Are there any books that can get me caught up on the incel problem?
Are there any books that can get me caught up on the incel problem?
tl;dr incels are going to take over the earth
Maybe some books about eugenics or something, that guy should know not to even bother trying with a face like that.
He just needs to get a haircut and hit the gym ;)
>Intro to evolutionary biology
>Intro to Population Genetics
These explain and make the implicit case that we should start eugenics right NOW. People shouldn't have to suffer like that when they've done nothing to deserve it. It never even BEGUN for him and it's all because of evolution (females looking for chad) and genetics (nothing he can do to change it).
too late for eugenics bro crispr babies are around the corner
>we should start eugenics right NOW
Yes, by not letting ugly incels breed. If only Chads were allowed to reproduce the world would be in a much better place.
You don't understand hypergamy. People aren't equal, and women always select the most genetically fit males. There's always a bigger Chad in the pond. Even Chads get cucked. Less so because they're in the top, but it happens. Now imagine if every male became a Chad. It wouldn't change anything. The top 20% would just be gigachads.
This is already happening, and it's not looking very good for the good-genes people. Uprising is close, so very close
This, exactly. You're probably thinking this is some 'gotcha' for incels but no, this is exactly what they want, and they're absolutely right.
Aren't all chads in interracial sex slavery
The untermensch is cursed for good reason.
>women always select the most genetically fit males
Yes, as well they should. Why would anyone want to reproduce with some ugly loser like the guy in the OP? His children would just be cursed. It's better that people like him be barred from reproducing (though that seems to be happening naturally, which is good).
Now obviously the same should apply to low quality women but that's not how the OP started out here.
It's an endless cycle because women always select the top males from a given group. There will always be undesirables. It's not stable. Civilization is stability, nature is chaos. Women will fuck shit up if they keep selecting their genetically fit males. You're either a Chad, betabuxxer (normie or "ascended" incel), incel. These will ALWAYS exist in any system. Crispr or not, eugenics or not.
Yes, it's all good, things are happening as they should. You can understand though why incels are mad, would you want to be a biological failure? Probably not. Which's why we should speed up the process and do eugenics as soon as possible. CRISPR research should be our top priority.
>What do you mean, "The natural hypergamy of women that no longer has any societal stigma or boundaries due to changing taboos and birth control and Tinder leaves many genetically unattractive men, a large percentage of the population on the order of 20 %, without the remotest chance of sexual intercourse or relationships"?!!! BRO, we can all make it! Own it bro! Believe in yourself!
Yeah. There is no such thing as incel problem.
unironically this. ugly people just shouldn't have kids. maybe if we got like, gene editing or something, so at least their kids could be attractive.
why would ugly incels even WANT to inflict children with their condition? Stop. if you can't get laid, there's a good reason for that. let nature do its work.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Reading through this thread I'm realizing I can no longer distinguish between irony and stupidity on Yea Forums.
That's what we call Yea Forumserary brilliance.
Can't ugly people still possess good genes? Like, a rare immunity to a disease, or 130 IQ naturally, that sort of stuff.
And start hitting women on his league.
:( poor Hyperboreabro
Yes. If only good-looking people existed we'd all be living in huts.
>If only good-looking people existed we'd all be living in huts.
Awful cope, ugly.
That's what I mean. Looks are, more or less, an indicator of health and genetic quality, but to say that nobody but the most beautiful should reproduce would lead to a degenerate population after a while.
Be glad you're not an ugly woman. Men select almost exclusively on looks, while women so select based on intelligence, wealth, and status.
>bro it's totally fair that you can only have obese girls with mental issues despite working on yourself constantly
Just a friendly reminder that the most successful male in human history ( by number of offspring ) was an ugly, violent gook.
the most powerful people on earth are uggoids.
physiognomytards BTFO
I am coping, but not in the way you think. I think if I were uglier I might have gone into something useful like engineering, but because I'm good-looking I can get by in life with a bullshit job in finance. So my cope only reinforces the point I made.
>despite working on yourself constantly
And if you're still low status and ugly that's that, either accept it and don't reproduce (ideally) or be with someone at your level.
Yup, and we wouldn't have all these wonderful novels and other works of art that make life worth living.
you mean based genghis? he wasn't ugly at all.
mongols have always been the chads of the slants
>useful like engineering
Most engineers just plug numbers, my man
no. i will rape and rape and rape and you cannot stop me.
He dictatormaxxed, genocidemaxxed, also warmaxxed. Jyst conquer huge swathes of land, bro.
and in today's thoroughly technologically centralized society, plugging numbers is what runs the world
This. If you re going to cite the cruel state of nature, rape should also be considered as a genuine option.
thanks for the shittiest thread I've ever seen on this board. go fuck yourself OP
T-5 minutes until this thread gets nuked.
only incels think looks matter for men
I would if i could get away with it. Any tips?
rape and rape and... rape?
Yep. If you just think in your head that looks don't matter for men, then they won't matter. Be confident and just hold frame. Make sure you dress well!
His nose...
And then what will you do after the rape?
In that case the rape babies can easily be aborted or simply culled themselves, as has been the case for unwanted babies in history.
He's going to impale many a maiden on his cock-sword, this one. One by one shall they be pierced by its delight to their very souls.
Not him, but he's probably going to rape more, since he doesn't have any other option.
no but stopping to ask random girls for their phone numbers is a good start
Op here, any book recs before the thread obviously gets 404'd?
Sex and Character
Michel Houllebecq - Whatever is basically the incel bible.
Good one. I tried that about 40 times last summer and got a grand total of zero. I'm not going to be a jester for some thots. Fuck you.
books about self-improvement and determination?
The Doctrine of Fascism
Holy shit. Is this why religion was born? To make society... Stable and flourishing at the cost of women constraint?
No functional, flourishing society was born from letting women's basest urges run amok.
And by stable and flourishing it means.. Everyone working and productive and somewhat happy. But now that there's no need to let everyone work.. We're going back.. All for big companies will we went this direction and now.. We live this hell
It all returns to nothing, user. Polygamy is already on the rise, and monogamy is more or less dead.
Time flows backwards now in terms of societal progress.