
He is smart and sexy.

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he is fucking neither, christ he looks like conan obrien only shorter, pudgier and brunette
also he talks like a fucking prick

I watched one of his videos and he opened up by apologizing for essentially only bieng able to come up with white male philosophy. he then proceded to expound on said evil philosophy.

tl;dr he's full of shit and even if he believed his own shit hed be a hypocrite

Not literature; fuck off with your gay YouTube shit

This isn't quentin.

He has s o y face, would probably make a cute girl if he tried

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Liberal garbage propped up by moneyed interests to give an artificial sense that liberalism is prevailing in the public space. Breadtube is a joke and LGBT shit is a product of capitalism to divert attention away from class consciousness.

The modern left is a laughing stock.

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What is so wrong with him?

>tl;dr he's full of shit and even if he believed his own shit hed be a hypocrite

His video on his suicide attempt is such phoney cringe shit.

why? it seemed genuine

he transitioned very well. also i'm convinced transgenderism is a real innate condition, because the pre-transition pictures of every trans person I've seen genuinely looks like a soul trapped in the body of the opposite gender. they always have this very strange look to them

He's stupid and ugly
And this thread is off-topic so pls go back to whatever shit site you came from

faggot multi-poster, I fucking told you

Yeah, this one in particular is insane. Looks like they started at 19 and this is seven years of transition

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Good for them. I wish them the best in their future life.

seems like a kind person but i just find the brand of aesthetics done by him and Contra to be really cringey and strange. then again it's pretty original so good for them.

40 is going to one hell of a ride, lol

He who puts philosophy in a pot and boils it gray and tough.

man crapitalism SUCKS

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could you imagine being the soulless nobody who pays someone else to make youtube videos for them

Here's me working a dayjob making barely enough to live on while abject degenerates like this get to churn out one pleb-tier video per month and make more than a living wage

unfortunately for him in 10 years he'll go back to looking like a man

I can't imagine many people who engage with the texts he talks about will find him very interesting or accurate. My exposure to him is limited but I heard him talk about Evola being a fascist, and I know that anyone who thinks that either hasn't read Evola, or has no idea what fascism is. I think he just read the Wikipedia entry because for evidence because he cites Evola calling himself a "superfascist."

Evola called himself a superfascist during the interrogation after he was arrested on suspicion of being a fascist, and the police released him and left him alone for the rest of his life. A reasonable person would wonder why the police released him after such a glaring admission and they might guess that superfascist doesn't mean what he original thought it meant. They might even go a step further and look at the origin language and see that "superfascist" in Italian means "overfascism" or "abovefascism." Philosophytube didn't do any of that though because he's a partisan hack and is making his viewers dumb.

As far as his actually beliefs towards fascism go, there's only some superficial support for some things that look like fascism, like a support for a type of hierarchism. Evola says he has only supported fascism insofar as it supported his own beliefs which consequently led to him abandoning it quite early, and since he has written multiple books dedicated to criticizing fascism which his biggest complaint being how materialistic its doctrines are.

his knowledge of anything is incredibly superficial, he doesn't read and just uses quotes from Mark Fisher to try and look trustworthy but it's clear he doesn't understand him. His entire channel is just a really fucking stupid part of a larger psychological operation of continued misinformation and irrelevance like any one of these bread channels to fill the space even more. He's like a walking version of modern state supported wikipedia, it's embarrassing that people watch this kind of stuff seriously. It's even more when people see these channels as de-radicalisation. It's just jumping from another hyperreality to the next one. There are lectures by mark fisher on youtube that have less views than what he makes on patreon. I honestly hate this.

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Maybe you should try to be of more use to the market.