Why did the Greeks stop producing great works of art?

Why did the Greeks stop producing great works of art?

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They were infected by the mind-virus of Judaic thought

I wouldn't go to Greece. Because Greece is no longer greece.

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All whites are cucks and perverts and if you aren't as well they'll try and chop ur balls off, nothing u can do

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They didn’t

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Read Captain Mikhális by Níkos Kazantzákis.

Are you ill?

I really don't rate Lanthimos. He only has one gimmick and that's hating movies.

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If you mean the Ancient Greek, it’s complicated, but simply put, time just marches on. Athenian culture was pushed away for war profits, barbarian invasion, mad quests for empire, more invasions, retreat into asceticism and further corruptions. Things change. The one constant in the universe.

>Why did the Greeks stop producing great works of art?
name 5 of their "great" works of art

Nonsense justice is always justice and 1+1 is always 2 pleb, but you're a boring women who can't ever understand truth

Their culture was dismantled, indirectly by Alexander and his father subjugating the other city states to allow Rome to be culturally dominant in Greece, and second by Christian states, particularly the east, banning Greek thought. The culture never arose again and currently the world is in a liberal hedonistic materialist meta which is why world culture has stuttered and why ppl, who necessarily need mystical and philosophical input, gravitate towards kids fantasy movies to find out the truths of nature.

Justices is subjective.
And I donno about this quantum physics/quantum computing stuff. 1s can be 0s at the same time. Might want to look into it yourself

Herodotus histories(first objective history), pantheon, many genres of plays and poetry, philosophy and the rudimentary forms of modern science.
They could've went further and introduced the industrial age 2 and a half millenia earlier as they discovered steam power, built first mechanical computer, self mechanized puppet shows... they did a lot user

The turkish bull rektedbthe w*ite boi

All the nord gods left

If justice is subjective then why do we have a judicial system? You mean justice is slightly relative. No society thinks premeditated murder is ever fine culture wide. That's necessarily a form of justice that is intrinsic to all human societies no matter what or they die. It has a small range of acceptability because its consequences are immediate and severe. Stealing food to get something to eat has a wider range. Don't confuse subjective with objective halfwit

Which is hilariously pathetic lmfao but a truth we must accept and grow from

You the Parthenon, I presume

>then why do we have a judicial system?
We have laws to keep the working class from tearing the leisure class to shreds for their murderous thievery

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*You mean the

They didn't. People just suffer from nostalgia. Same thing happened to Italians, Spaniards, French, etc. when Rome fell. No single country can compare to the standard of its forebearers. This isn't a Greek problem. It's a human problem. It's involution. That said, Greece's art has always remained about as good as most other European countries.

Yeah reading the news about France

If that were true then you must be suggesting that you don't think the judicial system allowing that is bad or good in any real way, and thus no way at all

I kinda subscribe to that involution thing. Proto indo European language was really co plexus grammar, sumerian just less so, latine very less so, German then English. Languages become less complex and hierarchical as time goes on yet they say this is a result of urbanization

justice shares more reality with universal manifestations than purely individual ones (to which this second kind of manifestation pertains subjectivity). Sorry if I couldn't make myself more easily comprehensible.

>We have laws to keep the working class from tearing the leisure class to shreds for their murderous thievery

if history is any guide to the course of revolutions, your raped body would be dumped in a shallow ditch while most of the elites put on revolutionary cockades and laugh their way to the bank

100%! It's also interesting to compare the complexity of Modern and Ancient Greek. Language is a culture's vital pulse. Linguistic involution signals all other involution.

The Greeks (and to some extent the Italians as well) have a very unique problem. Their ancestors WROTE A LOT and it's generally considered to be some of the greatest stuff ever done. So it's a lot to live up to. Involution is nowhere so marked as in Greece, not because Greece is more involuted than the rest of Europe, but rather because of the ancient standard looming over them. But it's safe to say that as far as civilization goes, the Greeks have maintained a standard throughout their history even now (certainly more of a standard than the English and other nords ever had). Greek is probably one of the most conservative languages in Europe. And Greece only looks bad for people who in general lack inner life (such as atheists).

There are islands that were virtually untouched by the turks and the people are genetically the same

You forgot about the 500 years of Ottoman rule and a million Greeks genocided by Young Turks.

Only the middle class go after the rulers.
The working class mostly prey on each other. They are seldom smart enough to see the big picture.

Why don't children stay as children?

It's all about money and its power. Art and culture follow money and power, and Greece is no longer rich and powerful.