Is transitioning just joining the priesthood of the Cathedral?

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transitioning is for cowards who can't transcend to the new flesh that is neither male nor female. it's reformism not revolution

Are you seriously retarded? These people are mentally ill/defective. No way the Cathedral (or anyone else) wants them running things. They’re disposable pawns.

Back to your containment board, you self-mutatiliting disgusting excuse of a bi-pedal creature.

Based Plato.

Transitioning itself is orthogonal to any politics.
Many trans people are smart enough and get into radical circles just when they try to find groups of people who want to play like they were just normal. Those circles are of course leftist shitfests.

It's literally just an extreme form of cosmetic surgery

Their accommodation requires a great deal of social control (even requiring a major paradigm shift in metaphysical attitudes) to be realized. They're perhaps the greatest asset of any group trying to achieve or maintain hegemony.

“Transgenderism” has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.” The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

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>destabilize an individual’s sense of self that's a good thing, "self" and "individuality" are a false notion of interior reality

I used to not even care but the left has made me hate them. I would always recognize that they're weird but I would be nice and polite but now I will go out of my way to fuck with them in order to encourage suicide. They've made themselves into a menace that needs to be dealt with.

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>It's literally just an extreme form of cosmetic surgery
An axewound is self-harm, no matter how you look at it.
No idea how true/false this is since the subject itself hasn't really been studied well in academia. The vocal majority of Trannies tend to be Male to '''''Female'''' though.

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Transitioning is for faggots who think the act of reuniting the masculine and feminine to reach the primordial and paradisial state that alchemy teaches is literal, and so become the androgynine in the profane and material, which is in no way like the purified spiritual state of initiation that allows one to realize the transcendent metaphysical truths for enlightenment.

there is literally nothing wrong with whig history, the leviathan swims left and that's good la

but the priesthood is academics and media figures, not idiot breadtubers

Breadtube is just academia extending itself into popular new media.

>that pic

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i've never seen anyone developing novel theory or applying any in an unusual way. it's either standard online culture war or aesthetic deconstruction of cyberpunk or something

>Expecting social media to be anything but facile

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They exist as discriminators of the academic consensus. People like this have to exist in a society where anti-intellectualism is so widespread and justifiable.



They don't even apply modern academic theory, they're so wildly outdated doing Weberian symbolism and stratification in 2019.

Yeah, like priests

Not literature related. leftypol or kill yourself.

>They exist as discriminators of the academic consensus
What? their understanding of philosophy comes straight out of Yea Forums and doesn't resemble academic philosophy in the slightest.