Introductions on first day of class

>Introductions on first day of class
>Everyone has to say his or her name, favorite movie, and favorite book
>"My name is user, my favorite film is Hiroshima Mon Amour, and... uh...
>... My favorite book is Lolita."
>Everybody looks at me in disgust
Why do people not understand that liking a book does not necessarily mean that I agree with or support it's contents?

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>"My name is user, my favorite film is Hiroshima Mon Amour
>Everybody looks at me in disgust
Serves you right, you pseud.

I really liked Alain Resnais :(
But I do believe that my Asian heritage may have influenced my liking this film. Feels good to see a brother banging a cute french girl.

>I don't know- well, I didn't really have talk with user, but I remember he said his favorite book was you know, a romance novel with seven year old girl? And also a movie. He said he likes films... Oh my god, maybe that's also a child porn! Anyway he doesn't seem to have any friends or assigned to activities. I guess he had a lot of free time to you know, walking around... He always seemed busy and nervous.

>My favorite movie is Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut
>my favorite book is Stultitiae Laus or Moriae Encomium
>Chads gf keeps staring at me

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>French class
>You're supposed to say a thing you've never done but always wanted to do
>It's my turn
>alternative/hippie type girl never talks to me again

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Good choices user. My favourite film is Only Angels Have Wings and favourie book is The Autumn Of The Patriarch.

>seven year old girl
She was 14 when he settled them in Beardsley

Can't expect everyone to have your mind. You should've said exactly that to your peers.

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Why is everyone on here such a pussy? Who gives a fuck what some classless woman woman woman a fucking woman thinks about a book she never read.

I agree, stand the fuck up for what you believe in.

>can give any other name of book
>Must pick the one thing that will oust him as autistic

You should’ve said The Bible and The Mother and the Whore for movies

I would've said something like "'How to understand Islam' and '100 ways to kill yourself'"

Orrr Diary of a wimpy kid for book and diary of a wimpy kid 2 for movies

Yea Forums needs a downvote option just for this guy


here (you) go fag

What kind of pleb school are you going to where Hiroshima Mon Amour and Lolita don't get you laid instantly? I went to a faggy as fuck liberal arts school and things like that were Girl Core 101. Fuck, we read Marguerite Duras (who wrote the screenplay for Hiroshima Mon Amour) in the first class I took.

I wish I had made more clever use of my reading preferences to get laid. Might as well make the most of what you already enjoy.

I can't take this shit seriously. Nobody cares when I say that my fav book is Oedipus

she was 12 when humbert started fucking her

“How to receive Allah and fuck him raw”

They looked at you in disgust because of your modernist pleb tastes, user.
>My favorite film is Chimes at Midnight and my favorite book is City of God. My favorite novel is The Charterhouse of Parma, though.

>is autistic
>must do the one thing that outs him as autistic
Checks out, desu

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This is the peak of pseudom honestly. There’s nothing intellectually valuable about sex, you are just a degenerate who uses big words

I'm looking at you in disgust right now, user. How did you ever come by such shit tier tastes? Are you an actual woman?

But everyone loves Lolita, even normies. Did you go to a Catholic school?

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>My favorite film is L'Ascension du Chevalier Noir(2012) and my favorite book is La Oruga Muy Hambrienta. I'm very cosmopolitan with my entertainment.

What the fuck are these people doing? Are they posing for a photoshoot or do people actually share books like this?


>literal basic-tier art hoe taste
>Why do people look at me in disgust?

I've never watched anything by Resnais, do you recommend Hiroshima Mon Amour as a good starting point, seeing as it's his first film?
Also, I agree with you regarding the main point of your post. For some odd reason, when people tell they're really into any sort of crime novels or anything like the Hannibal series, that seems cool and interesting and whatnot. However, the second you throw love and/or sex in the mix, people perceive you as the protagonist/antagonist of said book.
Reading a book about a serial killer does not turn you into a serial killer, reading a book about a whale hunter does not turn you into a whale hunter and reading a book about a pedophile does not turn you into a pedophile.

Arthouse productions suck dick. 1980s action all the way and I'm not ashamed of it

Hiroshima Mon Amour is a good place to start. Definitely shows a bit of Resnais' documentary skills. The beginning sequence is beautiful. Then watch Night and Fog which is a full on documentary.

40s noir is top tier

Lolita isn't even Nabokov's second best novel.


>Favorite movie? Aguirre, the Wrath of God by Werner Herzog of course
>Favorite book? The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil
What kind of person do you imagine?

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those are the worst

>I like Kerouac
>"Ohh why don't you go on the road lmao"

fuck off

It's not bad user, I probably sound like a pedophile myself everytime I say that I like Lolita.

That's very doubtful. High school girls feel comfortable chatting about how well-written Lolita was. It's true the boys were less likely to be comfortable being seen reading it.


>says the retarded recently turned catholic incel

>Hiroshima Mon amour
Absolutely based

Really not a big movie buff but

Favorite book is probably Taipan I'm a sucker for a uberman novel

sad gray asexual who sighs a lot while at their office job, and halfheartedly attempts suicide whenever their current pet dies

delet this

>Yeah, my favorite movie is Avengers: Infinity War and my favorite book is... uh... Eragon, I guess

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Yoo you smoke weed my guy?


A 140 lb autist with a 5 inch dick and fewer than three sexual partners.