Well, what book, Yea Forums?
Well, what book, Yea Forums?
For me, it has to be Human Action by Ludwig von Mises
that does sound horrible
I was tricked by a friend once to read a book of Tom Robbins, suffice to say we're not friends anymore
If it's a truly horrible, I usually abort by the 100 page mark. I'm surprised I got that far into Battlefield Earth, which I only read in the first place out of perverse curiosity.
If it's that horrible no way I'm gonna waste my time finishing it.
I find your autism lacking
What was so bad about it
If a book was truly horrible I wouldn't finish it.
It was a book specifically designed to bait women into reading it, and read they did. Fucking thots
What made it so horrible?
low iq post
So you admit you're a thot.
Your diary
The Conquest of Bread
I don't know if I'm going to finish it. I find it boring and its characters completely uninteresting. I just wanted to read some light easy fiction :(
I've never felt this way. I don't read shit books.
So you know beforehand if a book is good or not?
Gravity's Rainbow.
I've never read a book so shit it makes me feel like those Kermit pictures.
Kafka on the shore
on the road
Anything by David Levithan or John Green
Atlas Shrugged.
>Dude, you’re daughter deserved to get raped because you’re white lmao
Gardens of the Moon
The last two books of the Tunnels series by Roderick Gordon. The first four were very decent for a YA series and the last two just shit the bed so hard. Ruined the stories and the characters and were just miserable.
I remember forcing myself to read that
gotta love how they leave fucking mexico out of that cover lmao
That is not at all implied by the author. Please stay away from literature.
>inb4 infinite jest
I also struggled to finish this.
Slaughterhouse five
There’s a scene where the daughter literally says that getting raped was necessary for her to be part of South Africa’s suffering and therefore culture.
>Spaniards pillage the continent from natives
>they themselves get pillaged by Yankeestanis
Seems like poetic justice to me.
>'b-but muh native admixture!'
t. Juan de la Cruz
Dobble Digchit IQ Monsieur
I envy you. I read it cover to cover. I regret it to this day.
That doesn't mean that thats coetzee's view..
Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Harlem Renaissance didn't produce anything worth its value on paper.
To Have and Have Not might be Hemingway’s worst. The chapter from the point of view of Harry’s horny wife was pretty cringey
But the Cuban revolutionaries turned pirates ending was pretty baller so it nearly redeemed it.
This is true. TeAcAKe PUgnAtIoUS BreASts
zettel's traum
What was so bad about it.
madame Bovary
anna karenina
how can people enjoy cuck lit.
The Dean's December