>trying to immerse myself in book
>dad keeps coming in and telling me to get a job
Do any of my fellow Yea ForumsNEETs have to deal with this? It breaks my concentration and takes like 30 minutes to get it back.
Trying to immerse myself in book
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How old are you user?
Jesus, get a life loser
Lmao leave your poor father alone autist
jesus christ drive off in a car and sleep in it
you are pathetic
yes, except I already have a job and its shit. everytime I visit my dad and ask him to use his connections to get me something better he tells me he is doing all he can and if im too good for my current job I should go out and find a better one instead of bitching. the pay is 4$ a day and I have not been paid in 2 months
>tfw same but 27yo
Things are going to get worse user, you don't have any idea of how much worse.
Find a job and move away before it is too late.
Based NEET, ignore all the reddit posters. FUCK BOOMERS AND FUCK WAGESLAVING
>the pay is 4$ a day and I have not been paid in 2 months
Have you thought of getting your own place? That might be your best solution so you could read more.
I get money from my grandma, etc. Its obviously not enough and she will die some day so Im looking for a job that pays enough.
Why did I even get a degree if this is how it would end?
Have been working that jobs for more than 2 years and used to get paid regularly. That is one of the reasons Im pissed, dad said it would be a stepping stone,etc but unlike him I can see its not going anywhere and Im doing the work of some undergraduate intern. pay is just meant to cover your transpiration fees and snacks
I dislike the interruptions but wagecucking would be worse.
No. I'm currently living in a trailer for work and the most I have to do is write some stuff every now and then. I've got the hours of 2am to 7:30 pm off to do whatever, and there isn't much to do in this town so I just read and watch old japanese toku shows
moral of the story is neets have it good and if you have extra money open a savings account
also don't rent, even if what you can buy is tiny.
sounds likely. Had a situation like that but my co workers were always hovering around so I could never do anything, they are very judgmental and spread the word far beyond work so its best to never to anything they might not like. at another job I kind of had was a construction yard guard and it was okish except the toilet was an abomination, I had to bring my own food and there was no source of water and I had to guard the whole thing solo for 24 hours without sleep. it was actually 27 hours because I needed the travel time and each time I was passing the duties to the next guy we had to do inventory to make sure nothing had been stolen under my watch. The paper work was a joke with no legal power. I did not last more than a week, hardest part was not shitting or pissing for 24 hours.
No it's a research thing. I go out and do some radio telemetry at night and there's only two other people here. Getting an education was the best choice I ever made.
no it wouldnt be. its called having balance in your life you pathetic fuck.
>wagecucking is more valuable than reading
I see his point, sometimes you need to be pulled out of your own world but actual jobs take too much time. "sprinkle in some work" only works for store clerks