I just want some literature that is completely honest and doesn't even try to pretend that everything is nice and well or it will become better. Something like Peter Sotos but more psychological and with commentary. I myself want to write about it but first want to see if my ideas have been written already or not. Its just that people's hypocrisy is really interesting to me and want to explore it more.
Any more literature like Elliot Rodger's writings?
>literature that is completely honest and doesn't even try to pretend that everything is nice and well or it will become better
Oswald Spengler
Its not what I meant, he is just the embodiment of a boomer telling how the next generation is going to be bad even though they are very reason for it.
Obvious suggestion would be Houllebecq or however the fuck it's spelt, but also my diary desu
>talks about other people's hypocrisy
>thinks anyone that sees good in the world is just pretending
Your just as much a hypocrite as anyone else, you little dumb fuck
I'm obviously aware of it but its really tame. I just want something that shows people's true nature, the very primitive idea of their acts and how gruesome they are.
It's not the recommendation you wanted, it's the recommendation you needed.
>I just want something that shows people's true nature, the very primitive idea of their acts and how gruesome they are.
genealogy of morals
>People suffering to their death
>But hey look at the good part, me love me some good cute cat videos
If I wanted a reasoning about I could just say the book of Job, you clearly don't understand what I'm looking for.
This profound and historical work of art might help scratch that itch OP
I'm completely aware of eggman's body of work.
Read "The Red and The Black" by Stendhal. It's a classic.
>the good is just some mindless entertainment
OK retard
You're aren't proving your point any time soon, it seems.
>reading Elliot for his “honesty”
Any fool can be honest. You actually already admitted that you’re really only looking to find your own views, which you will then qualify as “honest”. Your tastes would probably be better fulfilled by simply finding a different semi-obscure YouTube “intellectual” who hasn’t yet gone on a shooting spree. Don’t pretend you’re looking for serious philosophy or literature- none of the psychopaths you agree with are published.
Have you ever even read My Twisted World?
It's honest because there's no irony to it; Elliot espouses a completely detached worldview and he does it proudly. He doesn't justify it as part of some value system, he just says outright that he thinks he deserves great things and that others don't and should be killed and hurt
>Any fool can be honest.
Not really, most people won't go that far to really expose existence to what it is.
>your own views
I want this view because its the one that has no barely any material on it in the first place.
>none of the psychopaths you agree with are published
Woah, I will recommend dilating motion.
He just wants to act like a contrarian in my very contrarian thread. He can't even comprehend how out of touch he looks
Definitely not “honesty” that’s making you prefer some bitter virgin over an educated and reputable historian. It’s a pity that Spengler didn’t only publish works below 200 pages, or you might be able to read him before reducing him to some other user’s hot take that you read a few weeks ago.
>really expose existence to what is
You think what existence really is? You sound like a pretentious faggot who's too lazy or too dumb to get into real philosophy but still thinks he know the truth. You're the biggest hypocrite of them all sweety
>>Times you acted like the Joker
Have sex.
>real philosophy
Please tell me what you consider real philosophy, I'm pretty sure you're the one who doesn't and know only entry tier ones and doesn't understand them that well.
Justice has been served.
“Most people” are not the fools I was referring to. Fools (and psychos) are honest by virtue of their stupidity- even if they are able to cobble together a book or manifesto before killing themselves. Honesty is not a virtue if you’re retarded.
That user who posted his blog in the last thread like this
What are you even trying to say here. If they are the one who actually admit how flawed people are why does it matter who they are?
Because honesty does not necessarily imply reason or truth. “Honesty” is a flawed and inaccurate measure of an opinion or work’s merit. That’s before even considering the entirely subjective criteria which you are using to decide who and what is honest.
First you dodged my question and now you say that honesty is flawed and inaccurate. Lets say it for the dumb people like you, I want to see what victims and spectators have to say about acts of abuse. Do you now get it my dumby bumby friend?
r9k material is actively dragging you down.
all their prophesizing are self-fulfilling because it's done to those who seek out r9k material.
even indians. fucking poo-in-the-loo indians. can make it if they actually work for it.
r9k material is all cope. cope with being ugly with an ugly personality, not doing jack shit with your body or mind and just decaying in body and mind not even spending an hour, not even a minute, bettering yourself instead obsessing over society's whores and unobtainable 10/10s all the more unobtainable because of your inactivity and mindrot.
More pessimistic doesn't necessarily mean more honest. Some people just have a warped perspective that can not be satisfied. Elliot isn't someone with a clear grasp on true perspectives. He literally cried about not winning the lottery even though his family was already rich. He's just mentally ill.
It seems like the only one coping here is you.
Why is it ok to have a reading disability on the literature board? Imagine if people could actually read and then realize what they just wrote.
>It seems like the only one coping here is you.
nah, I actively dislike r9kers and like lashing out at their obvious copes for why they're not only righteous to decay but should spead their mindworms to others.
most of you are pajeets to boot, it's no great secret that the easiest way to make r9k butthurt is posting about man's best friend and other "unclean" animals westerns like more than r9kers.
>, I actively dislike r9kers and like lashing out at their obvious copes
Exactly, you have to cope with the fact that some people in fact have it harder and their problems can't be solved by the very just be yourself and exercise :). But you're useful, people like you are great motivators. Elliot was probably motivated by animals like you who just pretend to be good people but are in-fact pathetic cowards who can't wait to get in the crowd and act like all is fine just to not get any bad looks. Just ponder on the fact how low of a human being do you have to be to put down people who have it worse than you and have the nerve to tell them how its all their fault when you most likely would have killed yourself or made it even a bigger deal out of it.
>thinks someone like Elliot has a grasp on reality and sees existence for what it is
>tells others they don't understand philosophy
Sure honey, saying the world is just pure suffering and that there can't be good is reaaaaallly big brained. You're just too smart for this world
Thank you sweetheart, you're starting to realize that your reasoning is that of a first grade who has a cognitive dissonance. Hihihi the world is good, as long its not me who is feeling bad.
You're reasoning doesn't make any sense. You claim the world is bad because theres suffering. But there's obviously joy and happiness and love too, so following your argument the world must be good. But wait does that mean there's both good and bad in the world? N-no that can't be true
Do you think religion can offer salvation for the people you're describing?
These positives emotions are paid by the people who suffer.
It can rationalize it but every case its different and they have different questions.
>Exactly, you have to cope with the fact that some people in fact have it harder
None of which spend time on r9k.
>and their problems can't be solved by the very just be yourself
No one should ever be told to "just be themselves" except for schizophrenics.
>and exercise :)
If your problem is in huge part that you're a fat, sedentary man with a fat face then yes you should be told to excercise and diet your bodyfat away. (cutting sodium to not retain as much babyfat in the face)
Then you could get some 5/10 to show you interest and give you some realization that what you're after isn't a good loyal but homely woman but a fantasy ideal of a woman sold you.
>Elliot was probably motivated by animals like you who just pretend to be good people
In all likelihood he was motivated by jackoffs like yourself who can read your own thoughts into any text written along with unrealistic expectations and letting his excessive narcissism show to anyone who gave him the time of day.
Who here said anything about "good" except you you bluepilled fuck?
>act like all is fine just to not get any bad looks.
Who cares about the crowds bad looks? Again what the fuck are you on about?
>Just ponder on the fact how low of a human being do you have to be to put down people
Not low at all. People who want tolerance for their obvious bullshit are generally terrible people to begin with.
>who have it worse than you
You project too much.
>and have the nerve to tell them how its all their fault
It's all your fault going looking for r9k material to wallow in and cope with being a sack of shit looking for rationalizations to stay a sack of shit, yes.
>positive emotions are paid by the people who suffer
Man you're dumb
>None of which spend time on r9k.
there are undoubtedly people on that board who are just so fucked genetically there is no hope for them, why are you denying this?
Meaning has been lost, the mad calls other people mad. Its okay, what is funny is that people like you get it the worse because you have been bending so much that when its time to stand up you simply can't and you get ran over. Then you try to cry about it but nobody cares as you didn't care about other people. The cycle continues.
Quite the intellect you have, its time to show it off.
Anyone who says they're "fucked genetically" is almost 99% certain to be coping so they don't have to do anything.
I've seen the kind of people who post in lookism threads butthurt about /fit/ fags gym advice and they're inevitably obese and/or skinnyfat with terrible haircuts, terrible clothing, extreme lack of social skills to the point that it's nearly intentional (e.g. self-sabotaging to not deal with success), lacking all discipline and wouldn't even know if their jawline is bad due to genetics because they have so much face fat it's indistinguishable from their neck.
They look to eggman etc to cope ignoring that he is not only still fat but also has had psychological issues he's been in therapy for since he was 5 years old.
Tell me then, in what way would others need to suffer for me to find love?
But it doesn’t matter who they are- at least theoretically. It’s just that you’re clearly conflating honesty with accuracy. You believe that someone’s experience of victimhood makes them reliable commentators on their own victimhood, which fails entirely to take into account their ability to correctly and objectively assess their situation, even if they maintain absolute honesty throughout. They might just be stupid- which could be why they find themselves a victim in the first place. Alternatively it does matter who they are when you can observe clear contextual factors which could taint the reliability of their opinions- for example if they went on a shooting spree before killing themselves.
Others don't have to suffer and "love" is something that is not important and real. You need a women but love these days is impossible, only in small, local communities it could work.
You really can't comprehend the amount of things people are told to appreciate and hate. At this point I simply think you're retarded, nobody can be making such troll posts. Lets get to the extremes since you're too stupid to understand. Who do you think survives and breeds, the scientist/philosopher or the athlete/marine? I'm not asking about today, please tell me who are found to be more respected and who get bigger backlash for doing something wrong. Keep in mind that there are professional fighters who have ran over mothers with kids and still got nothing about it while other people lose their jobs and get shunned for saying the wrong things.
>Meaning has been lost
You're still expecting shit out of the bluepill fantasy sold to you so yes, you are bluepilled. Le "good people" horseshit is for Christcucks and other moralists.
>that people like you get it the worse
Funny, because I went through that TRP/Blackpill phase back when r9k was still about shitposting without repetition.
>because you have been bending so much
I hold un-PC views openly that faggots like you won't even espouse because it might make one of your "black-pilled" pajeet pals upset with you.
Still remember when Roosh banned mentions of race because it was hurting his sales margins.
>that when its time to stand up
"The time" is always the present. Always right now. Even in your attacks on others you project your decay cope. "One day it'll be right even if I do nothing". "The time'll come". "When I feel like it."
>but nobody cares as you didn't care about other people.
Nobody will care about the sexual-relationship-purpose equivalent of a druggie going "nuh-uh I don't have a problem, read these erowid tracts about how the K-hole is good for the mind n stuff!".
That's you obsessing over absolute shitters like Rodgers.
>The cycle continues.
Go hump some Kali Yuga faggot author. They too liked to pretend that things were going to get better after everything's destroyed until a cyclical repeat. Ignoring that time moves forward and evolution occurs.
Why are you ignoring that there is a real subsection of people who are genetically fucked? It's not not 1% it is larger than that, and even if it were only 1% that is still a real demographic and they would probably find their way to places like r9k. The people who will willingly post their faces online are likely narcissists who arent that bad
Nice moving of the goalposts there. Only because you're unable to experience love doesn't make it unreal or impossible or unimportant. Love is the very thing that defines our existence as humans. Not just romantic love btw, but friendship and family as well
Yeah, the only reason you're not in chains and being beaten and raped for fun like back in the old times. You would think people like you would have more respect for them.
>espouse because it might make one of your "black-pilled" pajeet pals upset with you.
I don't know what you're trying to say, non-whites bring even greater suffering.
>Not just romantic love btw
Because there is no such love in the first place. You're the one who argues for something you can't even express and then you put different things on me. If you preached love you would think how your actions affect other people but you don't because you're a hypocrite.
Motivation and discipline are as inborn as height and IQ. All the compensating in the world won't give these people the pleasure they need.
>If you preached love you would think how your actions affect other people but you don't because you're a hypocrite
Projecting much? I think you're the hypocrite, since you're claiming that life is suffering for only external reasons. Noone is responsible for your happiness but yourself. But that also means work and honesty which you're clearly not capable of and instead you just take the easy road of a whiny little bitch who things he's a victim of circumstance.
>Because there is no such love in the first place
Thats a bold claim, considering there are literally millions if not billions who say otherwise.
>You really can't comprehend the amount of things people are told to appreciate and hate.
And if they're smart they hold their own views instead of going out looking for other retards to tell them what to think.
>Who do you think survives and breeds, the scientist/philosopher or the athlete/marine?
Both, because genuine scientists and philosophers almost never let their body rot to that point, without fixing it down the line.
It's only the unintelligent who let that happen and cope with it permanently thinking they're Brahmin when they're Shudras at best.
Even the earliest philosophers discuss with disgust those who never bother finding their genetic potential/how far they can go.
>please tell me who are found to be more respected and who get bigger backlash for doing something wrong.
People respect those with better looks and better bodies obviously. Same reason they have extra disrespect someone who doesn't even try to be appealing to those they interact with.
Outward looks are often a strong indicator of inward thoughts.
>Keep in mind that there are professional fighters who have ran over mothers with kids and still got nothing about it
Almost all who buy into moralism despise them. It's the subset of people who don't who'll chase them regardless, see Ayn Rand and the likes.
>while other people lose their jobs and get shunned for saying the wrong things.
That happens to everyone and is societal-political-status. Looks barely play into getting away with that it's moreso your sex and race.
>Why are you ignoring that there is a real subsection of people who are genetically fucked?
Because the r9k is not part of them no matter how much they want to victimize themselves by co-opting the issues of a vanishingly small minority.
Do you have a genuine craniofacial disorder not self-diagnosed?
>It's not not 1% it is larger than that, and even if it were only 1% that is still a real demographic and they would probably find their way to places like r9k.
Yeah no. r9k is for whiteys who bought into disney-shit, realize it's fake and now don't want to put in the effort to find the real deal and pajeets who are lusting after whiteys because of porn and get butthurt that their chances with whiteys aren't as good as their chances with other pajeets.
>The people who will willingly post their faces online
Many of them were outed by others so no. They're just that full of shit.
>motivation and discipline can't be learned
youre making it so easy on yourself it's unbelievable.
If you could engineer yourself into an ubermensch everyone would.
>Yeah, the only reason you're not in chains and being beaten and raped for fun like back in the old times.
t. brainlet who doesn't know his history and thinks everyone was an uncivilized arab prior to the coming of Christcuckery.
>You would think people like you would have more respect for them.
It's impossible to respect flighty pseudo-moralists who can't even keep their own moral codes straight because society told them homosex was now a-okay.
>I don't know what you're trying to say, non-whites bring even greater suffering.
r9k is mostly non-white. those are the people you're being fed lines by. when indians made an indian chan 9 out of 10 posts were r9k ones.
>Motivation and discipline are as inborn
Yeah no. No one's motivated about something as dull as training short of athlete fags who make it their only job, no one is born disciplined.
That shit is beaten into you by experience and realization. I don't go to gym every day because I like it. I fucking hate it. I go there because not going there is asking to become a sack of shit and letting everyone who sees you know that you are one.
>as height and IQ.
The dumbest people manage to breed and be happy.
The shortest people do too, /fit/ memes aside.
In short: C O P E.
>All the compensating in the world
You betray your ideological bias.
There's no "compensating" here, it's literally just avoiding falling to where you have. Decaying visibly and letting everyone else know that's where you're at.
>won't give these people the pleasure they need.
They don't need pleasure, if anything they have too much of it already allowing themselves first world "problems" like this shit.
What they need is smack in the face with reality, not the cope one they've bought into from internet philosophers after having their last sold worldview crushed when girls don't react to "just be yourself" half as well as childhood cartoons told them it would.
>Noone is responsible for your happiness but yourself. But that also means work and honesty which you're clearly not capable
Yeah, its why some work body crushing works for peanuts and other don't even move their fingers and have unlimited riches. The one who is almost fainting is simply not working hard enough and its his fault being born there and like that. LOL, the state of copesters.
Like, you have 10 seconds to show at least 5 such philosophers. Most actually good philosophers and scientists have terrible frames and musculature. You can't think hard and be really physically fit, like an athlete. Only someone who never thinks can say that it is possible. Once again you just expose yourself as the retard you're. I want literature not your brainletists posts.
>brainlet who doesn't know his history and thinks everyone was an uncivilized arab prior to the coming of Christcuckery
NOoooo, not the trees, please noooooooo. *eat their own children* The trees are sacred please. You're the one who doesn't know his history and doesn't known that people were savages till very recently, they were hard to change even with it. Also arabs and semites in general have always lived in shit holes because they can't live like Christians. Their best times where only when controlling other nations and then going back to zero, while the west only got better with the time.
>homosex was now a-okay
Nobody thinks it is, that's just an amerimutt protestant thing. But such people get created by lack of love in the first place so its like getting what you sow.
No, a significant chunk of people would rather cope on r9k with why they shouldn't go through all the hard work to become one if they're not guaranteed to become the most ubermensch of the ubermensch.
Just by going through with it you're already more of an ubermensch than all of r9k combined.
THat's it's own sort of prison though, I empathize with those people too. I don't see why anyone at all wouldn't deserve empathy, nobody chooses to be the sort of person they are.
>Yeah, its why some work body crushing works for peanuts and other don't even move their fingers and have unlimited riches.
And yet all those richfags end up going through some phase of r9k-tier depression. Rodgers wasn't poor. Bertrand Russell was a very rich fag who never needed to work and considered killing himself almost his entire youth saying only mathematics stopped him. (he was enough of an unlikeable autist that it's very believable)
>Like, you have 10 seconds to show at least 5 such philosophers.
All of the greek ones more or less.
They were practically obsessed with fitness.
>Most actually good philosophers and scientists have terrible frames and musculature.
Yeah no. The only ones that come to mind are pop-scientists and Hawking could hardly help his musculature and frame.
>You can't think hard and be really physically fit, like an athlete.
You can't think hard and not be physically fit.
Your mind is an extension of your body, not separate from it.
Let your body rot and so does your mind.
>I want literature not your brainletists posts.
There's not a single r9k writer who've written anything approaching literature.
>*eat their own children*
Not a single pre-Christcuck civilization has eaten children. Including the Germans you're speaking of.
If anything their child-killing was more humane than modern abortionist christians because they didn't pretend they were doing anything but leaving the disformed kids to die from the cold.
>You're the one who doesn't know his history and doesn't known that people were savages till very recently
t. someone whose never opened up a primary source.
Go and read about those "savages" without having your priest read about them for you and you'll be sold a different picture. Bet it was the same Christcuck who sold you the women are saints bluepill spiel that led you to r9kism.
>Nobody thinks it is, that's just an amerimutt protestant thing.
Guess that explains why Catholicucks have so many homosexual and pedophile offenders in the priesthood, seminary and the magsiterium.
It's "all just prottie blowhards bro". Vigano? Whose Vigano?
>But such people get created by lack of love in the first place
They're born out of tolerance of deviants. Just like tolerance towards decay births the r9k mindset.
I've been anhedonic my whole life and tried to solve it with every kind of self improvement. It worked and I became a better person. I'm not ugly or stupid to start with. I had a couple of good relationships and began some kind of career. Sex and love were unsatisfying, socializing wasn't worth the stress. I never got any reward out of improving my personality and fitness or developing skills. I quit everything and told the government I would kill myself if I didn't get a pension because the truth is living in the normal world is not worth the trouble. Now I am a true NEET and I am happier than I had ever been as a child or a striver. I'm not exceptionally happy but by the standard of everything I have ever experienced it is good. If I was left in the bare reality you're interested in I would kill myself. That's not a thing to be sentimental about in my opinion. There's a certain cost in effort I am willing to pay to be allowed to stay alive. That cost is below keeping a job. I'm a dysfunctional freak but I am okay. There are probably other people on /r9k/ like me.
>It worked and I became a better person.
Doubt it going by your other posts ITT.
>Now I am a true NEET and I am happier than I had ever been as a child or a striver.
Yet you hang on r9k, go on about how horrible everything is and want to spread it and wallow in it.
I haven't browsed /r9k/ since 2016 and I don't misery post much. I believe there are alternatives to beating yourself into the ground trying to comply with your evolutionary motive or society's motive. Being happy with a simple life seems more beneficial for the sad people on here. Anyway I opened up with a real story and you're quoting lines in anger instead of trying to be helpful to anyone. I'm not offended at all but I hope someone reading this learns about the positive value of giving up.
>Anyway I opened up with a real story and you're quoting lines in anger instead of trying to be helpful to anyone.
In the context of you jumping into a long-ongoing discussion on the topic of r9kism and apparently defending it.
>I'm not offended at all but I hope someone reading this learns about the positive value of giving up.
If the alternative is wallowing in r9kism I agree that "giving up" is better if only because you're not actively spreading that retarded cope-ism shit.
Still quite stupid and obviously defeatist but not even close to as dumb as going out of your way to engage in misery tourism via other misery tourists and rationalize away any and all personal failures as being out of your control to do anything about it and victimize yourself to seek out pity from other self-victimizers.
I guess I'm trying to give you an example of a person who would not be saved by self improvement because I am one. I had the wrong idea about my preferences for years. I had to bottom out to finally be honest with myself about that. My true preferences are not conventional and would not lead to a happy life in most places and times. The mind fucked people on /r9k/ might be something like me.
Man and Technics is less than 60 pages.
Read Nietzsche
>material wealth leads to happiness
You don't need to be rich to live a happy, good life. I know a lot of hardworking people who are happy, even though they make little money.
Lmao shut the fuck up you retard. I've been working out for 2 years and no matter how much muscle mass I gain and body fat I lose I still look like a piece of shit, maybe less than before, but still like a piece of shit. Some things you're just born with and can't change. I have zero respect for fat fucks who don't move a finger and complain about genetics, but even less respect to retards like you who refuse to realize some people straight up lost the genetic lottery and will have to compensate for the rest of their lives.
>lost the genetic lottery
If you're actually built you get to claim that you're one.
The average 35% bodyfat r9k fatty with triple chins does not.
I went from disgusting skinny fat to decently built, but my hips are still wide, my nipples too large for me to ever look good in any clothing(I'm not overweight, I'm 6"1/170 pounds) and my dick is still small. Sweat like a pig 2 minutes into a workout, pale as fuck, balding. I'm only 24. What the fuck am I supposed to do lmao? Even if /r9k/ers do go through with it and actually exercise, if this is their endgame, it's better they stay sitting on their armchairs.
get some sun lad, it will make you feel better
>what is melanoma
Idk what is it? Im naturally very pale too but I tan
it's skin cancer bro, I want to die but not like this
>my nipples too large for me to ever look good in any clothing
Genuine breasts or what?
Because there's surgery for gyno.
>my dick is still small.
Genuinely small or /fit/ shitposting small?
Do you need to special-order condoms smaller sized than what you get at the supermarket?
>Sweat like a pig 2 minutes into a workout
What's the issue? You're working out. Sweat is normal.
>pale as fuck
Get out in the sun more, what the fuck kind of complaint is that. I look like an early stage fucking corpse if I don't get out into the sunlight so I do it.
Finasteride to stop loss and long-term a hair transplant like pic related.
>What the fuck am I supposed to do lmao?
Keep going until you've reached your max potential and don't give up at 24 years old when you still have plenty of time to do either, christ.
>if this is their endgame
It's probably not considering you're different people and a significant number of them don't have their genes to blame by their pics.
>Genuine breasts or what?
No, just stupid nips. When it's cold or I'm working out I have hard sexy pecs.
>Genuinely small or /fit/ shitposting small?
around 4.5 or 5 inches.
>Do you need to special-order condoms smaller sized than what you get at the supermarket?
bold of you to assume that I need condoms
>What's the issue? You're working out. Sweat is normal.
Even my pants are soaked after only 10 minutes. Not the cute sweat around the neck.
>Get out in the sun more, what the fuck kind of complaint is that.
I don't feel remotely comfortable taking my shirt off in public and afraid of skin cancer.
>Keep going until you've reached your max potential and don't give up at 24 years old when you still have plenty of time to do either, christ.
The habit is already formed so I will never quit, but the frustration and resentment will still be there.
>It's probably not considering you're different people and a significant number of them don't have their genes to blame by their pics.
Well it's their loss I guess. I'd kill to have normal genes.
>Finasteride to stop loss and long-term a hair transplant like pic related.
>pic is a deceiving photo of me during a workout a few months ago, I look like shit when in rest.
Everything that is truly good in the materium is but a reflection of the pleromatic light shining through the cracks of a broken world.
you look fine, you have body dysmorphia
>he just says outright that he thinks he deserves great things and that others don't and should be killed and hurt
It reminds me of Brett Easton Ellis' writing. Eliot's writing isn't terrible, but he wasn't as intelligent as he assumed himself to be. For example, why did he travel out of state but not purchase high capacity magazines for his weapons? Why did he commit the killings using handguns and not a rifle? The fatality rates are much higher with rifles and shotguns than handguns. Why did he use multiple handguns? It's not as though you can effectively use more than one at a time. These are things that a person with half a brain—who is considering committing a mass killing—would have thought out. But as someone who lived through the event and lost a friend during it, I'm glad that he wasn't particularly efficient or smart. I wish I could have killed him.
There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in
>No, just stupid nips.
Can probably dress around those. I have a similar-ish issue but not as often so I avoid white/light t-shirts and clothing fabrics that chafe them severely.
>around 4.5 or 5 inches.
That's average dick size for most larger-dicked countries user. I'm only slightly above and need genuine XL condoms due to girth. No need to worry about it.
>bold of you to assume that I need condoms
I'm assuming you're like most of us autists that checked it out long before there was any chance of getting laid.
>Even my pants are soaked after only 10 minutes. Not the cute sweat around the neck.
As long as it's in the gym who cares. The only time anyone gives a single shit about anyone else at the gym is when they're hogging a piece of limited equipment and looking at their phone for 5+ minutes between each lift.
>I don't feel remotely comfortable taking my shirt off in public
So do it in a non-public or semi-public place. But frankly with that body you have zero reason to be that shy about it, there's plenty of utterly disgusting fatties who show it off with no shame and plenty of people who don't actively judge them either.
>and afraid of skin cancer.
You're not gonna get skin cancer from being out in the sun for a bit you idiot. Put on some sun factor and stop being a hypocondriac about something that only people who live in the tanning salon 24/7 365 days a year fuck themselves over with.
Read up on actual skin cancer if you have to to get out of that mindset.
>The habit is already formed so I will never quit
Good. It's almost always a positive in my view.
>but the frustration and resentment will still be there.
That's fine. Those are good for lifting even if they're partially based in delusion.
>Finasteride to stop loss and long-term a hair transplant like pic related.
Generic Finasteride is cheap and the hair transplants are achievable, though costly, even with a low-paid job. Like $4.5k for a one-time deal from a reputable clinic (assuming you're not super thin-haired and might want more than one). What else are you going to spend the money on? Your wife?
>pic is a deceiving photo of me during a workout a few months ago, I look like shit when in rest.
You look pretty good even for a post-pump workout. Obviously there are always improvement areas like your biceps but there's nothing genuinely wrong with your lower body that'd make me go "that looks like shit" for being 2 years into it like a lot of those pics on /fit/.
Sounds like you're developing a bit of BDD from your expectations like a lot of /fit/ fags desu.
>Such pleasure took the serpent to behold
This flowery plat, the sweet recess of Eve
Thus early, thus alone; her heavenly form
Angelic, but more soft, and feminine,
Her graceful innocence, her every air
Of gesture or least action overawed
His malice, and with rapine sweet bereaved
His fierceness of the fierce intent it brought:
That space the evil one abstracted stood
From his own evil, and for the time remained
Stupidly good, of enmity disarmed,
Of guile, of hate, of envy, of revenge;
But the hot hell that always in him burns,
Though in mid-heaven, soon ended his delight,
And tortures him now more, the more he sees
Of pleasure not for him ordained: then soon
Fierce hate he recollects, and all his thoughts
Of mischief, gratulating, thus excites.
I would recommend picrelated. You can get it here (the google doc has a direct link):
Maybe check out John Dolan's stuff, like Pleasant Hell and his essays for the eXile, etc.
"My Twisted World" is the most remarkably un-self-censored work I've ever read.
Unironically Lacan. Get over your prejudices and return to Freud.
Maybe some people just want to watch a horror movie to freshen their imagination?
you have been utterly btfod
>apologia of a pathological narcissistic and failed mass shooter
There's no contradiction there. It's not honest in the sense that he has deep insight into himself - it's honest in the sense that he honestly describes his lack of awareness.
it's only "honest" in the sense that he is too stupid and too poor of a writer to conceal his pathologies. but if he's not capable of self-insight, and moreover has a highly distorted world-view, then why bother with him?
You know what, some people become believers and zealots because of people like you. Even thought its people who put them down for fun and act extremely cruel for something they have no control or were even the one unlucky to have yet people want to make fun of them and humiliate them. Either these people are pure demons or they are beyond narcissists and can't see how hypocritical they are.
friend, I don't really understand what you're trying to say
when is compiler user releasing part 2
notes from underground
Because despite his lack of self-awareness, his forthright way of writing gives us one of the most direct looks into another human perspective that I can think of. Usually memoirs and manifestos have a theatricality about them. "My Twisted World" is more of a raw direct look into a very fucked-up person. To appreciate its literary and psychological qualities is not to endorse the author's worldview or his murders.
but my twisted world is theatrical and shallow precisely because rodger is a narcissist and can't resist obvious bids for sympathy, willful misinterpretations of his actions and those of others, and non sequiturs that result from his inability to empathize and emote normally. my twisted world shows you what a narcissistic of middling intelligence is like, but it doesn't show you anything else about the world or "reality."
His theatricality and self-aggrandizement is so transparent that it might as well not be there. It is trivially easy to see through. Hence I say that the work lacks theatricality. Sure, he tries to grandstand, but he totally fails to deceive the reader. The result is thus honest. I am not claiming that the author's intentions are honest, just that the work is. Maybe we just mean different things by "honest" in this context. Perhaps against his conscious will, Rodger insists on putting all sorts of details into his writing that make him seem transparently pathetic to a degree rare in autobiographical writing.
Elliot absolutely tries to dramatize certain moments in My Twisted World user, I'm not saying the work is necessarily dishonest or anything he talks about is untrue but he's creating a narrative let's be honest.
It's Elliot Rodger writing Elliot Rodger the character, the thoughts and experiences he's trying to express are real but edited certainly.
You know, I'm something of Elliot Rodger fan myself. I wrote an almost 3000 word post on my blog on the anniversary of the day of retribution a few months ago about this subject in art if you want to give it a read. Don't worry I don't have the standard luke warm "he was just an entitled narcissist" take that normalcunts all have. Not at all
Not the only time I've talked about him either
Yes I've linked my blog on this board before, I'm not shilling I do this for free it's just a hobby
*in fact
not "in art", not sure why I wrote that
Why do you respond to him, its clear that he just want to redeem himself and copes with the fact that his ideal of just world breaks down.
I suppose I understand now, but it just makes the work trivially honest. It's interesting in the same way Chris Chan's videos are, but it's not philosophy by any stretch, and it doesn't really seem valuable to me
Buddy, you are imposing motives on me that you cannot possibly justify. If you think the only reason someone could possibly criticize Elliot Rodger's My Twisted World is because they believe in a "just world," I encourage you to kill yourself
Céline, obviously
I wouldn't call elliot a psychopath, he was just a lonely bitter narcissist believing the world owed him something that it didn't. An actual psychopath would, if he actually a reason for it (feeling lonely isn't one, for psychopaths don't feel loneliness( at least not in the form elliot did), go at it in a way he wouldn't get caugtht like elliot did.
>calling someone a narcissist is pure evil
your moral compass is way off my friend. So what if you get bullied and people make fun of you? That doesn't give you any right to shoot up a school. The world can be cruel sometimes but that's not the reason for your suffering. You're calling others hypocrites and deamons because of some mean things they said, yet you're defending a guy who killed several people and you think that guy had a clear understanding of true existence. You're completely fucked
>Killing several people because you believe they owed you something
>not a psychopath
ok faggot
Other than JTTEOTN and Death on Credit, what else is worth reading from him?
Someone explain to me why the lamest shooter in mass shooting history is idolised here?
Dude got blocked by a door.
fuck off faggot.
>You're completely fucked
You know what is ironic, when it happens to uppity people like you, you cry your lungs out start getting angry and want bragging rights with every single person. I have seen it enough times, if you experienced you will not act like that but its ok, it usually happens at an old age when your kids don't like you because they can tell you were a faggot hypocrite.
Why are you projecting so much? What do you know about my life and my suffering? The difference between you and me is that I don't let myself be determined by what's happening to me. You're just a beta whining bitch, who rejcts responsibility because it's much easier to live that way. Keep your victim mentality, that'll really help you in the long run.
Sure you can, if all these posters were sent to a forced workout camp, how many of them would come out with enough motivation to continue?
There are tons of examples of fat, decaying blobs of people who are able to decide in a week that what they have to change their lives. This happens all the time, you can see the motivational videos everywhere, infact most people normal people don't workout either and these videos are sometimes able to pull time through, but some autists poison themselves so much, they think that normal people are on such a higher spectrum that when they see a motivational video they can't see the fat or skinny normie who gets motivated by it, they only see the lie they tell themselves.
>Killing several people because you believe the other sex owes you emotional bonding, which you desperately seek.
Anyone believing elliot to be a psychopath doesn't know what one is.
I empathize lad, sometimes we all want to just become like a tortoise, and I'm not making fun of you. It's possible to live your life, I get the sense of not feeling any gain by the normal world. However, I do believe that in most cases this is a reflex against failure, not some difference of how you sense the world as opposed to other people.
>waaah waaah we are so ugly we have it real bad!!
meanwhile physical handicaps exist
If the reward of success isn't worth the risk of failure the rational choice is to give up.
There are happy and unhappy cripples like anyone else. Being satisfied with a substandard life is a quality the miserable people on /r9k/ don't have.
based and ironpilled
Was it emotional bonding that he anted, or just sex and (more importantly) social validation?
His ramblings in his diary seem to revolve around physical attraction and self-esteem much more than emotional intimacy.
Is that true? Lmao if that's the case.
What the fuck are you bitching about retard? You look fine.
You just need to be yourself.
disabled people have life handed to them on a plate which is why they report living lives better than or equal to normal people. being ugly and short is pitiless, women are revolted by you and men bully you, literally no point being alive
Are you gonna make me?