Star Wars

>Yea Forums BTFO again
>EA dabbing on us

How will we ever recover bros?

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they said the same thing about battlefield 5 but we saw how that turned out

>haha the company had to give you what you want

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by not buying some shitty star wars game

>no microtransactions, no loot boxes and no multiplayer is now a selling point

>he still hasn't learned

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They will just add overpriced dlc missions instead
I miss when expansions were actually worth the cost, octo expansion was the only one in recent years to be worth it.

The sad part is this game won't even compare to Dark Forces: Jedi Knight. No one wanted Uncharted with Jedi

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>star wars
hard pass fucking manbabby faggot

Yeah ops train of logic doesn't really make sense.
Granted the only reason we won is because Disney cares more about image than profit but I'm still counting it as a win.

of all the pop culture franchises for respawn to make a game for, why did they have to do it for the most milquetoast one

wow, the bare fucking minimum to have a good game,based! Based EA WOW!! I preordered and you should too! !!!!!

But this was made by Respawn, not a bunch of sissy Swedes.

I want to become a Sith.
Thanks for nothing EA

>generic mayo protagonist

interest completely left the server

remember to report and sage all shill threads

>EA makes a normal game for once
Fuck off, your shilling is too obvious.

It's not even a Yea Forumsictory. The reason why EA isn't bothering with all this bullshit is for a number of reasons. The whole legality of it is finally being questioned but the real reason is because Disney is breathing down EA's neck. The BF2 debacle wasn't because of youtubers or gamers rising up. It was entirely because of normalfags learning about that shit and telling Disney on them.

Imagine having such a fucking bad track record that you sell a game to someone by telling them what it WON'T do. That just speaks volumes about their reputation.

Come on down and buy the new game from EA! It has a single player campaign and it WON'T pour acid into your eyes!

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>tfw no cute, crazy Inquisitor gf

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So it will just have awful balance and pointless execution moves instead.

Are these threads made by actual shills?

>EA trying to look like a good guy
Who would be so fucking stupid to eat this sit up? OP himself or just soiboi fanbois?

Yes an so are all EA, Ubisoft, Square enix games too.

yes and they get the same monetary compensation as our janitors

>caring about what ea does

But less than the mods that are on the Chinese communist party payroll.

respawn has never made a successful game though.

just watch at e3 they'll announce microtransactions and dlc while adding some good old fashioned diversity characters to please resetera.


Just how fucking new are you.

>ready to become a jedi
why do they keep saying this shit.
you literally do this in every single player star wars game.
it's not first for the series and a big deal in the slightest.

Not interested in ever giving EA money again.

>caring about EA
>giving EA money

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>The car will not explode on its own this time! It's good, isn't it?
It's sad that not trying to screw over your consumers is seen as a positive move when it's the default expectation. How embarrassing.

Perfect analogy. It's like ford bragging about their next car not being a pinto. You already made the pinto, anything afterwards - no matter how mediocre - is quantifiably better, but that still doesn't make it good.

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Haha retard

Nice to see the shareholder and marketing suits are coming around, I guess.
It wont bring back all the devs and IPs they killed, thought.

But it really isn't the expectation anymore, especially not from EA.

>Star Wars
I'm not 5

>ha-ha we wont pull our usual anti-consumer bullshit this time, trust us, just give us your money ;^)

This, this and fucking this a million times.

It's astonishing how far this fucking industry has fallen.

>no microtransactions
>no lootboxes
>single player gane
Has a single player game ever worked with those?

>no microtransactions
>no lootboxes
So they figured out a third thing. Something worse, probaby. It charges you every time you get up to pee or something.

>And no, we won't be adding them

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There will be something else by a different name

> star wars
> won
SW is cringiest, boring and shittiest franchise EVER. get fukt, incels

Sounds interesting
I’ll pirate it

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Fuck the current state of gaming, NOT having loot boxes and microtransactions shouldn't be a selling point it should be the fucking standard

>"Please purchase The Final Chapter DLC to see how the story ends. Only $29.99"
Just you wait

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Star Wars is a creatively bankrupt IP. I learned this with the Force Awakens. I don't care about it anymore. They won't ever do anything new with it.

They can't brag that the game doesn't have all these shitty features that they themselves have pushed for years?


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I fucking DARE them to make a good game. heh...let's see who's dabbed on now...

This is exactly how they marketed Battlefront 2.

>ready to become jedi
means we cant go dark side



do you faggots never learn your lesson?

Play SWtOR

day one pr8

>Haha, we shat all over our customers with shitty broken games and exploitative monetization schemes for decades, but it's cool now because we're smug about alledgedly not doing that in one single game.
Fuck EA and fuck Star Wars

Great thing about twitter character limit is that they never have to say any elaborate details!

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looks cool. But I am still mad they wasted Bioware on fucking Anthem instead of KoTOR 3. is this game supposed to be between episode 3 and 4. or is it supposed to be new order bullshit? aesthetic has new irder shit, but trailer has order 66.

The hate for TLJ has made people forget this, but previously hatred and pessimism towards Star Wars seemed to be at an all-time high during the late 2000s-early 2010s, post-RotS, pre-Disney buyout.

>Redlettermedia reviews of the prequels
>George lucas strikes back
>The people vs george lucas
>Pointless spinoffs like Kinect Star Wars and Star wars detours
>Darth maul coming back with spider-legs
>The 2011 Blu-ray changes with Vader saying "No!"
>Troy Denningverse taking over the EU
>TCW steamrolling parts of the EU

I remember it being considered embarrassing to like SW during this time, and fans were like "This is the last damn straw George" due to all the stuff above.

Many fans actually cheered when Lucas sold SW to Disney initially. But then the sequel trilogy movies actually came out and well....

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I think there are some things to explore with the Old Republic and extended universe. Problem is nobody wants to make that game/movie. It all hs to be tie ins with the orignal six movies, of which follow the life and death of Anakein skywalker, with no real room for sequels or sideplots. And all feel attached to preserving the biggest name brand characters.

>No microtransactions
>No loot boxes
Ad breaks between levels is another thing, though.

George did nothing wrong and I am glad people see that now. Retards thought they just wanted more of the same until Disney and JJ gave it to them.

you already know its going to be Force Unleashed-quality kusoge

This is obviously a test, so if it fails for whatever reason, EA can point to this and say " see, players DO want loot boxes and multiplayer!".

It's a fucking single player game without any of the diabolical shit they use to coat the games in nowadays - AND STILL you know they are gonna fuck it up, because of that one EA logo.

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Now watch their single-player Star Wars story be 5 hours long.

>EA not fucking you in the ass is now a major selling point

Is this why we aren't getting new content for Ape Sex Legends? They are busy making some shovelware Star Wars game.

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>No microtransactions
>No loot boxes
>A singple-player Star Wars
Ok this is sounding really promisi-
>a star wars story
The way they kept going on and on about "story" in the presentation really lowered my excitement.
It's supposed to be a game, no? Can't you even bother to call it a game? Why a story?
Is this going to be yet another one of those overly cinematic games with shit gameplay that you don't even have to think about?


its cinematic shit you cant even make your character


>trusting EA
just better to wait for the release and see how its fucked up

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I don't want to be a space monk with a light stick, I want to be a storm trooper, I want Republic commando 2. Why isn't respawn making Republic commando 2

>We won't be pulling some EA shit this time
Anyone who works in marketing should be shot. The fact that this strategy will actually work makes you really lose a little faith in humanity as a whole.

I always look up a company's earnings figures before I risk enjoying a video game.

shitposters gonna shitpost no matter what

They'll just add 10 "Expansion Packs" for 20 bucks each that are 2 hours long.

I dont trust them, and I dont carea bout Disney's abomination created using the corpse of StarWars.

Unironically this. This Sith storylines are actually fun.

>we will never have Republic Commando 2
>we will never experience that joy again
>Republic Commando came out in 2005
>you can't ever go back

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But why would anyone care about Star Wars?

>Trusting EA
Surely by now, you should know...
Fool me once etc etc.

>No no, it's not a lootbox. It's a battledrop that requires currency only obtainable from your creditcard. It's not a microtransaction, we don't believe in it. We believe in working hard to be able to afford stuff, so we call it a militransaction.

But they obviously do. Just look at reddit. They are shitting on anyone that says something bad about EA

This industry is truly fucked

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Then how about bring back star wars 1313?

>No microtransaction
>No lootboxes
>single player
I bet this game would be generic trash with sub 8 hours content. And some 2hours DLCs otherwise how they are going to pay shareholders.

Our marketing analyst advised us such games aren't actually what consumers want. You actually want more Jedis so buy the game already.

Star War sucks now in all ways, movies, cartoons, video games, and maybe comics, I don't read comics.

You realize they're trying to appeal to people like those who come here with this right?

It's kind of bizarre what should be a default statement is hailed as some innovation.
>We proclaim we wont actively fuck you, the cli... customers of our product as much as we can
>Wow, wow, finally someone who tries to make an actual good game!
Yea, no

That statement is them giving up. It's the exact opposite of everything you said. It's almost like this is a ruse of some sorts.

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>FOV slider
>Multi-resolution support
>KB/M support
>Custom keybindings
>Dedicated servers

Games at one point had to list all this has features makes me fucking wonder do they even care any more.

I won't buy it.

>EA dabbing on us
EA dabbing on anyone
I laff thx op

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I wish I was a fly in the wall for whichever meeting the disney executives chewed out the ea executives responsible for the last few star wars games for fucking with good name of their billion dollar brand


when we see that 90% of the game is only accessible through DLC