Why is Moldbugman so right about everything?

Why is Moldbugman so right about everything?

Attached: patchwork.png (470x746, 378K)

>"the Puritans are to blame!"
>"it's the Cathedral"

Attached: hmm.jpg (1004x1024, 105K)

Imagine being a pacifist cuck that wants thousands of divided city states. 160 IQ here. I am in favor of total world domination.


>the jews are behind absolutely everything

post industrial techno-feudalism is unironically the future
just you guys wait, the Coca Cola PMC is gonna be busting down the doors of Pepsi factories over petty minutiae


Just all things that I don't like.

What the fuck is that map

>160 IQ
Brainlet compared to hypergenius 210 IQ child prodigy moldberg. You cannot compete goyim

The roman empire

holy roman empire, around 1500 i think

Wait wait. Is this what the book is about? I just decided like a week ago city-states were the (optimal) future. They've probably soothed it out a lot more.

He identifies problems well but his solutions aren't so great. Also he's pretty cringe.

>210 IQ
IQ measurements cease at 161.
>child prodigy
Synonym for neurotic and parents with connections.
>You cannot compete
Here's the difference. I am not trying to. Neurotics like you, moldbug, view everything as a competition and become mentally ill and a pseud as a result, always looking to impress others. You by definition cannot be based.

Never read it. Probably never will.

Like city-states also. Don't think Moldbug cares for confederalism, though.

>Synonym for neurotic and parents with connections.
Gauss, Michelangelo, and Da Vinci were all children of subhuman parents you seething brainlet

What is the competition if he's a pacifist according to you?
And how is your quest for world domination not a competitive one.

Ugh too true. I just tried to read his blog on this. It is really cringey. I'm not sure I can slog through this nerds complaining.

If he is so right about everything, why does he need to sound so fucking cringe in every paragraph?


Unfortunately he's a big dork.


he is a catastrophic moron, he literally fingered his own dad




why did he do it?

>one of the key arguments for patchwork is some silly techno magic bullshit that comes straight from a friggin metal gear solid game

>german is still standing
>balkanize it
Who could possibly be behind this?

Attached: 4d6.gif (600x694, 2K)


Why not run one country like a corporation instead? Like England Inc? Why city states on such a small level? (Land is BS btw don't give me that patchwork shit, he doesn't understand thermodynamics)

He has some really good points about the science/liberal alliance but his solutions are never going to happen.

>IQ measurements cease at 161.
not how it works

I am an intersectional kojevian straussian neoconservative trotskyte looking forward to the establishment of a world homogenous state. Face it, global interdependence is long term compatible with market economics and intersectional social justice.Turns out Google, the CIA, the RAND corporation, Air Force strategic command were the real communists all along. Every communist should support progresive NATO forces against reaction. The true meaning of antifascism is unconditional support for israel. for me, communism is just a fancy term for the american way of life.