Post your bookshelf

Post your bookshelf

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Other urls found in this thread: you space cowboy posters

No that’s not why we read, we don’t seek validation from strangers through having pretty coloured books, start an intriguing discussion on literature or fuck off

Shut up dumbo

where are the books

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Nice kippah, my friend. What is your favourite of Lovecraft's work?

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OP, our /bst/s are weirdly alike
>thinkpad + (apparently) gnu autismo
>laptop on the right as second monitor, main monitor on the left
>shelf extremely similar and on a similar position
>poster above shelf also on a similar position

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This is just as pretentious as—and a lot more exasperating than—the people using the bookshelves as mere props. You can have interesting thoughts on the content of the lit and take pride in your personal library at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive.

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Which one? I own thousands of books and several bookshelves.

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What's the random bell in the corner for?

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It was just a gift a long time ago and it’s nice to fiddle with sometimes idk lol

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That copy of Phenomenology looks like it's actually been opened. Did you read it?

I've read a third so far. It's been taking a long time since I've been reading it alongside Hyppolite's commentary
It's damn fun reading, but it can be pretty difficult

This, kek. Tom Clancy

>Tom Clancy
>China Mieville
Never post here again.

>jew cap

Gibe brain genes

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I have a drawer

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Kill yourself, narcissistic slut

It's been a while anons.

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How many Divine Comedy copies are those? lmao just read a bilingual edition for god's sake.

bottom's dream mogging everyone

no fun allowed. bet you are an e-book pleb

>cowboy peepoo
shit and actually embarrassing anime taste desu

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Are you Chinese?

>Two copies of The Recognitions
>Dozens of Divine Comedy and Faust editions
>Gabler's version of Ulysses
Just what the fuck are you doing, mate? You're only lacking P&V's War and Peace to be a total weirdo.

Is reading volumes 2 and 3 of Capital worth it?


Is the PV short works close enough?

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ugly women and men reprint 2/10

I seriously have to admit that is one of the better book shelves I have seen on here.


user, I need to know what that thiccpad's stand is.

just a regular stand my father bought in some store, not american and don't know brand or name so can't link it.
The black plastic with a orange dot slides through the metal, so you can choose the angle of the laptop. It's set to be as straight as possible so as to be tall

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>halo 3: ODST

nice, respect

shiet! why not style on u nigguhs?

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this is what it's like to work at a used book store

bottom right = my most recent acquisitions which i will probably read in 5 or 6 years idk

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nice place, nice vinyl collection too

*mild earthquake*

are you also not planning on touching bottoms dream anytime soon?

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based practical poster

What's the baby laptop for?

I can't stop fucking buying second hand books, it's probably 50% of my spare cash each week going to them
top shelf is all my backlog

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I read around 1/3 of it. It was pretty enjoyable!
What do you think?
Some of them are bilingual.

>buying translations

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have sex with me

sorry lemme just learn German before I read half the philosophers on the planet
>Sorry kids, before I can teach you 'cogito ergo sum' you have to learn French AND Latin
Borges wrote exclusively in Spanish
Maybe practice your Japanese before reading Murakami

Fuck you

Are you irish? Do you want to be my friend? Please reply or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

I am everyone's friend my friend :)

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Poster link? Shit's dope

but these threads only serve the prupose of showing of, which, while being interesting once in a wihile. dosen't warrent them being created almost every day.

for everything. My desktop died and I've been using that x200 as main computer. The monitor is connected to it.
It's a core2duo with 4RAM but using gnu/linux on it it runs smooth as hell, no problems so far.
It was good because had been meaning to quit gaming so life solved it for me, only game I've ever played on this laptop was doom 1 lmao you space cowboy posters

Yes but I want to be more friends with you, I have a fetish for irishcels

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Finally someone's who's hopefully read more than 10 books in their life. Kek.

i got an ipad last year and i like browsing through the book app to see what's popular. ipad owners read the weirdest fucking shit i swear it's not even NYT best seller stuff

>mmm cowboy bepop.............. epic.........
>he is smoking the cigarette deep in thought..............
>i also smoke cigarette when i nightwalk.........

I'd imagine its enjoyable if you know English well enough. I bought Schmidt's collected short stories a year ago, or so, and I had to look up words on almost every page. Reading stops being fun when it's that fragmented. But I am working hard on expanding my vocabulary. Hope to be able to read Bottom's Dream (without difficulty) in two or three years.

I don't have a lot of shelf space, so I try to get as much as I can in there.

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What's the point of a nightwalk if you don't smoke a cigarette

>mfw when people barely have a stack of books and 9/10 of them are popcorn


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thoughts on Xenophon's History of my Times and what I assume but for the glare to be Forbidden Colours by Mishima

I liked the Anabasis and all of Mishima's work but Confessions of a Mask was almost a bit too gay for me

Well Xenophon I just class as a continuation of Herodotus and Thucydides and the pelopponesian war in history of my times. It’s decent, but Thucydides is he best of the 3. And no that’s sea of fertility which I have as a single book.

Because you sound like a very interesting man I'd like to become acquainted with

Yeah, I think it's best to read some of his shorter stuff to get a sense of how he thinks about structures and his unique punctuation system.

Did you try Nobodaddy's Children? The three novellas in that collection are some of his earlier works and IMO fairly easy to follow while giving you an intro to his style.

lol at all the jealous anons, this is based also nice BUTT magazine compendium lol

>he reads physical books

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are you gonna finish proust?

These threads are always a bit odd. Do people really only have one bookshelf? Does OP seriously only own 30 books? I accumulate more than that most weeks, and it would take a long time to post photos of everything (not to mention the double-row problem). Do people just have one "perfect" bookcase or shelf with the books they think will impress strangers the most? It seems like that would ruin your sorting, even if it's just by subject or period. I'd rather keep things semi-organized: my library is for family use, not for our rare visitors (or to generate insults on Yea Forums). Still, I love finally having a house so the books can be accessible and occupy two pleasant rooms. I suppose I could just show individual day scores from local library bookstores and thrift stores, or a few favourites. Here are my original Chiswick lectures by William Morris, collected over some time.

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pretty nice collection. You should pick up some baudrillard.

all those divine comedy copies and you still haven't got the best translation.

I love you Morris user. Never change.

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who doesn't have a thinkpad to go wih their main rig

not a single spine is crack on any of your books

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You sound like such an insufferable faggot.

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Are you from Sweden? That looks like Anna Karenina in two parts in the bottom left row.

CEO of duckduckgo was fined for selling info from his last "privacy venture" you're wasting your time user


I see, that's actually not a bad mechanism, didn't encounter such a stand when going through the cheapest chinkshit on Aliexpress, guess I'll have to look elsewhere. Thanks for the info mate

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people really arent marxists in 2019?

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I have an IQ in the triple digits so no I'm not a marxshit.

makes sense, then. sub-1000 IQ "people" are really something, eh?

he's sentient

>3 Trump books

I'm surprised anyone recognized me. I don't think I've been here many months (heavy teaching load). I found a nice turn-of-the-century book on Palmistry, though.

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I suppose I might be. Is that uncommon here? I do like Morris, though.

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based. We'll all get there some day bros

Are you autistic or just really old?


based and CIA-pilled

Books in the dark; computers in the light. This is the last time they spoke as friends.

"Really old" (40s). Morris was the subject of my doctorate, though, which is why I ended up with so many books connected to him.

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You really do type like a 40 year old

are you the gommunist above? your dog looks gay

Why even browse Yea Forums?

what a tragic waste of time to read a whole bookshelf of fucking art history on one person

reading art history and studying it for years is bad enough but to be essentially the brain-slave of some literally whos ghost, I feel sorry for you, you crusty boomer faggot

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I've had the odd pleasant exchange here, but it's mostly work-related curiosity. One of my students referenced this place years back, and I wandered in (it didn't seem so randomly hostile then). It was interesting to see the opinions and debates of literature from people who seem to be roughly the peer group of my university classes. Obviously this board is very much its own world, but it still seems to give a different perspective on the generation (or the subset of it that might study books). In class, it's almost impossible to get most students to speak at all, let alone energetically debate literature. That said, I often wander away for months at a time, and I don't contribute often.

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>reading bad

That kind of focused research is how one gets a doctorate and is allowed to teach university courses. Morris is hardly the limit of my life's interests or studies. I have roughly five thousand books, and I teach a wide range of topics.

I don't think that's what he's implying.

I am a young adult with a fascination for literature, I also thankfully read the books that I buy, as someone who may in the future build up an expansive library by simply going through the motions of finishing a book and then starting a new one, would you say is it worth it to get such a huge library like yours just for a one man personal use?
On one hand I'm always happy to read something new and having the actual books around is a joy in and of itself, it's also something I could pass on to my kids eventually, heck, I love to be able to just reach for a book when I want to look up something instead of reaching for a phone or my PC, but sometimes I think about it and the amount of books I keep just gets silly, not to mention how in the future my collection might surpass some local libraries and whatnot, just freaks me out a bit I guess, and just imagining the amount of money spent on books as is and how much more I will spend is an intimidating thought.

I'd say a moderate library is a wonderful thing, and both my wife and I love walking up to the shelves and picking out something we'd forgotten about or have been waiting for the right mood to read. Our collection is a bit excessive these days, because I can rationalize the acquisition of almost anything (I might use it for a course, it might be handy for an article), and publishers send you books for review or course adoption all the time. I don't find e-readers comfortable, so I stick mostly with material books, but I do find a lot through local library bookstores and thrift shops ($1-3 a book), which makes them very hard to pass up (even if I already have it, I might pick it up for a friend or because my old edition is in worse shape). I do have two children and hope they'll make good use of the library, but I have other plans if they don't want them. Now and then I cull the shelves and donate a few bags back to the libraries. As habits go, it seems a fairly 'gentle madness.'

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Who is it on the painting?

Those Oxford Classics are sweet

I read Diogenes and found it really interesting, any recs ?

>One of my students referenced this place years back
what kind of weird student recommends Yea Forums to a professor?

one of the many problems with universities is the profound amount of niche bullshit that allows individuals like you to sink their claws in and retain a position pushing pulp in to rootlessly rich young retards heads though

ART FUCKING HISTORY my got, can anyone conceive a greater justification of Pol Pot

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I don't teach art history, but thanks for sharing.

probably something equally ridiculously compact

It arose from a conversation about a paper he had submitted. I was wondering where some of his ideas had originated, and he explained about this board (apparently he had asked for input about his thesis idea).

absolute madlad

I dont even have full bookshelf and am soon to be 30. There are places outside of burgerland and first world. Books are just too expensive when you have to import them. I am talking about classics and philosophy because there arent many good translations here and they are more expensive than import. I think I owned only something like 30-40 books in my life. To put it into perspective imagine you earn 500, everything is as expensive as in the west and even more and books cost min 15-20 for some light lit. You would be happy to buy that complete plato you always wanted and had to put money aside for months. You have to import though as there is no complete plato in my language.

well then you shouldn't have been born a third world shitter.

I'm sorry to hear that. Yes, we're very lucky: between used book stores and the internet, it's easy to access most books for a decent price in North America.

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It is. I mostly got used to read pdfs and sometimes when I want a classic huge text like plato I buy it when it is cheaper. Although you dont have that much time reading here. Most people work 12hours a day so your life is shorter and you have to choose wisely what you read or dont, most people dont reat at all. There are nearly no used book stores and only book stores that sell literature is for kids and harlequin novels for thirsty women. Libraries are also places for children. It is a sad state of a failed country that got utterly destroyed in the past.

Where do you live?

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I live in eastern part of slovakia. The capital is okayish if you own a house there but if your skills are not in demand or if you dont have connections you are facing a life of work that pays you just enough to survive. It is normal to work 8-7 or similar + commute for something like 500 euros if you are not a doctor/tech or have huge luck. Libraries are empty deserts, open only 8-4 so not for anyone working and they are closed on weekends so they are useless. Book stores are moslty foreign corporations and they are very expensive. Life is bearable in the west part though if you can get lucky job or know something in demand.

thanks antifa

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This is entirely why I struggle with Yea Forums sometimes. While I love seeing these curated battlestations, I also have a hard time making sense of it. I accumulate and donate books regularly so my collection never stays the same for very long, plus half of the niche texts are stored away for space. Maybe that's unusual in modern times. How were you keeping your books prior to getting your house? I'm in the market but it's a slow uphill battle due to the demand in my area. Advice appreciated!

On a personal note, do you have favorites within your collection? I would love to see them, especially the sentimental ones.

It's not a waste of time to read and learn about something which interests you even if it doesn't interest many others, don't be like that user. It would be a tragedy to life a dictated by the whims of those around you.

I bet he hasn't even read them

I have those Argonath bookends too.

how epic is that?

its a cat

Are you the guy with the cat?

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what did you think of Malcolm X's life?
genuinely interested

Xenophon expedition of Cyrus
Virgil Aeneid
Hesiod theogony and works and days

no but i have another cat

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>Hey materialists check out all the material I own on owning materialists

Was... was that really your takeaway?

>post your bookshelf
>20 books

and now you realise why Yea Forums is shit


holy fuck
such a tryhard generic omg so underground taste

Oh I remember you! You have all the middle english literature. Do you know a good translation for the Stanziatic Life of Christ, the original St. Patrick's Purgatory, and the Siege of Jerusalem

You suck and I hate you

Lots of old stuff. Should fix my collection.

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tan wenos los bolaños

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I hate dustcovers, am I faggot for taking all mine off?

Why are you all so mean...

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>I hate dustcovers, am I faggot for taking all mine off?
You're supposed to take them off when reading and put them back on when on the shelf

That seems like more work than necessary for some pictures and summary text. Is dust harmful to books?


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cumtown poster

are you a boomer?

Nah I'm 25 years old.

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user I ...

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I am deeply suspicious of anyone who frames a poster.


Is that a good abridgement of Gibbon?

I like it. No pretension and your interests are clear

Looks like a comfy used bookstore

this is a pic of you not your bookshelf


>all le big books
>muh thinkpad
>GNU Loonix

must be a student

I like it

too much, pretentious, boring


what's wrong with studying art history?

might as well ask what's wrong with being gay and or a nigger

im genuinely asking because im about to study it

Why are you blurring out your hentai?

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Da besttttt

Fuck all y'all for skipping my bookshelf

get some real books :)

But I'm not some do-nothing commie

>dood let me post my bookshelf so you can see how friggin SMART i am xDD

You fags deserve to be mocked. Kill yourself.

A lot of crap there, seems like a teenagers bookshelf.

What are those numbers

/FA/ is down the hall, on the left. Just listen for all the queefing from the faggits.

Admittedly, I largely stopped buying physical books years ago after I got my first Kindle.

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>Two copies of a Cernovich book in case you lose one
Good call


>Foster Wallace
>en español

Márquez said that the English translation of One Hundred Years of Solitude was better than the original, and I don't see why that might not be the case with DFW especially seeing as he hadn't any talent.

Based. I can't read the titles but there are clearly a lot of STEM books. Yellow = Mathematics from Springer. Two Volumes of Knuth's TAOCP.

¿que? Yes that is my bookshelf.

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kek, never gets old

DFW himself said he doesn't think his English would translate very well because it's very idiomatic so you be cry when read

>that much sugar

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even going through the popular downloads on b-ok brings up a lot of weird shit, and that's a step removed from moms with ipads

>based "believes in the supremacy of the Western canon" poster

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>not having an e-reader
>still clogging up your house with books that you'll never read again and will only collect dust
You boomers need to get with the times.

I wouldn't be able to resist lighting a match in there.

>Yea Forums - Book Burning

Here’s my messy shelf

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And some more in this old chair

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>Wordsworth Classics edition of Crime and Punishment

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I write all over my books

Does your gf have cute feet? :3

>spent real money on a literal meme
fucking kek m9

Books are not something that you just read words in. They're also a tool to adjust your senses. When I'm not feeling well there are times that I can't take in what I read. When that happens, I try to think about what could be hindering my reading. There are books that I can take in smoothly even when I'm not feeling well. I try to think why. It might be something like mental tuning. What's important when you tune is the feeling of the paper that you're touching with your fingers and the momentary stimulation your brain receives when you turn pages.

I usually just read them in original with glossed vocabulary terms (so my Siege is the TEAMS one), but the newer Williams Boyarin’s translation (Broadview) is great and has some illuminating critical material. The Chester Plays really don't need translation. Assuming by "original" Purgatory you mean Tractatus de Purgatorio Sancti Patricii ('Sir Owain'), again I like the TEAMS text (in Three Purgatory Poems: The Gast of Gy, Sir Owain, The Vision of Tundale) or the EETS 'St Patrick's purgatory : two versions of Owayne Miles and The vision of William of Stranton together with the long text of the Tractatus de purgatorio sancti Patricii.' Incidentally, Marie de France did a great translation into Old French (L'Espurgatoire Seint Patriz), which is expanded/amplified a bit and worth the read (Dorothy Gilbert's translation in the Norton Marie de France is solid), but the Auchinleck manuscript version in Middle English verse is quite readable with glosses. Read them out loud if the spelling throws you a bit.

I personally enjoy keeping all my read books on the shelf. Running my eyes and fingers over the spine will remind me of countless ideas and emotions. A funny truth of human memory is that if you asked me to list all the books I read last year, it'd be very difficult for me to remember them all. But if you asked me if I read each book in turn, I'd very easily be able to tell you that why yes, I read that last year.

Keeping your books to see reminds you of them, and that in turn reminds you of the ideas contained within. And having easy access to all the ideas of all the books you've read (or at least the ones you care enough about) is worth a great deal indeed.

I like Mueller's abridgement. Gibbon tends to expansive roundabout prose with a lot of secondary material, and this is a cleaner read. Most readers would never need to go to the original. It's 1300-odd pages, a condensed volume containing about 2/5 of Gibbon’s work. Important chapters are printed in their entirety, while missing chapters are summarized in a page or so.

Very true. I consider my library a record of books I've enjoyed, a reference resource, and a selection of unread books to suit any mood.

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These are the TEAMS Siege and Owain/Patrick I mentioned.

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Do you know whose library that is?


can i get a quick rundown? who is this and why do i keep seeing this pic?


>giving up on W&P that early

thank god for pirating

many great books happen to be big.
that thinkpad costs almost nothing and satisfies all my needs.
gnu+loonix runs smooth on old hardware and also satisfies all my needs.

lol. i hope this idiot fucking kills himself

it's fun to collect books, bugman

>with books that you'll never read again
ah, yes. The opinion of a true retard. If you are not re-reading works, 1. you either read shit tier fantasy/scifi books or 2. you only have a superficial reading of every book you've ever read.
I only keep books I know I will re-read.

The only ones i took to my dorm

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Imagine the smell of this poster

Ey doc you ever fuck your juicy art hoe students?
Do you think about them when fucking your wife?
Do the girls even turn you on anymore, or is it those cute boys nowadays?
Is Submission a good representation of the average literary professors life?
Do you regret not having kids in favor of your career?

Admit it, you want his life so you can do those things.

Sorry, but my life is quite mundane. It's been a very long time since I was involved with students (back when I was a doctoral student). They're just eye candy nowadays, and not overly distracting: the hundreds of attractive young students per term for years help acclimatize one (the males have never interested me). Besides, I have a wife and two kids, and no desire to lose my marriage or career. I haven't read Submission yet, though the concept looks entertaining.

First time contributing to one of these threads...enjoy.

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Mickiewicza czytaj a nie jakieś ścisłe pedalstwo

Holy shit those books are floating!!

very nice collection

Nice Cowboy Bebop poster. Where did you get it?


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where did you get those quints?

ur mums asshole LOLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm still reading it. I wanted all of my books to be presented together.

bruh that's three cans of seltzer, a 15 calorie tea, and what used to be diet coke
i have a sweet tooth but i also have restraint

the tums on speed dial

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Where can one find one of those standing bookshelf-thingies?

>from Arno Schmidt to Deep Learning


I purchased that one here in Italy. It’s a copy of the Bruno Rainaldi original that goes for 1,500 euro. Check DWR Sapien book case or a cheaper Asia copy for something similar in the $200 range. Make sure it’s quality — those books can get pretty heavy.

Much appreciated user!

>all this wasted space for books so you can show off how intellectual you are.

Literally just use an e-reader.

>inb4 muh smell
>muh feel

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Disregard him, he's most likely someone who studys mechanical engineering or computer science and sees himself as a future millionaire. There is nothing wrong with it, and if it was, you'll find out for yourself in your undergrad.



cute panda

i also would like to know

I had an ereader for years and just got tired of not being able to find torrents for books I want or good translations

there basically are never any good (if at all) scans of the books I want to read.

>so you can show off how intellectual you are
do you actually believe anyone browsing /lit has enough guests at his house to warren that?

Homer, Melville, Pynchon, DFW, Tolstoy, Kafka, Joyce, Nabokov, Hesse, Pessoa, Gogol.

So you pretty much just read what the internet tells you to. I can't be bothered to search but I fucking bet you have some Murukami, Dostoevsky and a copy of 1. Dune 2. the hitchhikers guide and 3. catch 22.

its not a bad taste of books, just a complete lack of any personality

youre being an asshole. people need to start somewhere. if they actually read all the authors listed there, they’ll come away with more context and understanding of where to go next. not everyone has the exposure to cultivate their own tastes at the rate you may have.

This, what a douchebag.

Holy shit kill yourself

No one cares what you think, about anything, you’re not a literary critic or an expert on philosophy and literature.

You're a retard, why shouldn't people read established classics? Not only is there more discussion on them, but you don't have to waste your time rifling through a bunch of literally whos for hipster cred. You have enough time to read all the classics and branch out to niches or whatever you want but not enough time to completely ignore the classics and their attested enjoyments so some pseudo savant nigger on Yea Forums won't chew you out.

Who cares about what some faggot on an image board thinks about your taste, user likes good books like the rest of us, everyone on here has a copy of a Dostoevsky book, literally everyone.

Stemfag detected

This, and classics are often misinterpreted by many, the reason they were classics was simply due to the fact that they were the only good books written, before, during and after the war. Millions of writers existed but a lot of books are dogshite and a waste of time for the individual.

That’s not Eco’s library. I’m pretty sure that’s the Argosy bookstore in nyc

If I hear about a book a lot, I'll grab it at a used bookstore or book fair, read it, and form my own opinion on it. I just like collecting and reading books lol, I don't care how popular it is/isn't. If you have any obscure recommendations I'd be happy to have them

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what kind of person looks at another man's bookshelf and thinks/says something like this?

someone who desperately needed a personality and decided "literature snob" was teh way to go

Can I join your hs graduating class’s facebook group? Will you vouch for me?

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very nice selection. not bad at all.

>books on the floor
>bottles of wine sharing the book shelf

Yeah sorry about that — procrastinating on a wine fridge.

any recommendations for a young adult getting into literature?

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Shut up cuck
Best collection ITT

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Humility from a position of strength is hardly cuckoldry.

I see you read those books on your vast shelf Monsieur

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No, it's Richard Macksey's (John Hopkins prof and legend) personal library. He's worth reading about.

That would depend how young they are, reading level and experience, and interests. The possibilities are endless, and I'm a supporter of the "any reading is better than not reading" principle, especially in youth.

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can you lower the quality of your picture please, I can almost make out what it says

Its a clip from the post I’m replying to you absolute mongoloid


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what print moby dick is that? looks desu

Tried to focus on my kino

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lel what other video games got popular novels? resident evil was the shit when i was in high school. i've seen halo but what else is there?

mega man, doom, the witcher

Now that's a comfy shelf user

Nice poster nigger