There's a webm where someone just stealth deathblow monk twice.
Neat, will try. I didnt mind other repeat bosses but CM I found more boring than anything else.
awesome, thank you both. appreciate it.
nice general
You're welcome user, best of luck w/ the rest of the game.
u have to parry bro
you're almost there user
do not give up
after phase 2 its ezpz
So where is this old woman's father?
Based. I just broke the candles and jumped around.
around feeding area for big fish
AAAAAAAA, I had Isshin at my mercy but instead of jumping to give back the lightning I accidentally dodged backwards and died.
Hesitation is defeat. Take a rest and give it another go later.
Alright I need the scoop on demon of hatred I can get through phase 1 but by that time I'm running on fumes with gourds and emblems. I got malcontent and the fire umbrella. Do I just have to git gud?
I know that feel
you mean bug eggs
uh, all of the ashina castles teleports are greyed out right after I collected the last thing that kuro asked of me
is this the point of the game where if I continue it's going to lock me into the ending if I head there and I won't be able to go around and fight everything I haven't fought yet or grab everything I haven't grabbed or will I still be able to do shit after?
not locked
u choose ending after last fight
I think you're still in time but you may need to use a guide for an optional boss+2 prayer beads before completing that area.
Is that in the big lake area?
Are the old tree dragon bitches the point of no return?
yes yes u will see giant noble-look man
after DD
your kinda locked to certain ending
Oh, I think I see him.
I have no idea how to get into that whole section. There are no grapple points and I can't make the jump.
Oops, for .
fire cracker + parry
come on user you can do it
i didnt even bother making bull pepe
u can do it
just run around and slash it's ass user
Thanks, which fight am I actually looking for btw? I don't mind being spoiled as to which fight is the one that locks me into the endgame path. Just want to know so that when I come across him I can double back and do everything I need and want to do before coming back and continuing.
the more you improve yourself, the more fun it is. Fuck the Headless though
When he falls, spear his neckhole and pyll out
ending can be chosen
due to what items you have through doing little side quests
if you don't have these ending specific item
u get normal ending
How do I get to this area?
It's almost like Isshin considered me worthy enough to defeat him so he gives me one last easy lighting attack to finish him off but I fucked it all up.
Any tips for Genichiro?
Which one? If it's the fight on top of ashina castle stay aggressive and trade blows with him, his biggest opening is usually after his jumping slam attack and I found that a whirlwind slash works well there. In phase 2 jump into the lightning and hit R1 (or your attack button) to reverse it back at him. This is the boss fight that makes sure players understand the combat and it's where most people say the combat really clicked for them.
So how do I deal with him randomly deciding to jump back and fire four arrows into me? I can never block the first one because he does it while I'm still attacking and it has no tell.
Is Ashina Cross a useless combat skill or is there some approach to it that I'm not seeing? Bought it to try it out and so far it seems kind of subpar, especially when you have shit like ichimonji double out there.
>costs spirit emblems to use so it's limited to a few times per rest
>damage to both vitality and posture feels lower than what other similar skills that don't use emblems or prosthetic tools that do can accomplish
>supposedly does more posture and vitality damage if you hit an enemy while they're mid attack but most enemy attacks will hit faster than the time it takes for ashina cross to proc once you swing
>slow startup stance, so hard to throw out mid combat unless you back up a shitton, by which point the enemy's posture has recovered
I mean fuck, it is arguably one of the coolest looking combat skills but using it feels like I'm purposefully gimping myself by doing something I could've done ten times faster just using the standard blade.
That's one of the tougher actions however you can actually cancel attacks in the game, if your character hasn't fully started the swinging motion you can change it to a block/deflect. Don't mash R1 when you attack him go for 1/2 coordinated strikes.
Optional boss: Owl 2
You'll get to make a choice where you fought Genichiro, but before that you need to eavesdrop Isshin at his tower. After that you need to eavesdrop a few more times that's why I recommend following a guide because I don't remember every step right now. This boss is optional and you need to kill him to get an ending, but you can just get every item needed and then do any other ending.
Alright, then how do I deal with shit like his attacks tracking 90 degrees to the left? I try to step dodge shit like the kanji thrust and it hits me anyway because he rotates during the animation. I'm getting DaS2 flashbacks.
They made the tracking super precise in the game to keep folks from step dodging most boss attacks. The only one I step dodged was his arrows/leaping attack (blocked the arrows and sidestepped the leaping attack). Firecrackers should be able to give you breathing room as well if needed.
I skipped it and went past the carp up to DD. But from your screenshot it looks like you can jump up the ledges on the left to get up there?
for phase 1
>don't just randomly swing, wait for opportunities to pop up, and only go for a hit or two
>deflect as many attacks of his as you can, his posture builds up relatively fast especially as you whittle his health down
>when he does his jumping attack right in front of you, you can always get a free hit in, just make sure to back up right after since he's going to do one of those red kanji attacks
>after deflecting his long combos he'll have openings to get a single swing in
>stick as close to him as possible, this + not trying to hit him as much as you can will make it easy to deflect arrows
>if you back him up into a corner deflecting his shit gets even easier since he won't jump around
for phase 2
>stick close to him and actually spam swings, he won't block most of them so you can do massive damage, and his attacks have really obvious tells so they're easy as fuck to deflect even while spamming
>when he shoots lighting jump in the air right after he starts his animation and deflect it with a swing when it hits you
No, that whole area is raised up. I can't even get to the ledges.
I beat the SS Isshin today, got the Purification ending
I feel at peace now
There's a branch off the nearby cliff that's really easy to miss. Just look around there.
advance through carp cave, get on top of building, swing over
Can i get kuro's charm back in the case of too difficult?
>get excited because finally figure out his patterns and beat him
>he does the same shit as Lady Butterfly and activates the secret gimmick phase
Is every boss in the game going to do this? Because I'm already tired of it.
okay frens c:
you can "avoid additional hardships" at the sculptor
No not every boss does it but his last phase should be easier because without his armor his vitality goes down much quicker and his posture fills up much quicker. Get a lightning reversal in for ezpz win.
But his lightning phase is easier.
Got it, thanks. But I'm still fucking pissed off.
A grapple point on the back of a building nobody gives a fuck about to get to another obscure grapple point on a branch on a cliff nobody gives a fuck about.
This better be worth it.
Most don't. I agree that's an annoying thing though, I had enough of it in DS3.
His second phase is way easier than his first phase though, it's trivial
>doesn't block half of the attacks you throw at him so it takes all of 30 seconds to chip his health down to nothing
>throws out attacks that are slow and obvious as fuck
>his one gigagimmick attack that is supposed to be a playerkiller can be easily deflected back at him for massive damage
his second phase is so easy that it might as well not even be there.
>Is every boss in the game going to do this?
I can think of maybe 3 or 4 bosses in the entire game that do this, most don't. They might bust out an extra attack or two for their moveset after you deathblow them once but the fighting feel and strategy will remain the same.
I still can't fucking beat phase 1 of Sword Saint Isshin and this shit is really pissing me off
Come again?
Stay close to him. It will limit his options.
>Get a lightning reversal in for ezpz win.
It'd be different if there was a way to practice that without going through his entire first phase.
My issue mainly comes when you have the fucking orb that has to be restored by grinding enemies so you might as well just give up without rezzing if you die before Deathblowing him at least once because that's the only way you get to use the other orb and it takes so long to get back it's just not worth it.
no for shura ending son
also did you beat oni?
>Red Sekiro with beard
Where's the mod
>My tired ass watching Friede go into her third form
For poison dude get in from the inside of the castle not the window. (The window leading to Ashina Castle Antechamber is STILL open.
Once you get to Ashina Castle Dojo just crouch and stick to the left wall to backstab the 'normal' lone shadow on the left. After that you should be free to do the vilehand.
That way is longer but nets you an idol close to owl
Deflect his 3 sword combo and swing back when you have openings. Mikiri counter his thrusts or jump on his head during his sweep. Dodge around his Ichimonji: Double and smack him. Dodge to the side of his wind attack and smack him. I used Ichimonji: Double on most of his openings and it worked well, even if your second blow is blocked it does a lot of posture damage. Also, fighting him in the muddy area by the destroyed bridge makes it a bit easier to see what attack he might do instead of having his blade blocked by the flowers.
That's true user, it is meant to introduce you to that tactic.
I was the same as you yesterday but now I can beat his first phase in seconds, still haven't beaten Isshin though.
pick 1
So do I just trade bait for scales?
What happens if I kill the old squidman?
Yep, beat him last night
I think I did better with Isshin. I found myself in this weirdly calm zen state when I finally took down that last phase, whereas I was panicking at the end of the Demon because I ran out of gourds and pellets and was on my last rice when I won
red outfit
never ever get bait
Jump to the right of the bridge that has 2 shield Bois and a taro troop (fat dude) wielding a tetsubo.
Grapple to the obvious branch there. Cut the bamboos that block the entrance to a cave (fairly obviou) wall jump up up and away and there you are
Search around you can Zipline there
There are two in fountainhead?
Which ones? Does the bull count?
Nah that's a miniboss. The two are corrupted monk:true and divine dragon. Kill the bull and the lightning miniboss for ez prayerbeads.
True monk and Sakura tree.
Bull is miniboss.
One at very beginning.
One at the very end.
>That's true user, it is meant to introduce you to that tactic.
I can't even see my character when he does the lightning shit.
>at the Drunkard boss
>only takes two hits to kill me
Am I here too early or something
Nor do I need to, apparently. I don't even feel good about this, it just turned into unga bunga.
See user, you downed him ezpz
You can advance elsewhere for a bit, but it is meant as an early game (mini) boss
you can go back to hirata estate later
but desu
clear the guys around him first
then go to mr.samurai and kill him 2v1
Struggled against the dream boss owl for at least an hour
then i switched to mortal blade and found out that it absolutely destroys his health and it's easy to use when he tries to sweep attack you
what the fuck since when was mortal blade good?
>Sneak up from behind shield guy ad and backstab.
>Buttrush the weak samurai mooks and archers
>Axe the other shield guy
>Run immediately to the samurai standing in corner
>2vs1 Drunk boss.
>Don't over commit if you get focused
>Don't let the samurai guy get overwhelmed either
Where the fuck is Isshin or whatever his name is? I followed the purple smoke trails back at the gate like Emma said but none of them lead anywhere.
Yea I just beat him by cheesing with the NPC. Felt dirty but whatever
you're a shinobi, not a samurai
following bushido is a great way to get yourself killed
It's not really dirty if the game literally put there for you.
Also you will get a harder version of the boss later if you're that keen to beat him mano a mano.
did you find his note n that one tower? he'll return there but first you have to do the "kill rats" thing in the tower near where the horse boss was.
Pretty sure Emma said "tower" not "gate". Literally go out of the window Kuro showed you and go to the right and follow the rooftop to the other side.
>tfw loved the shit out of Sekiro
>don't care for muh NG++++++++ or whatever.
>no other vidya to scratch the itch.
Is Nioh or whatever any good?
Do you fight Owl twice or is he just part of some endings?
I'm going for Dragon's return. Is he part of that?
dont get that honor bs get to you
you're shinobi
Try Furi if you haven't already.
Yes, it is. Theres much loot which some people don't agree with but the actual game is still good.
you can fight him twice
if you go for Purification ending
no Dragon's return is not part of it
if you want to feel frustrated and useless, I recommend baba is you
It's much more of an RPG than Sekiro (or Souls) and has even worse enemy variety. It's okay.
Owl 2 is part of Purification ending. But you can fight him anyways as long as you unlock it before getting the Dragon's Tears.
travel to castle gate idol and turn around. The big tower you see there.
What the hell, you haven't checked the building on the other side of Gyobu's gate with the idol yet? On the field side of the game, across you'll find a flight of stairs.
The two aren't as comparable as people try to make them out despite being samurai games
Nioh is more about diablo-esque loot fuckery and upgrading weapons. Combat is more about stances and stamina management than Sekiro's parries and counters. There's magic and ninjutsu shit, which is handy items like bombs and shurikens that automatically replenish at shrines. I would say that combat is good but not as intense as Sekiro, but the skill trees are still pretty deep and it makes up for it by giving you multiple weapon types like hammers and axes and fucking kusarigama
Exploration isn't as great as Sekiro, as there aren't as many reasons to go exploring since it's mission-based instead of open world, but I wouldn't call it bad
They're both good games, and only shitters try to start some kind of dickwaving contest between them. If you're looking for weeb samurai shit, then Nioh is great.
>Old Isshin actually one-shots in NG+
So what's the difference in harder NGs?
I'm gonna FREAK
Lone Shadow Vilehand is fucking ass shit.
>dude two purple ninjas lmao
kys kys hys kys Miyazaki you hack fraud a million times kys
Just stealth kill the other one.
Not much from what I can tell. Seems like the jump from NG to NG+ makes the biggest difference.
Supposedly, the Bell Demon works by bumping enemy stats to the next NG level, which would mean it has the biggest impact in NG and less so afterwards, doing nothing in NG+7. But I'd like to see the actual breakdown of the numbers.
enemies are gradually replaced with apparitions
Where the flap am I supposed to go?
She wants me to find Kuro in the secret passage in the reservoir, but I have no way to get there.
All doors are shut. I can't go from the start at the temple because the tree stumps are blown up.
Let's hope they make NG+ worth playing in future games. I hate to say this but at least DaS2 tried it.
Hey at least it would add some variety.
gonna ask again since my previous post got no replies and i'm genuinely curious
is ashina cross a useless skill or does it have some merit i'm not seeing? been fucking around with it and it seems to do worse in just about every aspect than the other skills, and costs spirit emblems while doing so. is there a reason to use it outside of looking really cool?
I've beaten the entire game without skills, they're all useless
they are useless..
would rather use ichi-double
however one mind is actually decent
Stylish as fuck but otherwise not good. Outclassed by the other two quickdraw skills from the endings. It'd be nice if people figure out mods to rebalance the combat arts, to boost damage and/or remove the spirit emblem cost on some of them.
There's an open window in the area with all the books where Kuro was before