Why is this man so annoying?

His books on mathematics are important. His books on everything else are not the best, but they are not completely awful. He, as a person, does not seem that bad. Yet he and anyone who really like him annoy the fuck out of me to know end.


Attached: bertrandrussell.jpg (600x360, 34K)

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You leave my boy Russell alone, user. Currently reading A Mathematician's Apology. Beautiful prose.

In a more serious note, what piss you about Bertrand Russell? Which of his books have you read?

How do people manage to read a book without knowing the name of the author?

G.H. hardy? lol

Oh my, how will Anonymous recover from *this* gaffe?

That "piss you about" sounds quite weird. An "off" certainly makes a world of difference.

Not sure I follow. Is this meant for me? Or OP?

He, nor I, cares what you think.

I guess because he's a bit vanilla? Nothing too outrageous about or sexy about him. Being boring is a sin in of itself.

>says the tripfag

Attached: DH Lawrence letter to Bertrand Russell.png (688x928, 278K)

>Russell noted that his (Wittgenstein) previous residency was sufficient to fulfill eligibility requirements for a PhD, and urged him to offer the Tractatus as his thesis. It was examined in 1929 by Russell and Moore; at the end of the thesis defence, Wittgenstein clapped the two examiners on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I know you'll never understand it."

so fucking based, my god. will we ever see the likes of him again?

I'd say the issue is that he's a man who thinks everything is reducible to cold logic and tries to force anything else out of peoples occupations - and people react to that.
Even if he were right about nature in that way, it seems like a bad idea to force humans - with their little scope and memory - into that framework of reasoning.

>cold logic
Please, let me cling to my comforting fairy tales which warm my heart emotionally, because I am too retarded to accept the reality that things have explanations. KEEP YOUR LOGIC OUT OF MY FANTASY WORLD REEEEEEE!!!! I BELIEVE IN JESUS AND I'M PROUD! I BELIEVE IN JESUS AND I'M PROUD! I BELIEVE IN JESUS AND I'M PROUD!

bertrand russell.jpg is the terence of tao of the XX century


Any mathematician who talk about something else than mathematics is a hack.

Attached: 1540990797046.jpg (1260x712, 57K)

Are you making the case that raw logicism would help anyone?
Btw. I do have a PhD in physics theory and spend most of my free time on math foundations, so I'm not coming at this from a position of rejection of doing logic.

And then he said "wait guys I was wrong don't read it lol".

>Any mathematician who talk about something else than mathematics is a hack.
*cries in Leibniz*
*cries in Bolzano*
*cries in Husserl*
*cries in Whitehead*
*cries in Hilary Putnam*

The old bait and switch, eh? So you were just pretending to be retarded.

but russell was primarily a philosopher

>Any mathematician who talk about something else than mathematics is a hack.
very bad take

I mean everything I say, if you read it again. The way Russel defends his stance is what you'd call "autistic" in Yea Forums terms - it's not a matter of it being rationally more well rounded and most coherent. Even if there is in principle a deterministic rational scientific way to all things, humans are short lived low capacity low memory hormone driven entities that won't organize themselves in a way that makes a technocratic view of life or organization feasible. That is to say, it doesn't even matter much if Russels outlook on language and ontology is right - you still need fuzzy politics and think about cohesion and some emerging moral to things you do as a society.

He looks like how I would imagine Mr. Gradgrind from Hard Times.

Sometimes I admire your posts, and sometimes I ask myself why youre such a huge faggot. Are you the philosophersmeme fag?

I think that it's because he belongs to a class of philosophers that are liars. They believe that the world is divided into two classes, elite and cattle. The cattle exists to help the elite evolve, and then will be discarded. They write bad philosophy to get you to accept your cattle status without complaint.

>His books on mathematics are important
All he and Whitehead did was amalgamate already known truths into a needlessly pedantic form.

>Beautiful prose.
Kill yourself

But Whitehead wasnt a fucking faggot.


Yikes. That letter is like a poison arrow.