Hiiiiiii, user! I haven't seen you in so long, what have you been up to? Have you published that novel yet? ^_^ I graduated with a dual degree in English Literature and Physics.
Hiiiiiii, user! I haven't seen you in so long, what have you been up to? Have you published that novel yet...
i called user a fag, that was amazing
Im studying my fourth language. Not that i intend to go to the countries. I hate everybody
I remember a girl I knew since elementary school ran into me in University and asked me what I was studying, I never bothered to ask her what she was studying. Seems kinda based in retrospect, we talked about me and then I left.
Shortly after graduating summa cum laude from Harvard in Mathematics, Physics, and Arabic I was awarded the Rhodes Scholarship. Upon completion of my graduate studies I founded an NGO and then a rather profitable AI startup. Alas, the world of business quickly became too tiresome to endure, so I returned to Oxford, this time as an All Souls fellow, where I am writing a lengthy indictment against the secularization of the sciences.
I fucked my therapist
>in English Literature and Physics
i know a girl who did this but switch literature for creative writing
>woman graduates college
>no longer a college student
>no more college student lifestyle of B-averaging as many easy classes as possible while spending 85% of actual time socializing and dating
>have to get a real job now
>get job in some kind of office in field only vaguely related to degree
>assume it will be "transitional"
>it won't because didn't actually seriously engage with major while studying it and don't know how to compete for real jobs related to it or advance a career
>change tinder profile job title to "Data Analyst Consultant Technician"
>will remain that way for 6 more years
>start getting lonely
>don't know why
>but it's because just went from college, which is a buzzing hive of social encounters and opportunities to feel wanted and special, to an office space with less than a dozen regular human contacts
>either sleep with the only attractive one, or have abortive relationship with him
>tolerate 2 of the women who work there, hate the other 6 (because all the same person)
>now completely stagnant social life
>try tinder and bumble
>hate both
>delete/reinstall them regularly
>convey bitterness and entitlement to men without even realizing
>steadily age
>panic sets in at 24, nothing has changed in 2 years and it feels like only six months went by
>begin making jokes about how you love wine
>but keep being a "positive" basic bitch, who loves GUAC and GOING ON ADVENTURES :) NY -> London (on parents' money) -> Portland (for two weeks) -> NY again!!
>now really panicking
>no career advancement
>may have slept with another coworker
>begin making self-deprecating "netflix over partying :P" remarks in tinder profile
>think you're telling men you're "down to earth"
>don't realize you're really radiating desperation and tired sad old lady syndrome
>start noticing you're officially not young anymore
>so desperate for validation that it borders on madness, but nobody notices because normal for female population
>make very poor dating/hookup choices
>waste another year or two chasing unserious but attractive men, after a long dry spell that made being pursued by them a massive and irresistible relief
>late 20s
>friends and sisters are getting married
>filled with existential dread and swirling maelstrom of anger and resentment by this
>begin doing calculus of how long it would take to (1) meet guy, (2) "get to know" guy, (3) determine he is soulmate, (4) have normal relationship, (5) gracefully segue into marriage and having a child together
>realize that even if everything went 110% perfectly you're still looking at having a child by 31 which is too late
>have no plans for the future other than "find man"
>have no hobbies or interests or passions or goals, just like in college
>the prospect of living by yourself isn't just unappealing, it doesn't even make sense to you, because as a woman your conception of reality is "do fun frivolous things day-to-day until husband and children happens," and you've been robbed of the latter
Hits my 32 year old female heart hard
How'd it happen? I know it's "muh transference" but I still want to bang my milf therapist.
very amusing, got more?
I joined the coast guard. It’s pretty nice.
>man graduates from college
>gets job in field related to work
>realize how mundane life has really become as the whirlwind of uneventful days turn into drunken weekend nights spent trying to scale out from the pit within
>notice that hair is thinning and metabolism is slowing down
>days no longer have any effect on the mind
>Everything has become completely meaningless as the slate of experience is dulled by the increasing speed of the years
>was it yesterday that I had tuna for lunch? Or maybe it was last week?
>become frightful becuase cant genuinely remember anymore
Both are true and both are sad
Nah, most men will be fine as long as they learn to stop caring about sex in a rigged dating economy
Yes, thank you for asking! I currently have four novels out, two of which have sold thousands of copies already. I'm working on a fifth, longer writing project and negotiating multiple deals with various movie studios for adaptations of my current and future work. I would love to chat more, but I really have to be getting back to my career as a self made creative success. I'm very proud you got your degree!
What have I been up to? Mostly languishing in self doubt after completing my philosophy degree. The novel? Well, you know, the whole self doubt thing, so not good. Yeah, I moved back in with my parents after my suicide attempt due to the realisation that I'll most likely have to spend my entire life working an office job I hate or subsist on government benefits. But enough about me.
Not much really. I dropped out of engineering school despite being somewhat gifted and with a full scholarship. Had a mental breakdown, almost killed myself, on meds due to bipolarity and schizophrenia. Moved to Eastern Europe for no reason and now embraced the religion/philosophy pill and I’m applying to study priesthood in Roman churches, so one could say it’s been a ride hehe.
Based Paul-pilled poster
Paul Simon ?
yeah, hes way better than No-Funk-el
this is really good. must've taken you a while to write. but it makes me feel a lot of sympathy for women, who i feel are pushed into such a manner of living by societal images presented to them. imagine being a girl, having a model of "what girls should do" presented to you from childhood onwards, and it consists entirely of "be pretty, be liked, be popular, be carefree and have fun", with nothing substantial beyond that. highschool is where such a mode of living becomes the aim of many or most girls, and college cements it even further, and the prevelance of social media enforces it alongside these, such that every waking moment is now made visible to others and one in which girls showcase to other girls the degree of success they've had in attaining such an ideal. sure, guys have messaging directed our way too, but nothing so hollow as what girls are given, and social media doesn't exploit our psychological weaknesses nearly as much as it does with females. anyways i hope you aren't a hateful person because this was a really good write-up (+ a really nifty cat image), which demonstrates how acutely you've observed the trajectory of many modern women, and i hope it brings you to hold sympathy for them rather than embitterment like so many males today do. blessings to you
Blessings to you, femanon. You will find happiness when you throw off the social conditioning you've been fed your whole life, and follow your heart where it truly takes you. After that, it's just a matter of getting there. Everything will be okay.
Based kindposter.
Am I the only person who doesn't wish to have a child, or get married? I'm male though. I just don't understand why people willingly wish to make their lives harder, by having children that not only need to be raised properly but will take much of one's finances and time and energy to do so. I know it's the "normal" thing to do, but I've never wanted to go that route. Having OCD and ADHD makes me barely able to take care of myself, let alone another person. Marriage is potentially acceptable, but I'd rather simply find a soulmate and be with her forever, without formal designations like that of marriage.
A faux-sympathetic analysis of the plight of upper middle class women in a capitalist system. This post is just subtle propaganda signalling the same old traditionalist bullshit: women are the happiest when they shut up and resign themselves to perpetual baby-making. You managed to convince this dumb bitch: , so I guess points for that.
This. I will never have kids. They just ruin your life but you make excuses for it because you love them. I honestly can't have kids in good faith after seeing how me and my siblings utterly destroyed my mother.
Atleast you have a fucking job.
Who the hell are you exactly? Most of the people I know are borderline retarded.
It's still better than being a woman desu
Wait, women don't expierience that?
based kindposter
it's rough for both genders, it really is. sad all around
Isn't the only Harvard Undergrad dual degree the management one from the extension school? I think there might be a music one too... They call their equivalent of double majoring a "joint concentration" and you have to combine all concentrations into some final thesis. How you'd do physics and literature... jesus.
>and follow your heart
why would you give such awful and destructive advice?
Blessings to your mother. May she be okay. Do your best to take care of her and repay the sacrifices she made for you. Don't let society pressure you into having kids, though. A growing number of people are abandoning that conditioning and living childless, which makes it easier to do so.
wish life stayed somewhat similar from when I was 7 in the sense that everyone were just acting like themselves and that was that. Guess that won't really happen again until you're old as shit.
I don't mean to be rude, but who are you? And why are you talking like a man on Yea Forums pretending to be a female!? What's the matter with you, woman?
What is the way forward for modern women, which does not involve resorting to the earlier role they were fixed to? They have every right to work and be independent, but if they also want children, what should they do? Maybe artificial ins*menation is a solution.
Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking retarded cunt :3
No one loves you :3
Single motherhood is pretty easy to achieve the natural way, and artificial insemination and egg donation already exists. Almost all married lesbians and gays do it to get biological children. Google Andy Cohen baby
>All Souls fellow, where I am writing a lengthy indictment against the secularization of the sciences.
Doing god's work, user.
based :3 poster
It is. We shouldn't forget that men and women are subject to the same indoctrination (although the messaging is slightly different for both). For men, the message is "work yourself to death and face being ostracised the second you show any emotion". For women, the message is "look pretty and let men fix every mess you get into, unless you buy into our neoliberal capitalist brand of feminism, in which case you meet the same miserable fate as men".
Trying to start a gender war is stupid. In the end men and women are both being exploited and robbed of their dignity in a capitalist system that does nothing for them. Our only hope lies with the men and women who can see through the conditioning.
Is socialism and automation of labor the answer?
>What is the way forward for modern women
Whatever it is, you can be sure either a man will find it for them, or they'll slump into it passively.
>W-we just need to overthrow the capitalist system and everything will be fixed!
Poor wittle marxoid
It is your DUTY to have children.
lol nawp, that's an ancient lie
Socialism possibly. I’m sceptical about the use of automation however.
I think one of the biggest fundamental problems to be solved at a more immediate level however is the fact that men and women are taught throughout their lives to accept mediocrity. Be happy you got a B instead of an A, don’t inquire more deeply into things and just accept what you’re taught as irrefutable fact, consume product.
Reality hits people hard once they leave the comfy ivory towers of university. No one wants mediocre people, because they’re dime a dozen, especially when foreign labour is so cheap. Being unable to find decent employment, they seek material pleasures in an attempt to fend off the existential dread of having no unique personality or spiritual foundation. You can’t hope to change the social system without first educating the people and getting them to love education. Yet people don’t want to educate themselves because they feel comfortable in mediocrity. It’s not a meme when people say facing hardship builds character. Basically, the solution is to first encourage freeform learning and discourse for all.
If you take men and women to be the same then women are just inferior.
In reality, women are not just babymakers but nor are they men. This babymaker nonsense has no basis. It's your fantasy, rather a fantasy you've been fed as you sure as hell can't think for yourself. No one ever thought it, it never happened.
That's fair enough so long as you acknowledge it as a result of you being an incompetent and unprincipled contemporary man incapable of thinking beyond material convenience.
Fuck the current state of academia and fuck you, you insipid cunt
My own fulfillment means far more to me than satisfying society's wishes for me, and I'm not ashamed of that. And mental health conditions are not something I brought to myself, so I don't feel guilty for struggling under them either. I genuinely can't wait to not have children, and no external critic can shame me away from that mindset.
show feet
>gender roles bad
>capitalism is why me have to choose between career and domesticity
Amazing and original take.
Wasn't trying to be original. Just pointing out that the post was covert propaganda posing as a sympathetic analysis when in reality it is an attempt to signal than subjugation of women is good.
>don't go to college because I am not a bitch
>25 years old
>Die on a motorcycle accident after fucking a thai whore with an humongous cock
oh nothing just
>about to finally graduate with a degree I don't want at 25
>can't function due to crippling social anxiety
>don't enjoy life
>still a khhv
i know a girl just like this kek
Based and redpilled
This is 90th percentile of self-awareness for women. Probably higher.
>subtle propaganda signalling the same old traditionalist bullshit: women are the happiest when they shut up and resign themselves to perpetual baby-making
Not true at all. The post (rightly) suggests that women are subject to mixed signals, including the idea that you need a husband and child to be happy but also that you can have that AND a career, AND a frivolous lifestyle of tourism and consumption. Most (smart) women don't fall for it as easily as the hypothetical woman in the quoted post, however.
I finally got into Princeton like I said I would, (only took 5 years) but its a complete disappointment
interesting takes really, i observe the former more so. i wonder how my life will end up. i didn't finish highschool and did hard labor for a few before > GED > community college > harvard-esque 4-year. im 25 but feel revitalized after starting school again. academics are disastrously difficult, and it doesn't help that i'm majoring in STEM—but, this trajectory almost makes more sense. already been through serious relationships, self-loathing, cultural introspection, existential dread; all that remains is a fiery need to make something happen in this world.
You actually remember what you have for lunch last week???
What about the weight of the dook you took?
More effort pls. Doesnt matter if seeth or troll. First greenspam was substantial. Either match it or dont try.
Because then you can own the fuckup instead of wonder about in on your deathbed.
"Err, you see, I had to revisit it again ... give me couple more months, oke?"
>tfw doing it for the last five years
>tfw she still believes in me, stays encouraging and tells me to eat a dick when I make excuses or procrastinate
Feels weird to have friends.
>wastes youth preparing for wage cuckery instead of self actualisation
>becomes wage cuck
>unhappy with wage cuckery but perspective is too fucked to escape
Sounds pretty ubiquitous for white middle class kids. And sure the brainwashing against women is more excessive but it all leads to the same hole. At least you're still pretty young to find a passion and escape this shit.