Games where I can drink a 40oz Steel Reserve before work?

Attached: sip.png (1423x1079, 874K)

sorry I don't know anything about that


Good one, op.


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What's so good about malt liquors over ales or other kinds of beers? are they cheaper or something?

Saints Row 1 or 2 brodie


is this video from 2005?

its 42oz now

that looks like a prison outfit

Around where I live a 24 oz of 4% Pabst is 3$ compared to a 24oz of 8% Steel Reserve for 2$.

robbing people is work too

It's made with malted barley, user. If that makes no difference to you then there you go.

malt liquor by definition is just strong ass beer, like minimum 8% alcohol, so they are the ghetto cheap drink because they get you more drunk for your buck

Cheap, filling, fast arrival of drunk feeling. I used to drink 3 a night and get into trouble. Horrible.

does anyone have the pepe edit?


Attached: steel reserve nigga pepe.png (499x499, 300K)

thank you based user

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I hate this fucking world

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is that motherfucking smb 3 on the tv screen?

my life

>game has factional warfare

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what is this new /pol/ meme