Impressionist artist Auguste Renoir used to say that art should be beautiful, because there are enough ugly things in the world already. Is he right?
Is beauty and technical skill needed to create art?
Impressionist artist Auguste Renoir used to say that art should be beautiful, because there are enough ugly things in the world already. Is he right?
Is beauty and technical skill needed to create art?
Technical skill and passion is what's necessary. Technical skill can be pleasing, but it ends up missing soul, or color. Compare computer generated music vs. concert music.
>Is he right?
>Is beauty and technical skill needed to create art?
beauty is relative
How so?
No it isn’t.
Person A thinks F is beautiful
Person B thinks F isn't beautiful
So what you’re saying is that since you can’t be wrong about how you feel something, that shouldn’t be what determines something to be art?
this picture is already on the boards, incel.
Yeah he is right. So was Matisse.
Art should aim to decrease boredom.
Art may inspire awe. It's a glimpse to recognize a subject of true importance. When someone creates something in the material word that drives at intangible truth.
The traditional function of the artist is to imitate nature in her manner of operation
So portraiture, despite being the second highest form of painting in the hierarchy of genres for centuries behind history painting, just isn't art?
'Beauty' can mean 'the beauty of boredom', the 'beauty of violence', etc. etc. in any case mainly just a prolonged meditation on the subjects that it claims are beautiful, i.e. their function in the greater scheme, their reconciliation to life, the balance in their definition, the nostalgia of its ideal ... note Renoir paints scenes of everyday life. He doesn't do still lives, for example, i.e. 'beautiful things'. Generally an art 'after metaphysics' in its effects rather than what the object stands for. Technical skill is neither here nor there, it requires a redefinition as skill in 'execution' the jurisdiction of which is well outside the realm of the frame, the work itself, it is also the societal and business aspects of art creation. It is rare one becomes a master by technical skill alone
Yes. Mind you, "beauty" is not the same as "pleasantness"
Of course it should be. That there are people in this thread denying it shows how degenerated we are.
This painting has neither beauty or technical skill
I would like to put it in a small and colorful summer house in the south of France, looking at it while hearing the roar of the Mediterranean waves...
yes. you can't prove feelings. and you can't prove art. it's subjective and entirely human and free flowing and immortal and random and unpredictable. it should be all of those things in my opinion. but in your opinion if you just think it should look nice technically then that's fine. your opinion is worth just as much as mine.
I can’t imagine art that’s not beautiful
Not a necessity. You look at something like Picasso's Guernaca and it's not necessarily beautiful.
It's not good either.
but you have to mate g
>Should art be beautiful?
Not necessarily but it must say something
Beauty is relative
Ugliness, on the other hand, is universally agreed upon
It is beautiful though, it pays a very large amount of attention to the beauty of the colours, shapes of the lines, etc. It isn't just random bullshit. Im a reactionary faggot about art but even I can recognize Picasso was a genius.
>Is he right?
>Is beauty and technical skill needed to create art?
Yes it should and of course it requires technical skill to be beautiful. Art is closer to crafting than it is to music or writing, and its ultimate goal should always strive for the highest Good it can be, as a reflection of the imagination and in its purpose as an offering to God.
What if somebody thinks you're beautiful?
Depends on what you mean by beautiful, for instance
>For it is clear that the image is called beautiful when it is well painted, and it is also called beautiful when it is a good representation of the person whose image it is, and that this is another cause of Beauty emerges from the fact that one can be present in the absence of another; which is precisely why we may say that the image of the devil is beautiful when it well represents the turpitude of the devil and as a consequence of this aspect it is also repugnant.
t. St. Bonaventure
who understood the distinction between the beautiful when it comes to a work of art, and beautiful because OMG MUH PEEPEE, which is something many retards on this board and elsewhere struggle to grasp
fuck Beksinski
fuck Bougereau
Understandable, even though it's depicting war. Yes it can be found to be beautiful but even if it's not it still accomplishes Picasso's intention when he painted it during the Spanish civil war. Aesthetics is more complex than beautiful and not.
Her lips don't look nice to me, they seem fake
Truth is beauty, beauty truth motherfucker