Underrated writers/philosophers only you read

I start. Pic related, Olavo de Carvalho. Brazilian philosopher who was incel and through the power of the classics turned his life around and got a GF; now controls the brazilian government 5000 miles away from it. He has also BTFO'd Hume:
>From the phenomenon I call conceptual parallax - the displacement between the axis of the theoretical conception and that of the concrete existential perspective of the thinker - there are so many examples in recent centuries that it does not seem exaggerated to see it as a general and permanent feature of modern thought . Ideas become the fictional rationalization with which an intellectual strives to camouflage, legitimize or even impose as universal law his inability to know himself, to shoulder his moral responsibilities, to position himself as a man before life.
>David Hume says that our general ideas have no cognitive value at all, because they are only random clusters of bodily sensations. At no time does he realize that the philosophy of David Hume, composing himself of general ideas thus formed, can not be worth much either. The philosopher's state of alienation in creating his philosophy could not be more complete.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>If you cannu nuthin how can you know you cannu nuthin
Pretty standard criticism desu. But I think Hume survives that criticism pretty well, because you can always conceive (and try to realize) a paticular situation in which your general ideas is proven wrong. So his objections against rational knowledge becomes a motivation for effective refutations.

More speculatively there should be no confusion between an assertation of knowledge about empirical phenomena and a general rule of knowledge. Kant understood as much.

If I mathematically and quantitatively prove no empirical investigation can narrow down the value of a physical constant with absolute precision there is not necessarily a contradiction in my proof, because while I have manipulated precisely known quantities I have done so purely in the abstract (mathematically), while my statement denied knowledge of empirical quantites only.

I agree Hume is pretty wacky, however, but his objection are not as easily done with as Carvalho seems to imply.

I suppose his vitalism/pseudo-Nietzscheism (as expressed in your first green arrow) could be interesting tho.

The absolute state of the Brazilian right.

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>Olavo btfo Hume
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek, you've no idea how much I laughed at this irl
He has some worth writings, but that's all, he's no top tier philosopher or even close to that, he has a great prose though, probably one of the best brazilian writers in terms of style, besides it's been like 2 months already that he started defending the flat earth stupidity.

Not an argument. The brazilian left doesn't have a single decent thinker, and is losing the culture war.

I read a bunch of romanian crime novels.

Ioan Iancu, Romulus Cojocaru, Mircea Radina and two more but can't remember their names.

this dude is into flat earthism now

>only you read
a lot of people in brazil are reading him, retard.
actual brazilian underrated philosopher is Mario Ferreira dos Santos, whom olavo himself said is a bigger philosophy than him

again this thread...
In the name of brazilians in this god forsaken board, I apologize.

also carpeaux and newton da costa (even though he's probably known by people who study logic)

>in the name of brazilians
shut the fuck up retarded faggot. not op, but you do not speak for any of us brazilians. i did not even like olavo, but now that i know he's into flat earthism he's based af famalam.

bazat si rosupillat

I am not your 'senpai', your partner or your friend, I am your total stranger. Got it?
I didn't even mention Olavo himself, it's just the retarded OP creating the same thread over and over

Thank you.

>...what an ass.....

>The brazilian left doesn't have a single decent thinker
Paulo Freire, Lima Barreto, Karnal?
Even the right have better thinkers like Roberto Campos.
I liked his commentaries on Hilda Hist but besides that, no way, all shit.

cringe bald ass cocksucking hack

imagine thinking that a retard old man who dropped out of elementary school and thinks that pepsi uses babies as sugar is someone worth listening too

have sex

Are you talking to a mirror?

imagine thinking that a retard old man who dropped out of elementary school, thinks that pepsi uses babies as sugar, believes vaccines causes autism, that there's nothing that proves earth is a globe and graduated in astrology is someone worth listening too.

You got your 3 strikes in one post
I know you can do better than this

I can't believe there are people who actually browse lit and resort to the same level of argumentation of illiterate fanatics so commonly seen among brazilian left.

Listen here, nigger. You want some brazilian right-wing thinkers? You have Pondé, Carlos Lacerda, fucking Nelson Rodrigues, and many others. But don't you bring this Olavo meme to Yea Forums


Here's a unique one - philosopher-athlete. Haven't read him myself but want to

Yea Forums is a fucking terrible board dude, what were you expecting?

>paulo freira
fucking legit kek. thank you anons

Carlos Lacerda and Nelson Rodrigues aren't philosophers and Pondé is a liberal

Indeed, they aren't philosophers. But Lacerda and Rodrigues were influential conservative thinkers in a country where you don't have that much of a large roster of political philosophers, becoming household names for brazilian conservative thought. I also disagree about Pondé being a liberal. While he isn't your average "we must enforce morality upon the people through the state" conservative, he has the pessimistic mindset that is essential to conservatism. Unlike liberals, that tend to be more idealistic, conservatives acknowledge that it is impossible to create a perfect society, given that human nature is essentially flawed. These ideas are intrinsic to conservatism, and that's why I think Pondé fits into the conservatives group

>first 7 months of governing
>33% approval

Sounds like the entire list of Brazilians who can read and write.

Don't forget that part about converting to esoteric islam and getting into astrology.
Based crazy boomer, a shame that he is losing his sanity again.

The flat earth stuff is unbelivably based. Imagine in history books of the next decades, they'll have to talk about him and how he was a major influence on this government, and his ideas are like, astrology, flat earthism, traditionalism, esoteric islam etc etc
It's the duality of man, y'know. You either are based or redpilled in my view. He manages to be not only based, but also, dare i say it, redpilled too.


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Tá delirando, companheiro?

what you want me to discuss his thinking ? of which would validate his thought as something worthy of discuss ? fuck off, that would be a valid point if it weren't an apology to a man whose whole modus operandi in argumentation is ad hominem garbage.
"Nietzsche era um pobretão", "Chomsky e dono de um puteiro".
That guy deserves nothing but ridicule.

That's retarded and you're using the same rhetoric as his. You need only one look at OP to see that his arguments against philosophers aren't "haha he's an idiot lole". He uses that kind of rhetoric to lure in idiots and gain money, but he has legit thoughts about most thinkers.

based olavo writes in a way that is very comfy to read.

So what you basically telling me he's a hack and a politician with 5 dollars words.
Into the trash it goes.

carpeaux era austriaco

No, that means he's smart and understands that in a nation in which the average IQ is 87, you have to dumb down really hard to have a large audience. What makes his discourse different is that he doesn't sacrifice his thought in service of this, he has books and lectures in which he uses academic language to further his thoughts, thus, he preserves himself to the future as a picturesque character, a representative of the brazilian spirit of our age; a synthesis even of the intellectualism of the high class, with the low brow of the lower class.

Yeah, it makes no sense to put him as a brazilian thinker, when he came here he was around his 40s already. Brazil had zero impact on his formation as a thinker and citizen, he's not brazilian and should be not put as a 'brazilian' writer.

>dumb it down to have a large audience
Unbased and a hack.
In summary a wannabe philosopher who can read, and say big words to impress a population of 87 IQ average, but incapable of produce anything of value, hence his meme worth reputation among academics.

>The brazilian left doesn't have a single decent thinker
Are you really trying?

Forgot the pic.

Attached: Mangabeira Unger.jpg (200x280, 12K)

**laughs in monkey**

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can't take this guy seriously. looks like a nordestino, the kind of based one who goes to forro and says things like "fi de rapariga". his american accent is laughable under these circumstances and i can't pay attention to whatever he says

oooh, yes, it would be much better if he listened to sertanejo, sayed "vai-me um cacetinho, tchê" and dranked chimarrão while doing it.

No. Sulistas are cringe and onions as fuck

>the brilliant mind behind Tiro Nomes
I remember a stream with our lord and savior nick land in which some pseuds that were talking to him started mentioning Unger relentlessly, it was an ordeal to listen to

I've never even heard of these guys. I guess Lucian Blaga is the most famous Romanian philosopher that is barely known outside of Romania. And Cioran is not a philosopher.

vai tomar no fundo do seu cu bolsominion filho da puta. vai ler merquior se quiser ser gente

Sounds like you're calling based and redpilled because he's gonna be a meme highschoolers make fun of in 20 years.
Eh, fair enough.

There's a website that uploads ebooks in Romanian language. Most of them are from communist times of romania and they didn't have the chance to get translated. Crime, war, some romance novels here and there, plenty of journals from ww2 and the list goes on.

Blaga is known for his poems here, not his philosophy. Cioran is the ultimate blackpill imo.

Unironically Alan Watts. But I listen to his lectures.

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