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Books #134
Does marijuana help anyone else in terms of creativity?
Any books on philosophy of medicine/science for a philosophylet but a medfag?
Title of the novel is used as the closing words
Does humanity even deserve to be saved?
Name a better version of the bible
Is this why I'm still a virgin?
Why is there so much cuckolding in literature? The Iliad, Decameron, Canterbury Tales, Ulysses and so on
I read 120 pages of the new testament today
I have a sick desire for I don't know what and it is killing me I can't take it...
Woke up
I'm 23, and the past couple of months it has kinda just clicked and now I just feel old as fuck...
Show me a book cover more kino than this one
Can cyberpunk be rural Yea Forums?
Post books that made you cry
What is a good book to help me conquer the female mind?
Are there any books that deal with the kamikaze pilots acceptance of death, and their decision to volunteer...
Where do I start with him?
Are you happy with the movie adaptations?
Looking for an atheist, sacreligious, anti religious book, where lots of badass shit happens
Favorite writer
Is transitioning just joining the priesthood of the Cathedral?
Isn't property a spook as well?
Which of those two countries have given the most valuable contributions to the world, in Literature and Philosophy?
Talking to friend
I have a negress colonizing fetish. Surely there must be literature about that. Recc me
Never gonna make it bro!
Write what's on your mind
Why do monks shun the world if they see the world as spiritual?
Yea Forums said he's a meme but this shit is mind blowing
Who are the greatest antagonists in literature?
What is his magnum opus? Where do I start?What do I think about him?
Starting a new job on monday. Been Neet for half a year now...
Reading fiction is escapism
Why is there no readily available English translation of the most kino African literature ever written...
Any good books explaining/about Anarchy? I want to hear some good arguments coming from anarchists...
ITT: post your most important filters
Thank you Yea Forums
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Scientists have discovered the reason white women love BBC so much is because they have melanin receptors on the inside...
What makes you a good person, Yea Forums?
Read Kants Prolegomena. Didn't understand anything. Wtf I thought this is a introduction?
Bookshelf thread
Dugin and Land: a Lovestory
Good night frens
How do we fix modern Sherlock Holmes adaptations?
Post your 5 favorite books, and then post your 5 favorite songs. Let's see if there's a correlation
Was Nietzsche a capitalist?
I see a lot of threads promoting non-Catholic faiths. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't be a Catholic
Detecting a pleb library at a glance
What am I in for?
I stole two books today. Was a multi story bookshop with checkouts on each floor. I just walked out with them...
What's on the centrists bookshelf?
Sincerely wondered if I was the antichrist this afternoon
Why yes, I am open to Christianity, I just currently lack the faith but would be happy to hear your arguments friend :)
Looking for calming, dreamy, ambient, sombre, dimly lit, comfy, pretty stories for sitting in respited, remitted...
Ignoring the entirety of the idea of it being from reddit how does this image make you feel?
Looking for a new fantasy series. friend recommended pic related. is it any good?
I don't know how people get through the day. What motivates them to work and be happy? I need a book on normal people
Just bought this, what am I in for?
Sir, the candidates for the personal librarian position have arrived
Books on women?
Your reading setup?
Book is over 400 pages
There's no reason to continue reading moral philosophy after this book. He completely nailed it
Trying to understand communism
Yea Forums here, usually don't read books (or at least don't read books to completion...
I want good horror....please
Havent read Deleuze yet
Another Friday night spent writing that new novel? I'm sure it's coming along real smooth...
Who’s the most Yea Forums lyricist you sexy, tight little book boy twinks?
Absolute AIDS do not try
Is she based?
Arguments for/against having a personal library?
What's the national epic of England? Is it Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, Hamlet or Paradise Lost?
Is it worth delving into the postmodern french philosophers if I think postmodernism is cancer?
Just saw Midsommar. What are some great novels depicting Grimm Folklore and old European tales
Should art be beautiful?
Why don't adults value picture books or children's literature anymore?
What is the most Yea Forums university major?
Being changed by books
Jonathan Littell: Is he based? Is he redpilled? Both? Neither?
Hello my name is Ethan. Why is everyone here so mean? We all love books so we should be nice to one another
It's another cringe attempt to interpret "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword" as referring to jihad
God is definitely real but the way most religions interpret God is most likely false...
The day Yea Forums got told
How do some of you on here read so many books? Do you guys not have jobs or what...
Mother asks what I'm reading
Are all Marxists and Anarchists just losers who resent the people at the top anf just whine about it instead of putting...
How do i make me iq bigger
Help or hindrance?
Someone please fucking explain Hermeticism to me everything I read about it is really vague or incomprehensible
Are there any anime with book level plot?
Discuss Solipsism
What's your favorite part from pic related?
What the fuck am I supposed to do if I know he's right?
Critique thread. post your poetry and prose, and give critiques
Books on what it truly means to be free?
Tfw no amount of reading will fix your life
So I'm 26 and I've come to terms with the fact I'll never do anything with my life
Well, what book, Yea Forums?
He has yet to be disproven
Whats a synonym for 'based' Im tired of using this word
Modern classics
Any English teachers here lads?
How do we, as a board, get rid of the chapocel infestation?
Old/Rare Books
If I don't become a successful writer there is nothing for me. It is all I have...
Keats and Yeats are on your side
What is the philosophy behind transgenderism?
Creates a new country
Nothing is more Lindy than Islam
What's your favorite book lol
When the obvious intention of the book is to get you to hate capitalism for how it warps human beings but all it really...
It's been almost 25 years since the death of the king of philosophy and the contributions that have been made since...
My balls hurt from jerking off all day. What can I read to distract me from the temptation...
When I was 14 I thought he was really witty and cool...
Put Yea Forums related stuff into
Is there a single more ruinous idea in the history of philosophy than thesis - antithesis - synthesis?
The guys on this subreddit is funnier than you will ever be
My friends
Have you seen me?
Is Christianity innately pacifist and liberal or is that a modern development?
Has anyone here committed philosophical suicide? What's it like?
Anons who speak English as a second language. Do you tend to read translations in English or in your native language?
Reminder that the christian concept of matrimony was conceived as a necessary evil in order to keep christian men from...
Is it just me or does the part of 1984 where he reads a book inside the book totally suck dick? it's boring...
The Intellectual Yet Idiot
Red Pill Reading List
What books will make me an alpha male?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
Give me a rundown on Samuel Beckett. What is he all about? Also where to start with him?
You can (not) offer a good reason not to kill yourself
What's your final verdict?
Be me
Is there any texts I can read to learn how to properly debate philosophy?
Can we be honest with ourselves and admit that Western individualism has been a disaster for human happiness...
ITT: Yea Forums tries to provide an answer to this and anons discuss the attempts
Hey Yea Forums what movie did u anons watched that was the equivalent feeling as reading a novel?
Moral Relativism is the final redpill, debate me
Describe her facial features in your best prose
The only substance that exists is God
I'm reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and really enjoying how fluid and light it is...
Are there any books that explain the lack of soul you can see in people of this country?
/sg/ - Spengler General
Yea Forums BTFO
Is free will possible within a materialistic framework...
You did read ten pages even before getting out of bed this morning, right user?
Journal club
*takes your book*
What am I in for
Reminder that Yea Forums is now a low-IQ board
Who else /romantic/?
What does he read?
Excuse me everyone, could I please have your attention, I am going to say my cat's name
What are some good books or essays arguing that literature is the greatest artistic medium?
Was planning to go to the park to read today but it's raining. Considering going to a cafe instead...
Aesthetics Thread
Reading Pynchon?
Was there a more low-IQ and deliberately cryptic-to-come-accoss-as-profound philosopher?
Refute this:
Can someone tell me what the New Atheists actually achieved philosophically speaking to merit the title "intellectual"...
Why did he marry a women 30 years younger than him?
What does Advaita offer that Buddhism does not?
Have you ever met a single person you truly connected with?
Stop reading Marx
/Sffg/ ~ Science fiction and Fantasy general
Which religion makes the most sense?
Name one problem with this
Fascist Literature
What is the most practical literature/philosophy/ideas centric major...
Mmmm, now THIS is water!
Any good Monarchist literature I should read?
Philosophy still hasn't recovered
Excuse my ignorance but why isn’t Bernie Sanders more supported by Marxists...
I think therefore I am
I just got this confession out of a girl anons
Purple Prose
Is this the best ereader?
Is there a person alive who likes this garbage?
I was at the bookstore and I saw a copy of Things That Make White People Uncomfortable by Michael Bennett and Dave...
Does anyone have any recommended books to teach myself english grammar? (Native English speaker)
Critique thread as the last one died
Author's earnings at an all-time low
How can a human being philosophically justify bringing another person into this world...
I was afraid to read Nick Land because I thought it might turn me into a blue pilled xenofeminist leftist but I keep...
I can't imagine a significant amount of people reading obvious fiction like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings and...
How does a man break into Persian literature? Where would he even begin?
He just reads the “classics”
Havent read Deleuze yet
Why do women have such shit taste in literature? Seriously... They only enjoy thrash fiction and nothing more...
Hello, my name is Ethan
What's the bare minimum I need for a small but normal novel in terms of chapters, word counts, pages per chapter, etc?
Realistically, how long does it take for someone to be able to learn a language and read classic literature on it...
Is it better to have loved and lost or to have never loved at all?
The Enlightenment: Reason bros. Reason
And so I am reminded of an old Yugoslavian joke about the Soviet army captain who is on vacation in west Berlin. Now...
I didn't get it
You’re writing your novel and not smoking? Why, are you frightened?
I'm Russian and I have to improve my English reading skills. Any short and simple texts...
Isn't Egoism the solution for people with low self-esteem?
Why are so many seemingly intelligent people religious, even Christian, the least intellectual religion?
Thoughts on law, philosophy of law, jurisprudence, history of law, the LSAT, law school, working as a lawyer?
Any books that will change my outlook on lookism sort of topics?
Is there any fate worse than to be a midwit...
He's not a materialist
So, what did really he say?
Now that the dust has settled... Did they BTFO'd the entirety of american politics and culture in a just a few years?
Death scares me
Is he a good writer? As a fan of his MAGA style videos Im curious how his books are...
Another day shopping at library
Why does Yea Forums put themselves below /int/ in IQ...
Stealing books from library
What's the hardest book to read in the history of literature?
Men are better writers than women, but why...
Not a helpless spastic who grovels at doddering old academics
Peterson. Light of my mind, girder of my loins. My grin, my troll. Pete. Ter. Son...
Name your dick with the name of a book
Neoliberal jihad is upon us
Itt: post literary characters and archetypes you relate to
I didn’t get it. What was the message?
What stops this woman from writing sequels herself instead of spewing retarded lore on twitter
Why did Tolkien steal from the Finns? His own imagination was not enough?
What do you honestly read to make you stop wanting to be a woman and instead want to be a man again like you did in...
Hypocritical or contradictory
Why is Moldbugman so right about everything?
Yea Forums meta thread
Why does EVERY occultist/esotericist always have to tie everything in with Qabalah?
Books with a dominant female and a submissive male?
What the fuck is his problem?
Mussolini's Mistress
How to completely stop getting sexually aroused?
Is he right?
All these basic bitch Nietzsche fanboys who latch onto him because he gives them a nice...
Why is he the only intelligent living philosopher?
Been gone for a few months. is it possible things have actually gotten WORSE?
What are some books where the protagonist is a bad person and at the end gets what they deserve?
Where do I start with Molière?
Why is this man so annoying?
I'm going to the liberry. Dubs decide what do I borrow
Swedish Literature
How do you cope with the idea of eternal nothingness after death? Are there any books that have permanently...
Communism is stupid!
If you didn’t read a book in the writer’s native language then you didn’t read that book
How do commies explain the fact that even in primitive societies which had little to no contact with the outside world...
Is there any good Mitläufer literature out there...
First of all this is a serious post
Post your Dostoevsky shelf
WHY are we not staging a new Capitalist Revolution?
Has anyone here read this? How difficult is its language?
What highly renowned literature genuinely disproves pic related?
How to defeat Schopenhauer
Read like 70 books
Why are women better writers on Twitter? They almost always 'owns' men in any back and forth exchange
Kaczynski and multiple other hermits have extolled the virtues of doing absolutely nothing...
Are there any books that explain this phenomenon?
Mein Kampf is the best book ever written by a politician
How's the writing career coming, Yea Forums?
You're going to have to face it, Yea Forums, the sciences have totally eclipsed philosophy
To the Internet Marxists of Yea Forums:
"Multiculturalism is an insistence that the particular cultures found among less fortunate groups are not to be blamed...
Why is infidelity such a reocurring theme in classical literature?
Shelf/stack thread
What book(s) made you finally “see”?
Be me
Shit midwits say
What's on his bookshelf?
Looking to get into philosophy
Do you think art should have moral limits? I mean, any moral limit
The public philosopher our time deserves but doesn't need, /ourguy/ Ben Burgis doing an AMA on r/LateStageCapitalism
What's on his bookshelf?
Are there any good women writers Yea Forums?
How big is the difference between an e-reader and a tablet?
Islam is not so self effacing as Christianity, it doesn't give up when dismissed or mocked or even persecuted...
Why do I feel like I’ve learned more on Yea Forums then all of my years at school?
Got memed into buying this. Goodbye, $30. What a waste
Never read any genre fiction. Is this a good starting point?
To the Internet Marxists of Yea Forums:
Robert Graves' Iliad
Is his book worth reading?
Why did they have to leave Middle Earth?
I'm about to read Plato's Republic, what should I expect?
He thinks you can "win" at life
Escapism is the only good thing about being alive
Could you guys recommend any books that are about esoteric religious and occult concepts...
You're a loser
I've recently been exposed to the idea of humans not having free will...
Which one do you prefer?
Hey guys whats some good literature on psychedelics? I read terrance mckenna but hes like all over the place i fewl
Is Metaphysics nonsense?
Some "people" in here are philosophy grads. Kek
P-philosophy is not a meme!!
Did he steal everything that is good about LOTR/Silmarillion from the Finns/The Kalevala?
Death of the Author
Cosmology thus provides a model of disintegration that is remarkable for its extremity...
Is the american psycho novel actually worse than the movie? Have not checked either, by the way...
Authors Who Thought Humanity was Evil
Introductions on first day of class
Hiiiiiii, user! I haven't seen you in so long, what have you been up to? Have you published that novel yet...
Why do Humanities and litareture people love to write long paragraphs filled with big words ,fluff and abstraction ?
English as a Second Language
He's still trying to become a writer
Books women passionately hate
Four legs good
User looking for a religion
Why does he get so much hate on here...
Why don't you pirate books, user?
L. Ron Hubbard
Do guys recommend studying analytic philosophy...
What are some books about people who run from happiness?
Why haven't read you read the works of Stalin yet?
Borges says more in a single short story than Bolaño in entire novels. Prove me wrong
What are some good books about creatures that bleed once a month? Preferably non-fiction...
Best Short Books
Male Virginity
"I hate books"
No author has ever written as many great novels as Thomas Bernhard. This man is the real fucking deal
Atheists must cope with the fact that atheism fails at providing any objective moral code...
My work is making me read this meme book. What am I in for?
What are some books that will help me cope with being an incel? I've read all of the basics like Meditations, The Bible...
Do you support your local independent book seller or do you support 'them'?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Just finished Fate's chapter in 2666. Unremarkable novel so far...
Is there a literature pertaining to the dogpill question?
"“Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Oh Lolita!"
ITT: Literary works featuring strong female characters
How am I supposed to go on after reading this...
Any good anti-automobile literature? If you don't hate cars you're not a decent human being
Stop using technology
Underrated writers/philosophers only you read
How lefties become power?
What shall I read next lads?
Still looking for booktooobers, well there you go
Are there any books that can get me caught up on the incel problem?
When you check the tracking and see your books are out for delivery
Is counter culture dead ?
Thoughts on this absolute madlad?
Finished Atomised by Michel Houellebecq
Immigration to europe is good
Our girl is going worldwide
Just realized anime is the YA of visual media
So what was the moral if the story?
How do I get more intelligent?
What are you currently reading and is it any good?
What should one read before going into Plato's work?
I've head about Moldbug a few times in reference to Land, does he have anything worth reading?
Why is "queer theology" so big in Christianity...
Not on libgen
Post irrefutable philosophers
Everything truly great was built in Hell. Prove him wrong
J.R.R Tolkein and The Lord of The Rings
Your favorite book
/crime/ general
Why read when you can watch tv
A city for someone into literature should be a place with culture...
Write a scene based on this image
Give one good reason for reading physical books instead of using an e-reader
Best readerfuel reporting in
ITT: post images or write short stories about them
What are some books with tragic endings?
Anime is based
Have you read On Writing by King?
Was he right or not? If his pessimistic outlook is truly correct, then there really isnt much that we can do, is there?
Are there any books disproving white displacement/democide?
Why is he the biggest pseud? He reads Yea Forums kind of books but his reviews are so shallow
Yea Forums is full of philosophy faggots as always
HI GUYS! « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » here! :3
If you accept that the only reasonable response to life is suicide, then everything else is nothing but cope
Which is better:
Any good books on the morality around murder?
Unfortunately I have made this thread
What does Yea Forums think of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition?
Are we slaves?
Contempirary literature is garb-
Whenever you meet a cute Argentinian girl you bring up Borges
Someone just give me a comprehensive list of books to read in order to become smart like you...
Is English going to keep being the international language of the world or is it possible for another language to take...
He was a homosexual
Is there a base reality surrounded in realities which are all covered in hyperrealities or is everything only a...
Does the written word get too much praise and worship?
This is /trad/ general
/lit's view of Julius Evola
Tell me the optimum self condition that breeds high brow literature
Name a better American author
Who's the Lil Peep of literature?
Evil God Thread
While we study stoicism, chad is out there fucking our oneitis
The curse oneitis
Critique Thread
What's the golden mean between life and death? Coma, being brain dead, cryogenic sleep?
Who was in the wrong here?
What pseudopigrapha or apocryphal works should i read?
I admire the Japanese method of dealing with suffering in life:
Many young people strangely boast of being “motivated”; they re-request apprenticeships and permanent training...
Capitalism killed aesthetics
What are some books that give you true insight into the female nature...
Awful classics
How am I supposed to get a girlfriend with zero relationship experience?
Did Adorno ever address Stalin's rabid anti-semitism...
Sally Rooney
So this chick won the last 3 Hugo Awards in a row. Are her works good or it's just diversity shit ?
Is this what happens when Yea Forums gets published?
What's the best book for finding a girlfriend?
Have insanely smart friend
Supposed 10/10 "classic" book
All men want to rape and Africans came from mud people
Where do you feel closest to god?
Fall into the realization that I've been masturbating at least 1 time per week (but some times 20+) ever since I was 12...
Books for plebs
General bookstore thread, I guess
How do I get into Neoplatonism? Plotinus? How do I continue? What are the prerequisites? Just Plato?
Tell me
Christians like to talk about how superior their moral teachings are to Islam's...
Write a scene based on this image
Give me a rundown on this
Is there a team of 3 thinkers that can defeat them?
What's your favorite Bible character? Mine is Satan. I'm not even trying to be edgy...
My politics tend to be pretty hard left, but I'm still really curious about this...
What do you read to understand that latent homosexuality and being fragile and feminine as a male isn't the end?
Hate the upper classes and the rich
What am I in for, lads?
Are there any novels about being NEET?
Are there any LNs worth reading?
Critique this book
What philosophers / writers raise your testosterone levels?
Fascism is reactionary
When you want to be Gryffindor but they put you in Hufflepuff
The God Delusion
For me, the only place to write is an overpriced coffee shop
What is the best thing to say when approaching women who read in public?
Never read philosophy. I know, I know
ITT: Cringe moments in literature
This book is boring as FUCK
What is wrong with this book?
Democracy? nah bro, i tell you what: think of a car, and a steering wheel...
Fave pynchon novel? pic related
Anyone read this yet? What did you think...
ITT: moments in books that gave you these bad boys
Volume 2 of The Last Binge Ever by LondonFrog is now available
I read 44 pages today frens! Woo!
The Reddit Mindset
Books for understanding the human female species?
Is an above average IQ a blessing or a curse?
What do you do when you're meeting a new person and they say "oh, I don't read"?
Yea Forums humour
Why the fuck aren't e-readers better...
My parents have just tossed me out without ever providing a basis for why I should be alive in the first place...
What are some books that are funnier than Don Quixote or A Confederacy of Dunces?
I’ve wasted my life
Post your five favorite philosphers and get judged accordingly
Dude morality is totally scientifically verifiable and shit
Do you guys think she’s actually read it?
Why did the Greeks stop producing great works of art?
Which one of you wrote this great paragraph?
Ever noticed how Yea Forums uses the word "cope" where they mean ressentiment?
Can you name all of them?
Books that expound on the entitlement of American millennials? Not shitposting
Does anyone here know if the Forgotten Books edition of Decline of the West by Spengler is worth purchasing...
Should I just become Reformed?
What was his endgame Yea Forums?
We're having a bit of a economic-philosphical discourse. which one of us is right, Yea Forums?
Is there any literature that could help me get a reddit gf?
Any more literature like Elliot Rodger's writings?
Hegel was a sorcerer and the Left and Right being lobotomized bastard children of Liberalism and Conservativsm don’t...
Origin of GOD
Trying to read through this book
I have one of those nine-pound Dell laptops you can get for $389 because nobody ended up buying that model...
Here's how to fix libraries
Been trying to write an erotic story but i always get to horny that i'm able to write it and end up jacking off instead...
Legitimate criticism of a song of ice and fire
Let's discuss underrated philosophers?
Write what's on your mind
Read more books
An American Vegan druggie low-test 'kinda-bi' crypto-materialist Buddhist professor was teaching a class on Gautama...
These are the greatest achievements in art
Hundreds of thousands of books
How do I get started with chinese literature?
The trolley problem
What are the best books on Asceticism?
This is unironically the greatest novel ever written
Anti-Religion Yea Forums
Can you prove the existence of “free will”?
Anti-right wing general
What are some good books about world war 1?
What country has the best literature?
ITT: Post psued opinions about commonly discussed Yea Forums topics
Books where a love triangle is solved by having both women be with the man?
The more one looks into political squabbles...
Are there any books with protagonists that are completely disconnected from the real world...
Which university actually consistently produces novelists? Think about it. D'Annunzio never went to university...
The absolute state of /p/seuds lmao
Was he depressed?
Survey for leftists of Yea Forums
Karl Popper
"the scepter of my passion"
Define fascism
I majored in English
Don't enjoy song and dance because they are frivolous and can be reduced to sounds and movements
What book best captures American life?
So marx supported state socialism (communism)?
Why haven't you taken the monkpill Yea Forums?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
How do bookcels cope with the fact that no matter how much knowledge they attain it will never compare to living the...
Can somebody explain to me how did this hack achieve such popularity?
What's some essential female-reader core?
Picasso was more of a poet than a painter
Intellectualism is dead
A utilitarian, desertist, analytic philosopher was teaching a class on Bertrand Russell, known theorist of logic...
Define love in your own philosophical viewpoint
Argentina is an intersting country
The Epicurean man uses his higher learning to make himself independent from dominant opinions; he overlooks on these...
Trying to immerse myself in book
"Oh, you know, I only trust what I see"
Which books can give me an insight into the mind of a cumbrain?
Post books where the main character is LITERALLY you
Thinking of reading this. What should I expect?
How much of the canon have you read Yea Forums?
Without an afterlife, all morality is pragmatic
Remember that burgerpunk shit?
By proving to myself that consciousness is the result of a specific organisation of matter
Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul
Die, last thread! In birth I plunge my icy dagger through your heart. You pass into oblivion unmourned
How do I read and stay focused...
What’s the longest book you’ve read and was it worth it?
ITT: countries with an embarrassing lack of literature
Yea Forumserature with this feel?
Redpill me on rationalism, /lit. Did it end philosophy? Is it Based and Redpilled? Or is it Cringe and Bluepilled?
Was Quentin a true visionary? was he right about literally everything?
A fucking Chad tries to lecture people on suffering and how to cope with the meaninglessness of life
Is pic related actually worth reading, or is it just a Reddit meme?
Thoughts on Dawkins new book targeted for children?
Yea Forums's write a poem together
Would Yea Forums be able to create a /git/-giterature chart similar to the /gu/-gusic one, i.e...
Find copy of Beowulf in the lost-and-found
Is wu-tang clan Yea Forums?
Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
H. P. Lovecraft
Any bloomer type book recommendations?
Sup /lit
A famous NDE suggesting people are having sensory experiences when the body's senses were blocked or not functioning...
Why anglos get hostile when you point out the fact that over 60% of the content of Silmarillion...
I am honestly so sick of tragic protagonists...
Can you really fully appreciate literature if you haven't been in a relationship or had sex...
Did Ted predict bugmen and soyboys?
Where will you be when religion gets BTFO permanently?
The Mesopotamians originated existential philosophy
We ridiculed butterfly so much that she decided to leave us for good
Stop browsing and pick up that fucking book, user
How do Vegans rationalize their pro-abortion stance? It's wrong to kill animals, but it's ok to kill babies?
Reading non-fiction is a million times better than reading fiction. Prove me wrong
Books on Wizardhood
Poorly describe books
Hello from /pol/
I am incapable of holding a moral or political conversation in which I can explain my ideas in a coherent and...
Why aren't you studying a new language right now instead of wasting your time on Yea Forums?
Effects of culture on behaviour
What are some good books about understanding contemporary art in depth...
Princeton Is a Meme
What is the equivalent of Auto -tune in Literature?
Post your face when Euaemon's son Eurypylus stabs Apisaon the son of Phausias at 11.680 in Iliad
Critique Thread
Name some obscure, forgotten classics
I’m going to kill myself if I don’t convert Japan from western degeneracy
So.. is being right-wing wrong?
Are you even reading a book? What's the title and how long have you been at it? Liars are not welcome ITT
Are high literacy rates really a good thing, Yea Forums?
Decide to start with the Greeks
Could be reading but I'm shitposting on Yea Forums instead
How did a single book convince so many people even to today, that it is 100% objectively right, with 0 room for debate?
Theists on suicide watch
Kino Book Covers
Do any of you want to read my book when I finish it? I'm thinking of making a free...
Why is everyone so shitty and rude here on Yea Forums?
I cannot escape the realization that perrennialism is the truth and we have all been seriously lost on our search for...
Roberto Calasso
Bible General
The greatest work in European literature and no one reads it
Atlas shrugged is bad because muh "selfishness"
Simone Weil
Are there any works that only an autistic person could understand?
Nobody will want to read my shitty book anyway
Why didn’t Jesus specifically outline the papal system in the gospels...
What are some books that confront the reality of British life in the second decade of the 21st century?
Who is your favorite character and why is it Quentin Compson?
Dutch literature
I'm writing my novel but in it there are no descriptions of places, locales etc...
Where are the most Yea Forumscountries/cities to visit in Europe? I plan on traveling to Europe this winter...
Was he right?
No author has convincingly proven that my life is worth living
Call yourself a polymath
A Game of Thrones - Folio Society Edition
What does Yea Forums listen to?
Me at family gatherings verbatim
Don DeLillo Thread
Friend plans on having children
But user, fiction's for girls
Dasha and adam broke off their engagement
Writers on Patreon
Does the lack of literary knowledge in the modern world make you furious?
Whats a good adjective to use instead of ‘autistic’...
/trad/ general
Good morning frens
What's the big deal of this book?
Who's the most handsome author?
Does objective morality exist?
Blessings to you all
Are there any books about a black and white interracial couple?
The only logical conclusion is you should kill yourself, everything else is a cope
Would people read a tranny romance novel?
If christianity is a religion of weakness then why christians ended up dominating the world and defeated pagans with...
I've never found anything of worth in the outside world
That qt you have a crush on invites you to her house
No matter how low you set the bar, people are always so disappointing
Is Christianity compatible with Indian philosophies? Does anyone besides Guenon talk about this?
What does the Bible say about the second coming of Jesus...
Who are some philosophers that don't require reading through the Greeks and other foundational readings?
Just purchased this - what am I in for?
What one book is the cure for fascism?
Hi Yea Forums, as someone who's never read a single book in his life...
Islam General
I wrote roughly 40k words for a novel
Itt we draw Max Stirner
Skips the greeks
What's the best books to introduce myself to norse mythology?
I'm so glad I read all those history books
Self-help book
What are some Nietzschesque literature?
He uses the word “morality” to vaguely suggest some system of right and wrong...
Tell me about this dude, why is he a meme?
What books helped you outgrow theism and find science?
How can i learn Spanish in three months? Its for a pretty decent job
Can books cause you to develop mental illnesses?
Autodidact Polymaths
Can somebody redpill me on orthodox Christianity or provide books/resources that will?
I've pretty much read all the major works of the Greeks and Romans...
What are some good books about the psychology of religion...
Materialism is irrefuta-
Read Beowulf
Read Foucault, pretty challenging but as long as I stayed focus I could understand
Does he actually contribute anything to the intellectual discourse...
Isn't it a little weird how we are already in 2019 and there isn't a single good argument against Antinatalism that...
What is the most overpowered dual wield?
Can you recommend me some good books on the art of debate?
How can I fix this retarded retro gimmick known as "deckle-edge"? Any idea how can I "level" the edges? Sandpaper...
So what was his major malfunction?
How do you reckon with the fact that your philosophical ideology is incompatible with the society around you while...
Now that the dust has settled
Take the Henry James pill
Do any of you anons here study the Trivium seriously...
What are some good books similar to 48 laws of power?
Thoughts on the writings of Saint Thomas Merton the Martyr?
Go to my local library to borrow The Nibelungenlied and The Song of Roland
Carl Jung and the Psychology of the Man-Child
What books helped you outgrow atheism and find God?
What is Yea Forums's consensus on this book?
Oh no no no
Why is fascism so aesthetic?
How do i get into advaita vedanta?
How much ought one to have read to be a responsible voter? Maybe the western canon...
What do you read to live in a society where it is possible for nonestrogenized males to look like this?
Books for this feeI?
Jannies are a bunch of Christcucks
Started to become somewhat misogynistic in the past
Muh self improvement
What is the greatest piece of literature ever written?
Why, when talking about manga, do you people need to be
What books deal with being a Christian during modern times?
I wanna learn a new language. Doesn't have to super useful in the market or anything like that. Question is...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
The passover
What are the best books about film?
Eternally BTFO theists with this one weird trick
Why yes, I'm a Marxist, how could you tell?
Does the very fact that this man is taken seriously undermine the American right?
Summarise this book in one paragraph
Any Yea Forums youtubers?
All the Christianity threads on Yea Forums
Good anti-modernity books?
What are some good anti-intellectual quotes?
What are some future classics?
Communists btfo
Is psychology a racket? Are therapists just a bunch of hacks? It's having an expensive conversation...
Be omar mateen
How do I kill my self?
What should I read when going through an anxiety episode?
Will reading enough of the right philosophy give me a galaxy-brain understanding of the world?
What version of Thucydides does Yea Forums recommend? Is the landmark edition the way to go?
Reminder that if you are browsing Yea Forums before doing your 100 pages of reading for the day you will be shot on...
Why is he so anti semetic in this book?
Books to drive suicide ideas away?
Poorly describe a book. Others try to guess it. I'll start easy
Good night frens
Why was he so obsessed with sex? Was he projecting?
/soycore/ Literature
Wow men really suck huh?
It's a Nestor interrupts the speaker to go on a 10 page monologue about how things were back in his day episode
Why do reader women always feel the need to post pictures with books?
Can all christians on this board start including a tag "christian" in their name...
Books that explain this better?
Over the past 2 years I have almost exclusively read Wittgenstein and Wittgenstein related lit, partly due to school...
Post your bookshelf
How's the writing career coming, Yea Forums?
How do you feel about using a comma after 'and' in a list?
THE BRAIN IS THE ECLIPSE OF ITS GROUND: Bakker's Blind Brain Theory does for cognitive science what Kant did for...
/pol/acl here where do i start with lit?
Has anyone read his books?
Books abt me and the boys
Why does 26.4% of the entire world speak this shit language
Brainlet here, where do I start if I want to learn about psychoanalytic theory?
What are the best anti-work books?
Why yes, Blood Meridian is my favorite book. How could you tell?
I have a query for bilingual or polyglot anons on this board: For how long did your study your second (or third...
Does Yea Forums like Balzac?
When did you realize that the ability to give proof assumes that God exists
I'm a Catholic
How many pages a day on average do you read?
Marquis de Sade
Why are the vast majority of great writers religious...
Name one actually interesting book that you've read recently. And don't be a try-hard
How can I train myself to stay focused when reading...
This guy is responsible in fuelling your pornography addiction,THATS WHY YOU CANT FOCUS TO READ...
These are the "intellectuals" of the 21st century
Nietzsche would have been a Capitalist prove me wrong
Can someone explain me who the fuck is this guy and why he is so popular among incels? What are his ideas? Beliefs...
Recent purchases. Just finished Eva #1 and the recognitions. Onto the rest now
I’ve never read it before
I am a National Anti-Socialist Capitalist Traditionalist Christian
This scares the Marxist
Socrates taught Plato
Any writers just like Ferdinand Celine? I just love the not giving a fuck way he writes and his dark humour
God is a thinker and we are his thoughts=400-∞IQ+
Why this board is so lefty?
Superheroes don't exi-----
What are some Yea Forums games ?
I browse this board but i dont even read books
Do this, but for authors
This is mine first time in America. After here 1 month...
If even a fraction of Yea Forums's userbase were to read pic related, this board would be an exponentially better place
Listen. I just want everyone to know that I'm pro-family and anti-drug. Excuse me
Why are there so many trans people on this board? Nothing wrong with it...
A god who could make good children as easily as bad...
This is a thread for the schizophrenic mass poster currently terrorising this board
Religion is the opium of the people and that’s why Godlessness and atheism is being pushed in every corner of the earth
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @