The Intellectual Yet Idiot

>The IYI pathologizes others for doing things he doesn’t understand without ever realizing it is his understanding that may be limited. He thinks people should act according to their best interests and he knows their interests, particularly if they are “red necks” or English non-crisp-vowel class who voted for Brexit. When plebeians do something that makes sense to them, but not to him, the IYI uses the term “uneducated”. What we generally call participation in the political process, he calls by two distinct designations: “democracy” when it fits the IYI, and “populism” when the plebeians dare voting in a way that contradicts his preferences. While rich people believe in one tax dollar one vote, more humanistic ones in one man one vote, Monsanto in one lobbyist one vote, the IYI believes in one Ivy League degree one-vote, with some equivalence for foreign elite schools and PhDs as these are needed in the club.

>The IYI has been wrong, historically, on Stalinism, Maoism, GMOs, Iraq, Libya, Syria, lobotomies, urban planning, low carbohydrate diets, gym machines, behaviorism, transfats, freudianism, portfolio theory, linear regression, Gaussianism, Salafism, dynamic stochastic equilibrium modeling, housing projects, selfish gene, election forecasting models, Bernie Madoff (pre-blowup) and p-values. But he is convinced that his current position is right.

>The IYI is member of a club to get traveling privileges; if social scientist he uses statistics without knowing how they are derived (like Steven Pinker and psycholophasters in general); when in the UK, he goes to literary festivals; he drinks red wine with steak (never white); he used to believe that fat was harmful and has now completely reversed; he takes statins because his doctor told him to do so; he fails to understand ergodicity and when explained to him, he forgets about it soon later; he doesn’t use Yiddish words even when talking business; he studies grammar before speaking a language; he has a cousin who worked with someone who knows the Queen; he has never read Frederic Dard, Libanius Antiochus, Michael Oakeshot, John Gray, Amianus Marcellinus, Ibn Battuta, Saadiah Gaon, or Joseph De Maistre; he has never gotten drunk with Russians; he never drank to the point when one starts breaking glasses (or, preferably, chairs); he doesn’t even know the difference between Hecate and Hecuba (which in Brooklynese is “can’t tell sh**t from shinola”); he doesn’t know that there is no difference between “pseudointellectual” and “intellectual” in the absence of skin in the game; has mentioned quantum mechanics at least twice in the past five years in conversations that had nothing to do with physics.

So user... are you an IYI?

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We are suppose to read all of this?

>More socially, the IYI subscribes to The New Yorker. He never curses on twitter. He speaks of “equality of races” and “economic equality” but never went out drinking with a minority cab driver (again, no real skin in the game as the concept is foreign to the IYI). Those in the U.K. have been taken for a ride by Tony Blair. The modern IYI has attended more than one TEDx talks in person or watched more than two TED talks on Youtube. Not only did he vote for Hillary Monsanto-Malmaison because she seems electable and some such circular reasoning, but holds that anyone who doesn’t do so is mentally ill.

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Thankfully not but I like this technique of just listing all the stereotypical shit this person does as an approximation of how much poison is in you.

>he studies grammar before speaking a language
whats wrong with this

Taleb is incapable of writing anything that doesn't involve coming up with a new name for whatever he's talking about.

Severely underrated author and thinker. Based Taleb.

Fuck IYIs
Fuck Arabs
Fuck BS vendors

When the next Israel-Lebanon war kicks off, I will pray for Lebanon to be bombed flat. Not because I give a shit either way, but to know for one brief moment that this LARPing Phoenician will be devastated.

Insha allah my brothers.

its inauthentic

>obsessed with the temple of iron
just midwit things



Visualize a self-defense situation where you're physically destroyed and humiliated in front of a loved one. Whether it happens or not is irrelevant, you're still that sort of man

>English non-crisp-vowel class
simple as

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IMBECILE. I don't have ANY loved ones.

Also you may want to write this for clarity m8

If you end up never getting physically dominated by another man then you're merely a lucky coward who hasn't found out.

that's what a gun or knife is for

He could be one of our very own, talking like that

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All assertions, yet Takeb has no way to prove any of this. Kys Taleb. You’re a feeble minded fuck who should have never strayed from your corner of mathematics.

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I'm not even I.

You can’t realistically react fast enough to subdue anyone with an intention to hurt you that is less than forty feet away.

Gotcha. Also, IMBECILE I (as a gay-reek who doesn't pay debts) know more about you than being dominated by large men. The ancient tradition of Greece-roman wrestling is the epitome of straight manliness. If two large sweaty muscular men in loincloths groping each other and grinding their bodies isn't straight, then I don't know what is.

so how would being jacked help if someone sneaks up behind you and sucker punches you?

Totally in agreement with you, my fellow IMBECILE.

>no way to prove this
>pic is full of pseuds who not only can't prove anything they wouldn't even be able to formulate what it is they'd want to prove
Gabish, imbecile?

Is there a high-brow version of this?

Stop coping and admit it to yourself and everyone else that you are WEAK. You HATE risk, you are a sheltered ACADEMIC IYI who'd FREEZE and CRY in the hypothetical situation I described. Now FUCK YOURSELF.

if you want it make it

I do physical labor while taleb is just a filthy ac*demic soi

The pic is my point. A large amount of unverifiable shit but only lauded as truth because they took their fame of one corner in science and shit all over he others.

Can't. I am low-brow: the person.

I like Taleb but god he has such blazing hot meme tier takes sometimes that I can’t infer whether he’s serious or not. I feel like he’s a really funny boomer that is sometimes really insightful, and other times he’s just a massive crank.

Ironically his personality is like his barbell investing strategy— he might be right when it comes to a philosophical black swan if it ever occurs.

then make that

what about his wife investing strategy? ohnonono

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>puts down a clive cussler novel
>cracks open an old mad magazine
>downloads a joe rogan podcast
>goes for a free swim in the lake
>gets hair cut by a muslim that sells coke out the back
>wears cargo shorts and mono-colour walmart t-shirts
>drinks for 3 hours at the new small micro-brewery
>orders one of everything
>tries to watch all of lotgh each year
>cannot believe how good dark side is
>goes to the gas station for coffee
>downloads kindle app and only "purchases" public domain because it is free
>does four heavy deadlift sessions a week
>talks about how fucking burnt out i am
>goes to restaurants by himself
>lives in northern canada

i know op was bait, but i am lowbrow: the person

>I put my two tape recorders on the table, feebly joking that I want to protect myself against a “Black Swan event” where one failed to work. He quickly corrects me, saying I have misunderstood the central idea of his latest book. It is not about events that are merely improbable and unpredictable. But about those that have a massive impact.

>“What would be the consequence of a tape recorder failing? Minimal. We would just have another lunch,” he says with a smile that makes him look vaguely like a Lebanese Sean Connery (to whom he has apparently compared himself). I ask him for advice on the menu and we order a selection of starters followed by a mixed grill for me and a mouloukhieh soup for him.

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here you go

>As we finish our coffee I ask Taleb, who lives with his wife and two children in New York, whether he has any family in Lebanon. His face lights up. “Do you want to see a picture of my house?” he asks, as he reaches into his bag to retrieve his laptop.

>He shows me some beautiful shots of Mount Lebanon and his home village of Amioun. “Sixteen out of 16 of my great-great grandparents are buried here. And this is where I am going to be buried,” he says pointing to a church. “I can see it from my window.” I was going to ask whether his heritage was important to him. But the answer seems obvious now.

>but he bred an amerimutt

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He’s not a leb though. He’s a filthy Gr*ek

Adorable, saved

Lol stumpt

IMBECILE I shall use fat tony mafioso techniques learned on the mean streets of noo yawk to detect him and beat him up

would being sucker punched on the streets of nyc on your way to work and falling into a coma as a result be considered a black swan event?

>Monkey gets told to use available tools like a superior
>Monkey chimps out
>Insists that bringing anything other than fist is pussy
>Because he thinks his muscles are above average
>And beginners BJJ
>And no one should be able to negate his mass advantage with a 2$ boxcutter

The worth of a 30$ knife is roughly 3 years gym time. He can spend the 2 years 364days saved for more meaningful activity, like fucking your mother.

CRETIN fat tony was overpowered by the fat around his own neck.

He dont got time to get owned by no black swan event he cant see commin; he see the pan pasta commin, and keepem commin, greasy fat fuck.

His funeral looked like someone was burying a panini.

If they cremated his sweaty goldchain ass the funeral home would smell like chorizo.


These are psuedo-intellectuals. They can be smart in some ways, but they are incapable of independent thought. Either that, or they are afraid of being banished from their pseudo-intellectual clubs of underachieving morons they met in college. Either way, they associate themselves with thoughts and ideas that they perceive to be intellectual, but if you ever push them in discourse, they will resort to social shaming tactics to cover up their lack of comprehension of the subject at hand. For them, they like the appearance of being an intellectual, but in reality are complete dimwits.

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Is this Burgerpunk?

Northern English doesn't have th-fronting though.


>The IYI thinks this criticism of IYIs means “everybody is an idiot”, not realizing that their group represents, as we said, a tiny minority — but they don’t like their sense of entitlement to be challenged and although they treat the rest of humans as inferiors, they don’t like it when the waterhose is turned to the opposite direction (what the French call arroseur arrosé). (For instance, Richard Thaler, partner of the dangerous GMO advocate Übernudger Cass Sunstein, interpreted this piece as saying that “there are not many non-idiots not called Taleb”, not realizing that people like him are < 1% or even .1% of the population.)

What's wrong with red wine to steak?

You started the language you're best at by learning grammar?


Is this supposed to be a description of the typical bourgeois champagne socialist who has nothing but utter contempt for the working class?

>gym machines

>he doesn’t use Yiddish words even when talking business
what did he mean by this?

he wants to show he is street smart

just buy a gun lol, or move to a non-shithole place



cringe and seethe

Intellectuals these days are majority a product of the education system which is intent on producing a very Talmudic type of education. One only learns how to subvert the west, not to think for themselves. A highly educated person is worse than an idiot because they know enough to be dangerous.

aren't these toe-shoes?

Lebanon is based, just look at their food.
Taleb has been cringified by excessive twitter use, be he was legit a while ago.
Also OP's description is funny, if nothing else.

forgot pic

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Seconded. Low-brow is probably more interesting than middle-brow.

Pretty much my sentiment. Interesting guy to read but god can his twitter personality be cringe. Fortunately I don' t use twitter.

Wow that's much less cringe and much more based than the high-brow one.

The IYI writes three paragraphs of middling prose to explain an idea that Socrates said better.

There's always a bigger fish. I'd rather focus on what I'm good at and make the contribution that only I can make, rather than be something I'm not.

I agree with him in a general way but half of his listed "historical mistakes" are literally correct.
>low carbohydrate diets are better
>there is nothing wrong with freudianism
>linear regression in the context of what
>gaussianism in the context of what
>dynamic stochastic equilibrium modeling jn the context of what
>p-values in the context of what
My guess is that he knows absolutely nothing about math and saw individual cases where these concepts were applied incorrectly, and now he has to do the usual twitter retarded take and declare a (PHOENICIAN) fatwa on all linear regressions


no but that took 10 years to get to a reading level, i don't want to wait that long

it's okay to begin with learning vocab and grammar but you should start with immersion in native material as early as possible


Taleb is definitely a step above most pseud public intellekschuals.

>watch material in target language
>don't understand anything
immersionfags are delusional

Then why does he think that fucking linear regressions were a historical mistake of intellectual hubris

Imagine being this retarded

You didn't start reading in your mother language until you were at least 10 years old? Fucking pathetic, man.

This is the most long-winded and pretentious way of calling someone a limousine liberal and then rubbing in their own life experiences and showcasing your own supposed authenticity in opposition to a caricature of a center-left intellectual who simultaneously holds every consensus belief in history at the same time

This is a callous indictment of a hypothetical individual who wants nothing more than to understand the world around them based on the information available to them at hand by a man whose own convictions are deeply motivated a priori by a strict, exclusionary worldview and his own stubbornness

>I don't understand le anything!!!!!
Before the invention of all your gay little online courses, how do you think people learned each other's language?


It looks cool but i can never get into it

he claimed that IQ is pseudo science

he BTFO himself

I am not saying that learning grammar/vocab is useless, it is necessary but it should not remain the sole source for your learning. As soon as you reach A2 language proficiency you should definitely start with immersion to avoid sounding like a retard.

but foreigners suck

What a pussy. Isn't this the guy that advocates impotence?

Why did you post some old guys twitlonger?
>bernie madoff
lmao, yeah he clearly understands what happened there

Did somebody hurt him? This seems way too specific to be about a group of people

the elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe


low carb diets are trash. if he falls for this meme he is not as smart as he thinks.
taleb is eye, educated yet edgy.