Can someone explain me who the fuck is this guy and why he is so popular among incels? What are his ideas? Beliefs...

Can someone explain me who the fuck is this guy and why he is so popular among incels? What are his ideas? Beliefs? What the fuck is 12 rules for life?

Attached: 09A67729-9629-40A2-AFC2-56FCB0CCA790.jpg (220x309, 14K)

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Only rules I need are the 10 commandments.

You know a lot of incels?

Yes my president is one of them

Incels flock to him because he is pretty much the only person online who cares atleast a little bit about them. Everyone else shits on incels. That's also why they turn so hateful.


what is an incel, exactly? someone who can’t get laid for any reason whatsoever? seems pretty made up.

christlarpers go home

its a (primarily online) community that grew out of forums catering to people who, for whatever reason, simply couldn't get laid. To be an incel it has to be "involuntary", IE. you have no choice but to accept your perpetual virginity (though this is based on a pretty faulty idea of sex, since 90% of the time we're getting in our own way).

Socially rejected ugly men who can't get pussy or a relationship. Typical incel traits are: being heavily introverted, shortness, uglyness, being poor, being non-neurotypical, being non-white in a majority white country and having childhood/teen traumas. People hate them because communities full of sad lonely people always turn hateful.

A male who is too proud to pay for sex, but not proud enough to stop touching himself, and too frightened of social interaction to date.

This is cringey. Armchair psychology from the literature board on 4channel

>who the fuck is this guy?
A Canadian clinical psychologist.

>why is he so popular among incels?
'Cause he's a psychologist, and he understands that the cure for the disease that are incels is not to bash on them but to given them tools that help them become better people.

>What are his ideas?
Order > Chaos. Clean your room, get a job, acquire responsibility. Get your shit together, Jason. Also something about lobsters.

He has an entire playlist with over twelve two-hour long conferences on the psychological significance of the biblical stories, so I think it's fair to say that he's a Christian.

>What the fuck is 12 rules for life?
A self help book where he talks about his life and tells people what the need to do to actually get their shit together.

believes social justice movement is a product of "neo-marxists" reoriented class conflict around race and gender. agnostic but thinks christianity is too useful to let go.
real big on "taking responsiblity" by cleaning your room and washing your penis, because that's the only way to slay the dragon and save your father from the belly of the whale.
also stuff about embracing the darkness inside of you which appeals to incels, and some mystic-esque shilling of hallucinogens he hasn't actually done.

He actually think the mega corporations milking minorities care about them and are run by marxists LMAO

Who cares about minorities, honestly? One would think you have more pertinent cares.

>Everyone else shits on incels.
Yep, especially communists


Wrong, shit for brains. Other way around. Obviously incels turn hateful because they're frustrated with life - they're socially and emotionally retarded and can't establish relationships with women or meaningful friendships with men. Nothing could be more clear. Most people absolutely feel pity for people who have a hard time like that. But then the hatefulness is what causes others to turn against them. If somebody just can't get laid or make friends, I feel bad for them and want to encourage changes in society to stop that from happening to people in the long term. But if that same person expresses their frustration by screaming literally all day long about liberals or whores or cucks or socialism or niggers or whatever socio-political fucking garbage they're using as an outlet at that moment, then I can't have any pity for that person any longer. It's just natural to not feel pity for a petty, screaming, stupid asshole, especially when they actively try to ruin any and all hobbyist conversation and shove their drama in your face. It's faggy and it's obnoxious and it's as simple as that.

His rules are to become more organized.

He's popular with incels because he promotes nuclear families/"traditional marriage" and pop-Christian thought packaged in a way that can be easily sold to edgelords on youtube.

If you're from the US I'm sure the president has had plenty of sex with hookers and models.


>He has an entire playlist with over twelve two-hour long conferences on the psychological significance of the biblical stories, so I think it's fair to say that he's a Christian.
I don't think that's fair. Also the lectures didn't go beyond Genesis if I recall correctly.

This, exactly. Why can't words just be words and be used for what they were intended? Why can't incel be involuntary celibate and not "every male whose opinion i don't agree with". Fuck off, no one who has had sex is an incel for fuck sake.

We are in an age where specific terms mean whatever the majority feels like their supposed to mean.

>why he is so popular among incels?
He's not trying to kill them.

>10 commandments

Attached: brainlet1.jpg (125x125, 2K)

He's an atheist kike fag.... all you need to know.

That is Dr. Jordan Peterson, he's Canadian. He was a University professor at Harvard and the University of Toronto in the Canadian Province of Ontario. He spent many decades as a clinical psychologist as well and has something like 10k+ hours spent in the profession, talking to people who wanted help of one sort or another, including people with psychological problems. He rose to prominence around 2015 when he opposed Bill C-16 in Canada which would make it illegal to intentionally misgender someone. If someone asked you to call them by a certain pronoun, it would make it so that BY LAW after being informed of the preferred pronoun by someone, you would have to call them that or could face legal consequences. It was, according to him, the first time in English common law (the foundation of the system of laws that likely has later developed in Canada, the United States, Australia, and assumedly New Zealand) where people were DEMANDED to use certain words. It was not saying that you COULD NOT say something, but that by law you MUST say something, AND it was decided on other people what that something was, and if you didn't then you could face legal consequences. To my understanding, the bill passed regardless, and there is also Motion 103 which has to do with the concept of 'Islamophobia'.

That was a few years ago, now he's better known as the author of 12 Rules for Life which is a book consisting of a dozen rules which he thinks are beneficial to live by. One in particular I personally follow and have done so for probably over a year now, maybe even two years. "Tell the truth or at least don't lie." It's been a successful experiment in my view that has been good for me and for those who interact with me. He also stands against Cultural Marxism and the political correctness that it espouses, however I don't think he intends on being politically incorrect. Merely by his own stance and views, he sometimes is, for example in his defence of the field of biology, his understanding of studies done in Scandinavia in regards to equal opportunity between the two genders and how that's affected various professions, and also his apparent stance against the concept of 'hate speech', for that concept suggests the possible solution of making hate speech laws, which in a way, is what Bill C-16 is, which of course he opposes and has even been video recorded discussing the matter with Canadian politicians in a political/Governmental location by the looks of it.

He tours the world, speaks to packed audiences that apparently averages around 2500-3500 people or so, 12 Rules for Life was a best-seller for a very long time and might still be one, and he's working on a sequel; 12 More Rules. He's made a biblical series of videos online, during which he talks to an audience whom is consistently captivated by him, answers questions at the end, and the 10+ videos are 2-2.5 hours long each. There are also MANY hours of him lecturing as a University professor.

You realize that the 10 Commandments began with Judaism, right? Centuries prior to Christianity.

He exists to shift blame away from the current state of Capitalism fucking everything up and to promote/re-enforce the status quo of modern Neo-Liberalism.

How does Capitalism 'fuck everything up'?

Just so no more retards get convinced of this lie: Bill C-16 did not make it illegal for you to misgender somebody. Jordan Peterson repeatedly misrepresented the bill because he knew that he could make money if he hopped on the anti-SJW bandwagon. He was making videos on YouTube before but wasn't getting much attention until that incident. "I figured out how to monetise SJW's" are his own words on Joe Rogan's show.

Bill C-16 would make it illegal for an employer, house-owner, or business owner to deny people employment, housing, or accommodation such as buying gas from their store on the basis of gender identity. This is similar to the protected class laws which are already in place in the US wherein protected classes such as homosexuals and women and Christians cannot be denied services, employment, or housing on the basis of their identity.

t. Incel

By allowing the popular kids the poster you're replying to hated in high school to make money while said poster mopes in their bedroom collecting disability benefits for diabetes

>>who the fuck is this guy?
>A Canadian clinical psychologist.
>>why is he so popular among incels?
>'Cause he's a psychologist, and he understands that the cure for the disease that are incels is not to bash on them but to given them tools that help them become better people?
Also a lot of them think he is on their side
>>What are his ideas?
>Order > Chaos. Clean your room, get a job, acquire responsibility. Get your shit together, Jason. Also something about lobsters.
If only this was how he was received by the media.
>He has an entire playlist with over twelve two-hour long conferences on the psychological significance of the biblical stories, so I think it's fair to say that he's a Christian.
But good luck getting a straight answer. Even more so than SJW bashing, his career is to talk vaguely about philosophy and life so you can think he's a freedom fighter without having to commit.
>>What the fuck is 12 rules for life?
>A self help book where he talks about his life and tells people what the need to do to actually get their shit together.

Sadly, this user hit the bullseye.

He did indeed say that he figured out to monetize SJW's, and it was hilarious. It was also true. Personally, I believe he happened upon it by accident rather than intentionally misinforming people and lying so as to achieve that aim. In fact if he indeed misinformed and lied to people, it fundamentally goes against what he says are his beliefs, and frankly as someone who's watched unknown HUNDREDS if not over 1000 hours of his content, then he's truly a God-tier manipulator.

I'm inclined to believe him on what he says about Bill C-16, and what's more, I agree with his view on the matter if he ever got in lawful trouble from it. If he's charged, don't pay. If he's jailed, go on hunger strike. If ever I'm legally attacked for intentionally misgendering someone, I will pray God for the strength to do as he says he would do. Thankfully though, if it DID happen, at bare minimum Rebel Media would be all over it and from their fanbase someone would open up a GoFundMe or something like that for me and earn me a fuckload of money. Look at Count Dankula; he raised something like a million Pounds in a 24-hour period or something INSANE like that. The 'anti-SJW bandwagon', is in fact the majority of the population in the West. Progressives make up only about 8% of the US population, and it is in the Progressives (or more accurately referred to; REgressives) that I believe the SJW population comes from. They are few, but they are far more numerous than the radical right-wingers that they claim to oppose. Generally, it's just centrists who happen to not adopt politically correct doctrine. This is where you get Dank, Sargon, Dr. Peterson, and so on. Even Tim Pool who's been on the left his whole life, and regularly reports honestly on the nonsense coming from his side of the isle.

By the by, if you'd like to read a non-fiction I've written about the left, look up 'Delicious Addiction of Oppression and Outrage'. It's available in ebook and paperback and there's a crying baby on the cover. Very apt, I know, and in it I even discuss fake hate crimes even though I wrote it in like 2017, well before Jussie Smollett.

12 Rules For Life's only good parts were the parts where he told stories about his psychologically disturbed patients and a weird loner friend of his that committed suicide. Other than that, it's very bland and very forgettable. Most of his personal views are pretty shallow.

Paying for sex is still incelibacy, and Trump would be unfuckable without the money. He has the mind of an incel, which means a self-defeating lack of self-awareness along with crippling personality disorder that is incredibly difficult to change. Such change often requires complete failure for someone to get a clue, something Trump never had because he inherited everything he has from Daddy and squandered most of it.

Peterson: "I won't uh... I won't call a student by... if they ask me to call them they, then I won't because... I believe in... in free speech not, not political correctness."
Incels: Whoo! Yeah! Yeah! If I'm a belligerent asshole, then I'm sticking up for free speech! Now I can be a belligerent asshole all the time, and if people tell me to shut the fuck up, they're pro-censorship!

Incels love anything that even vaguely justifies the fact that they're stupid assholes, and implies everyone else is wrong. Peterson, various alt-right guys (if I say stupid, asshole shit and people tell me to stop, that's censorship, so if I'm a belligerent asshole and keep saying stupid shit, then I'm anti-censorship! I'm not an asshole, I'm making a political statement!), Rick and Morty, Bojack Horseman, (they're assholes AND smart, so that means if I'm an asshole, I'm not really an asshole, I'm just smart and everyone jealous of my hot thoughts!) I have no fucking idea at all what's up with My Little Pony, but whatever.

>I'm inclined to believe him on what he says about Bill C-16
It's very obvious you're an underage summerfag. Here's the wiki article for the bill:

Nowhere will you find speech discussed apart from Peterson's section.

Rick and Morty lost me with all the tasteless rape jokes.

Bojack Horseman actually makes it clear the character is flawed and needs to change, though.

Rick and Morty is great if you can get through the Rebbit humour. Bojack is very good too. I don't think people on here will like it though because we are very averse to metropolitan "elite" culture.

incels don't actually understand that. The whole "and they're miserable because of their shit behavior" part of the depiction goes right over their heads.If they're flawed and miserable, they can't use them as validation.

>Incels: Whoo! Yeah! Yeah! If I'm a belligerent asshole, then I'm sticking up for free speech! Now I can be a belligerent asshole all the time, and if people tell me to shut the fuck up, they're pro-censorship!
Its true I've also noticed this.

I don't think he was trying to get on the anti-SJW bandwagon though. He's a professor at an actual university and his idea is to jeopardise his career by becoming an internet edge-lord? Fuck off.

Firstly, I'm not underaged, and I've been on Yea Forums off-and-on for over a decade. If I had to guess the year that I first dropped by, it would be somewhere around 2007-9. That aside...

>"The bill is intended to protect individuals from discrimination within the sphere of federal jurisdiction and from being the targets of hate propaganda, as a consequence of their gender identity or their gender expression."
What is 'hate propaganda'? Does that mean that I couldn't make a video in Canada where I call Caitlyn Jenner a man? Would 'hate propaganda' count and simply saying something on the street? I need to look up the definition of that, for I don't think I've ever heard that term before in my life.

>"The law amends the Criminal Code by adding "gender identity or expression" to the definition of "identifiable group" in section 318 of the Code.[9][10] Section 318 makes it a criminal offence to advocate or promote genocide against members of an identifiable group, which now includes gender identity or gender expression. Since the definition of "identifiable group" is also used in section 319 of the Code, the amendment also makes it a criminal offence to incite or promote hatred because of gender identity or gender expression.[11]"
Incite or promote... 'hatred'? Firstly I think this needs to be removed from Canadian law entirely because it should NOT be illegal to hate someone, and people should be able to share ideas, including ideas of hatred.

I also invite you to look at the 'Predecessor Bills' portion.

>"In May 2009, he introduced it again, with additional provisions to add gender identity and gender expression to the hate crimes provisions of the Criminal Code."
I think it's worth noting that this is a part of the bill's development. The wording here can suggest that not adhering to someone's gender expression could be grounds for a 'hate crime'.

>"Peterson argued that the law would classify the failure to use preferred pronouns of transgender people as hate speech. According to legal experts, not using preferred pronouns would not meet legal standards for hate speech."
The thing is, to my understanding, there is no legal definition for 'hate speech' in the United States. So the question is, is there one in Canadian law? If not, then the claim by the legal experts mean nothing because there would BE no 'legal definition' of 'hate speech', which would make that portion of the article manipulative and fake news.

>He's a professor at an actual university
Why do you keep repeating this argument as if it ends any criticism of his career full stop? There a ton of professors who will drop their own personal convictions at the drop of a hat if it means getting a chance at some sweet sweet grant money or tenure. Being a professor alone is not really some sanctimonious position where you are incapable of doing anything unscrupulous as some might want you to believe.
He is also literally making more than most Americans make in a year per month with his Patreon milking and selling shitty overpriced $3000 rugs. In the US any sort of popularity is a license to milk idiots full stop for everything they're worth which is what Peterson is doing.

He's made far more money from Patreon and his books in the last few years than he ever did from being a professor.

>hate propaganda
I don't know what that means. That was from a summary of the bill and has nothing to do with what the bill actually proposed.
> Firstly I think this needs to be removed from Canadian law entirely because it should NOT be illegal to hate someone, and people should be able to share ideas, including ideas of hatred.
The court said: "People are free to debate or speak out against the rights or characteristics of vulnerable groups, but not in a manner which is objectively seen to expose them to hatred and its harmful effects."
So you are literally allowed to say trans people shouldn't have rights and that their characteristics are a product of delusion.
You can argue that the definition of hatred is nebulous but remember what Peterson's original claim was: misgendering somebody will cause you to be fined. That is not at all what the bill says.
>The wording here can suggest that not adhering to someone's gender expression could be grounds for a 'hate crime'.
It does not suggest that at all. The fact that you think it does is testimony to your ignorance of this issue. When it says gender identity will be added to the hate crimes provisions it means that any crimes against trans people on the basis of their being trans will be counted as hate crimes.
>If not, then the claim by the legal experts mean nothing because there would BE no 'legal definition' of 'hate speech', which would make that portion of the article manipulative and fake news.
You're trying so hard to get away from this. The conclusion of the legal experts was that misgendering somebody does NOT constitute hate speech, which is contrary to what Peterson said.

you will refrain from posting on this board until you cease using buzzwords

He is a psychologist who follows Jungian metaphysics and is attempting to be the new Joseph Campbell and fight the cultural shift to socialist humansim and restore the belief in liberal humanism. He lectures on myth in relation to human psychology and individuation in the same vein as Jung and Campbell. His Maps of Meaning lectures are pointless if you have already read Jung and Campbell.

If you don't know the difference between the two social humanism is about equity at the expense of the individuals value and freedom while liberal humanism is the idea that each individual be judged individually and values personal autonomy and freedom.

Most of the West is founded on the mythology of liberal humanism for example, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness [property]."

And he's serving a niche that is necessary. The importance and value of myth is simply not being taught in schools in the US because instead we have 4 semesters on holocaust torture porn and To Kill a Mockingbird. Our English curriculum is a fucking joke.

Look here, if we're going to have a dialogue then there needs to be some degree of mutual respect even if it's merely to the point of not making blind accusations or taking part in name-calling. I'm not 'trying so hard to get away from this' otherwise I wouldn't have actually read the stuff you've sent me and replied with things that I found questionable. I also think I was truthful when I said "CAN suggest that not adhering to someone'e gender expression..." is true. You reply by calling me an idiot, which is unacceptable if I'm going to bother going out of my way to have a dialogue with you. I could just plug my ears, turn away, and carry on with my own views. In actively interacting with you, I'm hearing you out, considering your views, and I may just end up walking away with a changed mind. That will not happen, however, if you're going to act in this manner. So do as I do and show some basic level of respect. I am not attacking your intelligence or making accusations.

>"Hatred is predicated on destruction, and hatred against identifiable groups therefore thrives on insensitivity, bigotry and destruction of both the target group and of the values of our society. Hatred in this sense is a most extreme emotion that belies reason; an emotion that, if exercised against members of an identifiable group, implies that those individuals are to be despised, scorned, denied respect and made subject to ill-treatment on the basis of group affiliation."
This is the definition of hatred according to Canadian Law as of R. v. Keegstra (1990).

>"hate propaganda", used in s. 320 and s. 320.1, is defined by s. 320(8) to mean "any writing, sign or visible representation that advocates or promotes genocide or the communication of which by any person would constitute an offence under section 319."
This is apparently the definition of 'hate propaganda' in Canadian Law, though there is no citation so it may be inaccurate. Assuming that it's accurate, then I'm fine with this term being used in Bill C-16 (which it probably is, even though you claim that it wasn't) because I don't think that trans people or any other identifiable group should be subject to encouragements of genocide. Encouraging any violence, as far as I'm concerned, SHOULD be illegal.

I have more to write but this reply is likely approaching the limit, I'll start another. I think it's quite clear that I'm taking this conversation seriously and in a respectable manner. If you reply in a similarly disrespectful manner as before, I'll not be replying further. Let's be adults about this.

>the mind of an incel, which means a self-defeating lack of self-awareness along with crippling personality disorder that is incredibly difficult to change

You don't have a problem with involuntarily celibates you have a problem with the autistic

>Look here, if we're going to have a dialogue then there needs to be some degree of mutual respect even if it's merely to the point of not making blind accusations or taking part in name-calling.
Do you know what website we're on? I feel like I'm being trolled right now. Are you Jordan Peterson?

>Bill C-16 would make it illegal for an employer, house-owner, or business owner to deny people employment, housing, or accommodation such as buying gas from their store on the basis of gender identity
Why lie for something so easily verifiable

>The bill is intended to protect individuals from discrimination within the sphere of federal jurisdiction and from being the targets of hate propaganda, as a consequence of their gender identity or their gender expression. The bill adds "gender identity or expression" to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act and the list of characteristics of identifiable groups protected from hate propaganda in the Criminal Code. It also adds that evidence that an offence was motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on a person's gender identity or expression constitutes an aggravating circumstance for a court to consider when imposing a criminal sentence.

You can also look up the garbage pile they name as "gender identities"

he's a surrogate daddy who says its feminism and "cultural marxists" fault that you're a loser. Pretends to an expert in things that aren't psychology and uses word-salad to say things that makes his audience seem smart, but is ultimately devoid of any substance.

>"Section 319(2) makes it an offence to wilfully promote hatred against any identifiable group, by making statements (other than in private conversation). The Crown prosecutor can proceed either by indictment or by summary process. The maximum penalty is imprisonment of not more than two years." (There is a citation for this.)

>"Section 319(3) provides specific defences to the offence of promoting hatred. A person will not be convicted if:
-the person establishes that the statements communicated were true;
-in good faith, the person expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text;
-the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds the person believed them to be true; or
-in good faith, the person intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred toward an identifiable group in Canada" (This is cited as well to the Criminal Code of Canada)
So based on that first exception, to make the statement that a trans woman is biologically a man, should be legally allowable. This is good. Apparently if the individual who made the statement of 'biologically a man' was religious and made the argument that it was due to religion, this too would help the person intentionally misgendering. The last two are a little bit more difficult to understand, but suffice it to say that I'm glad there's defences against Bill C-16 for proponents of free speech, such as myself and Dr. Peterson.

I've read more on R. v. Keegstra (which is about a teacher teaching anti-Semitic views and expecting the students to repeat them on their exam. There is also R. v. Andrews which is about Canadian White supremacists who made anti-Semitic and anti-Black written material that were seized by Police. It does not go into detail as to what was being said by the teacher or written by the White supremacists. I need to learn more about this, because if it turns out it's not 'hate propaganda', meaning promotion of genocide on an identifiable group, and was merely simple hatred without incitement to any violence, then that sets a dangerous precedent for Bill C-16. I intend to ask an Officer and/or lawyer some questions on the matter. So for now, my stance more-or-less remains, but I accept the possibility that I'm wrong and can say I'm more knowledgeable on the matter. More research is needed.

>The Ontario Human Rights Commission, for example, in their Policy on Preventing Discrimination Because of Gender Identity and Expression states that gender harassment should include “ Refusing to refer to a person by their self-identified name and proper personal pronoun”. In other words, pronoun misuse may become actionable, though the Human Rights Tribunals and courts. And the remedies? Monetary damages, non-financial remedies (for example, ceasing the discriminatory practice or reinstatement to job) and public interest remedies (for example, changing hiring practices or developing non-discriminatory policies and procedures). Jail time is not one of them.

So yes refusing to call someone by his pronoun can be criminal and if you don't pay their punishment you'll go to jail.

No, I am not Dr. Peterson, though I wouldn't mind the millions and millions and millions of dollars he's made from interviews, speaking at public events, and book sales. I am aware of where I am and the typical manner in which people talk. That doesn't change the fact that, here, I am actively putting my views in question (and I suppose your views as well), going out of my way to check the sources you're providing, and coming back with any criticisms or uncertainties that I may have with them. I don't have to do any of this, in fact it's generally viewed as unpleasant to have one's views questions and so really the most logical thing to do is to not question them, maintain whatever views I have, and avoid people like you whom would question them. That, I suppose, is why echo chambers exist... I don't want to be in an echo-chamber. All the same, if I AM going to go out of my way to talk to people with different views, just like I do with anti-Semites when discussing the 'Jewish question', I DO expect some small amount of mutual respect even if it's merely to the point of not name-calling and making baseless accusations. At that point, I have no interest in continuing dialogue or debate further, and would sooner abandon it rather than to carry on. So if we're going to have this dialogue or debate take place, I expect said small degree of mutual respect. I hardly even call it 'respect', merely 'polite tolerance' of one another. Let's discuss the ideas and take one another at face value, rather than going past the views and attacking the individual sharing them. By calling me ignorant and saying I'm 'trying to get out of it', you're foregoing the ideas themselves and instead targeting me. That's no way to discuss ideas.

If you happen to be someone who is incapable of showing any amount of civility or decency JUST because of the website on which the discussion is taking place, then quite simply, what's the point in me wasting time with someone with such lacking willpower? I should hope that you're capable of decency and civility, regardless of the website. If you CHOOSE to be indecent and uncivil at times, fair enough, go ahead, but I won't tolerate it when I'm welcoming you to challenge my views.

If this is true, I would very much appreciate a citation or source. It may be confined to Ontario, it would seem, but it is still valuable information to have if it's indeed true.

Are you a sentient fedora?

Organizations are liable for any discrimination and harassment that happens. They are also liable for not accommodating a trans person’s needs unless it would cause undue hardship. They must deal with complaints, take steps to prevent problems and provide a safe, welcoming environment for trans people.

Organizations should learn about the needs of trans people, look for barriers, develop or change policies and procedures and undertake training. This will help make sure trans people and other gender non-conforming individuals are treated with dignity and respect and enjoy equal rights and freedom from discrimination.

Everyone has the right to define their own gender identity. Trans people should be recognized and treated as the gender they live in, whether or not they have undergone surgery, or their identity documents are up to date.

Definition of harassement and discrimination:

Discrimination happens when a person experiences negative treatment or impact, intentional or not, because of their gender identity or gender expression. It can be direct and obvious or subtle and hidden, but harmful just the same. It can also happen on a bigger systemic level such as organizational rules or policies that look neutral but end up excluding trans people. Friends, family or others who face discrimination because of their association with a trans person are also protected.

Harassment is a form of discrimination. It can include sexually explicit or other inappropriate comments, questions, jokes, name-calling, images, email and social media, transphobic, homophobic or other bullying, sexual advances, touching and other unwelcome and ongoing behaviour that insults, demeans, harms or threatens a person in some way. Assault or other violent behaviour is also a criminal matter. Trans people and other persons can experience harassing behaviour because of their gender identity or expression (gender-based harassment) and/or their sex (sexual harassment).

this > 12 rules. any thoughts fellow lobsters?

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he's a flash in the pan who will return to obscurity shortly. Or he dies of CR cancer from his idiot carnivore diet.