Reminder that Yea Forums is now a low-IQ board

And the primary reason why is that mods and jannies have been implementing a small scale eugenics program by banning high-IQ users and deleting their threads, making others think that the low-IQ content is the new norm. Short of getting new mods, nothing can be done about the problem. Welcome to the new Yea Forums !

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looks like you made it through the mod eugenics though

It's an ongoing program. I will be banned soon for telling the truth.

Are they also the ones starting all the awful threads and low effort replies?

I unironically believe this

Remember when threads got bumped a few times a week?
Every time an incel commits a crime or an alt-right youtube """philosopher""" posts something, there's a new influx of babies. The most recent examples are Bianca being killed and the Zizek Peterson debate

The issue is that the mods don't understand what 'literature' is.

Sad if true, but knowing the Zizek followers and leftists were banned since a few years there is truth in that claim.

having no mods would allow the situation to regulate itself to the original standard


No, and I say it as someone heavily critic of mods.

Yea Forums went to shit as soon as Hiroshima Nagasaki took it over and started trying to monetize it. Low IQ content is far more attractive to advertisers, so why are you surprised?

Hiro didnt made all things wrong, he actually fixed some stuff. The second part of the post is eerily true though, but depending on management and according to connotations. I dont believe Hiro is aiming for that.

>he actually fixed some stuff
For example?

How paranoid.

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Too many normalfags. Back in 2015 when this board was actually good, only neets posted here.

Please don't bump this thread anymore: I changed my mind and no longer want to be banned.

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you only dislike mods because they're not restrictive enough.

You can ban me instead


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