How big is the difference between an e-reader and a tablet?

How big is the difference between an e-reader and a tablet?
I have a tablet I currently just read "real" books and was thinking about buying an e-reader. I have a tablet laying around that I don't really use, should I just use the tablet or would a kindle or something similar be better?
Also which reader should I get, if I decide to buy one?

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Ereaders use magnets and powder to make for easier on the eyes reading than a tablet screen.

dude, i got a kindle two years ago.
Best choice ever. Now i have a virtual library in a hard drive.
The screen doesn't hurt your eyes, you can change the font size, etc. it's just amazing.
Btw, if you're just starting into e-readers, buy an used one, i got a good deal for a paperwhite for 30 bucks.

Ereaders are way better to read from. I wish my laptop had an eink display desu.

>How big is the difference between an e-reader and a tablet?
Enormous, at least for me.
The experience is much more pleasant to the eye, especially on longer reads.

The point is that, unlike normal displays, e-reader displays work without having any backlight, this making it visually very similar to paper.
Many people, including me, get headaches from prolonged staring on backlit displays, something which can be entirely avoided with e-readers.
The big "but" is that they are absolutely shit for everything that isn't an ebook, even PDFs aren't pleasant to read, as they have a fixed styling.

I just bought the 2019 kindle with the amazon prime promotion for 50€, principally to save money on books

With that refresh rate? Are you sure?

I think it would be nice and acceptable for reading blogs or browsing four channel. Videos and the like I would simply use my television.

Reading Yea Forums is "okayish" on an e-ink screen, but the experience really isn't great, every time you move the screen you have to wait a second.

I really hope that high refresh rate, color, e-ink screens become reality within my lifetime.
It seems like a pretty cool technology, that actually has a chance of becoming reality.

Can someone spot me a guide to buying a Kindle? Is there any reason to buy an older one as opposed to the new one they're offering?

Attached: hmmm.png (1008x844, 73K)

Don't bother with anything that isn't backlit. It really makes such a difference. Besides that, decide if you care if it's waterproof. If not, just get whatever basic Paperwhite is available.

>Is there any reason to buy an older one as opposed to the new one they're offering?
well, price mostly. The new paperwhite is basically the previous one + waterproofing, the new basic kindle is basically the previous one + light. If you don't care about the new features, get an old one and pay less.
Some people like physical buttons, so they look for older kindles that had it.
As he said backlight is a must so unless you're looking for something that older kindles have, a previous gen paperwhite or any current gen kindle would be okay, unless you're gonna read manga, in that case forget about the basic model.

This is only regarding kindle. The /g/ approved e-reader is kobo, but idk about those.

i have a kindle but i hate it. it hardly has a page count, its either too bright or too dim, just a turd

Im kind of tempted to buy a kindle oasis

Sorry for the brainlet question, but can you modify a kindle to read pdfs and epubs downloaded online, or do you have to only get books from their store? Basically, can I read free books I've downloaded from the internet?

I bought a used Kindle/Amazon Fire for $30, battery life is shit, lasts 30 hours at most, and it's bright as shit, like staring into a LED light

I had an older kindle, and now a Kobo H2O... I don't buy books lol. Epubs for Kobo, mobi for kindle, go download them wherever, they'll load right up.

Was it a kindle or an Amazon Fire? We're talking about two different devices here retard

it was an Amazon Fire 7th generation

i read pdf on my kindle, not paying any cent to the jews.

well, that's a regular android tablet, not an e-reader.

I don't know if you can make it read epub, but you can convert epub to one of the amazon formats and read free books, without modifying your kindle.

fuck, I get neither a good tablet nor a good reader. it's the worst of both worlds

Which e-reader do you prefer?

E-readers are slow and sucks. With tablet you can watch video and read colorful pdf.

Should I get a kindle or just read off my ipad?

Depends. E readers are really easy on the eyes. They're great as long as your goal is to read. Obviously your iPad has a lot of possibilities, but good luck reading for long periods of time on it

If you don't have problems with reading in a LCD screen for long times and you are going to read many pdfs, specially those with lots of images and if you plan to read comics as well, use the ipad, otherwise, buy a kindle

i dont think id ever look at many PDFs. I used to read comics on my ipad when i was 15 but maybe ill glance back at those for some nostalgia. A kindle is a lot lighter and would be nice to be able to lay in bed with

Skip the paperwhite and get the kobo Clara HD, assuming you don't read Manga since the screen size is a tad bit too small for that. Better lighting, crisper text, refreshes less often but slightly more expensive during Amazon day.

Am i able to load my library of epubs on to a kindle?

Buy a Boox Nova Pro, pleb.

ipad pro 12.9 is the best

me too

You can convert them with 1 of the 500 billion programs created to do just that, but without converting, no.

Are there any ereaders that don't spy on me?

Calibre is your friend

you can put epubs on it, just convert to azw3 or mobi with calibre then send it to your kindle via usb. idk about pdfs but ereaders apparently don't handle them well


Huge screen, huge lettering capabilities if you're sight is fucked, can load pdfs and books with pictures(reference books, text books. great for school or learning), and very thin

>read pdfs
You do not want to read PDFs on a Kindle, that is an absolutely awful idea and will be a terrible experience.

It has a backlit screen and is extremely expensive.
If you care about eye strain or money it is an awful choice.

works fine if you first convert them using k2pdfopt

Converting from PDF can leave you with horrible results, the format is much too complex to be reliably converted.
Sure, it might work well for some things, but for others it will completely break down.
Try it for some typographically more complex textbook and look at the results.

Also my point was about reading PDFs on a Kindle.

how long do you read for where eye strain is a problem?

>Sure, it might work well for some things
Yes, and the previous post made it sound like it doesn't work at all.

>Also my point was about reading PDFs on a Kindle.
I know. K2pdfopt does a PDF->PDF conversion. It outputs PDFs that can be comfortably read on a Kindle.

example input:
example output:

>Amazon™ kindle™
>not jewish