Tfw no amount of reading will fix your life

Tfw no amount of reading will fix your life.

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only you can fix it yourself :^)

reading books shouldn't be seen as a way to fill a void in your life

Fuck off modernist

It can. My books are my gf.

user, what is broken in you is the marks from living in a world you were not made to live in. only full communion with God will fix it

by reading you don't fix it, but you can position yourself closer to the ultimate source of fulfillment

But posting Wojaks will!!

>tfw user is a fucking loser and doesnt understand the world doesnt give a fuck about his problems

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Remember user, suicide is always an option.

A preferable one in fact to posting self-defeating wojak threads.

but Infinite Jest and Siddhartha unironically made me live better

No amount of feeling will either.

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books aren't meant to fix your life. they are meant to distract you and help you live with life's problems.

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>this is unironically your mind on fiction

same goes for nonfiction, user. any convincing you have of books fixing your problems is an illusion.

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God I’m so tired of all you whiny fucking children. Go to therapy or something you unbearable, weak, pathetic twats.

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either an illusion or maybe the problems weren't serious and were superficial to begin with.


>waaaah god please help me i can't stop jacking off

Lol no. If I have AIDS and read a nonfiction titled cure to aids I think that would fix my life

It’s all about WILLPOWER!!!


Read more

we're talking about intellectual dilemmas, dumbass.

more like the ultimate source of delusion.

>tfw reading about nutrition and fitness for the past two years
>still fat
Wtf bros? I though reading was supposed to help!