We Did it Switchbros!!!


We Did it Switchbros!!!
Persona 5 S
The source has heard that Atlus has been working on a direct Persona 5 port for the Switch, which will not feature the enhancements of Persona 5: The Royal
There is however talk of some Nintendo exclusive content

wait what

Persona 5: The Royal
Is an enhanced version of the original game with new content
There’s a “very lengthy new epilogue”
New characters integral to the story, including the girl seen in the previous trailer
There will be a Female MC (who is not the girl from the trailer)
New Personas and Social Links
The source claimed the game will have “a ton of new content”
PS4 Exclusive
Atlus wanted a worldwide release but that won’t be possible due to the sheer amount of new content


Attached: 1510431701672.jpg (764x1000, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Persona 5 was shit, TLOU 2, Zelda, Okami 2, NieR 2, Mario, Xenoblade X2 & Metroid are the only games worth looking forward too

this is something I actually see atlus doing(because they literally JUST did that with Catherine), release a port of the original game to another system while the main console(except in Catherine's case it was "one of the original systems") for it gets new content.

P5S is the fighting game though, this is fake as fuck

>Worldwide release isn’t possible due to content
That’s a load of shit. If Pokemon can do worldwide releases now, literally any game can.


P5U is the fighting game. They wouldn't be able to announce P5S yet if it was the fighting game because Arc is still working on Granblue.

P5R is an enhanced version of P5 with additional content including a new female playable character. It's exclusive to PS4.

P5S is an action game based on P5.
It's similar to Musou games from Koei Tecmo.
It's the project Atlus was hiring for according to this:


It will release on PS4 for sure, but this one might also get a Switch version.

All in all, Nincels get fucked again.


wasnt it confirmed that P5S was going to be a live action stage thing?

>the job listing didn't even say it was Atlus

Jason Shreier already confirmed P5S is a spinoff and he has way more credibility than this literal who

The Switch port is cool and all

BUT THERE'S A FUCKING PERSONA 5 ARENA GAME COMING OUT? I'm more psyched for that then the main fucking game.

why would they announce that at the same time as the next the Royal announcement? P5M was randomly announced out of nowhere because it had nothing to do with games

> States he's looking forward to The Last of Us Part II
> Which obviously means he owns a PS4 & has played Persona 5
Why are Snoyggers so fucking autistic?

Looks like Nintendo will get the best version of Persona 5. And now just like Dragon Quest 11S, Persona 5 is now also a Switch exclusive

Who cares Persona 5 was a mediocre game, no Idea why Atlus marketers keep trying to push the game here

How many fucking times are we gonna have these "leaks" and "rumor" threads? Why do Switchfags even want P5? If you really want to play it so badly just buy a used ps3 or emulate it on pc.

>Okami 2
>NieR 2
>Xenoblade X2
What the fuck are you talking about?

>Why do Switchfags even want P5
They don't it's marketers pushing consolewar shit to make their product more appealing.

>NieR 2

Attached: example-54386.jpg (1024x1024, 66K)

>Switch version also has exclusive content

So fucking nobody wins then. Fuck Fatlus!

> NieR 2
> Okami 2
> Xenoblade X2

>no source