Remember that burgerpunk shit?
Remember that burgerpunk shit?
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its a good idea, but i dont want to share my work on here. I assume other anons feel the same. the threads had great ideas and insights
dead meme fuck off shill
what happened to the book?
Forcing memes is pathetic
/fa/ managed to make /lunarcore/ a thing, never doubt the power of Yea Forums assburgers
I really do like the name "burgerpunk," it feels like a very apt label for writers like DeLillo and DFW.
This is the thing I was interested in with those threads - the idea that people like those writers embodied burgerpunk was something that was disputed by one school of thought who saw burgerpunk as solely the subject being critiqued, and not art/media that was critiquing it. For example, according to this view, the actual sprawl of suburbia, fast food, etc. was the burgerpunk, while a book exploring and critiquing those themes is not burgerpunk. So, the appeal of the genre is nostalgia for a time before critiques of burgerpunk culture came into being
what would he have to say about it Yea Forums?
That’s so June
Make a collection of short stories of it yet?
...other western countries don't look like this? i live in central california and it looks like this from south to north...
I liked the helvetica joke of the first page
and yet never read any further
This is uhhm... obviously a reflection uhm... of modern society taking... uhm... as I’ve said before when talking about hauntology uhmmm.... a point where the regress of what people perceive of the future is halted... uhmm... it’s not even a uhmmm... past future uhm... at this point it is modern reality as our future reality. Stagnation has uhm... at this point made Burgerpunk our forever future.
Not yet butterfly-Kun. I gotta pass the bar first.
It's just a vaporwave
You're right.
Also, Milhouse is a meme.
Feels weird that you guys use the area I grew up in as a meme cover
pinche guey, san antonio
>No burgers
I'm going to fix the cover, gang!
It looks like a hellhole, to be honest.
Post links to Burgerpunk works so I can know what the fuck you boys are on about. You guys right a manifesto yet?
Much of America's urban cores have this degraded aspect, but many Americans build lives elsewhere away from all that and I think that's maybe a specific update to American aspirations/dreams so to speak, that we wish to make money in the corrupt and unstable cities but then we'll leave for the fruitful hinterlands.
>right a manifesto
Iono r u gonna reed it?
ye eye will
Should I just start a burgerpunk blog?
I'm starting a burgerpunk clips4sale with my bf
Are fetish-categorized sexualities burger punk, because they seem to reduce us all to menus and lists?
What is burgerpunk? Where is it written?
Burger punk is the freshly fucked gash being redressed in old Lulu pants and strutting itself out once more before bed for another dose of primo peen and peen spray
Everything can be commodified and given the illusion of choice. Remember you can have any color Ford, as long as it’s black.
On the hardrives and cloud files of about 12 people.
>the freshly fucked gash being redressed in old Lulu pants and strutting itself out once more before bed
Cutting through the cruft of modern life like an industrial-strength water knife. Holy shit. Well done.
p good
>Burger punk is the freshly fucked gash being redressed in old Lulu pants and strutting itself out once more before bed for another dose of primo peen and peen spray
m-muh hauntology
I shall devise it into theory and praxis in order to not only articulate but to show the true nature of burgerpunk. For it is beyond that of simple vapor wave. Vapor wave is only a dead past future under the guise of hauontology. It is what once was thought the future would be. But burgerpunk is beyond this. It is not a pasts future. You may see the late 90’s or your early childhood’s pre 9/11 fast food comforts. And yes, burgerpunk includes that, but it is a continuation. We never escaped from that time in reality. Reality has stagnated. There has been a lack of future identity, but it is not as Mark Fisher said because the future is dead. No my friends, it is because the future is now. The future is here, and we will never have a beyond until the collapse. Until the heat death of capital and the universe we are forever stuck in the external recursion of burgerpunk. We may have smaller phones and flatter televisions. But what physical advance have you seen that is not in and of itself a radical invention. A unique and it’s own. None my friends. We are here upon the cusp of the rest of the world. All this Land will rot, it’s physical form lacking a manifest assertion of purpose, other than the extraction of value and the shifting in values. Our attention is time. Our stomachs to mind. They have yet to conquer sleep. The internet seeming bastion, only waivering slightly until it became its burgerpunk reality counterpart. This future now is happening. The words are colliding. The histories of time are upon us. You just have to look.
Australia does, Britain does in parts but makes up for it.
What's the joke?
You may seek to question the fact that I no longer speak of a post or neo burgerpunk. Well, gentlemen, this was flawed thinking upon my part. Applying the general timeline to an idea for which we did not discover was the end of time. For when we discuss that of amazon or the more cyber characteristics, these are not beyond burger, these are the limbs and tentacles of the burgers reach. efficiency in machinery is the burger way. Quicker production is burgerpunk. Service with a smile in an attempt to compensate for the slow swap to procedural artificial intelligence is classic burgerpunk. Replacing every part that is man until it becomes the chrome covered god robotic amongst men. Delivering burgers and Gatorade at three AM to any individual still conscious enough to look up from their dopamine kicks. We will not forget this shift and lurch, but it is merely adaption and does not change the fact that burgerpunk signifies the end of cultural advance my brothers. The right, the reactionaries, the dark enlightenment, whatever they are called have seemingly succeeded in their quest to halt the creation of differing or new culture, somehow convincing the predo division of creators to market their burgers in a virtual world for a roof over their head than truly divest their energy upon the creation of which will never see the neon lights above. Their has yet to be a death to morn for the future’s future has yet to be conceived. We have been chemically castrated in the mind. Digital grease clouds our vision and judgement, makes us slow with the high blood sugar and glucose of digital data consumption. We have become the patties. We are no longer punks. We are the ones who have been plunked and we have become the burger.
High-Class Burgerpunk
Stop living in povvo shitholes, user
>textwall in Helvetica font
>"hey, I like that font!"
I think the difference is the places people live around said commercial zones. I've seen a few 'business park' type locations in Britain, but the people who spent time there all lived in terraces and got there by bus. Often carrying their shopping with them. None of that cager feel, quite a lot of parkland inbetween which was actually in use, a train station within walking distance and pubs in amongst the terraces pulling more custom than the fast food joints.
I had fun too. Got a longish story out of it which is better than my average performance. My plan is to come back and edit it later, then make my mind up if I want to leave an Easter Egg in the text somewhere.
If you have anything good to add to the book
I might make a new thread later, it seems that people want to contribute, but don't know that they can.
I have no intention of adding my stuff, which wouldn't fit at all. At the time I threw in some edits of the Chinese scene, boy having sex scene and the university bit, plus some housekeeping with other anons' punctuation, but the way I see it the core was always the travelogue with Harry. That can be infinitely added to, but only if you have a scene which involves hitchhikers passing through a roadside stop-off.
Educate me, what is burgerpunk