This is unironically the greatest novel ever written

This is unironically the greatest novel ever written.

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But is it fun to read?


it is

>Reading it in English
Read it in French you inbred mutt.

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can I read this in audio book format or would I be missing out

This is true but only for boys under the age of 16

The only right answer

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That's a funny way of spelling Don Quixote.

I feel like it could be boring if simply narrated. Voice acted and narrated? Potentially. There's a lot of flowery dialogue worth enjoying, so it depends how well that translates.

Very, yes.

I just finished reading War and Peace about an hour ago and want something epic to follow it up. Is The count of Monte Cristo what I need in my life?
I’m trying to decide between this, Anna Karenina, or Brothers Karamazov.

Yes, CMC is amazing

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>translated and abridged by

What version is the best?

how is the vocabulary/grammar in this in the original french?

John lee's narration >any other

prove me wrong

Haven't read the other books you're considering but Count of Monte Cristo is incredible.
I'm gonna post my favorite quote. This is from when two people are about to get executed and one is freed and so the other one has a breakdown

"Do you not see," returned the count, "that this human creature who is about to die is furious that his fellow-sufferer does not perish with him? And, were he able, he would rather tear him to pieces with his teeth and nails than let him enjoy the life he himself is about to be deprived of. Oh, man, man! race of crocodiles!" cried the count, extending his clenched hands toward the crowd, "how well do I recognize you there, and that at all times you are worthy of yourselves!"

I just finished the karamazovs yesterday and i'm still hard

It IS very fun. I'd say, not the greatest novel ever written, but very entertaining.

I haven't read War and Peace, but Dostoyevski or another Tolstoi book are a better match to Tolstoi than Dumas. Dumas is superb for the entertainment factor, but his character writing doesn't have the depth of the Russians imho.

It is, but also very bloated with detail.
To some that may be of great interest tho.

Fun is a buzzword.

Karamazov is life changing. Monte Cristo is good, but the count can be overly Byronic

What's with the influx of Monte Cristo posts lately? Did all the school kiddies read it this past semester?

It was recently on sale on audible.

monte cristo is fun for sure but i hated how it ended literally in the last few pages he suddenly realizes revenge is a waste of time "teehee bye everyone while i sail away with my hot exotic wife ;)" . overall i think the book doesn't fully explain how revenge in itself is a kind of evil and i think he deserved a different ending

buzz is a funword

frenchfags, piggybacking the thread: is the french in voltaire's candide difficult? the style, grammar, vocabulary?

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Les Miserables is better