The more one looks into political squabbles...

The more one looks into political squabbles, the more it becomes apparent that it's mostly about different perspectives the lower, middle and upper class has on life and the necessity of them living together somehow.

Any books that you'd read that explained the relationship between classes nicely?

Attached: (767x571, 34K)

>that file name
>this obvious attempt to start a thread about marx

It is okay, it is fine to be a tranny and make threads on marxist lit on this board. No need to be coy.

I am very grateful you took the time out of your busy day of licking boots to post your wonderful opinion

Too brainlet for Marx - any contemporary literature on the topic would be better.

>can't comprehend nuance
>defaults to pre-loaded insult out of confusion

Let's just talk about Marx, friend tranny. No need to get upset.

Post successful!

Class conflict is created by leftists. There is no "working class". What do a construction worker and a factory worker have in common? "Class conflict" began with the likes of Rousseau who wanted to invent a problem when there wasn't any.

>feigns winning a competition that doesn't exist after being outed

Why won't you discuss Marx with me?

>Class conflict is created by leftists.
What does this mean? Do you mean to imply that the concept as a whole if fabricated by leftists or that any conflict between workers and those who own the means of production must necessarily be caused by the agitation of leftists?

>talking to xerself

>still needs to respond

I am glad you are still here friend, if only your posts could stay on topic.

Not him.

>Not him.
That's why I called them a tranny

It's the most obvious in Australia, where you get coal miners and tradies out-earning GPs.

That picture shows a weberian view of class

No it doesn't. If that were the case he would have posted this.

Attached: righthererightnowfatboyslim.jpg (485x346, 43K)

This is because Australia has a highly advanced economy where traditional boundaries between classes are being liquefied as capitalism produces socialism.

My dropkick brother did a year at TAFE to get a driller's license and now he earns twice my salary despite my five years at uni.
Fully seething, lads.

>Too brainlet for Marx


Don't see why GPs would be consider upper-middle class and coal miners lower because of their job alone.
By class I'd think socio-economic class.

This. Australia is owned by the Chinese (Communists) so now hard working labourers are being paid properly for constructing Chinese investment properties.

Well, what does a coal miner or a plumber earning 140,000 AUD a year (no joke, that's typical, I know a fitter at the Gorgon field earning 250,000 AUD) care that he's technically a prole and being exploited?
Half of Australia's working class became cashed up bogans and the other half a precariat, which is why the Labor Party is struggling so much nowadays.

>Class conflict is created by leftists.
i just saw meghan mccain and trump defending nancy pelosi from her leftist dissidents. class conflict seems pretty real to me.


The classical Marxist analysis of class is Erik Olin Wright’s ‘Class, Crisis, and the State’ and ‘Classes’.

Construction workers and factory workers have the fact that they are paid a wage in exchange for hours of work in common.