Can somebody redpill me on orthodox Christianity or provide books/resources that will?
Can somebody redpill me on orthodox Christianity or provide books/resources that will?
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>choosing to let another man (jesus christ/god through the mouth of yet other men) dictate your life and decisions
the ultimate cuckoldry
theres your redpill senpai
>no Gods no masters
>becomes both his God and master
Communist Russian and the Russian Orthodox Church
Catholics kiss feet. The Orthodox drink them.
Christ-chan is the reason I go to church
The Orthodox Church
The Orthodox Way
both by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, although sometimes it uses his old name of Timothy Ware. Church focuses more on the history and overview of the church, whereas the Orthodox Way is more directly about the theology.
Ancient Faith has a wealth of blogs and podcasts, Our Spiritual Life does good topical discussions, and Father Stephen Freeman has a great blog on there which name escapes me at the moment. The Way of the Pilgrim is all about the Jesus Prayer, which is a pretty potent part of the church. Finally, here's an overview of the liturgy which is the center of church life:
Avoid e-Orthodox people, at best watch, listen and discuss stuff about and with legitimate priests, theologians and monks only, pick up the Orthodox Study Bible, The Mystery of Faith. Introduction to the Teaching and Spirituality of the Orthodox Church (Hilarion Alfeyev), The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church (Vladimir Lossky), read The Seven Ecumenical Councils and once you've done that, whether you are convinced of Orthodoxy being true or not, read the Church Fathers.
Some of the beliefs they have are completely unworkable. The Orthodox Church as a whole can no longer have councils since they can never agree on anything, and they have no reason to accept the previous councils they do accept if they would hold every council to the same standard of agreement they hold any potential new ones to.
Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis
Knowing God, J. I. Packer
The Gospel According to God, John MacArthur
Obviously also the Bible
Christianity is based on historically verifiable facts. God doesn't call us to a blind faith, but He has made Himself evident through Creation and through His Word.
This is such a Catholic post. No one cares that Orthodoxy doesn't fit your little logic system.
I would accuse you of false flagging if I hadn't run into other Orthodox who thought like this. Some of you are no better than Protestants.
It must be confusing to behold a group of Christians who hold faith with each other without being able to point to a logical system upon which they can ground it. How could such a thing exist?
Who is this group of Christian holding faith together? I can never tell who's in communion with who this week and I actually pay attention to Orthodox news. I see nothing but division.
Ah, if only we had a super bishop who could answer the question for us. How can we even have faith without a logical solution to this problem?
Exactly, yes.
If you honestly think that then your mind is diseased.
I don't know where you're coming from but the Orthodox aren't fideistic. Faith and reason go together. If you disapprove of logic then you're heretical.
Still haven't learned anything since the Council of Florence, have you?
>Catholic attacking bishops
Yaiks bro at least they don't diddle kids
Catholics become very nasty on the internet for some reason.
>you controlling your life is the same as someone else controlling your life
They basically have their own form of Yoga, with physical postures and mantras.
>Yaiks bro at least they don't diddle kids
Sure they don't
Yeah and they use logic too. What a bunch of idiots.
St. Aristotle, pray for us.
>For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, because they are understood through what has been made. So people are without excuse.
It looks like there is room for logic. Do you call yourself Orthodox?
Indeed, God is discerned through the divine syllogism.
Pope infalliblety is the opposite direction of that
>Avoid e-Orthodox people
Jonathan Pageau is legit