>Robert Graves' Iliad
>Not the greatest rendering of Homer in english
This is so much fun to read. The sporadic switch up from prose to verse is genius and never makes it dull. This and Lattimore, i'd say, are the best ways to read homer IN ENGLISH
>Robert Graves' Iliad
>Not the greatest rendering of Homer in english
This is so much fun to read. The sporadic switch up from prose to verse is genius and never makes it dull. This and Lattimore, i'd say, are the best ways to read homer IN ENGLISH
how do you anglos pronounce "Hades"?
That’s a funny way to spell Alexander Pope’s Illiad
If i read it in a swedish text, the english transliteration would be "Háodess"
If i read it in an english text with my faggy americanized subvocalization itd be "hay-dees"
sounds gay. why do anglos ruin every cool ancient name?
That's the correct pronunciation you retard.
not in greek, it isn't. maybe in angloland.
Yes it is.
I haven’t read Graves’ version but from OP’s example those couplets are kind of corny. Pope on the other hand never wrote a bad couplet in his life.
Graves is based though; I’ll keep my eye out for this out of interest.
How is it pronounced in Greek
Are you from the south?
"The crime of cuckolding his host"
does it rhyme in the original?
This looks absolutely ass and totally unacceptable. Especially the rhyme.
Stfu retard, its good shit
"Haudess" is the correcto swedish pronounciation
Looks cringe and sounds more like Dr Seuss than a Greek epic.
Homer was the Dr Suess of the Ancient Greeks.
Why would you read, in 2019, an English translation of Homer that isn't Robert Green?
because he sucks. year is irrelevant.
he really wasn't
I can completely understand why someone with poor taste would think such a thing.
t. faggot
Fuck off shill
You mean peter green you fucking moron
'Graves has the interesting notion that much of the Iliad is intended as a satire:
"What has been missed is that Homer’s jokes were all deadpan. He delighted in guying terrible old bores. He had the comic dignity of the old Irish and Welsh story-tellers, and he wrapped up his jokes in archaic language – not his contemporary language at all. [. . .] Homer wasn’t a solemn old windbag, but an iconoclast with a deep sense of irony who had to wrap up his jokes about the gods and his lampooning the ancient heroes to get them by his stuffy public. He wrote satire, not pompous tragedy, an attitude that has been consistently misunderstood."
-Robert Graves "
AH - this
Wrong. The alfa has a rough spirit (rough breathing).
What's the consensus on Rieu's translation?
That its good and under-acknowledged
People like it, its good, not as purple prosey as most but def not boring. Eben though its prose, has a better rythmic pattern than both fagles and fitzgerald
>He had the comic dignity of the old Irish and Welsh story-tellers
Of course. You can stop paying attention when Graves starts writing about the bards.
>first word is "Sing", not "Wrath" or the translators chosen variant
It's shit.
Idek what hes talking about there, but fuck it i love graves, the madlad
There are obviously jokes in it, but I don't know if I would consider the work as a whole to be satire.
t. american
this is why english poetry versions are eretarded
But peter green's is lame
Honestly I was gonna bash calling the Illid satire but if the whole point he’s trying to make is that greek heroes are giant assholes and we’re all supposed to be laughing hysterically at achilles I could buy it
no it's easily the best translation of the 21st century and probably the best prose translation of them all
Do yourself a favor and read Chapman's, and leave these elementary school translations aside.
Let me know when they get published again so i dont have to hunt down a fucking gross turn of the century tome or a busted up foul odored paperbavk grom the 70s-90s.
Graves' Iliad reads great and comes in a penguin classics trade paperback
It's HOmer
And HAdes
>green's homer
so... based?
Whats YOUR concencus?
I believe I said cringe but okay.
Here are some of the decisions of revisions existing in modern publications of Rieu's Homer, made by his son D.C.H Rieu and Peter Jones
Where the fuck did you say that
Forgot pic
As non English native speaker I prefer Fitzgerald's translation.
yes in ANCIENT greek, not greek