Read more books

>read more books
>move more to the left
why is this?

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it's a tendency among writers I'd believe

I don't get how anyone reads Plato and not think he's on the spectrum. The sophists clearly BTFO him even in his own internalized dialogues.

Because you're reading leftist literature.

The probability you'll become left is proportional to your level of education.
This is why right wingers tend to be anti intellectual and cut funding for teachers and education.

>Thinking schools are good
Educated masses was a mistake

The more classics I read the more right wing I have gotten. I used to be a braindead Democrat.

Also don't believe the "muh indoctrination" garbage. They always exaggerate the sjw campus horror stories. Anti sjw content is fear mongering for their real objectives.
Prime example of a right winger who's been duped into thinking learning institutions where you learn facts about the world are somehow a bad thing.
Cue something about trans people even if that's not even talked about in an overwhelming amount of curriculums.

>saying trans
you're a literal tranny
now kill you

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Shut the fuck up retard. You are an insignificant ant and I am a lion. Your feeble mind has been led astray by mass media and degerancy. If you spent your time reading like a person should, you would understand how things truly are.

>Thinking people actually retain any valuable knowledge from school
>Not realizing schools are only there to create a conformist society

Well user I suppose we will have to find someone who has read and moved to the right as a result.
But that never ever happens, infact I am the end of history and the only being who has the authority of agreeing or disagreeing with truth

because of the shit way you view the world

>b..but i was trying to imply smart writers are leftist

Opposite happened to me

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Yiff in hell, furfag.

It’s the reverse in my experience
>fresh out of high school
>be anarcho-communist
>start at uni and start reading more (and more seriously)
>4 years later
>now national-conservative

Not always true. It depends on both your starting views and the type of literature you read. I think that good literature pushes readers towards the centre. It does that to me.

>I think that good literature pushes readers towards the centre. It does that to me
It's true. Now, if you were left before then you may get pushed right and of you were right before you may get pushed left.

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>I'm trans because I don't use slurs out of politeness and don't spew shit from my mouth like an incontinent child
Nah dude. I've never wanted tits or a pussy.
Everyone reads in school. You have to do in depth analyses on what you read in highschool and uni. And yet they produce more left leaning people than the general public.
Of course, your response to this is that they're being indoctrinated by reading the wrong books and should read the books you want them to read. :^)

What the fuck does a metacognitive failure mean?

Based. Everyone in this thread is nothing more than an empty soul who use political adjectives because they're too ugly, fat, or aesthetically illiterate for fashion.

>The radicals completed with pretty much the same accuracy as the moderates

I am the abstract concept of a misfolded protein. With but a single instance of myself in your body I turn all parts against the whole.

For all your might and pride, you are reduced to a retarded, delirious mess of muscular tremors.

You are a worm in the ground afraid or unable to join the rest of us in the real world. The light may hurt your eyes at first but the best things in life are painful at first.

See the second excerpt on the right.

>failed miserably in school because actual retard
>once took an IQ test on the internet
>180 IQ
>confirmed genius
>hurrr its every1 elzes fault. im smurter then every1

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So the radicals were more confident than the moderates? That's understandable

Please quit politicizing Yea Forums

The fuck are you talking about?

I believe you're misreading it.
>Radical participants showed less insight into the accuracy of their decisions
>Radicals showed smaller confidence shifts in response to disconfirmatory evidence
>Instead, our findings highlight a generic resistance to recognizing and revising incorrect beliefs as a potential driver of radicalization.
Radicals are less likely to change their views even after being shown evidence that challenges their beliefs.

what a surprise that the retard cant understand simple green text

So basically people with no beliefs are easier to sway than people with actual beliefs?

I understood the greentext just fine, the problem is that it dosen't relate to my post at all

ask your handler to explain the connection

Asks yours to write your fucking responses.

You're wrong.

Sort of. Metacognition is the awareness and understanding of one's thought processes. And radicals have less metacognitive ability than moderates, they don't know when they are wrong and essentially stick their head in the sand.

Without worms, the soil grows infertile, all food dies, and you along with it. Yet the opposite is not true. Mind your station, lest you abandon it to assert your immediate power over worms.

Did the study ever say what side these political radicals were?

I am more powerful than worms like yourself because I am more capable. You exist only to parrot the views of glorified podcasters you were told are correct. Someone like me actually takes the time to explore the proper great thinkers, digest their ideas, and form value, correct viewpoints based on proper evidence and sober sensibility. Begone.

aaw, the retard is angry. cute

Sad! Was that the best you could come up with in 5 minutes?

"PC culture is ruining the children in universities" is the new "atheism in universities is ruining the children."
Even right wingers care about religion less now, so they need a new education boogey man.
PC equivalent of God's Not Dead when?

If I had to guess, it's probably goes for the extreme left and extreme right. The study never mentions which side of the political spectrum so it's safe to assume that it means both extremes.

left wing politics is a literary/text based ideology. Fascism is about the image, the spectacle.

Start watching yootoob and playing vidya and you'll soon be seig-heiling with the best of them

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This user's right. When I think of the average gamer, I think of a Fascist waiting to happen

the standard "no u!" and "is that all you got?" answers. go eat some ice cream and play minecraft

I got a liberal arts degree and their doctrine is extremely heavy in the curriculum.

Not only that but the entire concept of antiracism and cultural homoginization is not to be questioned should be questioned. First of all the concept is condescending because it is essentially admitting that anglos or whites in general won the game of risk so fucking hard that they now believe they were picking on retards and are throwing round two as to pacify a child who lost at chess. Secondly, the acceptance of everyone into the anglo empire destroys their culture within 3 generations or mutates it to an unrecognizable form. What is the benefit and is anglo culture even worth this willing destruction?

Are you a mouth breather? What does the image or the spectacle mean?

>4 minutes

>Prime example of a right winger who's been duped into thinking learning institutions where you learn facts about the world are somehow a bad thing.
I agree with him and I am not anti intellectual, and my dislike for most universities and public institutions is disdain as I am a STEMfag and have yet to find anyone that studied humanities that has actually been taught much about "facts" and actual knowledge.
The same amount of disdain goes to most of you fuckers here in /lit that actually think the world is missing out on anything of importance because they can't look inside your heads.

>read more books
>become a royalist-syndicalist


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>Thinking people actually retain any valuable knowledge from school
why don't you just call yourself a doctor and start treating people, no need for an education

I should've specified that i was talking about public schools. I wasn't critiquing schools for specific vocations

autists have a very hard time understanding abstract systems and structures. dont be jealous just because most topics that intellectuals discuss goes over your head. we need monkeys like you to do repetitiv autist shit like physics experiments

I learned solidworks drafting, cnc routing, laser engraving, plasma cutting, how to balance tires, change oil, change headlights, photoshop, and illustrator in my public school electives. I also learned about art history and cooking.

>read more books
>become an Aristotelian Revivalist

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Not him but lol you have no idea how stupid you sound for at least three reasons.

>be a productive member of your community
>move more to the right

>dont be jealous just because most topics that intellectuals discuss goes over your head. we need monkeys like you to do repetitiv autist shit like physics experiments
Oh man I sure can't wait for the next intellectual that wins public support to implement some radical changes based on his abstract systems and structures and ends up royally fucking it all up for the entirety of society, those sure are great times.

>be a midwit with the opportunity to do productive work that sufficiently compensates you
>be unable to see past your own personal experiences and think everyone should just pull themselves by their bootstraps
In terms of productivity it usually goes right wingers in the mid range and lefties on the extremes.
Neoclassical economics in a nutshell. Lmao at thinking markets are ever in equilibrium.

>become a braindead uneducated ant
>move more towards braindead ideology

>Lmao at thinking markets are ever in equilibrium.
If I accuse you of something stupid that you don't actually believe in I win hahaha, god what a smart person I am.

The point was that right wingers do the same shit

True, but I haven't been discussing right wing "intellectuals" vs left wing "intellectuals", my gripe is with all intellectuals regardless of ideology.
I didn't become a STEMfag to jerk off to ''libtard tears" as I try to build a perfect utopia based on fucking Ayn Rand books.

Based code monkey

Why do you have a picture ugly crossdressers, you must want to bang/become an ugly crossdresser

He's implying you're akin to those "2smart4school" tardies. Which I agree, you are coming off as a mouth breathing school-hating retard.

It was actually the contrary to me. The more I read the more I embrace fascism and autoritharism

Fucking based.

>the more time u spend in leftist indoctrination centers the more likely u are to be leftist

yeah no shit lmao

if reading books make u pro LGBT, pro immigration, pro race mixing, pro abortion, pro multiculturalism etc then maybe you should stop reading books and go outside and get some sun (sunlight will cure you of your faggotry)

IQ of this poster: below 90

>Don't believe the "muh indoctrination" garbage.

That's funny, because I can't remember the last time I saw a campus protest at a trade school.

Its probably because your chair is unbalanced, try standing up when you read

I can't remember the last time I saw a brainlet who fell for the trade meme who was in good health after his 40s lmao

Pretty much this.

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I can't remember the last time I saw an American that was in good health after his 40s, lmao burgers BTFO

Decent bait. Made me respond. Anyone who actively betters themselves stops wanting to help support those who don't. I'm all for socialized education so that anyone who needs medical help or legal counsel or better jobskills can just go become a doctor, lawyer, or whatever. I'll gladly pay slightly more taxes to restore meritocracy to america. But that's where my left leanings end.

I lift and do cardio on the reg, my nigga. Enjoy your desk job that makes you fat from inactivity, and gives you depression from working under fluorescent lights everyday. You should know that you paid all that money to have your ego stroked.

>I can't remember the last time midwits who are only interested in getting a job and fulfilling their biological imperative of having kids and raising them so those children can grow up to get a job and raise kids ever being politically active
Yeah no shit. Maybe it's because education isn't just a way to get a job for some people.

Yeah, going to a university is about learning to teach the bullshit you learned so you can push your political opinions on kids and don't have to worry about joining the adults in reality.

I wouldn't know user, I read a lot more as a kid and did kind of fall into the "wink wink" leftism of Pratchett, Ian Banks etc but by the time I was out working and socializing with real people I was turning more rightward and once I started following politics on a local level and actually being affected by national level politics (mostly immigration and new taxes) I became fairly rightwing.
Didn't help that most of the thinkers I read and were impressed by like De Maistre made most liberal and left-leaning ones come across as brainlets on particular issues. (his essay on Constitutions had a great effect on me, I couldn't put my finger on what I felt was off about the liberal universalist thought on law prior to that)

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Enjoy early death and no career prospects

The image you posted is making fun of right wingers. What's the motivation behind using it?

You retards are hopeless. Always trying to spin ignorance as enlightenment.
You say you hate niggers but then turn right around and act like one. Give me a break.

Jews don't run the publishing industry. Jews ARE the publishing industry.

>read more books
>all political opinions become ambivalent to the point that I feel unqualified to voice anything regarding this complex world

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Someone hasn't read debord

>read books
>form my own opinion

damn WHAT is the REASON for this, I want your report on my desk by time o'clock or else you're alll illiterate

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Read Das Kapital. Everything will make sense.

Read The Wealth of Nations. Everything will make sense.

What kind of facts would you expect to be taught in a humanities program? Are you talking about linguistics, economics, law?

Yeah sitting on your butt for 30 years is way more healthy than physical activity.

>The probability you'll become left is proportional to your level of education.
Correct, a phenomenon we call oversocialization.

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>What's the motivation behind using it?
Agreeing with it?
Porky aside in reality both leftists (non-parliamentary marxists and parliamentary socdems) and neoliberals (i.e. "fiscally economic, socially liberal") politicals here in my country push that kind of climate politics with freakishly cult-like frequency.
Only the nationalists even question it officially and prefer a nuclear push and only the fringe nationalists and fringe conservatives mock it openly in that fashion.

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Not all physical activity is healthy
It’s well studied that overworking yourself in manual labor brings a plethora of health issues and shortens your life expectancy

>Jews don't run the publishing industry.
>tfw your favorite writer wrote in the 1920s how he absolutely hates having to work with the publisher jews, mentions them by name and how they've tried gypping him off and theorizes on how many young writers they've gypped out of their rightful pay
>said writer drops out of writing entirely after only a few years

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The point of the image is that when 100 businesses are responsible for 71% of carbon emissions, it doesn't make sense to focus on consumer behavior.
It's making fun of the capitalist pig who advocates you to recycle while he keeps his plant chugging along.
But yeah it's weird that lefty people don't tend to embrace nuclear technology. It might be our bias toward a care based ethics.

Ted was an insane man whose views are product of deep trauma after being MKULTRAd

Only reason he was insane was because he thought industrial society could be stopped

>The point of the image is that when 100 businesses are responsible for 71% of carbon emissions, it doesn't make sense to focus on consumer behavior.
Yes I know. I don't see what part of my response wouldn't indicate that and make you feel the need to explain.
Marxists, Soc Dems and Neoliberals here will push for a gas guzzler tax and then give exceptions to industry.
They push taxes to private transport like flight "joy vacations" but never even argue to do the same on industrial transports despite being the vast, vast majority of the emission here.
Nationalists even point out of ridiculous this is but mostly in their own papers because of the stigma of being against ineffective image policies of the envirocultists.
They're only loud on the energy political issue with nuclear because that's the most obviously insane one that pisses off even very moderate centrists who know about the weaknesses of solar and wind.

For me, it's the opposite. The genetic and spiritually weak need to be euthanized. People should be judged by what they provide to society. There is a class of dull, unintelligent, barely-human people who are incapable of compassion who commit crimes or leech their entire life, intermittently imprisoning and releasing them for a lifetime is unjust to both the criminal and the lawful taxpayer. The merciful solution is to euthanize these dumb people. Liberty should be earned, not given.

Oh, thanks for the context. I figure the right answer is to set emissions caps while turning to alternative energy sources and carbon capture to make up some of the difference. Not tax people on dumb shit.

Did you forget that the most infamous right-winged fascists in history happen contain many of the most influential scientists in history? Do you really take the progressivism of modern education as anything more than a passing decades-long fad? What about the research triangle of North Carolina? And do you really identify with the 'highly educated' Yale students who throw tantrums in response to staff respecting the freedom of speech of their students?
This post is possibly bait, but I respond anyway because some people actually believe this.

If this is what you think then you would be a leftist. The right's rigid social and political structures prevent the best and the brightest from rising to the top. Instead it's the people born into the right families, with the most money and the connections, who thrive. The right gives you the Habsburg jaw. The left attempts to give everyone an equal opportunity. Obviously they haven't succeeded yet, but at least they have the right goal in mind.


Yeah, I never got how ahistorical the people who are pushing that rethoric are.
Like Silicon Valley at it's height of innovation was filled with military DARPA people and people who had to wear a super-strict dress code to go to work (even well into the 90s IBM still had theirs), now it's more of a "progressive" dotcom boom cycle machine that buys up the innovative guys from elsewhere and drives it into the ground or just shutters the company and stripmines and shelves the tech.

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Having no political beliefs makes you apolitical. Having moderate beliefs makes you moderate.
>I-I might be delusional, b-but at least I am overly-attached to my baseless beliefs!!!
What did he mean by this? Are you arguing that ignorance is somehow positive?

>canadian women litteraly get disciplined for showing a jordan peterson video
>huu no its all fine

Hello bois
>be me
>16 year old readaholic
>mfw i know everything
>plays Hangar 18 by Megadeth
>lets say we get some aliens, eh?

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The left has been taken over by womanly self-hate and compation, it has become a breeding group for tarantula. At least the right are still the same old stupid larper except with internet meme now.

Boo hoo. And I had a physics substitute that tried to argue that the second law of thermodynamics implies God's existence. You're going get extremists. One side just has a vested interest in making a statistic out of an anecdote.

I think reading history, philosophy, and great literature broadens the mind, and consequently, this might make a person more "left-wing" in certain respects. But I also feel like it lends itself to a more tragic view of the human condition, and in certain respects, this can make a person more "culturally conservative", for lack of a better word.

the truth hurts, doesnt it?

>public support


imo the most patrician ideology of the 21st century is racist social democrat.

Me too.
Hitler did nothing wrong

> ̶B̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶e̶f̶t̶i̶s̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶t̶e̶r̶a̶t̶u̶r̶e̶.̶
>Because you're reading poorly written alt-right literature.

Read Mein Kampf. Everything will make sense.

You're drifting away from reality? Trade dirt and sweat for rumination and isolation.

you are reading french writers

>tfw ethnic-centric & racist social democrat
>can't vote for the actual social democrats because they're neolibs who worship foreigners and rely on open borders type to form governments
>have to settle for the nationalist right-economic-leaning sort-of soc-dems
a feel so complicated

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>Boo hoo.
"you're right and I know you are but I don't like it so I will ridicule you for it"

So Nazi? That's not patrician

Play videogames and you will move to the right

Video games turned me to the left because I always played support roles.

>read more books
>move more to the right
why is this?

Education is positively correlated with liberal beliefs. Being empathetic is smart.

>read more books
>stop being a retarded faggot that can only think on black and white dichotomies

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I moved right

Since childhood I've had left-libertarian beliefs. People should be responsible enough to make decisions for themselves. The only difference since then is that I've seen the hopelessness of so many people in society. Laws exist to keep dumb people from hurting themselves and others. Remove the dumb from the equation and most crimes become unnecessary. The the obese, the self-gratifiers, and the lazy should be given a second chance, and the dumb and irredeemable should be put to death. There's no reason why the lives of others should be limited solely for the protection of this stupid class of people. I believe in private ownership and some element of capitalism. I also believe people who cheat the system for their own gain should be executed. Politicians should be thin people with humility, self discipline, patience and understanding, as opposed to today's obese, boisterous, pompous idiots who leech off of the taxpayer and receive lifetime pension for sitting in an office providing no good.
We have been creating rules for these dumb people for millenia in the form of religous commandments and law. For my historical curiosity, has any politician, government or religion ever had the idea to kill these people?

Again, pointing to individual examples doesn't prove your point, and reading intentions into things I say also doesn't prove it.

This is sub 80 IQ