Name your dick with the name of a book.
Mine is The Stranger
Name your dick with the name of a book.
Mine is The Stranger
Infinite Jest
>Sigmund Freud Psychologist, founder of Psychoanalysis: “Freud held the opinion (based on personal experience and observation) that sexual activity was incompatible with the accomplishing of any great work. Since he felt that the great work of creating and establishing psychotherapy was his destiny, he told his wife that they could no longer engage in sexual relations. Indeed from about the age of forty until his death Freud was absolutely celibate “in order to sublimate the libido for creative purposes.” – according to his biographer Ernest Jones.
Blood Meridian
Moby Dick.
Mein Kampf
Hard Times
Little Dorrit
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics
All about those fat tails
The fountainhead
The sources of Chinese tradition volume 1 from the earliest times to 1600
Catch 22
Man And His Becoming According to the Vedanta
Crime and punishment
The hunchback of notre dame
The Hobbit.
upvoted xd
Lord of the Rings
Men of culture
best one yet
critique of pure reason
Niggerfaggots from outer space
>The Unbearable Lightness of Being
>In Search of Lost Time
>Silent Spring
>It Can’t Happen Here
>Naked Lunch
>Heart of Darkness
The Tunnel ? Hahaha
Infinite Jest
An Advertisement For Toothpaste
The Soft Machine
Lucky Jim
the little prince
How I raised myself from failure to success in selling.
100 years of solitude
Imagine being cucked by your own ideas
either der goldene topf(the golden pot) or animal farm
Black Mass
The Fountainhead was objectively better, no?
It's not evident to me that he was wrong? Sex is good for bonding and thus you should do it, but it probably blocks you from doing something more "sensible", i.e. all the academic innovative things. Unless you believe a sort of muse helps you with that.
A little on the nose.
The God King
The God Delusion
Great Expectations by Dickens
Thomas the Obscure
God's Debris
100 years of solitude
Hadrian the Seventh
runaway horses
The Pale King
The Loser
Naked Lunch
Gadiss' JR
The Divine Comedy
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Less Than Zero
The Dark Tower
The Invisible Man
The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath
the ego and its own
Child of God
the Great Gatsby ))
The metamorphosis
Notes from Underground
things fall apart
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
The balls are thing one and thing two.
Fear and Trembling
Discipline and Punish
Not bad
Mein kampf
Atlas shrugged
The Road to Wiggling Penis
Dharma Bums (in reference to my testicles)
Go Down, Moses
Atrocity Exhibition
fuck, this one is pretty good
The Bible.
He was basically impotent
Mine is how i met your mother
Wealth of Nations
this one got me
The Forest Passage
my diary desu
I have a pussy so i go: Blood Meridian
the birth of the tragedy
The Big Book
The Bell Curve
>tfw having 3 inch dick
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
On the jews and their lies..
my diary desu
portrait of an artist as a young man
Chilly scenes of winter
The Rig
Sein und Zeit
Der Titel erscheint mir eher unpassend als Name für jemandes Glied's.
Der genitiv verlangt nach keinem apostroph
The Dwarf
Geht schlafen, meine Brüder. Es ist spät.
Das ist zwar war, doch ist es nicht falsch eins zu nutzen. Was jedoch ein Fehler ist, ist es ein Substantiv, wie du es in deinem vorherigen Satz tatest, kein zu schreiben. Desweiteren (auch wenn du dir dessen sicherlich bewusst bist) beendet man seine Sätze mit einem Punkt.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
200 years together
The terror
A Little Hero
The man in the high castle
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave
We got a winner
Atlas Shrugged
The Sound and the Fury
The Monster of Florence: A True Story
My dick is Anti-Oedipus
الف ليال وليلة
The Girl who Kicked the Hornets Nest
Where's Waldo?
Paradise Lost
No Longer human
Against nature
Jack Reacher: Echo Burning
About a boy
Johnny Can't Read
middlemarch :(
Foucault's Pendulum
Oliver Twist
The Gay Science
The Dwarf
The Birth of Biopolitics
The History of Sexuality
The Sword of Gnosis
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Innocence Lost
Ass Goblins of Auschwitz
Norwegian wood
the bell jar
the baron in the trees
the nigger of the narcissus
Baby Fucker
Les Enfants Terribles
catcher in the rye
Reddit thread. Everyone posting here should be UTTERLY ASHAMED of yourselves.
The Agonizing Resurrection of Victor Frankenstein
Vanity Fair, A Novel without a Hero
butterfly confirmed as penis owner
good one
you sound hot :3
Minima Moralia
>No one has said The Virgin Suicides
Is it too obvious?
Difference and Repetition
the invisible man
120 Days of Sodom
incredibly based and an inspiration to incels and volcels everywhere
we need to reclaim celibacy as a virtue and not something to be ashamed of
also surprising since psychoanalysis is primarily concerned with sexuality
The Female Man
The Old Testament
The Two Towers
>being this much identified with Yea Forums acoustic
>denying yourself fun because some other site had similar fun
double ew
Death Comes for the Archbishop
19,84 (cm)
A feast for crows
The Nutcracker
The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe
*makes Freudian psychology compatible with celibacy*
heh, nothing personal, kid.
Not a fan of him but I like how he tries to fit celibacy in with psychoanalytic development. I do not agree with his analysis and think he is very weak on a number of points and tries to be popular rather than express right dogma. "Oh grow up" tier boomer attitude too. Not much substance for as long as the series is. Overall score 0/10 on theology. 1/10 on celibacy advice and perhaps 7/10 for a unique outlook
The Idiot
Rising Up and Rising Down
(It's that big too)
Witch Hunter
>“in order to sublimate the libido for creative purposes.”
Was Freud creative? Did he do painting in his free time?
>butterfly has a dick
the tragedy of man
The Metamorphosis
Chocolate Fever
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Fear and Trembling
Anatomy of Melancholy
The Man Who Would Be king
the diary of a country priest
Blood Meridian
Good work.
The Sorrows of Young Werther
This, read Jungs memoirs. Dude was deluded by his own fame and disregarded truth for the sake of fowarding his own dogma.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
‘Commentary on the First Book of Euclid’
On the Heights of Despair
off by one
the book equivalent of whatever this post is:
The Origin of Species
Lord of the Rings
based and dilutepilled
Ich will nur sagen dass im Moment ich Deutsch lernen und zu sehen zwei anons sprechend auf diese Forum, und zu es verstehen--wenn auch ein bisschen--ist COOL. Verzeihen Sie meinen Grammatik!!
Das ist zwar wahr*, aber es ist* nicht falsch eines* zu benutzen*. Was jedoch ein Fehler ist, ist * ein Substantiv, wie du es in deinem vorherigen Satz getan hast*, klein zu schreiben. Des Weiteren* (auch wenn du dir dessen sicherlich bewusst bist) beendet man seine Sätze mit einem Punkt.
As I lay dying.
Ich will nur sagen, dass ich im Moment Deutsch lerne und in diesem Forum zwei Anons sprechen zu sehen, und sie zu verstehen - wenn auch nur ein bisschen -, COOL ist. Verzeihen Sie mir meine Grammatik.
Thank you user. And be honest: what's your reaction when you read what I wrote? Does it sound like a spanish speaker speaking english slightly bad...or really awful? I need to practice my writing and speaking--i only read and do vocab flashes.
It's slightly above google-translate-tier: I can understand you - no problem - but it hurts. Very stilted and unnatural.
Haha, treffend formuliert.
thank you
reminder that sex being an accomplishment only became a thing once women were given equal rights
The Magic Mountain
Slavery and Freedom
The tree of life
Heart of Darkness
The Beggar of Beauty.
Childhood's End.
Red Rising
Geronimo Rex
Freud liked to suck on a big black cigar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>can't get an erection because you're addicted to cocaine
>claim absitence out of some delusional theory that sex means you can't accomplish great things
Inherent Vice
Bleeding Edge
Eye of The World
Dickens (the biography by Peter Ackroyd)
The end of eternity
White nights
The world as will and representation
>The Great Hunt
>The Shadow Rising
>Lord of Chaos
>A Crown of Swords
>Knife of Dreams
>The Gathering Storm
>Towers of Midnight (kek)
This, along with all the hidden references to sex in the series, makes me think WoT was just a fetish thing cloaked as a story
Warning to the west
Tortilla Flat
The book of mormon
Low IQ post. You can tell by the basketball man pictured. Semen retention predates the discovery of cocaine. Predates the discovery of the coca leaf.
Ender's Game.
>we need to reclaim celibacy as a virtue and not something to be ashamed of
Maybe if incels started doing something of worth instead of just being hateful on the internet people will think of celibacy as a good thing again.
Journey to the End of the Night
Post Office
Wtf, I love Fraud now.
focault's pendulum
Fire in the mind of men
oh user, you amiable rascal
Much Ado About Nothing
Hadji Murat