These are the "intellectuals" of the 21st century

>These are the "intellectuals" of the 21st century
>Social media has given all morons a platform to speak out from and they are heard more than nobel laureates
Nothing but tastelessness and brainlessness left. Petit bourgeois values have taken over the world. The logical conclusion is to stop reproducing and to kill ourselves.

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Peterson is the only one of these people I would consider to be an intellectual.
Inb4 he’s an annoying fagc peterstein etc.
His study of scripture and attempt to apply it practically to the modern life is the epitome of an intellectual exercise

Only if that's your diet. You can live a rich and overwhelmed reading life without ever paying mind to these things. There's too many other authors from other eras.

>When you got masonic quints yesterday
It's time, senpai. See you all on the other side.

He is a self help coach get over yourself

Three of them are Jewish. How do you explain this without falling to the old anti-semitic (or "anti-semitic", whatever) tropes?

I don't think anyone considers Dave Rubin to be an intellectual; he's primarily someone who just wants to sit down and talk to people, to let them get their views out there. He seems to do well in remaining unbiased and seeking out people of any type, didn't he even interview Imam Tawhidi? As a gay Jew, a bloody Imam is one of the last people he should want to talk to because Islam seems to fundamentally hate both gays and Jews.

Anyhow, it is a typical view of radical leftists to say that we should stop reproducing. It's also second wave feminism's 'no-fault divorce' nonsense combined with the welfare state that also came about around the same time that resulted in so very many families being broken up and so many kids being born outside of marriage. This has resulted in drastically diminishing birthrates, and many children turning into rapists/murderers/drug abusers/repeat arsonists when if they had an intact family, they would not. Studies do show that kids raised in single-parent households are statistically far more likely to end up as one of those things. Also, suicide. From fathers who've been forced from their children, from children who've been poorly raised by a single parent, and from single mothers who have found that their market value has diminished substantially due to having BECOME a single mother. They find out, in time, that either they'e going to die alone or at best will have to 'settle' with a sub-par guy that is far below the standards they had for themselves before having a child. Personally, when scrolling through women on a dating website or dating app, I generally skip by any women who have children.

The West is a beautiful place, it is the land of White Christians, and is the best civilization in the history of mankind. We have the highest quality of life ever seen in terms of technology and life expectancy (Japan has the highest life expectancy but if you consider Asia as a whole, I highly doubt the life expectancy is as high as with Westerners), and even the poorest of the poor is generally put on welfare and given housing and food. I've been homeless, and indeed even now I'm on welfare but can still make some money online by writing. In fact for about a year I've made triple-digits every month. I'm proud to be of the West, indeed also proud to be White, our history is amazing, and I also have absolute respect for Dr. Jordan Peterson's message of taking responsibility to improve not just one's own life, but by extension doing one's part to improve the lives of others. I also love that with freedom of expression, both atheists like Sam Harris and Jews like Ben Shapiro can speak their minds. More power to them, and also I can write this and have it appear on various people's screens from different parts of the world.

So, if you so desire, you may indeed refrain from reproducing and commit suicide. Personally, I want to get married (in spite of the dangers) and have as many kids as she can manage.

He's a clinical psychologist, University professor, religious scholar, and a philosopher who happens to have also become a 'self-help' individual in the process. I don't believe it was his aim to try and improve people's lives, but that's what's been happening in the past few years since he was pushed to the forefront by fighting for freedom of expression in Canada and standing up against the authoritarian political correctness that has been coming from authoritarian Cultural Marxists pushing the LGBT agenda into law. His students, before fame, often touted his class as being one that 'changed their life', so it's not like people finding him to change their life for the better is only a recent phenomenon. What he learns, he teaches. What he teaches, helps people. I believe him to be speaking truth when he says that people stop him on the street, apologize for bothering him, and then telling him that he's changed their life for the better. I believe this, because I would love to have the opportunity to tell him just that; my life is better thanks to his teachings, and thanks to his book 12 Rules for Life. Carrying a manageable burden of responsibility truly does help. As does truth, and the rejection of lies. I've been experimenting with following truth, literally to a religious degree since I've also become something of a born-again Christian, and it just WORKS. Truth works.

The right wing is just a bunch of telegenic looking jew patreon grifters in suits selling a neoliberal judeochristian evangelical prosperity gospel/israeli foreign policy, to impressionable downwardly mobile middle class anglo boys who get no pussy.meanwhile the left spokesmen are also nyc jews(chapo) but not telegenic at all, in fact they look and talk like living kvetching antisemitic caricatures out of the pages of der sturmer. All chapo fans hate themselves and half of them are trannies

The West is garbage. China is the only country that is doing it right.

There are also better thinkers in this era, they're just not as prominent. The plebiscite elevates mediocrities because that's what it can understand.

holy faggy buzzwords batman

what about their social credit bullshit

There is literally nothing wrong with this

Dude you're boomer tier 110 IQ cancer

which truth?
that youre a spook cuk?

he is a philisophical lightweight and the number of works he carries under his belt is low. he is a boring and unoriginal thinker and the only thing he is good for is self help.
>cultural marxists
fuck off

It's funny how I used to hate those guys a while ago (except the third one, don't know who he is) but now my emotions have been somewhat numbed by the fact that the left-wing circles I'm part of and follow online have somehow managed to out-retard those dudes, apparently deciding in a meeting I wasn't invited to that the best line of attack against them is cringeworthy middle-school tier "dude peterson fans are virgins lmao!!" "Ben Shapiro is a virgin and thirsty for AOC lol!!" type of insults. It's as if just like the right-wing has become personified by those muh logic and reason dorks the left-wing is slowly being personified by their teenage daughters, and we now have a lot of really stupid people with white girl humor about dick sizes and incels which make me want to slit my fucking throat, particularly when it's coming out of the mouth of a fucking 30-year old writer I used to respect. So now I'm left as a man without a country because I'm still left-wing but I want to kill our entire online culture with my hands, just like I used to want to kill the alt-right retards when they started taking over the online places I went to around the early 10s.

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dude you are 70 IQ zoomer

t. Incel virgin with small penis

Stop investng yourself so much in online culture,, it's functionally brain cancer. See how twitter turns legit intellectuals into posturing retards.

Well, public speakers, preachers and histrionic performers have always been the ones to be most heard and most influential amongst the plebs.
It's nothing new or particular of our times.

40 years ago people like Derrida and Foucault were public intellectuals

>Peterson is the only one of these people I would consider to be an intellectual.
Same. As in case of Sartre and Camus, though, I would care for written works/art from him, if he actually made any. I don't care enough to read Maps of Meaning.
Problem is, he putting himself into the self-help category with his 12 rules, which in itself is a marketing gimmick through and through. Now, he adds another 12 rules, as if the initial cash grab wasn't obvious enough. And for what? He preaches to the masses and is as much of an ideologue at this point as people on the left.
The so-called rules can all be found (in another form) in his lectures, and they are good to some extend, but only if you set yourself right to understand that it is only 'his' point of view. Every academic feels right about any literary analysis they make.

Foucault= milo
Deleuze= Peterson

You cant deny this.

Dave Rubin? Not knocking the guy, but why is he on there? He isnt trying to be an intellectual, he just hosts interviews/podcasts with people that are. Its like youre discrediting him by including him with those other goons.

I was about to make this point myself. The social credit system is horribly authoritarian. They want to CONTROL their citizenry, not merely keep them safe and free, which is really the minimum and I think correct responsibility for a Government.

The two IQ tests I did, granted they were merely online so dismiss them at your leisure, was round 125 or so. Anyhow, I don't care about your view of me, I'm only sharing my own view and I'm up for debating them. Having one's views openly challenged is a fundamental necessity in improving as a human being.

You're free to your opinion on Dr. Jordan Peterson. As for Cultural Marxism, I've heard people try to deny it, but it makes sense to me. Marxism was economic by nature, with the poor/employees being the proletariat/oppressed and the wealthy/employers being the bourgeoisie/oppressors. Now, since that system has time and again proven itself fundamentally unworkable without the deaths/murders/starvation of so many people, it's shifted. Now it's White people, specifically White men, whom are the oppressors and it's the non-Whites and women whom are the oppressed. It requires fiction to hold itself up, just like Marxism. Fiction, and historical ignorance.

Alright 125, jbp is a horrid excuse of an intellectual. Honestly if he's what we have then we have already been doomed. Explain to me how a reciter of jung is a modern intellectual, a reciter of anything. In the 70s prior you had huge sub cultures, plenty pomo avante garde architecture, art, music, philosophy etc. Do you think ppl will talk about jbp even when he dies? He's a nobody and is a terrible excuse for an "intellectual "

Frankly, Dr. Peterson is having such impact with so many people, and bringing so many to religion whom were previously weak in faith or not faithful at all, that I unironically wouldn't be surprised if he had statues erected of him after his death. Or perhaps even before his death. I don't know how much longer he has, I hope it's several decades, but the day he dies there will be so many tears around the world. He fills out venues all across the globe. For months and months he's been touring the world and people are constantly captivated by him on every word, even during his biblical lecture in which he discusses the Old Testament in great detail. Every video is about 2-2.5 hours, there's over 10 such videos to my understanding, and I've watched each and every one of them. People hang on his every word. His book 12 Rules for Life was a best-seller for a very long period, I have a copy myself, it might even STILL be a best-seller and he's working on a sequel; 12 More Rules.

So, yeah, I do believe that people will be talking about him and his views on the politics of today for a long time to come, including after his death. Truth, responsibility, freedom of expression, capitalism, criticism of radical leftism such as Marxism/Communism/Socialism/Cultural Marxism/political correctness, and so on. These are BIG issues and he's accepted his position at the forefront of the issues. I consider him to be very intelligent and thoroughly articulate, as well as VERY precise in his speech. Likewise I hope to develop myself so that I'm intelligent, articulate, and precise in my speech. I've also already self-published several books (a total of roughly 400k words I think) and am still actively pursuing traditional publication. I believe I'm going down the right path, I am also already accepted for College in the fall and I will receive an education I can actually utilize and monetize so it's not going to be useless.

Does anyone seriously consider these people intellectuals? I certainly don’t.

>who cares
>jews have a higher IQ on average and are thus more successful
I still wouldn't understand why it matters if this was not your point. One of them is a religious jew, one is a complete hardline atheist, the other is more or less centrist. They all have different and unique viewpoints (right or wrong). Why does everything have to be a conspiracy theory? Would you say the same if they were all white?

>religious and college boy

Stop writing and read philosophy

>not well read on the subjects he's criticizing
>intellectually dishonest
>is considered an intellectual by this user

>jews have a higher IQ on average and are thus more successful
1. They do, but the numbers just don't add up.
2. It's a "racist" trope, avoided by normal people.
>why it matters
Because it's really strange. What most Russian billionaires and most IDW members have in common? They are Ashkenazi Jews.
>conspiracy theory
>Would you say the same if they were all white?
No, because white people are still the majority of the US population, while Jews are the tiny, tiny minority.

I've only recently gotten into religion in a serious way and I've not yet gone to College. I do intend on reading philosophy; I have a copy of The Sickness Unto Death which I think will be interesting. Currently in the process of reading the New Testament front-to-back. After that, the Old Testament. After that, probably the Quran (which I've already dabbled in enough to know I will NEVER be a Muslim or a follower of that heinous concept known as Allah). I also intend on reading a Torah to get a better idea of Judaism to continue looking into the 'Jewish question' as anti-Semites put it, though I have my own idea of an answer at present. We'll see if it changes.


White need two average deviations to be in the intellectual pachydermecategory while jews only need one.

He's taken up the mantle of Joseph Campbell and Jung in explaining myth to a society so desperate for it that they keep watching piece of shit super hero movies.

If you've already read Campbell and Jung he is pointless but he serves a niche that is necessary in this age of rampant souless empiricism.

I'm going to make a confession here as well; when I go to College, there will be no student fees because it will be paid for by EI, employment insurance. That's something that takes a little bit of money off of people's pay cheque's, so technically it's a form of wealth redistribution, a Socialist/economically leftist concept. I am a right-winger and a Capitalist, but I do believe that Socialist programs can be beneficial provided they are rigorously looked into and made sure that people aren't taking advantage of them. Ideally, all able-bodied and able-minded people are employed, but not everyone is able-bodied and able-minded. Here's why I think that some Socialist elements of an economy are necessary.

Firstly, I've been homeless before, and on more than one occasion, so I've experienced first-hand what it's like to be utterly vulnerable and ready to sleep on the street if need be. Thankfully, a homeless shelter took me in, and I intend on donating $10k to this shelter specifically or at least to the Salvation Army at some point in my life, either all at once when I'm wealthy or piece by piece throughout my life. Anyhow, secondly, I do believe in IQ, in differences in average IQ between the races, and the fact that some people for one reason or another are born with extremely low IQ and/or with terrible physical disabilities. The US Military has been studying IQ for something like a century and will not accept anyone under 83 IQ, which if national IQ studies are correct, in some parts of Africa that's half or even more than half of the population. In the West, it's about 10%. In Japan or South Korea, it's even less than 10%, but I digress. Jobs are becoming more and more technologically advanced, even in fast food you need to be able to absorb a lot of information and be able to work fast. I've worked in several fast food locations so I have experience on the matter, and there's lots of people whom would not be able to keep up due to mental and/or physical deficiencies. Yes, we're talking burger-flipping, taking orders, reading a screen, using a till, etc. Sounds simple and basic, but not everyone can do it, so what do we do with such people who struggle so? Leave them to starve in the streets?

100% pure Capitalism would have that as the answer, because I perceive that concept as economic Darwinism. Those who work, eat. Those who don't, starve. Survival of the fittest, for technically in forced 100% pure Capitalism, even giving a panhandler on the street some change would not be allowed. This is in the same vein as Communism in the Soviet Union where profiteering was illegal and you could be arrested and/or beaten for doing it. Giving someone on the street some change is wealth redistribution to someone who has little from someone who has more than they do and I've performed such an action many times. So though I'm a Capitalist that doesn't mean I think we should strive for 100% Capitalism.

Sure just I personally recommend you go deeper
Karen Armstrong is a retarded cunt but she wrote a short history of myth. It gets down to what makes religions religions but I really recommend you work through philosophy. Historically these are horrible idols (op pic)
How old r u btw?

What about the blacks?

>He's a clinical psychologist
Hes a grifter who sells self help to people who don't know fuck all about philosophy.

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I don't know much about Sam Harris, but Dr. Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, and Ben Shapiro seem to be genuinely good and open-minded people. Dave is probably the least intelligent of the lot, but I still like that he wants to provide a platform for just about anyone who'll sit down and talk with him. I'm a Millennial, I think that's accurate enough in regards to my age.

He's literally a clinical psychologist, and he seems to have been quite consistent over the past at least 2.5 years. I've been actively watching his Maps of Meaning lectures which are recorded from his classroom in the University of Toronto where he's talking to his students. It was done around January 2017 if I'm not mistaken, and sometimes the class ends with applause. People often ask him questions after the lecture itself as well.

Watch or read The Power of Myth with Joseph Campell.

Sometimes I feel like only Burgers know who they are. I only hear about them in Yea Forums.

What's it about?

>religious scholar, and a philosopher
He is neither of these

Shapiro is a cunt.

He has gone into great detail in his studies and teachings of religion, and he is generally considered among the greatest thinkers of our time, perhaps even THE greatest thinker. I'm inclined to believe he's a philosopher, you're free to believe otherwise.

No most burgers are very ignorant and retarded

>generally considered among the greatest thinkers of our time, perhaps even THE greatest thinker

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People have literally said it to him during interviews.

read this

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