Does the very fact that this man is taken seriously undermine the American right?
Does the very fact that this man is taken seriously undermine the American right?
A relatively eloquent Jew offering semi-conservative opinions to convince white Americans to be slightly less hastened Progressives through the institution of Conservatism is hardly a novel occurrence. If such men didn't exist there might have been an American Hitler.
>The American right
Just kidding, but I don't know cause I can't listen to him because his voice is annoying.
Yes. When milquetoast classical liberalism is able to masquerade as cutting edge transgression you know there's something very wrong
He really does sound like a know-it-all 14 yr old
The right was brainless to begin with so there is nothing to undermine lol. They just react in opposition to whatever the high iq left thinks up they have no original thought. All the talent and intelligence are on the left.
>That video where a college student points out that countries where abortion is banned don't have lower abortion rates
>Ben gets flustered and makes an analogy to slavery being criminalized that doesn't make any sense
>student points out that it doesn't make sense
>"b-but now you're defending slavery"
Holy mother of cringe
No, the billionares like Wilks bro are funding them to speak louder without consequences is undermining the america.
Why are Americans so concerned with the left-right paradigm? It's fucking cringe. Nowhere else on Earth is it so cared about. Stop trying to categorise opinions like you're barracking for a sports team you imbeciles.
Fuck I really hate USA.What a terrible place.
Yes, look at who the American right as on their side. Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, some Canadian blonde 20-year-old girl who looks 40. Those are their top intellectuals. Meanwhile the left has Chomsky on their side, a great thinker and dissident who will be remembered for centuries to come. Shapiro and his peers are corporate bootlickers. Chomsky on the other hand has spent nearly his entire adult life defending freedom while bravely exposing abuses of power worldwide.
the stake is so high and the highest bidder takes it all
If one party schisms then the other party just takes full power.
watch his BBC interview, practically nobody takes him seriously
If Chomsky is so smart and philanthropist, why doesn't he start a youtube channel and just regards on this?
they did so to the that guy rents free
The smartest man in America is a rightist.
iq =/= smart
iq = did well on an iq test
More like iq = east asianness
No, it just exposes how witless American media is in general
It isn't possible for someone who isn't smart to score 200 on an IQ test. It is possible for someone who isn't smart to think that's possible though, and maybe you really do.
Pic related.
I only know of the "American right" from /pol/, and /pol/ seems to regard him as a joke. Is he actually taken seriously by the non-/pol/ right?
>They just react in opposition to whatever the high iq left thinks up they have no original thought
Good bait
There is no one in the American right worth taking seriously, except maybe some fringe figures nobody's ever heard of. Most of them are either
>subhuman rednecks voting for anything familiar
>israeli slaves doing the bidding of the jews
>ruthless players that want to squeeze as much money out of their lobbyists as possible, no matter what the consequences for everyone
The days of principled rightwingers that cared about the state of the Republic or American values died a long time ago. All these fucks want now is either to kick out Mexicans or to find more free shit to give to Israel, depending on whether they're white nationalists or simple Zionists. That's about it. I actually wonder at times who the last great rightwinger Americans had was - probably Nixon. Reagan was a piece of shit actor faggot, and it's incredible there are Republicans deriding Nixon and Democrats sucking Reagan's dick. It goes to show that Americans only care for appearances and nothing else. Anyone that's ever read about either one can tell that Nixon was a genius despite his faults, and that Reagan was 100% a brainlet puppet without a single thought of his own.
Yes - that and a hundred thousand other reasons.
To be fair, he isn't taken seriously, and won't be again after that horrible BBC interview. It also seems like the tide is turning, and people are exposing a lot of hilarious shit about him, like how he apparently only got into doing this as a gig because he originally wanted to write comedies for Hollywood but was completely rejected.
Some More News did a pretty good breakdown of Benny Jew-Jew's "career."
pic proves rich not smart
umh sweaty those are fascists thinkers you are posting
i mean lefties take chapo seriously so not really
His articles were never popular before he was chosen. His position is not organic.
I'm actually interested in trying this out, even though the image rather disgusts me. I'm not into feet.
Why don't you think he should be taken seriously, OP? Is it because he's Jewish? Or is it just because he's hyper-articulate, has somehow managed to memorize a huge amount of information, and with these combined skilled have made utter fools of many a leftist who attempted to debate him. Even Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the coward and border actress, refused to speak to him. He'd have torn her to pieces.
Anyhow, either way, Trump is going to win 2020. There isn't a single Democrat candidate who could stand up to Trump on the debate stage, because none of them actually fight for America or have truth on their side. Isn't that right, Pocahontas?
>Why are Americans so concerned with the left-right paradigm?
It's peddled by the two parties to hide how similar they actually are. It's also because Americans literally treat politics like sports.
>Fuck I really hate USA.What a terrible place.
It's even worse when you live here. I want out bad.
Who the fuck are you comparing him to? The left is rife with the exact same kinds of media personalities.
IQ is a measure of intelligence.
>Kicking ass.
"Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo..." air rushed in and out of his lungs, a partial mag slipped into an empty pouch with a fresh one slammed home. The soldier beside him slapped the mag release the chamber the first round and looked to the fellow psyching himself up with fresh O2. Metal clinking from the next man down behind cover as he fed the fresh belt onto the feed tray and slammed the top cover down before working the action. He looked to the two and nodded as, unseen beyond cover, wild Kalashnikov fire was blasted in their direction. The rapid breathing stopped, a steady breath out, and the two began their arduous trek. Belt-fed MG rose over the concrete barricade and fed extended bursts in the direction of the enemy's muzzle flash. By far most of the ammunition hit their cover or flew over their heads, but that's fine; their heads lowered to safety and so cover was achieved by those booking it past the dusty road towards the ditch on the other side. One by one, they dove, turned left, and crawled as quickly as they could manage in the sand.
The rapid rate of fire from the MG carried on, aided by a couple assault rifles with one likewise delivering bursts in auto, the other taking more accurate semi-auto plinks. One of the bests shooters in the unit, and he managed to pick off a head as it crept up for a shot.
Dust and debris kicked up as the two scrambled forth on their bellies, the one in the back getting the brunt of it, feeling grit in his mouth and smelling the dist in his nose, but he carried on. A slower rate of fire was heard just ahead and to the left on the enemy's position on the road; probably one of them raising their AK and wildly firing it over cover without looking, panicking at the sight of their comrade's head leaking its contents onto the hot asphalt. Underneath a shoddy bridge, the ditch got sufficiently low enough to climb to crouching, and made a faster pace to flanking the taliban bastards. Muffled Arabic could be heard nearby, the metal clanking of an empty mag hitting pavement, cries of 'Allahu Ackbar' as they prayed to their barbaric God for help against the infidel kafirs. As they moved, the leader rose his head to look and quickly ducked it down, holding an empty hand towards his companion for him to stop, and he likewise did so. He nodded, as did the other. Safeties flicked off, and they leapt forth to land on their bellies on the inner edge of the ditch.
With only their heads and their rifles presented, the enemy had no cover to speak of, two already on the ground with one still and the other writhing. Fingers hit triggers, and soon many more joined those two on the hot road.
"Up high! RPG!" He was already aiming, a man on a roof aiming his RPG to the left towards their brothers in arms. The first couple rounds went low but he left the sights climb until the sillouette made the dance of death, the rocket tearing into the sky harmlessly to arc far into the distance. "Reload."
"Hooah." He confirmed.
I think that went rather well, considering the utter lack of character development and relative lack of settings description. I had American soldiers in mind specifically but technically it could be most any unit of soldiers in the Middle East fighting the radical Muslim fuckwits. Canadian, English, German, what have you. Though, the 'hooah' at the end might betray things... perhaps I should have written 'he grunted confirmation'. About 3000 words, almost the max.
IQ is the best predictor known for long-term success. The US Military has tested and studied IQ for roughly a century and they've found it so useful that they won't accept anyone with an IQ under 83. That's roughly 10% of the US population, around 50% in Africa, perhaps more in some places. Brutal stuff, and causes great butthurt in Marxists, but hey, truth tend to do that. They require lies in order to uphold their toxic world views.
Because he is 90 years old.
>like how he apparently only got into doing this as a gig because he originally wanted to write comedies for Hollywood but was completely rejected.
Like half the people living in LA are failed artists. I don't see how it's that embarrassing
Isn't that the point of controlled opposition? Same for Alex Jones etc.
If people didn't take controlled opposition mouthpieces seriously what would the point be? Someone is paying good money to have these people be taken seriously.
>I'm not into feet.
I like feet but the image is grotesque,
What does this "take seriously"-shit even mean? Dude's a lot less ridiculous in what he says than about 90% of elected representatives (on both sides).
Also, this isn't this is Yea Forums.
Stop posting offtopic nonsense already.
It's a good predictor but intelligence is a lot more complicated than the number you get on a IQ test. Seeing how far someone can run is a good predictor of how healthy a person is as well, but whoever runs the farthest isn't necessarily the healthiest person on the planet and there are cases of healthy people who just have troubles with their legs.
So I think the guy you replied to is still right, although there obviously is a huge overlap of high IQ people and what we consider intelligent.
Rich equals smart
There's a high correlation between wealth and intelligence because IQ is the best predictor for long-term success. It matches very well why the West, Japan, and South Korea are doing so well (aided by Capitalism of course) and why Africa and the Middle East (outside of Israel) are utter shitholes, especially since Rhodesia changed to Zimbabwe and Apartheid ended White rule of South Africa. Nigeria is now the most prosperous nation of Africa, only because they were doing the best of the Black-lead nation and so by default won because of the loss of Rhodesia and South Africa. It might have to do with Nigeria having the highest population of any African nation.
Racial IQ also explains the fact that in America, Blacks make less than Whites on average but Asians make slightly more than Whites on average. It also explains the 'Jewish question' since if they have the highest average IQ it explains why they're disproportionately seen at the tops of various hierarchies. From there, their in-group preference and nepotism explains the rest; Jews are a very tight-nit group, and I can understand why. They're of few number, they have a strong tendency to marry within their race (like all other races, but beyond that their very religion coaxes them to have children with other Jews), and there's the shared tragic history they share from various points in history. Such is why the 'Jewish question' of why so many Jews are doing so well doesn't bother me. That, and I'm not a fucking Socialist who hates to see others doing better than myself. After all, the Nazis were National SOCIALISTS. I believe that that ideology does play a factor in fueling anti-Semitism, which is just pathetic.
Do people get dumber during the recession?
define intelligence in a way that can be quanitified down to a single number.
else how could I compare things?