What shall I read next lads?

What shall I read next lads?

Choices are:

>moby dick
>paradise lost
>fahrenheit 451

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>>fahrenheit 451
yikes, throw these in the fucking trash

Paradise Lost is beautiful and one of the most compelling works of English verse. It also introduced me to Milton who also wrote another favorite of mine, Samson Agonistes.

Are all books with numerals in the title bad?

Paradise Lost, then Moby-Dick.

silmarilion & silmulacra by JRR baudlien

2666 is pretty good.

Never thought about it; it does seems like it.

Throw away Fahrenheit 451 and keep Catch 22

Read Kafka

Already read Metamorphosis and the trial, my dude

Many people seem to dislike 451 itt

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people dislike it because pewdiepie said that 451 is awful... I have not read the book so I do know have a clue if it is indeed bad

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It was required reading for my elementary school district. The only thing I remember is that it bored me to tears.

Paradise Lost for sure

Read them again, you haven't understood anything.

I don't remember anything particularly interesting about it. Just a simple and pretty infantile picture of a totalitarian disciplinary society with a somewhat stupid and happy ending.

Paradise Lost. Catch-22 is sort of a meme imo.

What's wrong with those books? I read Fahrenheit when I was younger and I don't remember disliking it

>Catch-22 is sort of a meme imo.
what the FUCK does this mean

Catch-22 is good if you can read between the lines

Ignore him user

Put your Tolkien books in the correct order please. Its disrespectful

With an embarrassing shelf like that, don't bother. Go straight to kys.

Fahrenheit has good parts but the author is definitely a baby with his head up his ass who doesn't appreciate other forms of art. That said a lot can be extrapolated to the dumbing down of society in general, but then again, there have always been boomers thinking things have gotten dumber.

moby dick > paradise lost > catch 22 > 451, but paradise lost is much shorter than moby dick, you could get it out the way then dive into moby dick.

To me it honestly felt like 1984 for a elementary/middle school ages student. Not a bad book but reading it for school felt monotonous and short sighted.


I guess one should be sent...
...to a Penal Colony for that, right?
Or perhaps transformed into a bug?

451 is on the Yea Forums starter kit/recommended reading.

Why is it on there if it’s so bad?

Genuine question.

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are you 16?



why is your metamorphosis book so fucking THICC the fuck i read it and it was thin as fuck

It has Contemplations with it too


There you go bruh

>Fahrenheit 451
Kiddie starter book. If it takes you more than a day to read you needed to read it thought.

Jewish resentmentcore.

>Paradise Lost
God-tier but you may be too much of a pleb to handle it.

ditto but read Paradise Lost first.


its a stupid book extremely superficial and boring 30 iq nigger tier points brought up by it. literall can be summed up with "dont burn books"

>too much of a pleb to read it

i thought 4channel was a place to talk to frens


It’s not bad.

It’s not bad at all. Unlike other science fiction writers, Ray Bradbury legitimately tries to ‘say’ something with his tales. Many times the themes are dangers of technology and isolation inspired by technology, something uniquely relatable in this time period. He was a visionary.


if you think fahrenheit 451 is "deep" or "insightful" you should just stop reading as a whole

I've read both, one after the other.
Catch is a funny little novel. Probably inspired Monty Python.
451 was fine. The ending was...meh.

I can capitalize my sentences.

Frequently the mentally handicapped cannot. Legend has it that one in three people suck cock. Well I don’t suck cock, and neither does the other person on Yea Forums. So that leaves you.

rather suck cock than be an illiterate mongrel like you

I second this

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hurrr durrr people don't read anymore hurrr durrr they burn books and watch TV all day hurrr durrr the real books were the friends we made along the way hurr durr people who don't read are DUMB with no meaning in their lives hurrrrrrrrr

Real deep shit that book

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>tfw everyone’s intellectual intelligence is far less superior than that of my own

moby dick all the way, legit a great book

If you think that Fahrenheit 451 is about literal book burning, you're the 30 iq retard.

whats it about then retard?

metaphorical book burning