Why are the vast majority of great writers religious...

Why are the vast majority of great writers religious? What are atheists missing that stops them from achieving greatness like Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, etc?

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They are too busy writing crap.


Maybe because historically 99% of people have been religious and people who weren't were killed?

Dostoevsky and Tolstoy "great" okay dude. They were shit writers an you know it.

Bitch please. As far back as the 1700s there were open atheists. That's no excuse.

Because they were in immense pain.

the absolute state of this shithole lmao kys all of you

>What are atheists missing that stops them from achieving greatness

Nietzsche is probably the best atheist writer. I think religious writing gives an overall passion for life, that when even in the most miserable circumstances, frames every event in a war of good against evil. Atheist writing can’t rely on this so can seem quite basic. I am not talking about the authors religious beliefs here by the way, because joyce was atheist for at least half of his career, but the viewpoint in the book

Yeah, but even then societies strictly policed morals/acceptable beliefs. Even someone like Thomas Paine had to claim to be a "deist" to retain credibility otherwise the ignorant people of his time would rely on the mysteriousness of natural processes (which we now have a greater understanding of and will continue to explore) and lambast him because animals who have evolved to suit their environments appear to be designed

Freud was right, religion is basically death anxiety cope, and since everyone has death anxiety, people cling to their religions fiercely, and condemn those who challenge their safety blanket

elaborate with your great knowledge.

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Dostoevsky smuggles in his own preconceptions into every work he every wrote, and it is then lapped up by anyone who shares those preconceptions

theres no honest exploration of deep ideas, just characters crafted to demonstrate/come to the conclusions he thinks are true

I don't agree with most of what can be considered Dostoyevsky's philosophy and I still think he is an amazing storyteller.

They were white men.

that doesn't mean their fiction isn't good.


tolstoy's alright though

Stop with the identity politics. There have been great atheist writers (eg nabby) and great religious writers. Art knows no creed.

Very based and honestpilled.
Also true.

He's great

>you can only write good fiction if it appears honest to faggots on Yea Forums
What a fucking soiboy lmao I bet you read DFW
