Be omar mateen

>be omar mateen
>deep in radical islamism, a warrior for the faith
>abu waheeb is struck down by American drones
>load up to avenge his death and fight for the caliphate
>randomly choose american club to attack
>happens to be a gay club
>whole event is seen as an attack on LBGT community
>"he was my gay lover!"
>"he was on grindr!"
>"he came to pulse and loved it but felt guilty!"
>"he was HIV positive and wanted revenge!"
>no evidence
>body shows HIV negative
>self aggrandizing music videos are made, everyone concludes that love wins, the 49 martyrs of Orlando are enshrined in popular American culture
>nobody remembers abu

What books trace the self-absorptions of Western Liberal Democracies? It's not just Islam: Liberals are incapable of understanding their enemies in terms of their actual beliefs and force every attack against them into a mono-narrative of an obscurantist past, a triumphant march towards progress (a progress which is an ever withdrawing horizon), and a banishing of reactionary counter-forces.

I've read Adrian Vermuele.

Attached: sia.png (300x300, 166K)

Other urls found in this thread:

start with the greeks, america is basically athens

you make it sound like their defence strategies work very well

>Mateen was born Omar Mir Seddique[6] on November 16, 1986,[7] at Long Island Jewish Medical Center[8][9] in New Hyde Park, New York


If I were a Liberal, I would be terrified, because the truth is that they're defense strategies don't work. Liberals exist in such a tenuous state.

>At 2:22 a.m., Mateen placed a 9-1-1 call in which he mentioned the Boston Marathon bombers—Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev—as his "homeboys"
>Two survivors quoted Mateen as saying, "I don't have a problem with black people"
This has got to be the goofiest mass shooter in American history

Attached: yeah boi.jpg (1200x800, 62K)

You yourself said that the only change the attack did was make the LGBT stuff culturally stronger

guy has nothing on the living meme that was elliot rodgers. Someone post the "this is very disconcerting' or whatever it is image

>this is very disconcerting
lmao i can’t believe that’s real. reality is stranger than memes

Culturally stronger within a small Western bubble perhaps, but I suspect much of the backlash against Liberalism (Poland, Trump, Brazil, ISIS, etc) comes from a hatred of these self congratulatory festivals.

Attached: unsettling.png (718x189, 91K)

Western non-muslim conservatism isn't the same thing as muslim conservatism. This sort of acts just make the non-muslims conservatives hate muslims even more. Muslims don't win the cultural war by being edgy suicidal retards, they win it by making lots of kids.

True enough, although hatred can inspire a woman to give birth to 12 kids as much as it can inspire a man to kill 49

My sides--Never seen this before.

I'm just saying that the death of 49 people means ultimately nothing, it's a very small number of people in the grand scheme of things. Terrorist attacks either work or don't because of their PR value, not the body count. This gay club attack wasn't a successful one because after a short moment of shock and social media hysteria nothing really changed and life went on as usual. This radical muslim warrior gave up his life for nothing.

>49 is 7 squared

Attached: 44880AFE-5432-4709-8985-D51898BE8C72.gif (400x275, 1.55M)

Have sex

>posts about kabbalah
>uses a gif of jews


>numerology is kabbalah
>what is pythagoreanism

Is likely the most holy numerical configuration within kabbalah, so yeah.

>he doesn't know the significance of 7s
Hope you don't call yourself an antisemite, that'd be embarrassing



>born at a heeb hospital (which is not uncommon in NYC to begin with)
>therefore he must be jewish

For a board that's based on literature, you guys seem to really suck ass when it comes to reading comprehension.

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 7K)

>Not realizing it's a joke.
Do you sweeten your coffee with anti-freeze?

>What books trace the self-absorptions of Western Liberal Democracies? It's not just Islam: Liberals are incapable of understanding their enemies in terms of their actual beliefs and force every attack against them into a mono-narrative of an obscurantist past, a triumphant march towards progress (a progress which is an ever withdrawing horizon), and a banishing of reactionary counter-forces.

Nomos of the Earth by Carl Schmitt

At some level, liberals recognize that they are abominations. They no doubt find the prospect of their own annihilation something of a relief.

To call Islam an enemy is silly, Islam is a problem for Western liberal democracies only because the State tolerates and encourages it as part of the overarching Tolerance narrative, which came about mostly due to the Holocaust and American slavery.

There is literally NOTHING about the story that ISN'T somehow absurd or offbeat. 2012 was the end, 2016 dankest timeline, etc. etc.