Why is fascism so aesthetic?
Why is fascism so aesthetic?
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Do you think this shot was partially based on that picture?
it's not, it's rather adolescent
It isn't
You mean youthful beauty? Yes, there's something jovial in fascism.
It is.
No, like the blind adherence to fads for the sake of conformity, for the sake of narcissistic fulfillment, to realize yourself in the other.
Three of the biggest voices in fascism, Marinetti, D'annunzio, and Hitler, were artists. Fascism places beauty as a high value. I don't know if this has necessarily been said by any fascists, but it is true that they have the approach that the state is an artwork. The people are an artwork. The beauty and necessity of violence is recognized, as Marinetti puts it in this manifesto as a work of art, as well as the beauty of all the other illiberal things like submission, cohesion, and nature.
Marinetti was big on youth. Big emphasis on rejuvenation and vitality, all of which is quite adolescent. I read that in one thing he wrote he encouraged the youth to kill him and the rest of the futurists when they became old and lost their spark. I am not sure if this was literal because I read it in Kerry Bolton's "Artists of the Right" and not in it's proper context.
It's quite tidy and uniform, very pleasant in a simple way imo. Anyone who says otherwise is probably doing so because they're unable to separate it from ideology
If you're a slob who needs a strong daddy figure in your life then sure. If you're a based self-sustaining egoist then romanticism is the way.
What does this have to do with literature?
What if i want to be the daddy figure in people's lives?
What if I think most other people need a daddy figure?
Fascism is unique in terms of ideology in that it's appeal is fundamentall aesthetic, the notions of fascism of control, of order, of a unitary uplifted race striving for perfection, are aesthetic in nature. I have not found a group of people (other than artists) more preoccupied with the aesthetic than fascists. Fascism is politicised appreciation of the aesthetic.
Marinetti and D'Annunzio were the only ones who weren't cringe and neither of them were actual fascists
Hitler and Codreanu were respectable enough but their fans are horrible autists.
Here's a good quote on that from Marinetti.
"We wish to snatch violently away from the old, the dying, and the dead all the rights and the authority and instead grand these to youth. Futurism therefore proclaims the necessary intervention of artists in public affairs, so as to turn government into a selfless art, at last, in place of what it is now, robbery become a pedantic science."
Watch the video I linked here
if you appreciate that. You will see the root of it, if you do not already know. Again, if you haven't already, read of Gabriele D'annunzio, the warrior poet who by virtue of sheer charisma, commanded Italians to retake the ceded city of Fiume for Italy, AGAINST the wishes of the Italian government. There was never a madder lad.
"The constitution made music the fundamental principle of the state"
Marinetti wrote the fascist manifesto and D'annunzio was an authoritarian corporatist. Good enough for me.
I will watch the video, thank you user. It's cool to see somebody more knowledgeable on fascism aware of the aesthetic nature of it as an ideology.
Stop calling people you disagree with autists
what if I am a strong daddy?
Every girl crazy for a sharp dressed man
What's wrong with having a strong father figure? Not having one is what leads to prostitution
are you capable of doing that?
ok autist
Which is what neofascists get wrong
Nothing, just a bunch of /pol/tards coming in to try and flex their big brains on this board.
because aesthetics are dictated by the highest caste, and they're the ones that want power. Also Hugo Boss designed the nazi uniforms and Coco Chanel was a very enthusiastic nazi
>I didn't read fascism but let me play Freud
That guy, Cultured Thug, who runs that channel is the best source on anything to do with fascism, in video form anyway. He's been kicked from youtube (like three times) and I believe is in the process of reuploading everything to bitchute still, but his videos on a variety of fascist and fascistic ideas (including nationalist forms of communism) are both comprehensive and digestible. You can get a good idea of these ideologies from him without even having to read anything. I've not read much fascist literature myself, so it seems weird to be called knowledgeable, but that I seem that way is testament to the strength of CT's videos. I just want to disclaim the notion that I'm some sage of political philosophy. I don't want to be pretentious.
"So much of the modern idiocy is based on shaming those who would find true pleasure in submission! The long chain of being is held together by command and obedience."
- Bronze Age Pervert
Emo/scene fashion and deathcore music is the true neofascism.
Their genes have superior aesthetics
A sieg heil and an UwU to that
And why didn't I post 14 sacred words? That actually makes my point better.
This is why I will never be an open fascist. I'm disciplined, athletic, well dressed, and well read - I don't want to be associated with these obese slobs who can't even apply the necessary dietary restrictions to lose a few pounds.
sure you are
>I'm disciplined, athletic, well dressed, and well read
Mmmmkay, but why are you still retarded ?
Pls be in London
post body
t. fascist
>Y-yeah, at least i'm not dumb and a nazi!
Imagine having that much of a fragile masculinity. Gonna masturbate to your pic btw ;)
>cherry picking pictures of ugly people
>not arguing against the ideology itself
Oh boy another one of these threads
>fragile masculinity
peak onions response for your pathetic physical presence
>Gonna masturbate to your pic btw ;)
Nothing wrong with a little Hellenic man-love
What the fuck are you actually trying to say
>expecting anything other than an adhom or a strawman from the left zombie
looks pretty
Sure, there are good looking nazis but the majority look like on my cherryiipcked pics.
I assume you're too retarded to have a serious discussion about ideologies, so I just enjoying fucking with you.
>antifascists are still too afraid to post their skinnyfat
But who here fell for it?
Marinetti wrote the Futurism manifesto though
this is my ideal fashy body desu
you've inspired me to do an hour of cardio
>t. retarded liberal trash
Fell for what?
Your attempt at agitating someone
>I assume you're too retarded to have a serious discussion about ideologies, so I just enjoying fucking with you.
Kek retard cope
What is it about fascism that brings some people's piss to such a boil?
This is true but he also wrote the Fascist Manifesto (with Alceste de Ambris, someone I know nothing about).
Don't understand what's the problem here? I just posted what came into my mind.
What weird brain acrobatics are you doing?
If he replies, fine, and I re-reply.
If not, no problem either. I still have some life going on besides this thread.
I blame the germ*ns
You have the body, now you shoudl take care of your mind.
With do you crave so much a boot to lick? Fascism is highly hierarchical and against free-thought. If you have the will to sculp your body, why don't you have the guts to think for yourself and instead crave for a powerful masculine-leader-figure to worship?
>Marxniggers/Libfaggots have STILL not posted their worm-like forms out of embarrassment
>Hurr hurr i am so le superior to these peepul, don't dey no they're N*hzees????xDDDD
>Look at these cherry picked images of subhuman fascists i found on my favourite subreddit!
>Ha ha u r all dumb and stupid and look like this!
>W-what do you mean no one's biting the bait??
>I-it just came to mind, i have better shit to do lol
imagine you're a servant of a blonde blue-eyed tradfash military official... the absolute PEAK of masculinity
It's an inherently scummy and evil ideology
Why do you think I'm not thinking for myself? I arrived at my position when, after reading the contemporary and "acceptable" political theories of our day, Marxism and Liberalism, I decided to read Fascist authors expecting the sort of edgy social rhetoric that public discourse had conditioned me to come to expect. Instead, I found a Third Position addressing problems that the other two either created or refuse to address. I can go into further detail, but that's not the point.
Why do you imagine I, having adopted the most taboo ideology of our time, are some blind adherent? My guess is that you take this position not because you read Fascism, but that it's just parroting the sentiment of the discourse found in mainstream media and a disposition from childhood video games.
It lacks any substance and must create an appealing outside image to appear attractive.
Got it, you're just an egomaniac
How come?
it has to compensate with form for the lack of content
Style over substance.
What an infantile take.
Tell me, what Fascist authors have you read to justify your take on Fascism?
Walter Benjamin was, as far as I know, the first one to write about how the aestheticization of politics leads to fascism. That's why the left started combating fascism by politicizing art.
Why do leftists relate all hierarchy to BDSM?
It's what happens when you spend your childhood watching porn on an iPad and not playing sports
Explains why they are all artsy fags
>y-you work out because you're gay! like me!
Not every thought has to be entertained. I don't need to read books to know that murder is bad, just as I don't need a philosopher to prove the validity of an inherently immoral ideology.
>on Yea Forums
>tries to justify not reading
They have a pathological impetuousness, craving the upsides of nature without any of the downsides, expecting the world to supplicate to them as is their natural right. This pathological personality defect naturally leads to porn addictions which reflect it and invade other parts of their lives
Heroic culture is homoerotic. That isn't a problem.
Because it's right
Theyre all cumbrains
cause it's true
What are some books with an eco-fascism/eco-nationalism nature?
Maybe something like Ted Kaczynski's manifesto
u veri funny still laughing sorri cannot write moar u such superior jokster
why are poisonous snakes so aesthetic?
Chanel was just an opportunist, like most artists.
>Why is fascism so aesthetic?
Because it's pretty gay desu. See: Mishima, the most perfect embodiment of fascism.
Greeks also liked their male aesthetics but 1. they literally invented pederasty 2. they were not fussy about clothes and decorum the way fascists were.
In fascism the decadent vitality of the modern man reappers masked as the deathly drive that drives all his actions. See Marinetti petulant rhetoric, it's never about actually living something, never creation pointing towards a more realized life that he tries to pinpoint, and always about killing old people and being strong warrior that breaks things (but never care to simply enjoy them).
Ironically Marinetti is a lot like what the popular American idea of a youthful Greek artist would be. It's all post-romantic edginess and nerve-wracked ennui. Don't be such a woman-sucker as to mistake hysteria for youthful energy.
Lol. Thinks he's superior but talks like the kids on this board 5 years ago. Full retard mode. Please send to concentration camp.
I wish, but no. She was really, really into it. All fucking around with SS officers and snitching on jews. No way to make excuses for her.
Varg Vikernes' (but muh e-celebs!) books, which are also very neopagan, and Pentti Linkola's "Can Life Prevail" are the ones I've read.
For older things (which I haven't read myself yet) there is Richard Walther Darre and the related Blood and Soil movement, and Savitri Devi.
I'd have an easier time dismissing them if the Germans weren't such suckers for degenerate sex practices.
>Mishima, the most perfect embodiment of fascism.
I'm not excusing her. But my father happens to have worked on the history of Chanel's life for quite some time, and his uptake is that though her position was ambiguous, she was mostly profitting from the situation (like maybe 70%+ of the people at the time). It didn't help that her business partners and the owners of her firm were Jews, so she had further interest in having them away from France.
In fairness she probably liked the uniform aesthetic (and many German officiers were connoisseurs of French culture) but on the ideological part of it, from what we can gather at least, she was either ignorant, or clueless, or indifferent.
Find me a better fascist writer or thinker that wasn't just a cushy LARPer or a bureaucrat drone. Marinetti would be your best bet and even he seemed to have expressed regrets at associating with the fascist later in life.
I don't think Mashima was a fascist, just a militant nationalist
>Find me a better fascist writer or thinker that wasn't just a cushy LARPer or a bureaucrat drone
Primo de Rivera, Mussolini, Sir Mosley
>they were just Larping/politicians
They literally all fought in battle and were political activists
Nobody will have given the proper answer itt, but the truth is that's because it was originally an Italian movement, and aesthetics infuse everything in Italy.
Too often we deduce the properties of ideologies from their content and forget they're cultural practices embedded in a larger territory.
Same reason communism in Russia quickly turned into autocrat-centered dictatorship (protip: that's how the Russian do it, see any major ruler from Peter the Great to Poutine included).
That's not a feature of communism, see the communes, kibboutzim, etc. Communism made it easy but the determinant factor was the Russian culture of leadership.
Same reason Communism in China quickly centered around a cast of powerful bureaucrats that essentially rule to this day.
Same reason fascists were mostly inefficient clowns in WW2 while their German copycat the Nazis did much more despite considerably less aesthetic refinement, and considerably more emphasis on unquestioned authority.
Primo de Rivera.
Drieu La Rochelle.
Léon Degrelle.
George Kettman Jr.
Christian de La Mazière.
We already knew leftists don't read
huh, you really think so?
are there any books that go in depth on this? this implies that liberal democracy may not be exactly suited for third world 85iq nations like in latin america (and what system would even work in sub 70iq countries like in africa?), for example
>I don't think Mashima was a fascist, just a militant nationalist
A militant nationalist with a hard-on for traditional structure and military power as a paradoxal tool of rejuvenation of a nation corrupted by modernity. Aesthetically it's extremely close to fascism.
>Mussolini, Primo de Riveira
Ok I should have added leader of drone bureaucracy. Those gus are merely the head of Moloch, no way they can compare to a self-made dandy like Mishima (however deluded he could have been).
I would grant you Mosley but he seems nowhere near as accomplished as Mishima, neither intellectually nor physically, only his political career was barely more of a success, not that it means a lot.
So no, still no better at embodying the fascist esthetics and ideal than Mishima. Again Marinetti would be your best bet, and of all the people mentioned in our posts none is more like Marinetti than Mishima.
>Moreover, AR is defenseless from a relentless process of its own negrofication. It not only has no intelligent or creative leaders or members [intelligence and creativity being ‘gay’], but its acceptance of Family Values Machismo implicitly commits it to valorizing The Negro as the syncretic combination of all that is non-gay [the white man is always a doubtful entity, suspected of being ‘secretly gay’ due to his intelligence, beauty, etc., as in the expression “Not gay, just British”].
Then why do negros have the highest faggot %%%% from all races?
I have no recs on this unfortunately (but any thinker talking about the cultural and national roots of ideology might help, so really anything from De Maistre to Nietzsche to even Emmanuel Todd despite what people say about him).
The first time I encountered the idea clearly expressed was in Amine Maalouf's Deadly Identities (Identités Meurtrières), but he says that almost as an aside.
It's very possible Amartya Sen may have some reflexion among those lines. The little I've read of him lead me to believe he would be the kind of guy to write intellegently on such a topic.
Because as it turns out being gay is the manliest thing there is. The Greeks knew as much btw.
t. unmaly pussy-loving hetero
how convenient for you
And it stops there because there is nothing about the Corporate State discussed by him
>The majority of "Nazis" are ugly, just believe it! You don't want to be ugly, do you goyim?
>Everyone who disagrees with me is retarded, that's why I'm afraid of debates!
The homo and negro for O'Meara aren't strictly racial and sexual categories but refer more to types of people.