good anti-modernity books?
Good anti-modernity books?
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Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man should keep you busy for a while.
Society of the Spectacle
crisis of the modern world (guenon)
Do you have anything that isn't post modern obscurantist garbage?
do you consider Marcuse post-modernist?
Marcuse Is insufferable. Actually said that health/fitness culture was bad and decadent. I typically don’t like authors that make me angry and pissed off at the world, I don’t need any help with that lol
Now I need to read Marcuse, thanks retard-poster
Understanding Media The Extensions of Man
As always, America.
Why be reactionary when you can be progressive? Anti-modernity is like throwing away the baby with the bath water. We are at the precipice of a better tomorrow.
>health/fitness culture was bad and decadent.
It is you ever been to a gym bookworm more so now thanks to instathots
>We are at the precipice of a better tomorrow.
Way too aggressive in your mimicry. Slower, less tenacious and thereby secretly cynical/insecure; More confident, sneering, imperialist-progressive hypocrisy. Tripfags aren't just gay, they're Fags. Remember that.
reform is possible. it happened before, it can happen again, but only if a coalition can organize itself in the mission of greater pluralism and centralization.
This. Obviously the Unabomber Manifesto.
> thinks if only we make more iBads then capitalism will implode and we can start really living
kys technophile
well what's your solution?
H.P. Lovecraft's collected works
I'm wondering how much of this anti-modernity stuff is genuine criticism and how much of it is just le wrong generayshun memes. There's gotta be a name for this in psychology right? Where people perceive the time they live in to be the worst and idealise a prelapsarian past which in reality was just as dull and depressing as our time but only appears endearing because we have only preserved the interesting bits?
The Collapse Of Complex Societies
pre-industrial family life was the exact opposite of dull and depressing... worker rights came about because people were working such long hours away from their families... now you have a society of neurotic isolated depressives that can live with the pain for nearly a century thanks to medical technology....
Not sure what you're talking about in regards to worker rights. But no being a serf working on a farm all day is no less alienating and atomising than working in the modern day
not really, for one thing there was actual productive connection to work before industry and specialization... i'm not saying it wasn't a shitty horrible life back then but the social fabric was still intact as evidenced by the stable birth rates that regenerated from all sorts of wars, famines and plagues. meanwhile today everywhere except west africa and the philippines is not having babies
I mean the green revolution may have given us a huge bump in birth rates but the effect was temporary as farm work mechanized and people had to migrate to emotionally barren urban hives because of declining agricultural prices
Not sure that birth rates are an indicator of good social fabric. Appears to me that high birth rates correlates to low income and shitty life. Some people say that it's because poor people tend to have nothing to do so they fuck a lot.
You'd think the amount of people constantly shitting on you would dissuade you from coming back here.
>Actually said that health/fitness culture was bad and decadent.
Was Marcuse fat?
He’s saying the culture around health and fitness is decadent. He’s right.
Pure delusion
That you didn't respond to this says a lot. You can't beat something with nothing.