Never played Warcraft 1 or 2. Are they still worth playing?

Never played Warcraft 1 or 2. Are they still worth playing?

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2? Yes. Worst I can say about it is that it suffers from old school RTS issues like the AI hounding you even in a Free-For-All, and I mean "ignoring enemy bases they could annihilate and losing units to the towers built there just so they can get to you.

1, no. There's no right click. You can select only four units at a time. Everything moves ridiculously slow. Catapults are retard OP. Everything, literally everything is voiced by one guy. But 1 had a troubled production.

If you ever wondered why Warcraft had a really Warhammer Fantasy feel for the longest time, that's because it WAS Warhammer Fantasy. Warcraft 1 started as a Warhammer RTS, but Games Workshop pulled out partway through, leaving the then tiny Blizzard with a bunch of Human/Ork assets and an impending deadline. So they slapped everything together and that's how we got Warcraft 1.

>Warcraft 1 started as a Warhammer RTS, but Games Workshop pulled out partway through
I heard the same about Starcraft and 40k.

WC1, no. WC2 yes, get the version from or whatever the site is (it's safe don't believe the memes)

No, that's just a result of Starcraft coming out of Warcraft. 40K is just Warhammer Fantasy in space. So when you put Warcraft, which is already a salvaged WF setting in space, the result is more or less 40K.

Afaik it was pitched to be a Warhammer rts in something like pre-production, it was never actually developed as one
And to be honest even WC1 has little resemblance to Warhammer

So will the games work with modern resolutions or is their a source port? Will I be stuck with dosbox?

Gameplay wise 2 is still good, but 1 has not really aged well. However 1 is very interesting because of how clearly different the lore and the world was from everything that came after, and if you are very familiar with WoW then 1 would probably be worth playing just for that different perspective on the whole thing.

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>Warcraft 1 started as a Warhammer RTS, but Games Workshop pulled out partway through

I'm really sick of hearing people repeat this with absolutely no source. Was Warhammer an influence? Most likely, but so was Dungeon and Dragons, Tolkein, 80's adventure movies...

OP, Warcraft 1 has aged very, VERY poorly. units are slow, take long to build, and die quickly. The controls are clunky and intuitive. War2 improved a bit, but there are still a lot of things that feel dated. For example, none of the spells are explained in-game. You need to check the manual first. Also, the orcs are just a stronger faction since they have better spells.

2 is. It's one of the fastest rts there is.

The foundations are there but yeah Orcs and Humans had a totally different feel to it

Attached: 600px-Warcraft_I_-_Map_of_Azeroth.jpg (600x448, 122K)

It saddens me how much World of Warcraft nuked the tone of the Warcraft universe. So many fucking elves...

I replay W2 every couple years or so. Was my first RTS and it still holds up relatively well today. Worth it for the audio alone desu.
Still remember my cousin telling 7 year old me how to select multiple units and how to move them. Something clicked then and made me love RTS's.

Warcraft 2 is definitely worth it, and i've been playing it all week. I've also played a ton of online games in Warcraft 2 and the community seems very friendly.

Warcraft 1 doesn't hold up to modern standards. You're better off just buying WC2 because its the best Warcraft game in the series. The story is great, the missions are great and the gameplay is fantastic.

Attached: warcraft 2.png (1438x1079, 2.06M)

As much as I love WC3 and all it introduced into the lore, I really have to wonder at some of the just baffling retcon choices
WoW just took a shit on the entire thing

Buy the games on GoG to support blizzard

>support blizzard
no thanks dawg, I do want to support gog though.

>huge fat ogre is the fastest unit
This makes no sense.

gog did most of the work. its their project.

Cause it's true, space marines, tyrannids and faggot elfs are the same as the sc units.

Some people at blizzard were literally from Workshop games, hell wow was supposed to be warhammer online but they realized they could basically use their own ID if they used the warcraft 3 license instead.

Knights and Paladins were probably created first. Their counterparts being Ogres and Ogre Mages were probably kept the same speed for consistencies sake.

>wow was supposed to be warhammer online but they realized they could basically use their own ID if they used the warcraft 3 license instead
Citation needed

I really liked that one Khadgar book, it had kind of comfy atmosphere

Warcraft 3 felt like a natural continuation. I can't recall too much being flat out retconned. There's a lot of "prequel" stuff and I guess Medivh being stronger than anyone realized was out of the blue, but they at least lampshade it a bit so it feels like a surprise to the ingame characters as well.

cringe and GWpilled

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The story in wc2 felt very clean and straightforward, with wc3 it started to become a jumbled mess.

I think they just kept on introducing too many elements into the series. Warcraft 2 had that good balance of adding just enough extra races to start developing a world while keeping two obvious factions. Warcraft 3 forced everyone to work together while adding several new elements, and WoW since has had faction conflict that feels ultimately pointless.

And just so you dont click on that link

>Patrick Wyatt, the Producer on Warcraft, explains in a lengthy "making of" feature that some at Blizzard had wanted to make a Warhammer game, but things just didn't work out.

>"[Blizzard co-founder] Allen Adham hoped to obtain a license to the Warhammer universe to try to increase sales by brand recognition", Wyatt says. "Warhammer was a huge inspiration for the art-style of Warcraft, but a combination of factors, including a lack of traction on business terms and a fervent desire on the part of virtually everyone else on the development team (myself included) to control our own universe nixed any potential for a deal.

On the starcraft shit you'll have to look at the credits of WS games back in the DOS era.

>WC1's human ending will never be canon, with the ending monologue implying that you'll someday find a way to chase the orcs back to their homeworld and put them down for good
Beyond the Dark Portal could have been all of WC2, but no

I don't mind the Warcraft 3 lore, i just never liked the gameplay that heroes and items added to the core gameplay. Custom games were fun though.

Warcraft 2 is much smoother in terms of gameplay in my opinion, similar to Starcraft in a sense with expendable units, and i remember being disappointed when Warcraft 3 came out and it was so different.

Retcon might not be right word, more like re-contextualizing
Like Sargeras turning from some random ass demonlord to the archfiend fallen titan
Like why? If you wanted a figure like that why didn't you just make up a new one, why use this throwaway dead character from the past
And when you think about it, 10k years in the past Archimonde and Mannoroth invaded and shit went down, but then you're telling me that that demon that came knocking about 9 thousand years later and got defeated by Aegwynn was the even bigger badder bad guy, it leads to all kinds of nonsense explanations in the lore

2 did hero units better. they didn't level up or have unique skills. they were just a unit that was a different color from everyone else and had better stats.
it only got annoying if it was a "this hero must survive" mission and you didn't have access to healer units, in which case you couldn't risk using them at all.