How do I kill my self?

I think I'm in the process of undergoing ego death. I've been in a nihlistic malaise for quite a while now but I feel something changing. How do I finish the process?

Or should I not let go of my ego? I read on /x/ that in the process of ego death, if you choose to remain to your ego it will be stronger than ever and that only NPCs become pacifists after an ego death

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Not literature related.

Doesn't Freud talk about ego death or some shit? It is literature related

You didn't phrase your question in that way I mean. Regardless, religious literature is going to be the best for learning what exactly ego death means; Meister Eckhart and Plotinus are my two favorites in western religion that deal with the ego, but they aren't really the edgy sort of violent ego death you are referring to. You aren't going to achieve such a thing without years of practice regardless. There is ego death in a upward sense (you losing yourself in contact with the divine) and ego death in a downward sense (you losing yourself in matter, without any transcendent value). If you think you can disassociate yourself quickly, you are in reality likely just becoming schizo and losing yourself to matter.

>If you think you can disassociate yourself quickly, you are in reality likely just becoming schizo and losing yourself to matter
Can confirm. Don’t do this. Put in the work. Don’t ask me to explain. I won’t.

>Put in the work


Why would you want to kill your ego? That will happen naturally when you die

Because I want to transcend

1. Never listen to /x/ unless it's about gnosticism or mudfloods

2. Ingest psychedelics

3. Yea Forums is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either Yea Forums or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on Yea Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

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you can't kill a thought

Read the Holy Bible and get saved by our Lord Jesus Christ


matter isn't real faggots do you even gnosis?

i've had an ego death on lsd


you seem to be quite strongly stuck in its grasp for something imaginary?

Force yourself through a very humbling experience. I’d recommend going on a 7 day hike with 3-4 days of rationed food/water.

>ego death
>nihlistic malaise
When you feel an itching sensation, do you (even for a fleeting moment) have a paranoid urge or instinct that such sensations are brought about by targeted energy weapons

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OP here. Yeah, for a fleeting moment in the back of my mind

Begome Buddist :^DDD

There's no further step. There's no enlightening or catharsis or further meaning. You're there and you will be stuck there or move to a new illusion

fuck off

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Start with the Greeks. Ignore /x. Suicide cannot be logically justified. God, in His infinite wisdom, made all man mortal.

Death is a result of Adam's sin, not God's willing death to be.

>the Two

The definition of "I" is ego

So many words you know nothing about. Go back to school, kiddo.

You do it with vipassana.
Or you can keep reading and thinking about and cling to the concept of egolessness, but that way is a bit shit desu

Why do you continue to be an edgelord?

This is good advice, I may take it

Read again, kiddo.