what pseudopigrapha or apocryphal works should i read?
What pseudopigrapha or apocryphal works should i read?
Epistle of Barnabas is an absolute must. Perfectly explains the New Covenant (between God and all of humanity) and its continuity with the Old Covenant (between God and the biblical Jews).
If you’re interested in researching the eary gnostic corruptions of Christianity, Shepherd of Hermas was praised by many of the Church Fathers, so it’s worth checking out, as long as you know what you’re getting into.
I normally would answer but I don't help cumbrains. P
Uh that's just a girl putting on a sock. You must be a real pervert to think anyone would cum to that.
Yeah it would be weird if she let me cum in her used sweaty sock haha
hahaha hilarious user, you're such a funny guy
imagine if she put her foot in your face as a joke hahaha
i hate being a cumbrain :(
Imagine how this girl is laughing at cucks like you with her man.
How often do you try to convince your boyfriend to laugh at cucks with you and he just looks at you wondering why you don't just go to the therapy like he asked you to months ago?
Maybe if you were more secure in yourself, you wouldn't think about stupid shit like that.
You all disgust me. If you want to circle jerk over some k-pop star’s feet, you can do that over on
user, I'm not sure what you mean. Don't you think it'd be ridiculous if she was to put her feet in your lap for a prank, hahaha
You could tell her about Voltaire and she could wiggle her little toes for a joke. Honestly if you find something sexual about feet that's your own thing, but the idea of there being anything sexual about feet is ridiculous. You're such a silly guy user hahaha it's only innocent fun and games
>being attracted to women is totally not normal dude! Sign up to NoFap® and you will be able levitate in less than a week!
>I relapsed today and succumbed to Satan's salute. It truly is a disease like being on heroin
>you will never be a 4 feet, small picked gook living in the sugarcoated dystopia that is S. Korea, having 6 credit cards and racking up debt everyday because you want to live beyond your means Gangnam Style, broadcasting yourself eating mukbang, listening to brain dead k-pop for 12 hours a day, lusting for unattainable idols that get fucked by ugly bastard producers behind the scenes, and committing suicide at 35 by racing into the DMZ and getting gunned down by the automatic turrets because deep down you realize you live in a culturally dead consumerist dystopia
Why even live?
>ywn be the ugly bastard producer and have a harem of prime k pop pussy
>ywn come to a group of new stars and order them to have their clothes off and make them suck your dick and cum on their disgusted faces
>ywn inject sildenafil on your dick to fuck them for the sixth time in a row
books for this feel?
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fools mock that which they don't understand. Enjoy your life of mediocrity.
slave morality
>he says as he hopelessly is compelled to masturbate for yet the third time this day.
>i-i'm not a slave, y-you are!
In case you haven't noticed it's always you NoFappers who come into the thread to complain, not the other way around.
>It's always those darn nofappers!
>Constantly post lewd/seductive imagery and videos even in unrelated topics
Gospel of Thomas is the gold standard, just as good as the canonical four.
Book of Enoch is the trippiest. Read the passage on Enoch in the Holy Bible first, then read Book of Enoch and "see what happened to him". Like, he "walked with God and then was not, for God took him", was it, but then BoE tells you God took him to the heavenly /x/ realms and showed him glimpses into the mechanisms and workings of existence in and of itself.
>a girl putting on a sock
Who's the cumbrain again?
It’s okay, user. The guy lived a miserable existence before. Let him have his little cult. You can always tell when someone has just started something like nofap because they go on and on about how superior they are to all those silly fappers. The ideal way to drop an addiction is to become disgusted by the activity. It’s like when someone is quitting coffee or starting meditation. They have a good experience, develop a superiority complex and when eventually they go back to feeling empty inside, they “relapse” and the cycle begins anew. It’s ironic; who would have thought not fapping could be the biggest circlejerk of all time?
Actually I do fap. Doesn't mean you guys are any less retarded. The difference between you and me is I keep it to myself and have a relatively healthy relation with it. While I'm sure I would love to be offended by your words, I simply cannot give a shit in this case when I'm arguing against someone who who feels the need to defend his dick tugging so much. Good luck to both of you. Maybe some day you'll have some respectable attributes.
Also you must be some fucking low energy bastard to feel nothing when seeing these. There are only a few centimeters keeping you away from seeing bare ass and an extra pair of lips. Of course, I can control myself, so I won't type some embarrassing outburst of lust like most of you guys do.
t. Low T cumbrain that can't respond because he's addicted to hard core porn.
The fact that you’re replying indicates that you care at least a little. Your post reeks of superiority complex too, so either you’re lacking in experience, or you lack the humility required to implement your new fad into your daily life. Hey, maybe it’s both.